Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1223: Shinto Law Ball

This time the article is much more peaceful than before, but it is a Zhaoan article, which exudes all kinds of tempting power to attack Pei Junlin, seems to want to directly submit to Pei Junlin. Brainwash Pei Junlin, let Pei Junlin bow his head and accept his princes, and accept the Confucian princes and ministers.

Who is Pei Junlin?

It was a firm mind, like a rock, even if he hated the Devil Emperor's will for a long time, he could not affect Pei Junlin, and a small Confucian path could not shake Pei Junlin's roots.

Pei Junlin disregarded everything in Confucianism and Taoism, and even showed a cruel look in his eyes. The Great Destruction Palm once again destroyed everything. When the sky swept away, Zilu wrote this article directly and shred it again.

"Since I can't get it, I'm going to destroy it." Pei Junlin's face showed a cruel look.

A dry palm flew out of the space of Jindou, and immediately fell on the palm of Pei Junlin. This dry palm is the flesh left by the Buddha in the treasure of the Emperor.

The body is the body of the Buddha's hundred alchemy, but it was invaded by the devil's energy, and it was instantly integrated into Pei Junlin's arm and merged with his palm.

Pei Junlin's palm, which was originally as clean as new, instantly became magical. The black gas on his body and his fingernails were like sharp blades. When caught in the air, an amazing devil claw immediately flew out and directly caught Jiangshan Duojiao.

Although Jiangshan Duojiutu struggled continuously, he was surrounded by magic energy, unable to break away at all, he roared, and a violent glare radiated from his whole body. After a sage article surrendered, he seemed to want to overcome the magic energy.

But the Buddha palm that merged with the Buddhist gate and the magic gate is actually so easy to be broken. In addition, Pei Junlin’s great broken palm supernatural power also played a role in it, and the pure Yang fire bell was shrouded in it. , And instantly tore this **** figure into two halves.

A breath of amazing chaos spewed out and the golden chaos of the chaos immediately opened, directly absorbing all the charming debris of the rivers and mountains and the chaotic spirit contained therein.

"It's a pity to damage the picture, I want to repair it." Jinye's voice came.

Seeing how many charming pictures of his own mountains, Zi Lu was actually caught by Pei Junlin, and the expression on his face was more surprising than seeing a ghost. I did not expect that Pei Junlin, a little real **** realm, could actually destroy Chaos Lingbao, which is simply incredible.

Pei Junlin smiled, his eyes glowed with green light, and Zi Lu suddenly felt cold all over. The judge penned an arch bridge and wanted to cross the space directly through the arch bridge.

Where did Pei Junlin give Zilu time to escape? Suddenly a Naihe Bridge appeared at the foot and struck towards the arch bridge portrayed by Zilu. The arch bridge formed by the ink was instantly crushed and shattered, and the route that Zilu wanted to escape was completely blocked by Pei Junlin.

The gray atmosphere shrouded in it, and Zilu was stupid, as if he had become demented, and became the soul of death on the bridge.


A corpse exploded directly, and that was Zilu's flesh completely dying. The soul of Zilu was pulled out by Pei Junlin and Yuanshen directly, and was instantly sucked into Naihe Bridge.

Some magical powers about Zilu, innumerable information poured into Pei Junlin's mind in an instant. In his life, Pei Junlin was like watching a movie, and even the secrets of Pei Junlin knew everything.

"It turned out to be a beast of clothing, full of benevolence and morality. In fact, for the people of Limin, men secretly steal women, prostitutes, fly camp dogs, and do countless bad things." Pei Junlin's eyebrows shot coldly.

Looking at Zilu's memories and his magical powers throughout his life, Pei Junlin was really furious.

It turns out that the real role of the complete body of the Neiqiao Bridge is to take care of people's lives, tap people's memories, and separate people's magical powers.

There are several magical spheres on this Neihe Bridge, which is the magical power that the road of life practiced. Some supernatural powers belong to Confucian and Taoist supernatural powers, and Pei Junlin can't look down on any one, but this bridge can purify these supernatural powers and turn them into pure supernatural powers, which can be integrated into other supernatural powers.

For example, Pei Junlin’s great destruction of cultivation palms can be swallowed directly. The magical orbs separated from this path can enhance the cultivation of magical powers.

With a big wave of Pei Junlin's big hand, the floating magical spheres immediately emitted a breath of air from that ball, and began to purify some of the sculptural auras belonging to Confucianism, which were instantly removed, leaving only purity The magic power like amber liquid.

The strength was swallowed by Pei Junlin's mouth, and the power of the big shattered palm increased by a few points.

The judge pen was suspended in mid-air, and Pei Junlin did not look at it. This treasure was useless to him. Although the engraved royal pen, it was not as powerful as one ten thousandth.

Pei Junlin waved this judge pen directly into the interior of the Jindou space, and was directly crushed by the chaotic gold bucket into the flesh melting furnace, and turned into the essence of various materials, which was absorbed by the chaotic gold bucket.

But at this time, the many pictures of the mountains and mountains were not completely crushed by the Chaos Golden Fight, but were being repaired under a package of chaotic breath.

"Good thief, it's not reasonable to do such a bad thing. You will be struck by lightning when you eat, drink and walk, and future generations will be slaves for generations." A vicious curse rushed towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin looked up inside the Jindou space, and saw a Confucian man bound there. The man was the virtuoso of the many charming figures in the mountains and mountains. At this time, Jin Ye was caught and hanged with his power.

A devilish whip lashed continuously on the man. He screamed so much, his body was dripping with blood, his breath more and more scattered.

The **** donkey was standing on the side as if watching a play, but his eyes fell on the pictures of the rivers and mountains, but there was a trace of envy.

The two successive battles have been very rewarding. Both Huolin Jian and this many beautiful pictures are rare treasures. And the **** donkey didn't contribute, naturally there was no way to divide the loot, and it was embarrassing to want to speak.

"I can't completely use the materials of the Firelin Sword. I will separate the unicorn skeleton into your antlers flying sword, so that its power directly enters the echelon of Chaos Lingbao.

But that unicorn flame will be swallowed by the ghost fire.

Pei Junlin seemed to see what the **** donkey thought, and immediately divided the **** donkey into a piece of soup. When the black donkey heard Pei Jun say this, he was immediately maddening. Although the power of the antlers flying sword in his hand was extremely powerful, the material itself was not outstanding. Haoyue hangs in the sky like a firefly.

If the unicorn bone is really integrated into the antlers flying sword, his flying sword power will increase by a hundredfold.

Pei Junlin's eyes fell on the broken picture of the Duojiang Mountains. When he started, he left room and did not completely damage this treasure. After all, it was Chaos Lingbao. If it is damaged, it is difficult to repair.

At this point, although Jiangshan Duojiaotu maintained that the body was not broken, but after losing the spirit, he still lost his spirit.

"I am afraid it is difficult to repair this beautiful picture of mountains and rivers." Pei Junlin looked at this chaotic spirit treasure and felt a pity.

He was also forced to frustrate. He wanted to capture this chaotic spirit Baoduo Duojiao's picture. It was impossible to capture this thing only by starting to tear it.

Pei Junlin is also helpless. In fact, he does not want to destroy this treasure in his heart. If he can get this treasure intact and directly integrate it into the chaotic golden battle, it is another tyrannical formation.

This is a complete sacrifice, which can be comparable to the gate of hell, even as good as the bridge. But now all regrets are too late, and I want to repair this beautiful scene of the mountains and mountains, unless someone from the level of Tianjun is invited to worship.

"I don't think it's worth the effort. Let's dismantle the pictures of the rivers and mountains as soon as possible and integrate them into your chaotic golden battle." Pei Junlin said towards King Jin.

"Otherwise, as a complete formation, there is a possibility of repairing this multi-faceted figure, and the formation and some rules described therein are unique. You don't need to worry about this, I will do it." Jinye A pair of chests is well-established, so don't be as assertive.

King Jin said so, Pei Junlin would not intervene, his eyes fell on the twenty big gourds. Each of these gourds is filled with a pond of chaotic aura, but I don’t know why Jinye is not in a hurry to absorb these chaotic auras.

Pei Junlin stepped across one step and transformed the space in an instant. He came to the other side of the hall. At this time, there was only one statue and an old man in the sky above the other bank, and this old man was the old demon of Hengshan.

The old demon of Hengshan is worthy of the same level as Pei Even if he was trapped in the other side of the hall, this kind of meeting would not be able to surrender. Instead, he saw that Pei Jun was here and began to scold.

"If you shut up as soon as possible and feel that I am not happy, screw your head down and kick at any time." Pei Junlin's face was expressionless, but the words he made made the old demon of Hengshan tremble.

When he reached the point of practicing Pei Junlin, he didn't bother to scare people. Every word he said was true. If the old demon of Hengshan was verbose, Pei Junlin would really do that.

Now that he heard Pei Junlin's threatening words, the old demon of Hengshan immediately stopped, and there was a fear in his eyes. He has now become a prisoner of the rank of Pei Junlin. Naturally, he has no strength to challenge Pei Junlin. The Fire Lin Sword in his hand is even taken away by Pei Junlin.

Wanshen Guiwa has also become Pei Junlin's spoils, and now naturally dare not say much, bowing his head revealing a bowed ear.

"Repent and reform here, and convert to me as soon as possible. By that time, you may still have a ray of life. After I become enlightened in the future, you may be able to let you be a little bit more moist." Pei Junlin ordered toward the old demon of Hengshan.

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