Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1292: Crock lid

Pei Junlin's face became serious. He now deeply understands the power of this strange fire. He just touched it for a while, but he didn't expect that the divine consciousness was swallowed in. It seems that refining this strange fire is simply unrealistic.

The thing that can stand at the top of this tower must be something extraordinary, and Pei Junlin has nothing to do with it. He is already very happy to be here to absorb so much Dao Yun.

Although things are good, life is more important, Pei Junlin is not greedy. He was able to walk into the spire step by step, and absorbed so many Dao Yun, today, for Pei Junlin, there are enough benefits.

For a cultivator, insatiable greed is not a good habit, it is very likely that his life will be lost, so Pei Junlin slowly looked away although it was difficult.

There is no doubt that this group of strange fire is very magical, very sharp, even the legendary sacred fire.

But Junlin Pei deeply understands that with his current strength, he can't get involved in a group of different fires. Even if he is forced to refining, he will let his own life confess here, but the lid of the earthen jar is suspended on the flame, But it made Pei Junlin novel.

The shape of the lid of the earthen jar is so peculiar, almost exactly the same as the earthen jar of the **** donkey. The two are probably formed as a set.

Pei Junlin made a single-handed move, and the cupping was directly suspended, and a misty breath was suspended on the crock. As soon as the earthen jar came out, sure enough, the humming vibration of the floating lid seemed to receive some kind of traction.

Pei Junlin's eyes suddenly shot out like stars, and he could finally be sure that the earthen jar and the lid were matched.

Things in the world are so magical. I didn't expect that on the other side of the starry sky, at a distance of unknown light years, the lid of the earthen jar was suspended.

At this time, a question arose in Pei Junlin's heart again, so where did the **** donkey get it?

Being able to hover on the top of that tower, it can be seen that this earthen jar is equally amazing. No wonder Pei Junlin has also tried refining, but the divine sense entered like a clay cow into the sea.

Once contaminated with the holy blood, this crock pot will burst out with incredible power.

Pei Junlin looked at the earthen jar while looking at the floating lid, and suddenly had a strange feeling. With a flick of his finger, a drop of holy blood squeezed into the crock in an instant. As expected, the crock exuded a misty aura, and the surrounding Dao Yun rushed to the crock like being called. Moreover, the regular force between heaven and earth was absorbed by this crock, and for a while, the crock emitted a kind of light that people would not dare to look at.

At this moment, the lid of the earthen jar that was imprisoned by the alien fire also began to turn frantically, creating an incredible traction between the two.

And in the surrounding area of ​​the earthen jar, a whirlpool was almost formed, and the regular power and Taoist rhyme all around were rushing towards the earthen jar madly. Just like a bottomless pit, what Pei Junlin saw was terrified. I don't know if this crock pot has absorbed so many rules, what is the purpose of power and Daoyun?

However, when Pei Junlin's consciousness probed into the crock pot, he was shocked, because the light blue liquid was condensed in the crock pot, which was extremely viscous and exuded an unparalleled breath. .

"Oh my God, no?" Jin Ye's surprised voice came out, almost roaring.

Although Pei Junlin doesn't recognize this blue liquid, he also knows that it is definitely a good thing. Hearing the roar of Lord Jin, you will know that Pei Yu is stable. This thing is definitely a rare thing.

I, Junlin Pei, could feel that this thing should be a kind of liquid that was purified by combining the power of rules and rhyme. I condensed the invisible rules and Taoist rhyme into a liquid state, which is simply a good fortune.

"What the **** is Lord Jin?" Pei Junlin asked in confusion.

Jin Ye's voice trembled a little, and it seemed that he couldn't help it trembling: "If I am not mistaken, this should be the blood of the legendary heaven!"

Hearing the words Blood of Heaven, Jun Lin felt his brain buzzing. For a moment, almost forgot everything. What is the way of heaven? It is the most mysterious thing in this universe and the most vast thing in this world.

What can be called the blood of heaven is definitely the most amazing thing in the world. What is the origin of this crock? To be able to draw the blood of Heavenly Dao, this is simply mysterious and mysterious, impacting Pei Junlin's cognition.

Even if the exquisite fairy of Pei Junlin's previous life came here, I would be frightened and shocked to see this scene.

With the inhalation of a large amount of Dao Yun, the blood of Dao was still condensing that day.

Jin Ye seemed to be aware of it, his gaze stayed on the blue flame, and finally he let out a more crazier roar: "This is..."

"What is it?" Pei Junlin asked impatiently towards Master Jin.

Jin Ye felt that he could not answer for a while, and he held back a word for a long time, leaving Junlin speechless.

"This kind of thing is definitely not something you can touch now, I advise you never to touch it." Jin Ye's expression was extremely solemn.

Pei Junlin naturally knew that this was Jin Ye’s advice. This kind of flame is absolutely untouchable. He nodded towards Jin Ye and said: “I will definitely get the things that are in my fate, but I will also not take things that are not mine. Move, I am a little self-aware of this, but I must get the lid of the earthen jar above the flame."

Seeing Pei Junlin's firm eyes, Jin Ye knew deeply that he could not stop Pei Junlin, so after a sigh, he flashed directly into the chaotic golden bucket, and soon a cloud of chaotic light enveloped Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin knew that this was Jin Ye's support for him.

Jin Ye has already expressed his attitude, so Pei Junlin has no worries about you anymore. He opened his mouth and sprayed a large group of holy blood directly on the crock. The earthen jar that was condensing the blood of the heavens suddenly emitted a misty light, and instantly enveloped the lid of the earthen jar.

A profound and profound power was established, and the earthen jar was taken back from the mysterious flame. But suddenly the elbows and armpits appeared, the blue flame suddenly rose into the sky, and a large group of flames instantly rushed towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was suddenly at a loss, from the top of his head to the heels, he had already touched the fierceness of this flame before, and now the flame took the initiative to launch an offensive, for Pei Junlin, this moment was no less than life and death.

At almost the same time, the Jin Dou Space opened, and the gate of **** suddenly blocked Pei Junlin's front. At this moment, the gate of **** was like a non-existent flame in front of the flame, bypassing the gate of hell, and instantly burned towards Pei Junlin.

In an instant, Pei Junlin became an ice sculpture.

At this moment, the time seemed to be frozen, everything around him disappeared, and Pei Junlin's consciousness was also frozen for a moment.

"Pei Junlin." Jin Ye let out a roar, and the chaotic Jin Dou suddenly slammed into the blue flame, seeming to have a posture to die together.

At this moment, Jin Ye actually felt that Pei Junlin's life had disappeared, and he confirmed that Pei Junlin was dead, so Jin Ye was desperate at this time.

The blue flame seemed to have no scruples in the face of the chaotic golden bucket moth's fire-like attack, and a ball of flame instantly enveloped the chaotic golden bucket.

The chaotic golden bucket was repeatedly calcined on the flame, and the Lord Jin was also roaring in anger. The entire chaotic golden bucket shone in chaos and shook suddenly, and instantly hit the lid of the crock pot.

Originally, the lid of the suspended earthen jar was hit by the chaotic golden bucket, and it flew out instantly. At this time, the earthen jar suspended in the air suddenly flew over. The lid of the earthen jar and the earthen jar instantly merged into one, exuding a misty atmosphere. The breath enveloped Pei Junlin.

At the moment the lid of the can was combined into one, it seemed that a certain rule of force was missing. A mysterious and mysterious power was born out of it.

Crock began to take the initiative to protect the Lord, exuding a misty breath, protecting Pei Junlin's weak heartbeat. First from the heart veins, then from the divine consciousness to the soul of Pei Junlin.

However, although the crock exudes a misty breath, the mouthful of holy blood sprayed on by Pei Junlin has been exhausted. Now that Jun Pei is imprisoned, he can no longer provide energy for the earthen jar, so this earthen jar is gradually declining.

When Jin Ye saw this scene, he kept roaring, but it was just a chaotic spirit treasure, unable to change all of this at all, and he himself was restrained by the flame and burned continuously.

Pei Junlin had a dream amidst the In a long canyon, a round of sunset rose behind him. And in the canyon, there was a mysterious and mysterious rune power suspended, that was the power of time, and Pei Junlin immediately recognized that it was a time rune hidden in his body.

The entire canyon is dark, but the sunset light behind Pei Junlin can't illuminate the canyon, only the square inch of the land.

At the moment when the runes of these years appeared, a ray of light finally connected to the world, and when he opened the canyon, Pei Junlin saw a bright road.

In the dark night, the year rune illuminates the way for Pei Junlin. It seems that he has received a certain summon, and Pei Junlin begins to follow the year rune in a muddle manner.

This walk is endless years. Even Pei Junlin himself doesn’t know how long or how far he has walked. He is like an ascetic monk. There is only one belief in his heart, and that is to go forward and follow the runes of the years. Go ahead.

Year after year, until the endless years passed, even Pei Junlin himself didn't know how far he had gone, but the belief in his heart remained intact. There was a strong belief that supported him to move forward.

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