Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1246: Mars

This is a battle of life and death, and the final battle.

Although I had been psychologically prepared, no one expected that this day would come so fast. Pei Junlin was fighting in the blood, and when he looked back, he found that both Wang Qiong and Wang Ziyu had injuries, but the two women's eyes were firm and unrelenting.

"Haha, today Pei Junlin sees where you can fly if you have wings." A man in black from the Dragon clan stood up and stopped beside Pei Junlin.

But Pei Junlin suddenly rushed out of a woman in black, holding a long sword, it was the thirteen princess of the dragon family. The sword light flashed in the hands of the thirteenth princess, and the broken domain sword exuded a fierce sword roar.

The dragon master had no time to scream, and was cut off half of his body.

"Princess Thirteen, you are crazy, are you going to be an enemy of the Dragon Clan?" The expert of the Dragon Clan roared.

Yang Chan didn't speak a word, his long sword waved, and one sword solved the master's life. Yang Chan showed to Pei Junlin with practical actions that at the last moment, he would betray his race and stand beside Pei Junlin.

"If you have a chance later, you rush out to escape. After all, you are the thirteen princess of the dragon family. No one saw the murder just now." Pei Junlin shook his head and looked at the thirteen princess.

The princess of the thirteen flashed his eyes and looked at Pei Junlin: "I still have a lot of things to do. You can rest assured that I will never die here today. I will leave if I miss the opportunity."

Then the thirteenth princess said to Pei Junlin again: "If you die today, I will remember you in the future, but will not avenge you."

Pei Junlin nodded his head and said nothing. In fact, the thirteenth princess could be as good as she is now.

The thirteen princesses are half-man and half-dragon, and the dragon clan he betrayed will be found out sooner or later, so the thirteen princesses are already irrevocable, not as easy as he said.

The battle has just begun, and several families of giant races have stood together and are ready to divide their interests.

The dragon's true monarch-level strongman, hidden in the void, only revealed two eyes, flickering.

The strong of the peacock family is a huge peacock, which exudes a brilliant light and shines on the starry sky. As for the Peng tribe, it is a phantom that is shrouded in golden light.

"The origin of this planet is very mysterious, and I have to check it out from the secret code of the dragon family. The secret code of the dragon family records some things about the earth. This planet is indeed mysterious. I don't approve of destroying the earth directly." The true monarch-level strongman is hidden in the darkness, and his voice is like a thunderous thunder.

The King of the Peacock and the King of the Peng did not agree with the Dragon. The two whispered and engaged in spiritual exchanges as if they had reached an offensive and defensive alliance to fight against the Dragon.

The strength of the Dragons is undoubtedly the level of the Big Mac. It is difficult for the Pengs, Peacocks, and other races to combine with the Dragons. It is necessary to unite at this time.

The hearts of the Peng tribe and the peacock tribe are very clear to them. For them, the earth is only the immediate benefit. If it is undoubtedly a long-term benefit of the giants in the long run.

No matter how mysterious the earth is said by the dragon, the Peng and Peacock are very clear. But what mysterious result the earth finally produced, it was their turn to take advantage of it, and the person who finally obtained the interest was the dragon.

Therefore, at this time, the major races in the extraterrestrial starry sky only value the immediate interests, and they want to find the fairy debris on the earth.

But these fragments of fairyland, they can't use them themselves. To get other giant territories, get some holy places, to exchange some things they need.

Interests are being divided on this side, and **** battles are on the other side. Pei Junlin was besieged by seven real **** realm masters at the same time. These are the seven demon clan radiating golden light, they can't see what their body is, but these seven demon clan are suspended above the head of the best spirit treasure, the lethality is amazing.

Even if Pei Junlin practiced the Star Eucharist, the body was bleeding at this time, and golden blood dripped all over his body.

However, Pei Junlin's eyes revealed an unyielding divine light, holding a mixed-life magic gun and clashed. But Pei Junlin is now trapped and there is no way to escape, but Pei Junlin knows very well that a few people are not enough to kill him.

A mixed-world magic gun swept across the blood in the sky, and a large, thin and dry hand was stretched out in the darkness. A true **** realm master could not be guarded against even being brought to pieces with Yuanshen.

The other six real **** realm masters seem to have some feelings, but it is too late. Pei Junlin's speed is too fast, and people can't react.

A man with a pair of scissors suspended on his head seemed to sense the danger, and desperately urged the superb Lingbao suspended above his head. The scissors made a sound of dragon and tiger, and suddenly broke.

However, Pei Junlin's mixed-life magic gun stabbed from the darkness and directly shattered the scissors. The man wanted to escape, but it was too late. Pei Junlin's fist slammed into his head.

This is an ultimate showdown. Pei Junlin confronts the seven masters at the same time. Two of them have been killed by him. At this time, Pei Junlin is majestic, and he looks like a fierce tiger, looking at the few rabbits around him.

The remaining five masters, all of them pale, looked at Pei Junlin in horror. It was originally a hunt, but now they have become prey. Even if they wanted to escape, they couldn't, because they suddenly realized in panic that the surrounding world had already been set by Pei Junlin, and they were trapped alive here.

"Pei Junlin, you also know that rabbits will bite when they are anxious, not to mention the beast is still fighting, you are not afraid of us desperately if you trap us." Several masters watched Pei Junlin growl coldly.

Pei Junlin did not speak, snorted coldly, and urged the Hehe Bridge under his feet, striking hard in the past, and a gray atmosphere spread across the world.

A dragon man turned into a golden dragon with golden light all over his body. A huge golden dragon turned around and suddenly torn his claws, trying to tear the formation and escape, but in the end he failed, Pei Junlin's formation was not something he could tear.

When a pair of claws touched the method, a blue arc blasted suddenly, the dragon clan was bombarded with black, and the horns on his head were broken.

"No one wants to run away, fight with him today, even if he is dead, he will pull Pei Junlin as his back." One of the masters shouted.

If the remaining five people unite to break the wreck and desperate, Pei Junlin is indeed a bit troublesome, but since he trapped these people, he is naturally not afraid.

There is no compromise today, only killing is the end to death. Pei Junlin held a buzzing sound with a mixed-life magic gun, just like the same blood-bearing **** of war, and threw himself up again. The masters of the five real gods also broke down, and took out the means of pressing the bottom of the box to fight Pei Junlin.


Pei Junlin's shoulders were shattered, but a cluster of stars went down and he quickly repaired. Pei Junlin's gentry star body is not only amazing in body strength, but also more amazing in repair ability, coupled with the continuous supply of blood pill and the nourishment of the tree of life, Pei Junlin has become an undefeated **** of war.

Facing the siege of the masters of the Five Real God Realms, Pei Junlin was continuously injured, but never fell down. Looking at his opponent, once he was injured, it was death.


Pei Junlin always pointed out the big Buddha's finger directly to the eyebrow of a real **** realm master. This master gave a desperate roar, and his head shattered instantly. The golden Yuanshen wanted to escape the bridge, and suddenly turned the gold The Yuanshen directly absorbed it.

These five masters were originally connected with one another, but they were exhausted by Pei Junlin's successive proofing. Seeing the tragic death of their companions, the remaining four masters immediately issued a panic roar, one after another desperately bombarding the formation with treasures, trying to escape.

Pei Junlin smiled coldly: "From the moment you started attacking the earth, your life is not yours."

The spear swept, and another master of the real **** realm was physically broken, and Yuanshen was directly imprisoned by Naiheqiao.

The master of Pei Junlin's slaughter of the real **** realm has already attracted the attention of some real monarchs. When killing a real **** realm monster again, this time a golden light directly penetrated Pei Junlin's formation and broke in.

It was a man in a grey robe, his eyes cold and cold. After seeing Pei Junlin, he just snorted coldly, and his hands spread.

Original Nirvana!

Pei Junlin shouted, throwing away the magic weapon of the mixed world, and the whole body suddenly exploded with a strong momentum. Behind the head are countless Buddha cicadas, and Pei Junlin is enveloped in the aperture.

Pei Junlin punched around the formation, but suddenly produced dramatic changes. The gate of **** in the chaotic golden battle is launched again, and the dry big hand instantly grabs the strong man of Tianjun level.

The whole battle group was shrouded by a glory. No one could see what was happening inside. When Guanghua faded, everyone was dumbfounded, and only saw the strong man of the true monarch level, leaving only half of the body incomplete.

And Pei Junlin was also seriously injured, and in many places, Bai Sensen's bones were exposed, flying wildly, and his body was stained with blood.

Another true monk choked and killed towards Pei Junlin, but this time a gray figure was blocked in front of Pei Junlin. When he saw this tall figure, Pei Junlin almost cried, because he had recognized this figure, but it was Fang Zhengqiu who had long disappeared.

Fang Zhengqiu was the eldest disciple of the ancient Chunyang Gate. Later, because of the collusion between the Chunyang Gate and the Demon Desire, Fang Zhengqiu betrayed Zongmen and ran away.

This is a man with iron bones and clashes. In the ancient times, because of the **** battle with hundreds of millions of demon clan, he finally sat down and left only a body. It was only this body that dared to change, and gradually realized consciousness. Founder Qiu.

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