Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1224: Draw bone

The Duren Sutra was recited in Pei Jun’s mouth, and a scripture was shrouded and woven into a large golden net, which completely restrained the old demon of Hengshan.

Although the old demon resisted in his heart, he also knew that resistance was hopeless, and his eyes gradually showed a submissive look. The Duren Jing from the eyebrows into the sea of ​​the old demon of Hengshan, to clean up his knowledge, and soon the old demon of Hengshan became obedient, and no longer had any effort to watch Pei Junlin's eyes full of Worship and obedience.

This hall on the other bank is completely different from Neihe Bridge, which is the memory and supernatural power that forcibly plunders people. The premise is to destroy the skin sac, leaving only Yuanshen.

Moreover, the more the bridge devours more Yuanshen, the strength will become stronger, but the other side of the hall is very different. The peaceful Datian makes people convert, and is loyal to Pei Junlin, will not produce any rebellion. heart.

Now in Hengshan, the old demon is just like the two zombie kings. He is loyal to Pei Junlin. His heart is entirely about the test questions, and he is dedicated to serving Pei Junlin.

Even if Pei Junlin asked them to commit suicide with a knife, they would never blink.

After surrendering the old demon of Hengshan, it is not easy to know all his secrets, but what shocked Pei Junlin is the old demon of Hengshan, who has huge wealth, occupies a planet alone, and has a population of hundreds of millions of people.

This time, Pei Junlin did not intend to go directly to the treasure of the Devil Emperor, because if he went directly, it was easy to be followed. He decided to go to the planet of Hengshan first, that is, the old devil’s nest of Hengshan, where he entrenched for a while. , And then go to other places secretly rushed to the treasure of the Devil Emperor.

Taking advantage of the fact that the time flow rate is far lower than that of the Thousand Worlds, Pei Junlin intends to practice there for hundreds of years, at least to reach the peak of the real **** realm before he can pass the level.

However, Pei Junlin stepped out of the Jindou space, and immediately felt a warning sign, a figure flashed, and a long arrow swept Pei Junlin's temple.

Pei Junlin turned back with hatred, his eyes glowing with golden light. Seeing through all expectations in the world, Huo Jinjin immediately saw the other party clearly. It was a big ship with several powerful and powerful masters standing on the bow. One of them gave Pei Junlin an infinite stunned look in his heart.

The person standing on the bow was not someone else, but it was Li Ji who Pei Junlin had known before. The woman stood at the bow of the ship at this time, her face extremely cold, wearing a black cloak, and her eyes looked coldly at Pei Junlin without emotion.

Jia Jia, who was standing behind Li Ji, was slightly appalled and guilty in her expression, daring not to stare at Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin's gaze locked on the breath of the two masters. The breath of the two men was like a sea, and they only reached the realm of Tianjun with only one step. Their strength was very strong.

"It turned out to be you Li Ji, you probably stared at me long ago?" Pei Junlin smiled and did not feel any disappointment and anger.

Life is full of surprises, knowing people and knowing each other. For this Li Ji's acting skills, Pei Junlin admires the five-body investment. This woman has always shown a gesture of admiration for her little daughter before.

"Did you stare at you for a long time? Isn't it true that the wealth is not revealed? I'm curious where the blood pill comes from. If you can tell the secret, I can let you go." When Li Ji talked, there was no expression on her face, just like a cold ice sculpture.

Pei Junlin nodded and finally knew Li Ji's true purpose. That Xuedan was self-evident for Duobaoge. Pei Junlin twice took out millions of blood, but it was enough to make Li Ji feel shocked, so this step by step set traps and routines Pei Junlin.

After Li Ji was really suffocated, after the old demon of Hengshan and Zilu, the last shot was simply the mantis catching the cicada and the last fisherman.

I am afraid that no matter whether it was Hengshan Lao Mo or that road before, anyone who defeated Pei Junlin, the final end will not be too good, because Li Ji has the final initiative.

The two masters at the bow were not Pei Junlin’s most feared things. What really made him feel shocked was that there was a sea-like atmosphere inside the big ship, which was clearly from the master of the Tianjun level. .

Pei Junlin now understood that Duobaoge was determined to obtain the secret of the Blood Pill on his body, and he even dispatched a master of Tianjun level.

"Ms. Li Ji, I still liked you a lot before. I didn’t expect you to treat me like this. You want him to write the secret of the bill. I can tell you why such a big battle happened. How will you release your suspicions in the future, and how will you coexist peacefully?" Pei Junlin smiled and looked at Liji.

At the same time, his palm turned over, and there was a jade pendant on his palm, which was engraved with the pattern of Duobao Pavilion. Pei Junlin now finally understands that in fact, at the last supper, Li Ji has set a trap. I am afraid that there is tracking information on this jade piece, so that Li Ji can accurately capture her position.

Otherwise, before Pei Junlin hid in the Jindou space, Li Ji must have lost his goal and would not wait here for so long. The reason why he can stay here and wait for the rabbit, that is for sure, Pei Junlin will appear here, so Pei Junlin infers that there is something wrong with this jade.

With a click, Pei Junlin shook the jade pendant with his palm, and as expected, a golden light soared into the cabin.

This piece of jade was originally traced by a master of the Tianjun level. Pei Junlin knew that this Duobao Pavilion was really at his own expense for safety.

"Pei Junlin, do you think you can go today? There is no way to go to heaven, it is better to vote for Duobao Pavilion and contribute the secret recipe for refining that blood pill, you will also have a place in Duobao Pavilion." Li Ji looked at Pei Junlin expressionlessly and said.

This woman is really a thousand fantasy demon fox, with a thousand faces, which is different every day. Before that, Pei Junlin's cognition of him is now completely subverted, and Pei Junlin did not expect that he has fire eyes and gold eyes. When the wrong person.

Pei Junlin said nothing, holding a mixed-life magic gun, and flew towards the big ship instantly: "You have a Tianjun master on the big ship to help out, then what is the point of my escape? Isn't it death?"

Pei Junlin smiled as if he was about to jump on the big ship and take it, but as soon as he approached the big ship, the mixed-world magic gun in Pei Junlin's hand suddenly assassinated towards that Li Ji.

Without killing this woman today, Pei Junlin could hardly express his anger, this woman is really too bad, it is simply a wasp tail needle.

Now Li Ji's strength is far beyond Pei Junlin's imagination, it seems weak, but very fierce, I saw Li Ji reached out and grabbed Jiajia in the palm of her hand, and suddenly shot towards Pei Junlin come.

To use Jiajia as the dead ghost, Pei Junlin naturally didn't want to kill innocent people. He retrieved the chaotic magic gun that he stabbed out and got into the space of Jindou space in a flash.

The chaotic gold suddenly shuddered, turned into a dust, and fled towards the void.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? Stay and drink a cup of tea." The amiable voice rang in Pei Junlin's ear, and soon a large, khaki hand carried the mighty power towards the chaotic golden bucket.

Pei Junlin was terrified. On this day, Jun master didn't expect to take a face-to-face shot, but he didn't hold back at all.

In the real life and death, facing the real Tianjun master Pei Junlin, only to find that he has no strength to fight back, the gap between the spiritual realm and the Tianjun realm is hard to calculate.

Without crossing into the realm of the heavenly king, the mana is boundless, the world is communicated, and Shou Yuan is rolling, while the spiritual realm is still struggling with the physical state of ordinary people. It is the difference between immortals and mortals, in which there is a huge sky.

There was a sudden burst of chaos in the chaos, and I wanted to break through the space, and the Jindou space was turbulent, but the big yellow hand closed all the space time around, letting Pei Junlin escape, just like that Yuanmu begs for fish, riding on a wooden horse, always standing still.

Pei Junlin was unwilling to become a prisoner of the order, but he had no choice. Facing the capture of Tianjun masters, Pei Junlin felt a desperate emotion in his heart. Do I have to put all my efforts into the water?

Today, once it is taken, it means a complete loss of freedom, and all the secrets of the whole body will be exposed to people. By that time, if you want to live, you will have to look at the other party's mood.

Pei Junlin will never put himself in such a passive position. He wants to resist the end, even if he is caught at the last moment, Pei Junlin will commit suicide, and will never put himself in that weak and incompetent position.

"Master Jin, is there any way?" Pei Junlin yelled.

At this time, Jinye did not look a little panicked, but instead looked at Pei Junlin's wrist. He pointed to Pei Junlin's wrist and said, look at his That red line appeared again .

When Pei Junlin lowered his head, he saw a red silk thread appearing on his wrist, and the other end of the winding entered the void. Pei Junlin immediately determined in his heart that he knew this was his master. Too.

At the time when the siege was encountered in the underground abyss, the key moment was when the Linglong Fairy rescued Pei Jun from the crisis. Pei Junlin did not expect that this time the same fairy fairy shot again, so that Pei Junlin was deeply moved.

The red thread flew out of Pei Junlin's palm suddenly, and turned into a red hydrangea, and then attacked the turquoise big hand of that day.

The Tianjun-level master hidden in the big ship seemed to feel a strong sense of danger, and gave a roar and was extremely surprised. The big ship suddenly exploded, and the Tianjun master turned into a streamer and panicked and fled towards the distance.

The earthy yellow hand was instantly smashed by the hydrangea and turned into dust. I hope you can see all these inner shocks beyond recognition. He did not expect that his master Linglong Fairy has been paying attention to himself. Whenever he encounters an unbreakable crisis, the Linglong Fairy will appear.

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