Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1262: The last pure land

Hearing Pei Junlin’s words, everyone’s eyes also light up. Kunlun Mountain has always been a mysterious existence, whether it is in the ancient times or today in Kunlun Shenshan, as if it has remained unchanged for thousands of years, it has stood there .

"When the tribes suffered during the Taikoo period, no one was born in the Kunlun Mountains. This time, it must be like that, so don't hold too much hope." Jinjia God of War rarely spoke, but at this time he spoke to remind everyone.

"This is the catastrophe of the human race, and I am the one who should be robbed. At this time, avoiding is not a way." The Golden Armor God of War has unique insights, and everyone nodded.

It's a mysterious and mysterious thing. Destiny is like a big hand fooling behind everyone. Today everyone can gather here to protect the earth, which shows that the fate of everyone has already been inextricably linked to this disaster. Relationship.

Seeing that he could not convince everyone, Pei Junlin gave up. He invited everyone to temporarily return to the earth to rest, but was rejected by everyone. These top human masters led by Dantai Jingxuan are in the void, recovering their strength and waiting for the dragon master to arrive.

Obviously, the champions of Dantai Jingxuan Hou, each of whom is a top humanoid, will not be trapped by their strength in their eyes. Even if the true monarch level matches the real king, they will not necessarily lose. .

Pei Junlin took the **** donkey and others, and first rushed towards the direction of Tai Xing Xing, but when he saw Tai Xing Planet, Pei Jun Lin suddenly froze. The whole planet doesn't know when, and the silence is gone, just like the world has evaporated.

Pei Junlin was suddenly embarrassed, because his parents and father-in-law were still on the planet. Now that the planet is gone, where did the parents and others go?

When I thought of the melee, it was very likely that some masters outside the realm discovered Tai Xingxing, which made Pei Junlin burn in five places, and he was guilty.

But now is not the time to be sad, not to mention that his parents have died.

After confirming that Tai Xingxing is no longer in this starry sky, Pei Junlin can only return with disappointment, and returns to Earth with a **** donkey and a golden beast.

First of all, back to the Nine Great Supreme Family, the situation of destruction on the whole earth is far beyond Pei Junlin's expectations. The old fairy and all of the Nine Great Supreme Family were wounded, and even the brothers and sisters of Pei Junlin were not hurt.

However, this time Pei Junlin brought a lot of materials and immortals to these people, so that Yuan Fei and Ye Tianxing have recovered.

"Boss Pei, do we still have to fight against the demon clan? I'm not afraid at all. I'm going to die before death, but I must pull a cushion back before I die." Ye Tianxing gritted his teeth and flashed an angry light in his eyes.

A few days ago, a demon clan of the true **** realm came to the Yuan family and started a war with some masters of the Yuan family. The Yuan family killed and injured many people.

Ye Tianxing's Ye family is similar, and was also attacked by masters from outside the Peng tribe. Tianxing's parents were also killed and injured in that battle, which made Ye Tianxing mature in a few days.

Pei Junlin looked around and found that these former partners had a vicissitudes on their faces at the time. These were originally young and belonged to the arrogance of the major families, but now they are carrying a lot of burdens.

Each one's eyes shone with the light of hatred and maturity. They are no longer the kind of teenagers they once were, but they have suffered through adversity.

"This is what I'm talking about this time. Let's prepare quickly and transfer as soon as possible. I will send you out of the earth in the shortest time." Pei Junlin said towards everyone.

Pei Junlin said that everyone was stunned. No one thought that Pei Junlin would even say such words.

Everyone, look at me, I see that the expression on your face is gradually stiff, and the atmosphere is a little weird for a while.

"Boss Pei, what does this mean? Do we want all of us to escape? If that's the case, don't blame me for not recognizing you as your elder brother." Li Tianpei took the lead and said.

Although the others did not speak, their attitude was similar to that of Li Tianpei. They probably did not dare to resist Pei Junlin directly, but they were guilty.

Pei Junlin smiled and looked at the crowd and said: "I did not cross friends, and I made a group of friends who are loyal and courageous. You are right, and now you run away, that is timid, then it is not a real hero. ."

When Pei Junlin said this, everyone was even more puzzled, because just now Pei Junlin clearly convinced everyone to let everyone move away from the earth as quickly as possible, but now why is his attitude changing sharply?

"I didn't say I was going, I meant to let you go, because it doesn't make any sense for you to stay." Pei Junlin said a word, and everyone was silent again.

Li Tianpei's eyes were red, Ye Tianxing and others clenched their fists, and even Lei Xuan stood up and said to Pei Junlin: "If there are too many ants, you can still kill the elephant. Boss Pei, you can't look down on us like this, although Our strength is not as good as yours, but it is not a problem for us like us to add up to a master of the real **** realm."

Yuan Ping, the old fairy on the side, had not spoken, and watching the nose and nose was like falling asleep.

Pei Junlin smiled and looked at the people again and said mercilessly: "True God Master,? I can tell you, like the Master of True God Realm, as you said, I only need one move to destroy it."

After listening to Pei Junlin's words, everyone was silent again, but the expression was still a little dissatisfied, probably Pei Junlin's words were too straightforward and hurt their self-esteem.

"The words aren't rough. Pei Junlin said it's very reasonable. You stayed not only useless, but also dragged your hind legs. Imagine if you are in danger, can he stand by and watch? Instead, it takes time and effort. To save you, and during this period, it is likely to be attacked by masters outside the territory." The old fairy Yuan Ping who had not spoken suddenly opened his eyes.

This time everyone was honest, lowered their heads one by one, and stopped talking.

"That won't work, let's be deserters. How can we raise our heads to be humans in the future?" Someone stood up and said.

Pei Junlin nodded and said again to the crowd: "It's not that you are deserters, but that you are the seeds of human future. You know, you people are the elite of human beings, if you are a master, if you are given time There is no limit to the future. If you die here today, who will the earth depend on to recover in the future?"

Pei Junlin's long speeches finally convinced everyone. Ye Tianxing Li Tianpei and others nodded one by one and expressed their willingness to leave the earth and save their strength.

However, they are more concerned about Pei Junlin's stay, because Pei Junlin once said that he would stay, which made everyone worried.

"You don't have to worry about Pei Junlin, as long as I am there, he will be fine." Yuan Ping old fairy said in a low voice.

Yuan Ping's old fairy said that it was full of breath, making people hard to doubt. Even Ye Tianxing and Li Tianpei were relieved for a while.

"Boss, if the earth is truly unpredictable, then let's go to the stars and sea together to experience ourselves outside the domain, and wait until we have enough strength to come back and destroy all the races that have hurt the earth, and uproot them." Li Tianpei came over Said.

Ye Tianxing and others were also reluctant to watch Pei Junlin swear one by one and met in the starry sky.

Pei Junlin knew the size of the starry sky. If he had a chance to meet him in the future, his mood was very low, but he could not speak at this time.

Pei Junlin, who is always painful to leave, did not send Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei, these people, these brothers and sisters, they quietly walked into the starry sky, and turned into fire scattered in the depths of the universe.

Pei Junlin once again returned to the Wanlun Palace in Kunlun Mountain. The Niu Demon King and others also suffered heavy losses this time. In order to assist the attack in several large cities under the Kunlun Mountain and the unexpected monster clan, there was a fierce confrontation.

Among all the people in the Wanlun Palace in Kunlun Mountain, Pei Junlin did not see Bailing Fairy, which made Pei Junlin feel sad for a while. The beautiful woman may never appear here again. Pei Junlin did not ask everyone, and no one mentioned this matter.

"Try not to pin your hopes on Kunlun Mountain. Immortals are cruel. No matter whether they are gods or immortals, they have no mortal status at all in their eyes. It is like the ants in our human eyes. Does their life, death and death have anything to do with us? "" Dahei Niu finally opened the conversation box, and said that Pei Junlin and Dahei donkey were most concerned about.

However, this was equivalent to pouring a pot of cold water in disguise, which made Pei Junlin's heart sink completely.

It seems that the cow demon king has been living in Kunlun Mountain for a long time. He knows some But Pei Junlin also spied some secrets from the words of the cow demon king. Perhaps the most mysterious area on the Kunlun God Mountain should have a legend. Fairies exist.

These days, there is no waste of Pei Jun Linjun. He is trying to find some news about the moonlight box. Unfortunately, Pei Junlin not only did not find any information about Wang Ziqiong, even his own sister-in-law Wang Ziyu. lost. These two sisters, as if evaporated in the world.

However, Pei Junlin's little destiny technique can only vaguely sense that the two sisters are not in danger of life, but that Prince Qiong's soul fire is very weak, which is a state that will be extinguished.

In a clear night sky, a stream of stars flows.

But the entire planet is not peaceful. These days, major media are frantically reporting that the end is coming, so now the whole world has become a mess, the order is collapsing, the crime rate is rising rapidly, and even some local organizations have collapsed.

At this time, Pei Junlin was lying on Kunlun Mountain, looking at the night sky with grass roots, and suddenly Pei Junlin's eyes widened because he suddenly saw a comet appearing in the sky.

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