Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1167: Hades knock

This time, Jin Ye’s voice was completely out of the calm and became anxious, but Pei Junlin wanted to flash off at this time, it was too late, and suddenly Pei Junlin felt a creepy breath enveloped him .

It seems that in a mysterious place, there is an evil presence that stares at Pei Junlin who wants to escape but feels that his mana is not working. The whole person stands there demented, as if imprisoned General.

The mouse saw Pei Junlin standing still, showing a panicked look on his face, and finally showed a grinning smile. He did not speak, and showed a solemn look on his face, and continued to bow and bow.


At this very moment, a woman in a long black dress rushed out of the space of the golden bucket and punched the head of the mouse with a punch, and the head of the rat turned into blood mist directly.

The woman was no one else, it was Pei Junlin's maid, the thirteen princess of the dragon family. While the mouse and Pei Junlin could not stand still, they could not make room for their hands. The thirteen princesses suddenly shot and destroyed the mouse.

At that time, Pei Junlin only realized that his whole body was soaked with sweat, and the whole person was as weak as a serious illness.

"Hurry up and eat all these immortals. At the same time, run the small life technique, otherwise your vitality will be cut off. This King of Pluto is very unusual and cannot be underestimated." Jinye's voice came.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and dozens of immortals appeared in the palm of his hand. The tumbling power was melted in the whole body, the surging mana was running around the limbs, and some frozen meridians were instantly washed away, just like the flood of the embankment, Pei Junlin felt warm and warm, the weak feeling just now finally eased A lot.

But Pei Junlin found a fact that scared him, that is, the speed of his mana was much slower than usual, at least half more.

At the same time, Pei Junlin felt his Shouyuan was shrinking sharply, and seemed to be being eaten by something.

This matter is not trivial. Pei Junlin now breaks into the realm of Yangshen. Shou Yuan is only a short 800 years. If he is swallowed up, he will run out of Shou Yuan and die.

Pei Junlin's palm exudes a light green light, that is he is running a small life technique.

A miraculous green life breath purged the whole body, making Pei Junlin feel spiritual for a while. The feeling that Shou Yuan had been eaten up was finally completely disappeared. Those eaten up Shou Yuan suddenly came back.

I was a little surprised to look at the thirteen princess of the dragon family, and seemed to be surprised at the strength of the other party. It was so powerful.

In such a short period of time, the thirteenth princess unexpectedly broke through to the realm of Yangshen, which surprised Pei Junlin a little, and it turned out to be the dragon's qualifications.

"Be careful, this mouse didn't seem to die." The thirteenth princess did not look at Pei Junlin, her face became extremely cold, staring at the mouse.

A master at the later stage of Yangshen Realm will naturally not die easily. Pei Junlin also knows that physical trauma does not mean total death. This mouse is probably a fake death.

Pei Junlin shook his hand, and a golden palm print snapped towards the mouse's body, and he had to squeeze the opponent's body directly to take out Yuanshen.

It was at this time that the mouse suddenly burst into a golden light. The wind and the electricity are in general, and fled hundreds of meters away in an instant. Pei Junlin wanted to chase, but soon stopped.

"Why didn't you chase him? The mouse suffered endlessly after escaping." Thirteen Dragon Princess was surprised.

Pei Junlin seemed to be smiling, looking at the direction of the mouse's escape and shook his head: "Poor Kou Mo chased, let him run away, I have sent the incarnation to follow him far away, and found his nest and ran out. Like this This kind of casual repair in the starry sky, there must be countless treasures in its nest, and it will definitely be able to make a fortune."

Looking at the smile on Pei Junlin's face, the thirteenth princess of the Dragon family felt chills. She suddenly understood that it was a wrong choice to be an enemy to Pei Junlin. It is a miracle that she can survive now.

In fact, the thirteen princess of the dragon family has the supreme dragon blood, which is a secret. She never told Pei Junlin.

His body has the blood of the Dragon clan variation is very powerful, so he can fight Pei Junlin's pass. Even in the other side of the hall, Pei Junlin used the man's sutra to just wash away some of the resentment of the thirteenth princess, but if you want the thirteenth princess to die, it is still far away.

Originally, the thirteenth princess did not have much affection for Pei Junlin, and was prepared to find the right time to rebel and escape completely, but at this time

But she had no such thought in her heart.

She suddenly felt that following Pei Junlin might not be a bad thing. Pei Junlin's ambition was extremely mysterious, and there was a chaotic spirit treasure around him who didn't know what came from.

And more importantly, the thirteenth princess of the dragon family feels that Pei Junlin is very lucky. No matter what enemies, in the end will die in his hands, so he is determined to follow Pei Jun's deathbed and follow him as his left arm and right arm.

If the Dragon Princess Thirteen really feels hurt, when King Jin released him just now, he can choose to stand by and watch. At that time, the rat released Hades and knocked, and the first one could completely exhaust Pei Jun's Lin Shouyuan and eventually dry up to death.

Apparently Princess Thirteen didn't do it. She pulled Pei Junlin at the most crucial moment to free him from the difficult doom.

"Well, I like it! More and more like that person." Jin Ye also smiled when he heard Pei Junlin's words.

The more powerful Pei Junlin became, the more suitable for his appetite. Before that, Pei Junlin, who was full of Wei Guangzheng, was inevitably pedantic in his eyes, but at this time, Pei Junlin knew how to work around, and this made him more and more cute. .

After driving away the rat demon, Pei Junlin's gaze finally stayed on the void crocodile. The entire body of the void crocodile had been broken open by him and was extremely weak. Although he was not dead yet, only half a breath remained.

Poor this wild and heterogeneous, and found the evolution at the most critical moment to interrupt the evolution process. Thousands of years of cultivation is destroyed once, it can be described as the extreme of tragedy.

But in this universe, it was originally weak meat and strong food, and Pei Junlin did not have much sympathy for this crocodile's encounter. This void crocodile is cruel by nature and devours the creatures of a planet at all times, and it is not worthy of sympathy at all.

A gray chaotic breath flew from the chaotic golden bucket and landed on the body of the void crocodile, instantly stripping his primordial spirit and body.

It was a golden little crocodile, exuding a pale golden light, struggling to look at Pei Junlin with a vicious look, but the engulfment of chaos swallowed it in an instant.

"This Yuanshen is very powerful, just feeds Hell Dragon. Hell Dragon needs a lot of Yuanshen to feed in its growth period. The stronger it is, the better. When he grows, he will destroy the world." Jin Ye's tone was full of Look forward to.

Yuanshen and the body are separated, and there is only one area shell left in this void crocodile, but the role of the body is still very large.

His flesh and blood contains not only a huge and unimaginable flesh and blood essence, but also the power of the void infiltrating between them, allowing him to absorb the power of the void, and according to King Jin's statement, it may be promoted to the void furnace.

However, a void crocodile is not enough. After encountering other void creatures in the future, it may be able to slowly evolve this furnace.

The huge crocodile was immediately swallowed into the space of the golden bucket, and directly thrown into your flesh and blood furnace. The flesh and blood furnace continued to wriggle, and countless rolling blood pill was smelted out.

This smelting blood battle is not much, only a few dozen. Each medicine is very dark, as if it can absorb the surrounding light. Junlin grabbed one in his hand and frowned slightly.

I couldn't feel the **** energy in it was very different from the blood erythril before. Pei Junlin even doubted whether the medicine was out of practice.

"It is a concentrated blood pill! One is more powerful than the previous 1,000, and some of the power of the void has penetrated. After you swallow it, it will have a great effect on your physical strength and body." Lord Jin saw Pei Junlin hesitant and hurried over to explain.

Pei Junlin did not worry that Jin Ye would harm himself. He did not hesitate to put this concentrated blood pill directly into his mouth. Sure enough, a rolling flesh and blood essence entered the limbs and corpses, immediately letting Pei Junlin’s power again. Added a few points.

However, this kind of blood pill is not very important for Pei Junlin. He grabbed ten concentrated blood pills and gave them to the thirteen princesses of the dragon family.

"You will take me to the Rat Demon's nest after a while. It's always useless to practice, it needs combat training." Pei Junlin said towards Princess Thirteen.

Princess Thirteen in a long black dress ~ ~ completely reveals the exquisite figure. But wearing a cloak above his head obscured the stunning look, and even through the cloak Pei Junlin could feel this woman's cool and breath like a peerless killer.

"By the way, I have the Dragon Clan's three skills of Canglong. If you want to learn, I can give it to you at any time." Pei Junlin said towards Princess Thirteen.

Thanks to the critical moment before, the thirteenth princess of the dragon clan interrupted the Hades of the Rat Demon. If it was not the thirteenth princess, Pei Junlin believed that although he would not die, he encountered great trouble.

"Canglongsan is that kind of skill. I can't look down on it now. I practiced a higher secret of the Dragon Clan Instant Kill. This is the tactics cultivated by the top assassins of the dragon group. After the cultivation is successful, the murder is invisible." Pei Junlin explained.

Taking off the cloak revealed a stunning face, but his face was pale, and it seemed to say goodbye to the arrogant and ignorant princess of the past.

Pei Junlin slightly sensed the position of the incarnation outside, and took the thirteenth princess away from the planet and chased it. With chaotic gold as a means of transportation, the two traversed the starry sky quickly.

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