Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1207: Alchemy pot

Talking back and forth, but no one actually jumped out and shot Pei Junlin.

Regardless of Pei Junlin's own strength, being a monk full of mountains and fields is enough to make these people in the Tonggu League tremble. The previous number advantage is no longer completely present, and there are at least hundreds of thousands of monks under Pei Junlin.

The so-called use of people's money to eliminate disasters for these people. These monks around Kunlun Mountain rely on Pei Junlin to eat. Pei Junlin sends them a lot of immortality medicines for them to practice quickly. Once Pei Junlin is in trouble, they can't help.

Although these cultivators are rising stars on earth, their strength is generally low, but their strength should not be underestimated. What's more, ants have killed more elephants, and the number advantage of the Tonggu Alliance is now gone.

Pei Junlin made it clear that he did not give it, and these people in the Tonggu Alliance also took advantage of it. One side wants to fight, but the other side has a tough attitude, and the attitudes on both sides are so deadlocked.

The Tonggu Alliance powerhouses suspended in the golden light had not spoken or moved, but Pei Junlin knew that these people's deterrent force was still there.

As for whether these people dare to take action, Pei Junlin didn't care at all, he would dare to kill these people directly. If these people are dead or alive, then it depends on their courage. If they are timid and cowardly, they may survive, if today Dare to kill his teeth directly.

"Those old things, if you dare to whip up hair later, directly kick them out of shit." Jin Ye's voice directly into Pei Junlin's ears.

"That's of course, I can't do it at a glance, I must be killed." Pei Junlin smiled, revealing a creepy feeling.

Even the **** donkey standing next to Pei Jun's presence felt a cold air coming from Pei Jun's presence, which made some difference.

"Don't care about these old guys. After a while, please ask my master to come out of the mountain. They can't enter Kunlun Mountain. We are safe." The **** donkey thought that Pei Junlin was really afraid. He used **** donkey hoofs in Pei. Jun Lin patted on the shoulder to show comfort.

In the heart of the **** donkey, Pei Junlin has just been promoted into the realm of God, and the old guys of these ancient alliances are old antiques in ancient times.

Respect for the old in the practice world, the longer the age, the more ruthless. Therefore, in the heart of the **** donkey, Pei Junlin is not an opponent of several old things in this ancient alliance. Pei Junlin has been slow to start, maybe he is afraid of the old antiques of these ancient alliances.

"Pei Junlin, do you think you are hiding inside Kunlun Mountain, do we care about you? Is it really possible to hide on this Kunlun Mountain for a lifetime?" Xu Bingyue of the Tonggu Alliance showed an impatient expression.

Even Duan Yun, the emperor's body, roared towards Pei Junlin. The old hatred and old hatred added together, Duan Yun now hates Pei Junlin.

In addition, his goddess Xu Bingyue has been standing opposite to Pei Junlin, so Duan Yun also hated Pei Junlin.

"Who said I'm hiding? Whoever hid you today is the one you raised." Pei Junlin stepped out of Kunlun Mountain, like a golden thunderbolt, and instantly came to the front of the Tonggu Alliance, only ten meters apart.

This time it would confuse the **** donkey, he did not expect Pei Junlin to be so daring. Pushing directly to the side of the Tonggu Alliance, people can reach Pei Junlin's nose with their fists stretched.

As a brother, the **** donkey naturally can't counsel. A black light flashed beneath your feet, and Pei Yu appeared beside you standing beside him.

Just at the moment when the **** donkey stopped, several old antiques of the Tonggu Alliance suddenly shot out a treasure. The treasure resembled a huge hip flask, and suddenly a black light shot towards Pei Junlin.

Even the **** donkey standing close to Pei Junlin was not spared, and the two were braised together.

Pei Junlin was a little surprised at first, and the ensuing popularity was soaring. The black breath enveloped Pei Junlin's body and instantly tore Pei Junlin towards the pot.

This force was so unexpected that Pei Junlin was almost torn in.

"Be careful, this is the legendary demon pot." Jin Ye shouted.

However, his words did not fall, and Pei Junlin and Big Black Donkey were both pulled towards the refining demon pot at the same time, because everything happened so fast that even Jinye Pei Junlin Big Black Donkey, the three of them did not respond. come.

But at the moment when the black light shrouded, Pei Junlin gritted his teeth and pushed the **** donkey out, and a mass of golden light wrapped the **** donkey, making him survive.

By the time the reaction came over, Pei Junlin had entered a dark space, all surrounded by a highly corrosive gas.

"It's bite. People staying in it for a long time will soon be melted, and even the Yuanshen can't escape, but the concentration of breath here is definitely not enough. This is definitely not a real demon pot." Jinye just The moment of tension calmed down quickly.

Pei Junlin also felt that the surrounding space could not cause corrosive damage to his body. Although these gases were extremely corrosive, it was nothing to Pei Junlin.

"Ha ha ha ha, mad or something, haven't been caught yet, this Pei Junlin is a villain." Everyone in the Tonggu Alliance was overjoyed and overjoyed, and even a few old antiques came out of the golden light, all with smiles on their faces. Old chrysanthemum.

Pei Junlin not only has Chaos Spirit Treasure, but also a piece of fairy artifact, plus the Fire Spirit Bead, Pei Junlin can withstand a huge treasure trove alone. Therefore, a few old antiques of the Tonggu Alliance only smiled, and even ignored the old face.

Seeing this scene, the **** donkey was also very angry, and Pei Junlin was admitted to the demon pot, which was a huge change for him.

"Go, go and ask my master to come over." The **** donkey's voice was shaking.

This is also the first time he saw Pei Junlin overturning a boat in the gutter. Before that, it was Pei Junlin who was packing up others, and no one else was packing up your share. This is definitely the first time today, and it is also the only one.

"No need to call anyone, even if the Demon King is coming, would he dare to offend our Tonggu Alliance? Now that the banner of Pei Junlin is falling, I am afraid that the entire Kunlun Mountain will fall down." Xu Bingyue was calm and faint Looked at the **** donkey and said.

The arrest of Pei Junlin into the refining demon pot in one fell swoop is definitely a major event for the Tonggu Alliance.

A group of people are proud, and the look on their faces is just like winning a lottery. . But the **** donkey and the horse **** were so ugly. The fact that Pei Junlin was caught was a big blow to them.

The golden light from the four hooves of the **** donkey suddenly depicts the rune, and it rushed to the side of the demon pot immediately, trying to **** it away. But the old guys in the real **** realm of the Tonggu Alliance were not vegetarians. They punched the **** donkey together. The donkey screamed and spurted blood in the air.

The old guy even pressed the demon pot with his hands together, trying to catch the **** ass. At this time, a silver axe fell from the sky, and instantly scattered the atmosphere of several antiques of the real **** realm.

The **** donkey took advantage of the chaotic escape and fled to the Kunlun Mountains.

"What's the matter?" As soon as the demon king Niu touched down, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, because he didn't see Pei Junlin's figure, which made him feel bad.

"Pei Junlin was caught by them, and he was locked in that demon pot. The master must rescue him." The **** donkey gritted his teeth.

Hearing the **** donkey's words, Niu Mowang frowned, and his expression became serious. What strength Pei Junlin is, he is very clear.

When the gaze fell on the monster pot, the bull demon's brow furrowed deeply. He remembered an earth-shattering treasure from the ancient times. The name of the treasure was called the demon pot.

"It's not saved, it will be turned into pus in the refining pot of demon, and even the fairy can't be saved." The face of Niu Demon is ugly, and he ordered the **** donkey and the horse **** to retreat. Kunlun Mountains.

Hearing that Pei Junlin had been killed, the **** donkey could no longer restrain his emotions, his eyes flushed. His body was trembling slowly, and his emotions seemed to reach a point that was about to explode.

"Don't be excited, this hatred is going to be reported sooner or later, but it's not that the other party now has a demon pot in your hands. You have also died in the past ten." Niu Mowang looked at the **** donkey's eyes with an unbearable look.

The **** donkey looked ugly, and he was shaking all over. He looked at the Demon King with tears and said, "What if it is dead? My best friend is gone. What does it mean to be alive?"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Ma Shen and others were astonished, but even the Niu Demon showed a surprised look.

It seems that the **** donkey is giggling, no one cares. I didn't expect that the relationship between Pei Junlin and Pei Junlin was so deep. Pei Junlin encountered an unexpected situation, and he was desperate to go up in the **** donkey.

If it wasn't for the Bull Demon King who arrived in time just broke up the real spirits of the old antiques in the realm of God, I am afraid that the **** donkey is now also included in the demon pot.

"Let Qingshan stay, I'm not afraid that there is no firewood, this Pei Junlin is dead, but his wife is still there. If he died in the past, who will avenge him in the future?" said the **** donkey.

Sure enough, after a few words, the **** donkey slowly calmed down. He glanced coldly at everyone in the Tonggu Alliance. The old antiques of the real **** realm were all covered by the **** donkey.

"Several grandpas have done their best to eliminate evil, Kunlun Mountain is a thief's den, and the **** cow is not a good kind, it is better to take it together today." Xu Bingyue is not too big to watch the excitement. Several old antiques are moving towards Kunlun Mountain. Launch an attack.

The old antique and the bull demon stared at each other, and they felt each other's inner thoughts. Masters will never easily move, unless there is a certainty of winning.

The Bull Demon King is superb in strength, and few old antiques dare not easily do it, even if there is a demon pot in his hand, but the Kunlun Mountain is mysteriously unpredictable, and these old guys dare not easily take risks.

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