Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1227: Treasure Hunting Prince

"The skeleton of this fire unicorn is really a good thing. After eating it, the Nether Magic Dragon has also made a big improvement, and it has laid a solid foundation. From then on, even if it meets the master of the Tianjun level, this Nether Magic The dragon can also take a lot of risks on your behalf." Jinye is in a good mood.

After hearing this news, Pei Junlin was in a much better mood. This time he met the old demon of Hengshan and that road, which brought huge benefits to Pei Junlin, even as much as a trip to the treasure of the Emperor.

Especially the evolution of Neiqiao and Bawangding also strengthened Pei Junlin's strength.

Pei Junlin now finally understands that the entire Chaos Golden Fight is not an aggressive Chaos Lingbao, but it is definitely a giant integration platform.

Although this chaotic golden battle is not good at fighting against enemies, it can absorb everything in the world and refine everything, but the formation is extremely powerful.

Whether it is the gate of hell, Bawang Ding or the other side hall, each of these things is far more than the ordinary chaotic spirit treasure.

"The things here are finally done. I think it's time to leave here." Pei Junlin made up his mind to rush to the old nest of the Devil Emperor and practice there.

Before leaving, Pei Junlin ordered Chang hate the old demon some things, let the Hengshan old demon investigate some things outside the domain. It mainly investigates the distribution and strength of some dragons, Pengs, and the head-and-face races of Donglai Xingyu.

These things are not a problem at all for Hengshan Old Devil. In addition, before leaving, Pei Junlin left the Jiajia of Duobaoge.

At this time, Jiajia had regained consciousness, and it was said that Pei Junlin had saved himself. Jia Jia behaved ashamed. After all, he once stood beside Li Ji and became the opposite of Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin did not take the prejudice into consideration. The abandoned wife was rescued again and recovered his life.

Pei Junlin did not enter Jiajia's freedom, but it restricted Jiajia from leaving here within a year. The so-called one-year time is Pei Junlin, giving himself a rough limit. During this year, at least the treasure news of the long-spoken Devil Emperor cannot be leaked.

After arranging everything, Pei Junlin stepped into the wormhole. When he appeared again, he appeared in an unfamiliar star field. After checking the star map, Pei Junlin made another wormhole jump across the starry sky.

After several times, Pei Junlin finally came to the planet that once hated the devil’s treasure. Pei Junlin gave the planet a name called Chang Heng Xing.

The star storm outside the planet of Chang Heng has actually been absorbed by Pei Junlin. Now it is not so impenetrable. Pei Junlin easily passed through this star storm with a **** donkey and came back to Changheng On the planet.

"Is there any secret in this place? Why is the magic tumbling everywhere and the stench?" The **** donkey showed a disgusted look.

This time I wanted to follow Pei Junlin to travel outside the territories to see more worlds, but Pei Junlin took him to this barren place, which disappointed the **** donkey.

"You think you have gone out to swim in the mountains, and you came out just to cultivate your growth strength." Pei Jun's **** **** smiled.

The **** donkey shook its huge head, and was a little dissatisfied: "I have been cultivating all day long. Isn't there anything more fun in this world except fighting with others?"

"First of all, you have to live to find more fun things. Without strength, you can be killed anytime, anywhere. This is the cruel rule of survival in this world." Pei Junlin said helplessly.

He doesn't want to find a paradise, where he can practice with peace of mind, without any dispute with the world. But that golden avenue is to fight with heaven and find one's own vitality among the countless heavens.

If you only practice in one place, let's say where the resources for cultivation come from, without the immense temper of red dust, the Dao heart is unstable, and in the end it is still empty.

If you practice qi without training, you will never get old again. This is the loyal warning from the ancient qi practitioners.

In general, as a cultivator, you will never be quiet when you embark on this path of cultivation. You are destined to fight with people and never stop.

"Pei Junlin, you're right, I didn't expect you to see so well. I really didn't expect a guy from an indigenous planet to have such knowledge, I really underestimate you." Midair A gloomy voice came from the middle, and a cloud fell from the sky and fell in front of Pei Junlin.

When he saw this figure, Pei Junlin was completely shocked. He didn't expect anyone to ambush himself on this star of long hatred.

This person has also been seen by Pei Junlin and has a deep memory. This person was the one who had caused him to waste a marriage line, named Hua Qingyang, from outside the region. The origin is extremely mysterious, and there are even saints behind him, and the means is no less than Pei Junlin.

Compared with the last time, Hua Qingyang's breath at this time is more dignified and thicker, and has reached the real God Realm late stage and the strength of Pei Junlin is comparable.

While Pei Junlin was looking at Hua Qingyang, Hua Qingyang was also looking at Pei Junlin, but seeing Pei Junlin's breath lasting for a long time, Hua Qingyang's face finally showed a jealous look.

He spent countless efforts and efforts, and encountered a series of adventures one after another, only to reach today's state. Originally thinking of waiting for Pei Junlin here, you can certainly crush Pei Junlin's hands and come to the rescue. How can I know that seeing Pei Junlin's strength is even on his own, this Hua Qingyang's heart is not immediately a taste.

"It really is a legendary fatal enemy. I didn't expect you to train at a slower pace than me." Hua Qingyang's eyes showed an angry and jealous look.

"What fatal enemy, I don't know you at all, okay? Please don't block my way, good dogs don't block the road." Pei Junlin was also upset.

Hua Qingyang's feeling to Pei Junlin is also very strange. The other party seems to be shrouded in halo anytime, anywhere.

The whole body almost exploded with purple gas. Pei Junlin was certain that Hua Qingyang's luck was very good, even the kind of person who could pick up gold while walking.

This kind of talent is the real arrogant, not only the qualifications are rooted in the sky, but also the luck is incredible. Just find a place to sit, there is an ancient ruin beneath the buttocks.

Hua Qingyang is such a person, with pearlescent treasure all over him. According to Pei Junlin's estimate, Chaos Lingbao is at least no less than three in him.

Especially the long sword behind Na Huaqing Yang shocked Pei Junlin, because the sword was shrouded in a layer of light.

With the power of even containing a planet, it seems that the moon in the sky has been taken off and refined into a sword.

"How to find here and wait for me here?" Pei Junlin was really shocked.

Hua Qingyang laughed without concealing: "It’s okay to tell you, anyway, you are a dead man, you are my fatal enemy, get rid of you, seize your luck, and I will be able to achieve the avenue. There is a threat."

Although Hua Qingyang did not really tell how to find here, Pei Junlin also knew Hua Qingyang's intentions. This man is like a killer, sharpening his knife all day long. The purpose is to seal Pei Junlin's throat with a sword. This is really a fatal enemy. Being stared by such a hungry wolf at any time makes Pei Junlin uneasy.

From the words of Hua Qingyang, Pei Junlin felt another thing, that is, the secret of this place has not been leaked out. Although Hua Qingyang found the planet, it may have captured his remaining here. A breath.

Hua Qingyang may not know the once-sharpening treasure of the ever-scathing Devil Emperor buried inside this planet. If you let this person know, I am afraid it will become a adventure for this person.

Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief. The treasure secrets of the long-spoken Devil Emperor were not revealed, which was good for him. As for how to face Hua Qingyang, Pei Junlin is not a character who will lose himself.

"My purpose is very simple, is to kill you." Hua Qing waved his hand and pulled out the sword from behind.

A sword of light flashed through the air, and even jingled like a treasure trove, the ground was full of gold and copper coins.

Pei Junlin was dumbfounded. He did not expect that there would be such a treasure of the local tyrants. This sword was full of money and possessions, and all kinds of jewels were blinding the blind.

Where to fight people is to smash people with money.

"Haha, don't be fooled by this thing. It's all false. The sword in his hand should be the legendary humane money sword. This treasure has a long history. There is a saying that comes from the ancient **** of wealth. I carried the treasure, but I didn't expect it to be obtained by this person." Jin Ye seemed to have an impression of this sword, and slowly explained it to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was really shocked, UU reading books www. This Hua Qingyang is simply a treasure hunt prince, covered with all kinds of babies all over his body. How bad is the luck of this person.

But luck is one thing, strength is one thing. Hua Qingyang is a strong opponent for the average person, but it is nothing for Pei Junlin.

Jinye pulled out the mixed-world magic gun from behind, and at the moment when the mixed-life magic gun was unsheathed, a magic sound directly rushed to the sky to sweep the entire planet. Na Huaqingyang even showed a surprised look.

When Pei Junlin pulled out the magic gun, a black dragon ghost appeared on the top of his head. The mixed-world magic gun is even more terrible, and it constantly emits bloodthirsty roars. Even the treasure of the humane money sword is suppressed by this mixed-life magic gun.

"What kind of baby is this? This gun is very mysterious, I like it very much! He killed you, he is mine." Hua Qingyang counted clearly.

The money sword in his hand cut a treasure light again, and the sky of money spilled, and Pei Junlin didn't care. The mixed-world magic gun in his hand directly pierced a huge breath, and immediately flew into the sky and turned into a dragon to bite towards Na Huayang.

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