Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1288: 100 steps

There were constant discussions throughout the court, and the discussion became more and more heated. Pei Junlin even saw many beautiful women among the crowd. According to Liu Quan, these women were planning to get their son-in-law from the list.

Once the potential and particularly powerful figures appear, these women are likely to come forward and conclude marriage contracts with those geniuses.

This incident made Pei Junlin stunned, because what he had heard before was that the achievements on this tower light were not about strength, so why did these women think that those who climbed to the higher ranks had potential?

"Although climbing the Dao Pagoda has nothing to do with strength, it is definitely related to potential, because all the people who have climbed the Dao Pagoda more than 300 steps in the history are earth-shattering characters." Liu Quan looked at Pei Junlin for a while, and said with a smile.

Pei Junlin also laughed and looked at Liu Quan and said: "You will be up to the 400th step later, so that the girl named Su will have regrets, let him kneel and beg you, and then you will chase him away. "

"Yes! I think so, but it's just a dream, not reality. If it's really like that, it would be too enjoyable." Liu Quan also smiled.

Pei Junlin and Liu Quan were not in a hurry to climb the Dao Pagoda, because Pei Junlin was listening to the surrounding discussions.

Although the surrounding voices were extremely noisy, with the strength of Pei Junlin's current spiritual consciousness, even if 10,000 people spoke at the same time, he could hear everyone's words clearly and understand them in different categories.

This is the function of strength. When strength is increased to a certain extent, the brain also expands to an unthinkable level. Not only are people getting smarter, but the processing power of the brain is also very powerful.

Pei Junlin synthesized the arguments of these people and quickly extracted a lot of useful information.

There are several advantages to boarding it. The first point is to become famous, let people know that they have the potential, and some big forces will come to attract them, so there is no need to worry about future training materials.

The second and most important point is that you can experience the rhyme of Taoism on the Tao Pagoda. Someone once caught Dao Yun on the Dao Pagoda, and then the level of cultivation progressed by leaps and bounds, and adventures continued.

The third point is to challenge yourself, want to try to know how much your savvy is, this is what most people want to know.

What Pei Junlin is most concerned about is the above question of Daoyun, because Pei Junlin deeply knows the preciousness of rhyme. He traveled through thousands of worlds in his previous life, and few people can understand Daoyun.

If you can really grasp that ray of Taoist rhyme, then the benefits need not be said. Pei Junlin walked into the dark when he was unprepared, his figure instantly transformed into two people, one of whom was naturally the incarnation outside.

The incarnation of the divine monkey is a spiritual fetus of the Dao body born naturally. It is naturally magical. Today Pei Junlin wants to climb the Tao Pagoda with this body element. Maybe this divine monkey can still get great fortune on it.

"Brother Liu Quan, should we both go up too?" Pei Junlin patted Liu Quan who was fascinated from behind.

Liu Quan was still thinking about that kind of thing in his heart, and he was a little surprised, with a smile on his mouth. After hearing Pei Junlin's call, Liu Quan looked at the crowd on the other side involuntarily. Na Susu and two other women happened to be on the other side.

He seemed to notice the look in Liu Quan's eyes, and Su Su's face showed a look of disdain, and he walked over.

"Oh, isn't this Liu Quan? What's wrong? You can't find the travel expenses to go back to climb the road tower, you are confident." Su Su made no secret of his contempt for Liu Quan.

Liu Quan was calmer, no longer as excited as before. Instead, he looked at Su Su indifferently and said: "I admit that I did like you very much before, but now it's not the case. You are like a stranger to me. People are the same."

After listening to Liu Quan's words, Su Su's face suddenly changed. What this woman likes is the feeling of being surrounded by a group of men. She regards Liu Quan as a spare tire and licking a dog.

But now that I heard that Liu Quan didn't like him anymore, Su Su's heart was naturally lost and disappointed, with a suppressed anger, as if Liu Quan was unworthy.

After Su Su's eyes swept across your Pei Junlin's face, he turned and left with a grunt.

At this time, Liu Quancai turned and looked at Pei Junlin and said, "Brother Pei, you seem to have a kind of magic in your body. You feel that you are very mature. You know all the truth. I also want to be with you these days. I have communicated a lot of things, thank you so much."

Pei Junlin was too lazy to talk nonsense with Liu Quan and talk about some great truths of life. He took Liu Quan and walked directly towards the tower.

Just walking up a few steps, Pei Junlin felt a repressive force. This is a kind of Dao breath or Dao rhyme, not a depression on the body, but something that comes from the soul and comes from the calcaneus.

This discovery made Pei Junlin stunned. Everyone was able to compete for 300 steps. He had just ascended the third step, and he felt a repressive force. This made Pei Junlin feel a little speechless in his heart. Could it be his qualifications? Is it so bad already?

In contrast, Liu Quan didn't react at all, still with a relaxed look on his face. Jianbu Rufei walked upward, and he had already walked thirty steps in the blink of an eye.

When Liu Quan turned around to look at Pei Junlin, he couldn't help being surprised, because Pei Junlin was sweating profusely at this time, and his expression was a bit wrong.

"Brother Pei, what's the matter with you? According to your qualifications and temperament, it should not stop here." Liu Quan didn't have any gloating look in his eyes, but looked at Pei Junlin with great sympathy.

Pei Junlin himself was speechless. He didn't expect his qualifications to be so bad that it would be as difficult as a lifetime with thirty steps.

Looking at the people around who are walking like flying and climbing the Taoist tower, Pei Junlin feels more in his heart, and these people turn around from time to time and look at Pei Junlin with a pity, as if Pei Junlin is like a poor insect.

"Why don't we go down, I don't want to go up." Liu Quan saw the contempt of those people for Pei Junlin, and felt a little angry.

In a rage, he actually wanted to accompany Pei Junlin down the Dao Pagoda. These words moved Pei Junlin, because everyone knows that there are so many benefits of climbing the Dao Pagoda.

"Keep moving forward, you don't have to worry about me." Pei Junlin didn't care about the people around him, and continued to gritted his teeth and walked up.

At this time, not only the people who climbed the Tao Tower on the Tao Tower laughed at Pei Junlin, but even the countless masters in the surrounding stands showed an incredible look on their faces.

From ancient times to the present, no one has been able to walk so hard just ascending to the thirtieth step, even a three-year-old child can climb the thirty or fortieth steps.

"How bad can this person be? Is it a natural waste?"

"Waste, it will never be like this. This is called waste in waste." Someone laughed.

These words were heard in Pei Junlin's ears, he just frowned and did not express anything. Coming all the way to today, for Pei Junlin, if he hears too much talk and talk, he is strong enough in his heart, so he doesn't have to worry about him.

He immersed himself in his body to realize the changes in his body. Gradually, Pei Junlin felt a Taoist rhyme wrapped around his body, and his footsteps became lighter.

This discovery surprised Pei Junlin. He didn't expect that he had just ascended the thirtieth step, and felt a ray of rhyme, without any hesitation, Pei Junlin directly sat on the thirty-sixth step.

This kind of action shocked everyone, and he didn't expect that Pei Junlin would start to practice directly sitting cross-legged.

Those who had mocked Pei Junlin before, their faces were a little weird at this time, they were silent and seemed to think.

"This person doesn't realize Daoyun, right?" Someone whispered

More people were silent, because they had mocked Pei Junlin before, and when they saw Pei Junlin's unusual behavior, they suddenly felt hot on their faces.

Liu Quan and Pei Junlin are the closest distance, and he can clearly feel a ray of light entwined around Pei Junlin's body, like a wisp of breeze, but it is pale golden.

Seeing this scene, Liu Quan's eyes suddenly widened, and his body was trembling with envy, he could be sure that Pei Junlin really understood Daoyun.

What other people couldn't ask for was something that Pei Junlin encountered so easily. However, in Liu Quan's heart, there was not the slightest bit of jealousy towards Pei Junlin, only envy and blessings.

In the blink of an eye, several people passed by Pei Junlin's side. They also felt the strange aura on Pei Junlin's body, and these people suddenly showed envy. There are even a few people who are sitting around Pei Junlin cheeky, wanting to take a piece of Pei Junlin's body.

"It's shameless. UU reading" Liu Quan who saw this scene was also angry.

He deeply knew that the purpose of these people was to **** that chance from Pei Junlin, because Dao Yun was a real and visible Dao Yun, which fell from the Dao Pagoda and wrapped around Pei Junlin's body. Once a strong figure comes to take it, it is very likely to be taken away.

The wisp of Dao Yun that wrapped around Pei Junlin's body began to sway irregularly, and even flew towards a young man beside him, but when it floated to the middle distance between the two, he was pulled back to Pei Junlin's body again.

In this way, this strand of Daoyun started a tug of war between Pei Junlin's Zhou Xun and the shameless people around him. It was indeed hard for Pei Junlin to fight dozens of people alone.

Pei Junlin sat there quietly as if he was asleep, and the breath of Dao Yun was slowly absorbed by Pei Junlin. Those who were sitting around him who were ready to grab luck were finally disappointed. And return.

There was a veiled woman in the crowd surrounded by people. It was Yun Yao who had something to do with Pei Junlin before. Pei Junlin was also discovered by Yun Yao, and he was immediately astonished. There was an elusive smell in his beautiful eyes.

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