Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1181: Devil? w Kui

While Pei Junlin retreated, he punched suddenly. Homeopathic sacrifice of the pure Yang fire bell, enveloped towards the devil Ke Kui, want to capture the opponent in one fell swoop and then refine.

A ghost claw sticks out in the dark mist, and instantly grabs the Chunyang Fire Clock. Pei Junlin instantly feels that his control of the Chunyang Fire Clock is a little out of order, and a pure magical energy is about to be turned. This treasure is directly refined.

The Chunyang Fire Bell has been united with the Emperor Huo De Yuan Yuan Shen. If it is really taken by this devil Ke Kui, it will definitely be a big blow to Pei Junlin. If Yuan Yuan is damaged, Pei Junlin’s life will be affected. influences.

There are often non-wet shoes when walking by the river. Pei Junlin not only wets his shoes this time, but also steps on iron nails. This devil Kekui is indeed a rare strong man.

Pei Junlin did not dare to neglect, flew up, his body suddenly bloomed a piece of Shenhua. Pei Junlin, the ninth weight of the immortal body, is like a diamond, very strong. Instantly hit the past, hit **** the devil Ke Kui.

Mo Zi Kekui did not expect Pei Junlin to have such a method, so savage, so rude, so direct. It was so stupefied that he knocked him over and flew a sip of blood in the air.

The blood of the Devil Ancestor was not red, but black, black lacquered. The half-air sprayed by the blood soon turned into a dark mist, which was reabsorbed by the devil and contained into the body.

Not only that, Pei Junlin also saw that the armor on Devil Kekui had been smashed by himself, and he just nearly killed Devil Kekui just that moment.

The power of the ninth weight of the undead body, Pei Junlin was a little surprised. He just had to make a move in anxiety just now, but he didn't expect the consequences to be so unexpected.

After Pei Junlin collided like this, the Chunyang Fire Clock had been released from the devil Ke Kui, and Pei Junlin was able to reclaim this treasure.

It seems that the treasure like the Pure Yang Fire Bell can't play any role in front of Devil Cocoa, and only Pei Junlin can use the Chaos Golden Fight.

Chaos Jindou itself can not play a big role in the battle, Pei Junlin now suddenly thought of the gate of hell. The Gate of Hell has a powerful repressive effect on the devil, but Pei Junlin does not want to use it easily, because once the repression of the devil Kekui can not be suppressed, the consequences are still very serious.

Once the news of Hell's Gate is leaked, it may cause a more powerful demon to come, and it is no longer possible to discover the magic treasure.

So less than a last resort, Pei Junlin did not want to use the gate of hell.

Pei Junlin once again operated the nine-day star recipe, a starlight instantly broke the planet's magical energy barrier and conveyed to Pei Junlin.

A force runs the whole body, and Pei Junlin's body gradually crystallizes like a diamond and emits a bright light. Pei Junlin tried to perform the swing-up method and found that the speed was surprisingly fast.

The speed of the body alone can break through twice the speed of sound in an instant, and even a long flame trailed behind Pei Junlin.

That's because the speed is too high, the air friction it brings, and the fire light.

Only then did Pei Junlin discover why the devil Kekui was wearing armor. The biggest reason should be that his body was very fragile. The collision just now caused the devil Kekui to be seriously injured, and Pei Junlin will naturally make persistent efforts.

Pei Junlin's body turned into a light and shadow again, and he slammed towards Devil Kekui. This unprecedentedly clumsy and brutal style of play made his face change greatly.

Pei Junlin seems to have no lawful attack, but actually hit the devil's hard point, because its demon body has just condensed out, and is still in a very young stage, just like a human baby, very fragile.

The impact just took him half a life, and now Pei Junlin hit again, and the devil Kekui instantly took the throne of the bone, and his body suddenly shocked, and he escaped into the void.

The strong man of the real **** realm tears the void and hides in the chaos of the void, which is a common thing in Sikong. Pei Junlin looked around empty, and his face also showed a shocking look.

"Be careful!" Jinye's voice spread.

With Jin's reminder, Pei Junlin also sensed a cool breeze blowing behind his head and knew that someone had made a sneak attack. He suddenly turned around and saw that a sky-sharpening claw was pulling towards his head.

This hand is not the hand of Devil Kekui, but a dry hand.

According to Pei Junlin's feelings, it should be a dry palm that has become a magic weapon, but from which Pei Junlin feels a surging Buddha power, which makes Pei Junlin feel very surprised.

The Buddha and the Devil were originally unrelated to each other. Both were born deadly opponents, but why did this devil Kekui refine a Buddha's palm into such a vicious magic weapon? This really made Pei Jun understand.

Pei Junlin practiced some magical powers of the Buddha, and his perception of the Buddha's power is very strong. He can almost be sure that this devil's claw is from a powerful hand of the Buddha.

The surging Buddha power is sealed in the inner core, while the epidermis is infiltrated with pure magic energy. Covering the sky's claws, Pei Junlin was shocked by the contradictory reflection.

He didn't understand how this thing was made, and how two completely different and conflicting energies solidified.

It's too late to say, it's fast, but in fact life and death are only momentary. Pei Junlin Huo Ran turned around, with one palm raised, and a tremendous sword light flew directly out of the palm of his hand, cutting towards the magic that covered the sky.

There is no need to use a weapon to directly emit a sword light. This scene fell in the eyes of the devil Kekui, and naturally shocked him. For Pei Junlin, these are extremely simple, because the trick he just played was called Emperor Jinde.

The powerful sword light instantly collided with the occult magic hand. The phoenix light smashed and the occult magic hand also changed its direction. Pei Junlin suddenly exuded a radiant light around him, and once again cast nine days of stars, turning his body into crystals like stars.

When the devil's hand was covered again, Pei Junlin punched a powerful force with a punch, and instantly burst out the power of at least tens of thousands of dragons.

The force that erupted together with the Nether Sky Demon's hand exploded the entire flesh swamp into a big pit.

When Pei Junlin succeeded, he naturally refused to retreat, and his body was like a tempest to bully himself, even reaching for the bone throne.

You do the first day and I do the fifteenth. This devil Ke Kui wanted to **** the Junyang's Chunyang fire bell. Now that Pei Junlin has his teeth in return, he will **** his bone throne.

The devil Ke Kui didn't seem to think that Pei Junlin was so strong. He thought it was just a little monk who strayed into this place, but Pei Junlin's performance here surprised him.

Seeing Pei Junlin grabbed the throne of bones, the look on the face of Ke Que Demon revealed anger and anger.

"Magic rebirth!" Kekui Dezi suddenly roared up to the sky.

The moment he roared out, his body suddenly turned into a tall demon shadow. Zhang Ya dances his claws incomparably. All the magical energy in the sky was collected by him in a moment.

At this moment, the strength of Devil Kekui's unprecedented surge even reached the power of 100,000 dragons in a flash, and he was killed with a punch, to make Pei Junlin a fan.

At the juncture of life and death, Pei Junlin did not have any confusion. At this time of life and death, he experienced too many times, so he behaved very calmly.

The Jindou space opened directly, and a dark ghost dragon flew out instantly. The Nether Magic Dragon lifted a paw and instantly caught the shadowy shadow.

The huge dragon claw and the magic shadow's punch blasted together, bursting out a violent force, and even blown off the dark clouds over the entire planet.

A planet is oscillating. The great power makes the earth split. Some mountains are razed and even the demon head of the entire flesh swamp is shaken at this moment.

"Breaking the palm." The magic shadow suddenly gave a roar of shock, and gave another palm.

Pei Junlin suddenly felt horrified. Pei Junlin, who had experienced countless life and death trials, was in a state of despair at this moment, which was absolutely abnormal.

"No, this is the supreme supernatural power of the Demon Race. Avoid it quickly." Jin's roar came directly.

Not waiting for Pei Junlin to have any reaction, Chaos Jindou opened a tall portal directly and flew out and stopped in front of Pei Junlin.

The Great Destruction Palm slammed on the portal of Hell's Gate, and with a hum, the entire portal was shaking.

The devil Kekui's palm even opened a gap between the gates of hell. This shocking power made Pei Junlin's shocked mouth unable to close.

How mysterious is this gate of hell?

Only Pei Junlin knew clearly in his own mind that before the cover of the demon hand even captured the emperor relic directly.

In order to invite the Warcraft player of Hell's Gate, Jinye almost exhausted the energy in his It was just this time that Jinye began to recite the mantra again, and it seemed that he had reached desperation.

Pei Junlin didn't expect a devil in every area, but even let Jin Ye get to the point where he needed to work desperately.

Although he didn't feel that the situation had deteriorated to this point, Pei Junlin knew that Jin Ye would never make a fuss, and that the frightful destruction of the legendary master might be very understandable.

With such a violent and devastating palm, Pei Junlin couldn't help but reveal a look of envy. He saw the magical power of this magical power with his own eyes, and fell down to destroy the world with a palm, at least 500,000 dragons.

What is the concept of the power of 500,000 dragons? I'm afraid a mountain will be broken directly by this palm.

The gate of **** opened again, and the terrifying demon hand extended from the gate of **** and grabbed the devil Kekui. The poor character of the Demon King's rank was crushed before he could issue a scream.

But at the moment of death of the Queku Devil, Pei Junlin saw a dark relic flying out, and flew out of the flesh swamp.

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