Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1169: Crane Snake

Hidden inside the Jindou space, naturally it will not be afraid of being discovered. Suddenly, Chaos Jindou was transformed into a dust, suspended in midair.

And Pei Junlin's consciousness can pass through the Jindou space and observe what is happening outside.

Two young men fell from midair, but the two young men seemed to be demons. Pei Junlin is very curious, are these young people all helpers called by the rat demon?

"Golden Snake, is your news correct? Is this Likan really hurt?" a young man wearing a crown asked the young man wearing a robe beside him.

The man in the Jinpao was called the Golden Snake Langjun, which turned out to be a snake spirit.

He smiled slightly on his face, and looked at the tall, lean man next to him, saying, "Brother Bai Yu, can I still lie to you? You can rest assured that the information is absolutely accurate. The babies are both of us."

Pei Junlin heard the conversation between the two clearly, his face showing a disdainful look.

The white feather son and the golden snake Langjun both wanted to take advantage of the fire. And this mouse essence, what is called Li Shangkan, is really ridiculous.

The white feather son was actually a fairy crane, but Pei Junlin didn't understand that the two opponents, who were originally enemies, turned out to be a nest of snakes and rats, united together.

It's just right for the fairy crane to eat the snake, but Pei Junlin didn't expect this fairy crane to be respectful to a snake. It seems that this golden snake Xiaolangjun really has some origins.

After discussing with each other, they planned to rush into the rat's den and steal the baby and kill the other.

"These two people really don't know how to live or die, but they wanted to cut the bullets halfway. I went out and killed these two people." The expression on the face of the thirteen princess was cold.

When it came to killing, there was a look of excitement on her face, as if she was looking forward to it.

"Your killing heart is very heavy, which does not have much benefit for your cultivation. A good knife kills people without blood, and you should also remember that after killing, do not leave any traces in your mood, let alone addiction Kill it, kill it." Pei Junlin seriously admonished toward the thirteenth princess.

As a monk, Pei Junlin knew that there was no cause and effect in this world. Murder and surrender never encounter retribution, but for practitioners it is destructive and harmonious.

Especially some thirsty people will eventually be entangled in murderous spirits.

The monk fights with others like eating and drinking. It's a common thing. It's not impossible to kill. But there must be reasons for killing people, and for certain purposes, they must not just kill innocent people indiscriminately.

At this time, the three princesses had some signs of bloodthirsty, which made Pei Junlin worried.

"I know, whether these two people will kill or not, anyway, both of them are going to die, you kill me and kill them are the same." The thirteenth princess is still not stubborn, and would like to jump out of the golden fight space directly Beheaded with a crane.

"Don't underestimate these two people, the white feather master's strength is in the middle of the Yangshen Realm, and this gold snake Xiaolangjun's strength is in the later stage of the Yangshen Realm, neither of them is vegetarian. Even if you practice the Seven Kills Sword Well, it is far from reaching the point of maturity." Pei Junlin shook his head to stop the thought of the thirteen princess who wanted to assassinate the two.

Too much risk and too little profit are simply not worth it, and Pei Junlin has a better plan.

"We have worked hard to wound the Rat Monster, why are they cheaper?" The Thirteen Princess didn't understand.

Pei Junlin shook her head, feeling a little helpless, she looked at the thirteenth princess and said: "Don't you use your mind to think about things? I found that foreigners outside the region think things are straight, and rarely use strategies, so simple reason is still Can I teach you? Let's sit on the hill and watch the tiger fight, let this crane and a snake go to find the mouse to fight for your life and death, at the crucial moment we will take action to clean up all of them."

When Princess Long Thirteen heard Pei Junlin's words, she showed a sudden enlightenment, and she could not help feeling ashamed.

Sometimes, although the demon race can transform into a human form, the animal nature still prevails. No matter what happens, I will think of solving it by force in the first place, and rarely think of strategy or waiting.

"And you are more taboo about killing innocent people when you practice kendo. You must know that the highest stage of kendo is to kill with flying swords. Baiguang together, one hundred steps to stab people." Pei Junlin continued to teach Princess Long Thirteen's own experience.

Princess Long Thirteen was no longer looking out, but instead looked at Pei Junlin with his eyes, and suddenly he knelt on the ground, stunned.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin panicked, opened his mouth and froze in place. He knows what Long Thirteen Lords mainly do, but he cannot accept it.

After all, he had an unbearable past with the thirteen dragon princesses. If the two became mentors and apprentices, it would be awkward.

"Pei Junlin, you might as well accept me as an apprentice. I will follow you and concentrate on serving you." Princess Thirteen looked up and looked at Pei Junlin sharply.

But at this time, where did Pei Junlin willingly agree, he still had a portrait of Princess Long Thirteen in his body, how could a master do this to an apprentice? The relationship between the two can never become a mentor.

"I said that the two of us are like friends talking about each other in the same age. You don't have to be too stubborn." Pei Junlin grabbed Princess Long Thirteen directly with a force in her hand, so that she could no longer kneel on the ground.

Princess Long Thirteen seemed to think of something, her face turned slightly red, but in the end she was silent.

"Let's keep our eyes on the outside, don't let the snake and the crane really cut our things off." Pei Junlin quickly drew Princess 13's attention out of the Jindou space.

In fact, there was already a fight outside, and the injured rat monster seemed to have recovered some of the battles with the golden little Langjun and the white feather boy.

The three-headed monsters fought, and Pei Junlin was shocked. He didn't expect that it was such a fierce fight. It was a bite between the beasts.

Pei Junlin temporarily ignored the chaos of the three, and directly ordered Jin Ye to control the chaotic golden battle and rushed into the palace. The fighting outside is turning around, but the palace is quiet, it is estimated that even a figure is not seen.

Pei Junlin and Princess Thirteen jumped out of the Jindou space and stood on the smooth floor. This palace is very luxurious and magnificent, but without some magnificent weather, it is inevitable that there is a small family.

Most of the gold and silver jewelry are made of pure gold. But the metal like gold and silver has no effect at all on the cultivator, it looks brilliant.

Pei Junlin looked up and saw a series of crystal palace lights hanging on the ceiling, which seemed interesting. In addition to this, the whole hall was empty, and there was nothing worth noting.

But this is not difficult for Pei Junlin, his eyes radiate golden light, constantly surveying around the palace. Soon Pei Junlin found a cellar. He took the thirteenth princess to the southeast corner of the palace, stomped down with a bang, and a deep hole appeared on the ground.

This should be the cellar of the rat demon. Pei Junlin walked in and found out that there were many treasures, some mineral deposits, some Tianyuan jade and so on.

"Why did this rat demon put the treasure here, and why didn't he carry it with him?" Princess Thirteen showed a curious look.

Pei Junlin is understandable, knowing it with a little thought. This mouse is probably used to nature, because as a monster, his nature is to hoard food for winter, and these training resources are probably the winter food hoarded by this mouse demon.

There is nothing to say, Pei Junlin directly took all the stocks of these rat monsters with a big grasp. He didn't look at it, all the brain was thrown to the thirteen princesses.

"All these things are for you." Pei Junlin said towards the thirteenth princess

But the thirteenth princess said that she didn't want to. He followed Pei Junlin's practice resources without worrying.

Under the helplessness of Pei Junlin, he can only send all these storages into the inventory of Jindou Space. Among these things, there is nothing particularly obtrusive, most of them are ordinary materials.

The half stone tablet in an inconspicuous corner drew Pei Junlin's attention. The deep breath of this stone tablet was black and heavy.

Pei Junlin came to this corner and squatted down. He wanted to reach out to pick up the stone tablet, but found it very heavy. Looking closely at the characters inscribed on the stele, Pei Junlin found that he didn't know the characters at all, and seemed to be some kind of mysterious rune.

Regardless of what it was, Pei Junlin opened it directly into the space and wanted to put the half stone tablet into it, but found that no matter how hard Jindou Space worked, the stone tablet remained motionless.

"This stele is a little weird, and I feel an unimaginable killing intention from Ye is a little surprised.

Pei Junlin glanced at the thirteen princesses of the Dragon tribe, but he found that the thirteen princesses were ashamed, as if they were hooked by the stone tablet.

At the moment when Pei Junlin was surprised, he found that the thirteen princess jumped up suddenly. It seemed that someone was punched out of thin air and suddenly spit out a blood, which was just sprayed on the stone tablet.

The blood dripped on the stone tablet, as if the sponge was absorbing water, and disappeared instantly without a trace. And the stone tablet flew up, and volley entered the eyebrows of the thirteen princess of the dragon family.

This series of changes also made Pei Junlin stunned. He could conclude that this half-stone was definitely not something unusual. However, it seems that this thing has no destiny with it, but has a destiny with the thirteenth princess, and Pei Junlin can only sigh.

"What is this thing?" Pei Junlin could not wait to ask the thirteen princesses.

The thirteen princess was standing on the spot without moving, and did not answer Pei Junlin's question. After a few minutes, the thirteen princess slowly opened her eyes like the true **** returned.

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