Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1284: Black under the lamp

Not to mention the offending family, even the Vientiane Sect was alarmed. Now the two major forces of the entire Vientiane Star are all alarmed, and it must be unbearable to chase them. For the current plan, the 36th plan is the best plan.

The speed of the wind breath that Junlin Pei stepped on was swift and fast, turning into a stream of light in the sky, and quickly passed through the atmosphere and entered the starry sky.

Flying out of the atmosphere, Pei Junlin came to a meteorite area, where many large fragments of broken stars were suspended. If there were pieces of floating islands in space, Pei Junlin found a large piece of them and got in instantly.

Although the size of the floating island is not large, it is as big as the earth, and it is full of various caves, which makes it difficult for people to find it. As soon as Pei Junlin got into these tunnels, he began to hide his breath, just like a hibernating animal, converging all his breath.

Pei Junlin naturally understands the so-called black under the lamp. He knew that if he wanted to escape, he would definitely not be able to escape the palms of those masters of the real king realm. The smartest way now is to use the principle of black under the lamp to hide on a floating island closest to the entire planet of Vientiane.

No matter how much the other party thinks, he would never expect Pei Junlin to be so bold and arrogant to lie under these people's eyelids.

Soon a few breaths rose into the sky from the planet of Vientiane. Among them was the master of the real king of Vientiane Sect, a young man wearing a gauze.

In addition, there was a huge mouse, rising into the sky from the Vientiane Ball. This mouse was huge, like a mountain, but the speed in the starry sky was not weaker than the previous master of the real king realm.

The mouse's body is obviously a human being, but the Duan family's magic technique. Incarnate as a starry sky mouse, with extremely fast speed.

The two true king realm masters never thought that Pei Junlin would hide under their noses, so the two of them did not stay at all, and directly explored the past and traces of Pei Junlin in the starry sky.

After a full half day passed, after Pei Junlin felt safe, he disappeared and returned to the planet of Vientiane. He came to Vientiane City and found an inn and quickly lurked.

This inn is one of the several top luxury inns in Vientiane City, which has many training devices. The reason why Pei Junlin chose here is to use the principle of black under the light.

After a few days, the entire planet of Vientiane was calm and no waves. This shows that whether it is the Wanxiang Sect or the Duan Family, their eyes have also been guided into the void. They were almost certain that Junlin Pei fled to several other planets, so they laid heavy troops on the planets of some transportation hubs, waiting for Junlin Pei to come.

"Your husband and wife are really affectionate. They threw you down at the most dangerous time. I was so touched that tears were streaming down." Pei Junlin looked at the woman opposite with a mocking look on her face.

This is inside the Jindou space, and the woman standing in front of Pei Jun is the same woman from the previous couple. When the couple faced Pei Junlin's assassin, the man fled in panic, leaving his beloved wife behind.

It turns out that when the woman faced Pei Junlin's ridicule, she just smiled bitterly, and there was a grateful look in her eyes when she looked at Pei Junlin.

"Why didn't you kill me? I am an abandoned woman, and there is no point in living." The woman's heart was ashamed.

Pei Junlin was too lazy to talk nonsense with this woman, the other party was also a poor person, and Pei Junlin didn't want to kill. Looking at the woman's current state of ashes, it may be difficult to get some useful information from the other person.

Pei Junlin waved his hand, and a woman in a black costume appeared in the space. It was the 13th princess of the dragon clan.

It is often easy to communicate between women and women, and many heart-wrenching words are also easy to say. Pei Junlin flashed around and walked out of the Jindou space.

Pei Junlin appeared in the inn's room. This room was not like a hotel on the earth. The area where Pei Junlin was alone was equivalent to a mansion.

And there is a top-secret formation around this room, no matter what Pei Junlin does in the room, no one can snoop. But Junlin Pei was not relieved that he had re-arranged a set of formations, so it is absolutely safe to hide here for cultivation now.

The reason why Pei Junlin went back and forth to take risks and returned to the Vientiane City was actually because there was a cooperation agreement between this inn and Vientiane Sect.

As long as you can afford a big price, you can use some of the training towers of the Vientiane sect. What Pei Junlin was after was the Time Tower inside the Vientiane Sect.

In the time tower, there is a chain of time condensed by a great emperor-level figure. Anyone who enters this time tower can comprehend the law of time and space. To step into the real monarch level, you must pass this step to understand the law of time.

If you want to enter the light tower to practice at that time, you have to pay one million high-grade spirit stones every day, but this little money is nothing to Pei Junlin, drizzle is nothing at all.

The reason why Pei Junlin didn't go to the light tower was because he was watching the limelight. If the Vientiane Sect and Duan's family did not find their traces in the starry sky, they would probably go back and forth to search the entire Vientiane planet.

Obviously Pei Junlin’s worries are completely unfounded. Seven full days have passed, and the entire Vientiane planet is still calm, and even no rumors on the street can be heard. This incident seems to be just a small wave. .

After Pei Junlin determined his safety, he used the veil of millions to become an ordinary appearance. After confirming that he would never be recognized, Pei Junlin came to the street and strolled around the street. Pei Junlin really found a notice hung at the gate of the city, and his appearance was clearly posted on it.

And the price offered as a reward is one million pieces of the best spirit stone. After Pei Junlin silently looked at the notice, he turned and left, disappearing into the crowd.

After half a day, Pei Junlin returned to the inn, applied for a recharge card at the front desk of the inn, and then took the card and used a special passage to come to the interior of Vientiane Sect.

That inn is not so much a cooperative relationship with Vientiane, as it is a branch opened by Vientiane. At this time, Pei Junlin followed some people from the Vientiane Sect to a towering tower.

Passing through this tower in front of you is the Vientiane Sect.

The first thing that caught Pei Junlin's eyes was the gate of Vientiane Sect, a huge square erected more than a dozen statues.

There are males and females in the statue, and the whole body exudes a strong aura, and the male body is extremely large, and the whole body exudes an explosive force.

Needless to say, these people should all be the founders of the Vientiane Sect. After passing by, Junlin Pei went directly to the time tower behind. The Tower of Time soaring into the clouds is a dark iron tower, I don't know how many floors it has.

"Depending on the number of layers of the time tower, the pressure of cultivating inside is also different. I advise you not to engage in porcelain work without a diamond drill, so as to avoid accidents, and the higher-level time-space tower consumes more points and faster. You can consider it yourself. Right." The steward gave instructions to Pei Junlin and the others and then turned and left, letting Pei Junlin and the others stand in a daze.

There were also a few young people who came with Pei Junlin. These young people are not in the Vientiane Star Region. They are all true gods cultivators who come here to find a way to break through the true monarch, so they came to this time tower.

"Hello, brother, Liu Quan is in the next." A man who looked rather upright walked towards Pei Junlin, and bowed his hand to Pei Junlin very politely.

Pei Junlin also smiled kindly at the man and didn't say much. He is now a wanted criminal, and the more he said, the easier it was to reveal himself. Although there is no malice towards Liu Quan, he just wants to get to know him, but Pei Junlin does not want to expose his information too much.

Seeing that Pei Junlin just smiled at him and left, Liu Quan was stunned on the spot, and the other people showed a sneer: "It's really a hot face to post someone's cold ass, you didn't see that person. Are you dressed up? The leather armor he wears is extraordinary, with a chaotic atmosphere. Needless to say, that person must be a child of some big family. Even the ancestors may have a great emperor-level figure or someone from a holy land. Saint Son may also."

Several people, both male and female, started talking. Some people ridiculed Liu Quan's behavior, while others looked at Pei Junlin's departure with envy.

The words of some people's discussions naturally flowed into Pei Junlin's ears, and he heard them clearly, not even missing every word.

It was Jun Pei who was suddenly shocked before he came. He didn't expect that the leather armor he was wearing would almost put himself to death. Want to know who would wear an ordinary Chaos Lingbao on his body?

At this time, it is inevitable that this leather armor is too attractive to the eye, and it is likely to give people a feeling of guilty conscience, so Pei Jun is planning to pretend to be the second generation ancestor from a holy ~ Decided to comprehend the laws of time and space as soon as possible in this time tower, break through into the realm of true monarch in one fell swoop, and leave here as soon as possible.

Pei Junlin didn't understand the law of time and space. He heard that the manager said that the higher the floor, the higher the concentration of the law of time and space, the more dangerous, so Pei Junlin directly chose the fifth floor.

There are hundreds of rooms on the fifth floor. Although the tower does not look big, the interior space of Sumina mustard is very large. There are hundreds of rooms on each floor.

There is a card swiping device at the door of every room on every floor. It's a jade groove. As long as you put the jade prepaid card in your pocket, the door will slowly open and billing will start automatically.

After Pei Junlin put his recharge card into the groove, the door slowly opened, Pei Junlin stepped into it, and the door behind it slowly closed.

At this time, Pei Junlin discovered that the interior of this room was a huge mountain cavity. It was like a set of cracks between two mountains being split, and a light of the setting sun appeared in front of Pei Junlin.

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