Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1260: Reincarnation vortex

Only then did Pei Junlin realize that all the hallucinations were caused by these flowers. The fragrance of flowers has a strong hallucinogenic effect. No wonder the woman in white was so determined that Pei Junlin would die here. It turned out that such a vicious flower had grown in this valley.

Pei Junlin could not compete with a few flowers, and then Pei Junlin, who was in Bandung's surroundings, was completely awake. He opened his eyes and searched again. Sure enough, he soon saw the white skirt's whereabouts.


Pei Junlin unfolded his body, the figure was like the wind, and he immediately came behind the woman in white, and evolved his fist towards the woman in white.

The woman in white didn't seem to anticipate that Pei Junlin would chase it up so quickly. For a while, she was disappointed. For the brave words released by Pei Junlin before, the calm power of that kind of power could no longer be seen.

The girl in the white dress was eclipsed and her face was full of fear. In the face of Pei Junlin’s evolving fist, she had no power to fight back, and her body was instantly pierced, revealing that his body was actually a white hair. fox.

"How could such a humble creature be the black hand behind this valley, certainly someone else, this fox was manipulated." Jin Ye said his opinion.

Pei Junlin's palm radiated a scorching light, and the Holy Blood poured out again and sprayed into the crock. But once again, a strong light burst into the sky, and a large gray light shrouded it, breaking all illusions.

The earthen jar controlled by Pei Junlin swept over, and the mountains in front of him suddenly broke open.

Pei Junlin made a move, and Yushan opened the way. Sure enough, the big guy behind him couldn't sit still. The Luofengpo who wanted to kill Pei Junlin before,

The idea naturally fell through, and now the dragon clan strongman himself came to an end.

She was still a woman dressed in white, and she had almost the same appearance as the woman who Pei Junlin had worn through before. At this time, Pei Junlin found out that the white fox before was supposed to be an illusion, and turned into a woman in front of her. .

The woman in white in front of her, although she looked exactly like the white fox, had a pair of coral-like red horns on her head. An innate breath of the dragon clan was rippling on this girl, and Pei Junlin suddenly became convinced of the other party's identity.

"It's not easy to get to this step, but the majesty of the Dragon Clan can't be offended. You have to die here today, to thank you for your death, and to wash away the shame of the Dragon Clan with blood." An Guqin appeared in the girl's hand.

There was a real sound of music, and Pei Junlin immediately felt dizzy and dizzy, and his spirit seemed to be caught in something. This uncomfortable feeling made Pei Junlin almost yell out.

However, Pei Junlin inherited a trace of the strength of Wushen Wangchao, and he was naturally unwilling to fail. He knew that time was running out, desperately evolved fist, the scene of the gods and Buddhas in the sky was revealed in Pei Junlin’s fist, and Pei Junlin found his own There have never been such scenes as Buddha and Bodhisattva in the boxing shadow.

A series of Sanskrit singing came from the void, resisting the confusion of Guqin in the opponent's hands. I saw the sound of the piano radiating from the Guqin, which turned into golden silk thread.

I have never seen such a strange sight, this sound can be turned into substance, and every golden thread is assassinated like a golden arrow.

Pei Junlin bit his tongue, and the Holy Blood sprayed on the jar, and the jar immediately radiated a gray light, and enveloped Pei Junlin as a whole.

With the protection of the clay pot, Pei Junlin had no worries. He counterattacked and evolved his fist attack on the woman who played the piano.

Pei Junlin swept the woman with a punch, and the Guqin in his hand was smashed by Pei Junlin. The woman's face was cold when she saw the scene.

The two were indifferent to each other and could not see each other's thoughts. The woman's second hand seals again, forming an emerald green bottle again in the air.

This treasure bottle is a reenactment of old tricks, and it is enveloped towards Pei Junlin, who wants to include Pei Junlin. But Pei Junlin had already had experience and evolved boxing techniques, and instantly shattered the treasure bottle into scum.

"The other party's purpose was not to kill you from the beginning, you are a strategist." Jin Ye's voice was like a divine initiation, which made Pei Junlin understand completely.

This is not exactly a physical trap, but a psychological trap, because the other party declared from the beginning that it would kill Pei Junlin on this Luofengpo.

So Pei Junlin felt that the other party was strong from the beginning, and that the valley was strong. However, as the battle progressed, Pei Junlin discovered that the other party's strength was nothing more than that. It was just the Yunshan fog hood, with a mysterious veil added.

King Jin's words completely awoke Pei Junlin to the other party, not really to kill himself in this valley, but to trap himself here to let time pass.

There is not much time left for Pei Junlin. When the sun goes down, that is when Wang Chao's wisp of remnant soul is exhausted, then Pei Junlin will be beaten back to its original form.

Without the support of the Wushen Wangchao, the comeback of the outland demon race is almost a matter of course. Even those races visited by Pei Junlin did not dare to take action because of the fame of the clan's fame, but the two races of the Dragon and Peng races are still extremely troublesome.

After seeing through each other's mind, Pei Junlin understood that the reason why the other party sent girls to fight against him repeatedly was just to create a sense of mystery. This dragon is indeed a master of psychological game, and Pei Junlin fell into it unconsciously. In the other party's trap.

Pei Junlin once again evolved his fist, this time Pei Junlin played a combination of six-round reincarnation fist and that Wushen Shenquan fist.

The boxing technique evolved, the world collapsed, the stars were born and died, the sky was full of streamers, and the valley was destroyed in an instant with no bits left. Appearing in front of Pei Junlin, it is the real ancestral land of the Dragon clan that was really lifted.

A huge palace towered into the sky. The palace did not know how many houses there were, how tall they were, or how many people there were.

Pei Junlin once again spit out the holy blood, sacrificed the jar, and bombarded towards the ancestral land of the Dragon tribe. The previous life plus the grievances of this life and the Dragon Clan II were angry at this moment.

The gray light misty Nava jar once again rushed towards the ancestral land of the Dragon tribe like a meteor, and only heard a bang like a sky and earth. The huge high-rise building collapsed instantly, and countless divine lights rose into the sky, but it was soon submerged. A series of screams came and turned into a piece of tragic song of souls.

The mysterious black vortex appeared again above the ancestral land of the Dragon Clan. Pei Junlin opened his eyes and could see the souls drawn into the vortex.

"Is this the legendary road to reincarnation?"

There is a great horror between life and death. Throughout the ages, no one has participated in the secret of reincarnation, even if it is a fairy road, night fear of death, because no one knows what the world after death is after death.

Pei Junlin stopped and looked at the black vortex, and a trembling feeling appeared in his heart, even if he was arrogant as if he now possessed Wang Chao's ray of distracting power, but still faced with the present Can resist the feeling.

Pei Junlin saw the black vortex, and there seemed to be a ray of spirit watching Pei Junlin in the vortex, which scared Pei Junlin to quickly withdraw his gaze. But he still heard a weird sound in his ears, which seemed to be a dull beast roar.

This is similar to the elephant's nose, protruding from the vortex in the air, sucking the soul of the human race dragon. Tuanlong Soul was sucked in by this monster and immediately disappeared, so Pei Junlin was trembling all over.

"What is this vortex?" Pei Junlin whispered.

However, the words fell into the ears of Jin Ye and the **** donkey, but it made everyone inexplicable.

"What black vortex?" Jinye asked.

"Did you not see it? It was a black vortex, I saw an endless soul being sucked into it." Pei Junlin whispered.

As soon as the words came out, the **** donkey exclaimed. On the contrary, Jin Ye's side also fell silent.

"Did you really not see it?" Pei Junlin was covered with cold hair and his cold sweat fell.

This matter is too weird. If it is true, Pei Junlin feels difficult to follow. If something can only be seen by yourself, is it a bad sign?

"Don't look at it, try not to let anything there notice you, this is very dangerous." The **** donkey warned in a low voice.

It was only a short time, and the endless soul was absorbed by the vortex and the vortex slowly disappeared into the void.

The extremely uncomfortable feeling slowly disappeared, and Pei Junlin also breathed a long sigh of relief.

He grabbed the ear of the **** donkey in one hand and asked, "Tell me what the thing was just now? Why can I only see but you can't see it?"

Pei Junlin asked this question, and grabbed the ear of the **** donkey, but the **** donkey was not angry at all. Instead, with a weird eye, it seemed to Pei Junlin.

"Don't you look at me with such a look? Okay? I'm all hairy." Pei Junlin was horrified and Han Mao stood upright.

"That's the most mysterious reincarnation in the legend. Most people can't see it at all, unless some emperor-level characters are practicing till the sky, they may be able to get a glimpse of it. But as for you, I think this thing is too strange. Maybe there are two The reason can be explained. The first reason is that you have a part of Wang Chao's ability, so you just saw it." The head of the analysis of the **** donkey is Dao, and Pei Junlin is nodding.

Pei Junlin had never seen this weird scene before. It was only after the body merged with a part of the Divine Warrior dynasty that this kind of weird scene appeared.

And every time because a planet is destroyed by hundreds of millions of creatures, this black vortex will appear at the time of death. That is to say, only when a large number of living souls appear at the same time, this kind of cyclic vortex will appear.

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