Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1272: Wind monument

The strange bird didn't seem to expect that Pei Junlin would be able to fight back. Maybe it was because he was used to eating the body of the strong man, facing a living human, this strange bird was stunned on the spot for a while, and his body was hit by this purple light. It exploded.

Pei Junlin did not expect such a strange bird to be wiped out so easily, but after the strange bird's body disintegrated, it turned into bone fragments all over the floor, but there was a black object in it, exuding a cold and pure. breath.

Pei Junlin looked with fiery eyes and golden eyes, but didn't see what this power was, but soon this power slowly dissipated under the blow of the knife wind, leaving behind a blue, crystal-like bead.

Pei Junlin took this bead in his hand and immediately felt the pure astral power in it.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, but the bridge flew out directly. As soon as he turned around the beads in his hands, the beads slowly cracked and turned into a pure force that was absorbed by Naiheqiao.

Naihe Bridge can absorb the power of the true spirit primordial spirit and even the soul. After Naihe Bridge has absorbed this group of pure soul power, its aura has become stronger.

After killing such a strange bird, Pei Junlin didn't stay there anymore, and sat in the air next to the Nether Demon Dragon, preparing to cross towards the other side.

The Nether Demon Dragon let out a roar, and his body rose into the air and flew towards the opposite bank, but Pei Junlin gradually discovered that the central location of the two abysses was extremely windy.

There are all kinds of whistling sounds in his ears, as if the sword aura is extremely astonishing. If Pei Junlin is not wearing a treasure made of unicorn fur, then he has been pierced by a thousand arrows.

Every gust of wind here is comparable to a sword, and its destructive power is extremely amazing. Even if Pei Junlin has practiced the celestial body, he still feels pain in his skin.

Pei Junlin wanted to urge the Nether Demon Dragon to fly towards the opposite shore as soon as possible, but he found that the Nether Demon Dragon was entangled in this strong wind, and there was nothing he could do, just like a big ship in the storm. You can stabilize your figure temporarily, but it is difficult to avoid the risk of overturning.

Want to continue to leap forward is simply a dream.

There was a wave of waves behind him, Pei Junlin suddenly turned around and saw a large group of waves slapped over, like a big wave on the sea.

The huge waves are surging to the sky, this is the pure essence of wind, Pei Junlin was hit by a wave before he was panicked. The huge power almost smashed the body of the Nether Demon Dragon, and Pei Junlin was hit by a heavy blow, as if being hit by a big iron ball, his body suddenly fell into the abyss.

At this time, although Pei Junlin was dizzy, but not panicked, he barely stabilized his figure and rotated the original Nirvana Sutra. In this gusty ocean, Pei Junlin's body gradually stabilized his figure, but it was still difficult to stop the downward trend.

Big waves came again, but Pei Junlin already had experience, he was like surfing on the waves, constantly adjusting his body shape.

However, the Nether Demon Dragon was not as lucky as Pei Junlin, and was disturbed by the waves. He kept roaring, but he couldn't stabilize his figure at all.

With the original Nirvana Sutra, Pei Junlin can use the strong chaotic power here, and gradually Pei Junlin almost merges with this power. His figure walks through the huge waves, just like walking in a leisurely courtyard.

Pei Junlin grabbed the Nether Demon Dragon with one hand and strolled among the huge waves. At the same time, Pei Junlin opened his pores and began to absorb the element of wind.

When the world first opened, the five elements gave birth to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The five elements dominate everything is the emperor element, but in addition to gold, wood, water, fire and earth, there will be some abnormal domain elements.

Such as the element of wind, such as the element of thunder and lightning, etc.

This time, Pei Junlin absorbed tens of thousands of rolling **** in this Guixu, making him tempered with a kind of lightning power. Now Pei Junlin is still opening his pores to accommodate the breath of wind in his body.

This is in Pei Junlin's body, two completely different powers appeared in the position of the dantian. There is something similar to a furnace, in which blood-colored lightning flashes constantly. With a thunderball, the power of thunder is born continuously. This is the embryonic form of thunder pond.

On the other side, a wind vortex appeared. This vortex is still only a very small sign, but as a large amount of wind breath enters Pei Junlin’s body, the wind vortex is getting bigger and stronger. Faintly and Na Lei Chi fight against courtesy meaning.

Among the five elements, the thunder attribute and the wind attribute are actually mutant elements derived from the wood attribute, but these two elements are equally powerful.

Pei Junlin formed a thunder pool in his body, which could derive the power of thunder and lightning endlessly, constantly nourish cells, and purify the body.

In addition, the breath of wind is also extremely amazing. Once a wind whirlpool is formed inside the body, then for Pei Junlin, he can grasp all the breath of wind in the world.

Naturally, the violent wind breath could not allow Pei Junlin to absorb it and began a violent reversal, forming a whirlpool around Pei Junlin, trying to tear Pei Junlin apart.

It's not that someone presided over the breath of wind, it's a kind of heaven. It's like squeezing a ball, but the ball will bounce quickly. After encountering Pei Junlin's refining, the breath of the wind naturally formed a force of resistance.

The wind and thunder were born together, and the breath of the wind turned to the extreme, gradually forming a slow thunder power.

In the huge waves of wind, there are some rolling thunderballs. Wind and thunder coexist, Pei Junlin is now shrouded by this wind and thunder, and the whole person is at the core of wind and thunder.

Endless thunderballs are rushing towards Pei Junlin, and coupled with the continued compression of the wind billowing like waves, each drop of wind breath is equivalent to the weight of a Mount Tai, and the endless sea of ​​wind will almost bring Pei Junlin. Squash.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and waved, a golden phantom appeared behind him, with a golden phantom, who was one of the five emperor primordial spirits in Pei Junlin's body.

An emerald green plant appeared on the head of Emperor Mu De Emperor Yuanshen. Although it was only a seedling, it also emitted a bright light. After Emperor Mu De Emperor Yuan Shen appeared, it was like a flag that appeared behind Pei Jun. , The power of that wind and thunder became tame instantly.

Wind and thunder coexist, but their original power is still wood element. Therefore, Emperor Mu De Emperor Yuanshen commanded all wood forces in the world, and the Emperor Mu De Emperor Yuanshen gradually stabilized the two forces of wind and thunder.

Especially the tree of life, it contains pure wood power, commanding all things. Lei's power gradually subsided, while Pei Junlin was madly running the Primordial Nirvana Sutra, absorbing these two powers.

Quantitative change caused qualitative change, and the two powers of endless wind and thunder were compressed to a certain extent in Pei Junlin's body, and then thunder pond and that wind vortex were gradually formed.

In seven days and seven nights, Pei Junlin condensed the Lei Chi, and then it took seven to forty-nine days to condense the wind whirlpool successfully.

Until Pei Jun came to the dantian, that Lei Chi continued to agitate the amazing Chaos Thunder power. On the other side, the wind whirlpool is constantly rotating, giving birth to a trace of wind.

Pei Junlin punched out a thunder ball, and exploded. This is a destructive power. If Pei Junlin now encounters a true monarch-level powerhouse, even if he encounters a true monarch-level powerhouse at his current real **** level, he can still raise his hand to destroy it.

This is the result of Pei Junlin's refining wind and thunder two qi, extremely sharp, destroying everything.

The endless thunderstorm and the breath of wind condensed into the sea of ​​wind and still continued, but Pei Junlin was suspended there like a needle in the sea, seemingly unaffected.

The power of thunder and lightning and the sea of ​​wind suddenly seemed like nothingness, passing through Pei Junlin's body, going its own way, the violent still remained, but it did not cause any harm to Pei Junlin.

A gust of wind blew, Pei Junlin could not even move a single strand of hair. Then this gust of wind can blow to the mountains, but it doesn't work to circle it inside Pei Junlin.

The two qi of wind and thunder will never arise out of thin air, Pei Junlin suddenly had an idea. There are so many breath of wind and power of thunder and lightning in Guixu, then it shows that everything has a source.

Jin Ye can easily harvest the Huangquan River because he found the source of the Huangquan River Sanshengshi. So what exactly is the source of this wind and thunder? Pei Junlin suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

Wind and thunder are all wood, and those that can produce these two breaths must be wood-based spiritual things. And in Pei Junlin’s body, there is always the most amazing wood emperor-level spiritual creature tree of life in the world.

Pei Junlin plunged into the abyss, re-driving the Nether Demon Dragon, and continued to explore the depths of the ocean formed by the breath of wind.

Just like the real sea, the whole ocean is full of the breath of hunting wind. Even the breath of wind the size of a needle is as heavy as a mountain, but Pei Junlin walks through the ocean of this kind of wind. Unhindered in the endless ocean, Pei Junlin has some rules to catch the breath of the wind, and gradually he walks towards the destination.

There is a huge vortex deep in the ocean floor, and at the core of this vortex, there is only a stone monument. All the breath of the wind has something to do with this stele.

If only the whirlpool of wind condensed in the body, the whirlpool of wind is limited, and sooner or later it will be exhausted.

Pei Junlin found the legendary wind stele in the eyes of the sea, which was different. This stone stele is not so much a stone stele as it is a wooden stele, because it exudes amazing vitality.

When Pei Junlin saw this stone stele, he could immediately perceive the origin of this stone stele. It should belong to the same source as the tree of life, and it should be a branch cut down from the tree of life.

Pei Junlin once again summoned the Emperor Mu De Emperor Yuanshen and easily came to the center of the whirlpool. The wind stele was lying quietly in the center of the whirlpool, as if it were more ancient and unchanged.

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