Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 147: Zhang Family's Fall

? "Tongtong!"

At this time, Zhang Qiyuan with white hair suddenly knelt on the ground with his legs on his knees, and the old tears crisscrossed: "Lao Shi knew that this time he made a great mistake, so he was willing to offer all the Zhang family's property, so as to pray for real forgiveness. I Zhang family Far from this Jiangnan area, eternal life will never step in! "

The sound of the uproar rang, and everyone around him looked so stunned that Zhang Qiyuan was so stunned.

You should know that the Zhang family is the No. 1 big family in Sucheng, even the entire Jiangnan region is also among the top five. It is worth more than 10 billion yuan, and it does not include many gray industries. Such a huge wealth is actually a gift. Give it away, it's a big deal!

Even Pei Junlin raised an eyebrow, revealing a touch of wonder, admiring Zhang Qiyuan's gaze.

It is indeed the existence of the head of the family. It is no wonder that the Zhang family can be developed to such a degree. The mentality and ruthlessness alone are far beyond comparison.


How dignified is the dignity of his warriors?

"not enough!"

Pei Junlin slowly shook his head and knelt on the ground. Zhang Qiyuan, who was full of expectations, directly looked red, and opened his mouth with a large mouthful of scarlet blood. It was shocking and made the Zhang family scream!

"Pei Shuluo, you want to kill or kill you, please come to me!"

Zhang Qiming was furious, dead all the way, he was already fearless.

Pei Jun squinted his eyes. Lightning erupted immediately in the deep black eyes, and immediately pointed out. Mana was excited through the air, as fast as lightning, right in the center of Zhang Qiming's brows.

The blood arrow squirted like running water. The second figure in Zhang family, the top of the Grand Master Bapin, widened his eyes, and the body fell straight to the ground, not even any ability to dodge!

The Zhang family, who was originally angry, was frightened immediately, and his whole body shivered. In front of life and death, what dignity, face, and money ... all shit!

Pei Junlin looked at the horrified Zhangjia people, his expression was cold, without any fluctuation, as if looking at a group of ants.

Imagine if an elephant trampled and killed an ant, would it react?

The answer is naturally no!

"However, I ’m not Pei Xiuluo who is sexually addictive! I read that Zhang Qiyuan ’s apology is pretty good. I ’m not going to kill everyone in the Zhang family. You have to stay for me! "

"Because ... all of you here are guilty of me, and even humiliated, and they have spent a lot of money to kill me, and you Pei Shuluo deserves it!"

Pei Junlin's seemingly plain words fell, but like the pen of life and death from Hell Yan Luo, he directly pronounced the fate of everyone in the Zhang family.

"Ah, I don't want to die! I'm young and I don't want to die!"

The screams suddenly sounded. A young woman in the Zhangjia camp couldn't stand the inner fear anymore and screamed and ran towards the outside. At the same time, it seemed to cause a butterfly effect. Except for Zhang Qiyuan, everyone is scattered, trying all their strength and speed, hoping to escape the coming fate!

They are members of the Zhang family. Which one was born from a young age and shouted the golden key, enjoying the riches and riches, and the golden clothes and jade food. They are still young, how could they be killed like this?

Among them are many of the great master-level powers. They are faster, and some people run towards crowded places, hoping to escape the devil's palm today.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Qiyuan didn't open his mouth to stop, but took a bit of luck. After all, it is a dead thing, but it is better to fight for it, although the hope is very slim ...

And just at the moment of chaos, a cold hum like Tianwei suddenly sounded, Pei Junlin looked at the fleeing Zhang family, and there was a touch of chill and contempt on the face of handsome God.

"It really is a group of stupid mortals, knowing that they can't do it, they must do it! Kill !!!"

When his tongue spit out the last killing word like spring thunder, with the center of Pei Junlin's body, the plants within a few dozen meters of the tree grew crazy again. This time, it was even sharper than before. Out, like the sharpest spear, pierced through the escaping Zhangjia people.

Screams, cries, despair ... into one, many of the Zhang family ’s children were either entangled by vines that broke through the ground, or directly penetrated their bodies. The entire tens of meters of land became a piece. Shura hell, the blood flying, shocking.

Watching the descendants of his family died so badly under Pei Junlin's hands, Zhang Qiyuan's body was full, his hands were tightly covering his chest, suddenly his mouth opened, and a large mouthful of thick blood was sprayed again, which contained broken internal organs. , Qi Ruosuosi, not long-lasting.

Especially when he saw that Pei Junlin actually flew up and turned into a **** of death for harvesting life, every moment a finger was pointed out, a Zhang family was perforated and fell into a pool of blood, full of despair and concentration. Deep regret.

If it is possible, he will not offend this devil anyway, because he killed the lives and future of everyone in the Zhang family ...

With this strong resentment and resentment, Zhang Qiyuan, the Zhang family owner, slowly fell to the ground without any breath!

At this time, Pei Junlin had also stood up and stood. In less than two minutes, he shot and killed 14 Zhang family members. In addition, some were killed by underground vines. In a word, everyone in the Zhang family died, and no one escaped!

Beginning today, the Sucheng Zhangjia, a powerful force that is enough to rank in the top five in the Jiangnan region, is about to be removed. Pei Junlin, by means of horrific techniques, alone killed and killed the two innate powerhouses. Will shake the whole world again!

Looking at Pei Junlin standing there like a god, countless martial arts strong, family forces dreading it all, Pei Junlin told the major forces in the Jiangnan area with absolute strength and informed his existence, which had to let all parties Worried, I don't know if this evil **** has any plans to enter the Jiangnan area.

If you march, who can be the opponent of this guy ...

"You all!"

At this moment, Pei Junlin's voice sounded slowly, and the noisy crowd immediately died, and everyone's eyes focused on Pei Junlin.

"I know what everyone thinks, rest assured, I have no intention of chasing your Jiangnan site!"

The fall of this word immediately made all the forces' eyes bright, especially the men and women of Sucheng, even more so. The Zhang family was a super fat cake. Even if Pei Junlin looted all the wealth, the real estate site, etc. Absolutely not taken away!

For the local forces in the Jiangnan region, those are the real fundamentals and have immense value.

Sure enough, at this moment, I only heard Pei Junlin continue: "I just need to get the one I should get. As for the Zhangjia real estate, company, site, etc., I will naturally announce the appropriate time. Price for you to bid! "

"Now I need to declare one more thing, that is, at this moment, I urgently need all kinds of cherished medicinal materials for alchemy. If you go back and use your own energy, I will recover it at a fair price!"

"If someone comes up with treasure medicinal herbs or some rare treasures that make me enthusiastic, then I will take special care of the three points in the Zhang Jia's interest division this time!"


When Pei Junlin's last words fell, the originally quiet crowd immediately caused a huge sensation in music, and all the forces and men of all parties showed their eagerness and excitement.

For the huge and extremely huge cake of Zhang family, no one would want to take a share, and now Pei Junlin releases such words, it is definitely a simple and smooth way, all parties are trying their best.

"Besides, I must say sorry to the politicians in charge of security here! This battle belongs to the grudges and hatreds of our martial arts community, and I am tired of you!"

Pei Junlin bent down slightly, saluted his fist and saluted somewhere in the distance, where the mayor of Suzhou city, the director of public security, the captain of the special police brigade and other figures stood.

Looking at the terror-like means before Pei Jun's arrival, these people have already been stunned. They understand that everything that has happened here has exceeded the authority that they can take responsibility for, and there will naturally be a special department responsible.

Therefore, in the face of Pei Junlin's humble and polite attitude, he did not dare to have any entrustment, and smiled awkwardly.

Soon after, the forces of all parties gradually dispersed. One of them looked at Pei Junlin, full of complexity. This group of people is naturally the Guo family!

Unfortunately, Pei Junlin didn't seem to notice the complicated eyes of Guo's family. He enthusiastically gathered in the Lin family and people from Jiangbei and left Taohuawu.

However, the impact of this battle has just begun, and within a few hours, it has spread all over Jiangnan, Jiangbei and even every corner of the world.

Many people once again heard Pei Shuluo's name, and after hearing the news, everyone was stunned!

Martial arts double repair!

The youngest congenital power in 100 years!

One body technique ~ ~ is unfathomable, you can order Wan Mu, draw the ground as a prison!

The technique becomes god, known as a real person!

The physical strength is also incredible, the force value is explosive!

But also alchemy, and now treasured medicinal herbs are widely collected,

Fight alone against the two innate powerhouses, and beheaded on the spot with thunderous means.

Subsequently, the identity information of the two congenital powers beheaded by Pei Junlin was also quickly revealed. When it was learned that one of the two congenital powers beheaded by Pei Junlin was a seven elder from the overseas superpower Qinghongmen, Shake the world completely!

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