Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1162: Yang Ruofei

"Those demon clan outside the territory want to exchange hostages with me, take some clan outside the territory as a threat, and exchange the **** son and goddess in their clan."

"You go back and tell them that they can't achieve this plan at all. But these **** sons and goddesses, I have no use to keep, I will conduct an auction in the middle of next month, when they can use money to redeem." Pei Junlin lightly looked at the woman in front of her.

The Huayang dynasty was an orthodox human dynasty in ancient times, ruling the vast territory of mankind, and representing the emperor.

However, later the royal blood of the dynasty betrayed the human race, fled outside and concurred outside the territory, which made Pei Junlin very bad.

Even looking at the princess of the Huayang Dynasty in front of him, it made Pei Junlin feel disgusted from the heart. Even if this beautiful woman's eyes turned around, she still couldn't arouse any interest from Pei Junlin.

"It turns out that you all know that everything is under your control, then okay, I will pass your words to them." The woman looked at Pei Junlin with a smile, but he refused to leave after the words were over.

Pei Junlin did not read it, but the other party did not speak. He wanted to know what the woman was going to stay here, what was he going to say to himself?

"I still have some personal words to tell you, I don't know if you want to listen or not." The woman was pleased and went further towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin pulled a step away to keep his distance, with a watchful look on his face, looking at the princess of the Huayang dynasty and said lightly: "If you have anything, just say it."

"Well, let me tell you, even if we make a good relationship today, the extraterrestrial demon clan is planning a big counterattack against the earth, and even the fairy array outside the domain may not be a barrier in the future. Because some of the extraterritorial demon clan Demon Venerable, Demon God, etc. are planning to break the fairy array outside the earth." The princess of the Huayang dynasty looked firm when she spoke.

Pei Junlin has been observing the other party. After seeing the expression on the other party's face, he concludes that these words are not lies.

Although he was panicking in his heart, Pei Junlin didn't show any expression on his face, but said three words towards the princess of the Huayang Dynasty, and I got it.

The princess was a little lost. She thought that Pei Junlin would be grateful, and she had a good impression on her own heart, and then took a look. How can I know that Pei Junlin's reaction is bland, as if he didn't hear it.

Even the superfluous expression on his face did not seem to be a bit, and it seemed that the waves were not panic and careless.

"Don't you believe me? Everything I told you just now is true." The princess of the Huayang dynasty thought that Pei Junlin didn't believe it and hurriedly came forward to continue.

Pei Junlin snorted coldly, turned and stomped his feet, his body turned into a streamer, flew to the sky, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

The princess of the Huayang dynasty showed a lonely and angry look, but it quickly calmed down, with a smile on his face: "I know you look down on me, as a princess of the Huayang dynasty, even myself I don’t look down on my identity. But the man I love Yang Ruofei will hold in his palm sooner or later, you can’t run Pei Junlin."

The extraterrestrial demon clan is planning to tear the fairy array out of the earth, which makes Pei Junlin feel shocked.

Just now that the Yangyang Fei, the princess of the Huayang dynasty, revealed this news, which made Pei Junlin feel cold all over, clearly predicting that the end of the earth is coming.

Without the protection of the fairy array outside the earth, the whole earth will be destroyed sooner or later. The thought of the unexpected demon clan's massive attack, Pei Junlin felt cold all over.

A large number of human deaths are covered with charcoal. At that time, the earth may become a human purgatory.

"Golden Master, is there any way for me to break into the Eucharist in a short time?" Pei Junlin suddenly asked towards the Jinling Master who entered the space.

The reason why the auction of those gods and goddesses was chosen in the middle of the next month was to give yourself enough time. This is a way to contain the extraterrestrial demon clan, which can be delayed for at least a month.

However, it should not be delayed too long, because the patience of the demon clan has a certain limit. These gods and goddesses are kidnapped in the hands of Pei Junlin, but those demon clan outside the territory may also give up this batch at any time. people.

What Pei Junlin is doing now is to grasp a degree, so that the demon clan can't bear to give up these gods and goddesses, and dare not shoot at will.

"You just broke from the third level of the undead body directly to the ninth level, and now you want to enter the Eucharist stage, Pei Junlin, do you think cultivation is as simple as buying Chinese cabbage?" Jin Ye's voice There was a trace of dissatisfaction in Zhong.

Pei Junlin's face showed a helpless look, jumping from the third floor to the ninth floor of the undead body. Among the great hardships, only the pain he knew to bear was not something humans could bear.

Think about what it feels like to throw a living person into a frying pan to fry, and this person can’t die yet, and the pain will never disappear.

This is how Pei Junlin came step by step. Although his cultivation speed was greatly shortened, the pain he suffered was tens of thousands of times that of ordinary people.

"Unless you can directly refine the essence of the planet and integrate it into the body. However, with your current strength, you can't refine a planet at all, unless there is an expert to help you." Jinye's voice came again.

This is no less than pouring a pot of cold water on Pei Junlin and refining a planet. Now the gold can't be done, and Pei Junlin can't do it at all. That's something beyond reach.

But what Pei Junlin needs now is strength. When the demon clan attacks outside the territory, they must at least reach the real **** level and the Eucharist stage, otherwise they will have to fight, otherwise they will sit still and die.

Pei Junlin forced himself to calm down and think carefully about the resources in his hands. Now, in addition to Chunyang Fire Bell, Poyujian, Qibao Gourd, etc., only the fairy fragment was left.

However, the debris of the fairy instrument was lent to the old cow on the Kunlun Mountain, and it was temporarily unable to be retrieved, and even if it was retrieved, it did not know how to use it.

"By the way, if you want to increase strength quickly in a short time, then the inheritance of the Devil Emperor is a good way." Jin Ye's voice suddenly came to Pei Junlin's ear again.

The inheritance of the Devil Emperor, that is, the gift given to Pei Junlin by the old master of Wudang Mountain Taiji Jianmen.

He was a little hesitant about the inheritance of the magic Taoism Pei Junlin, but when he was thinking, he suddenly received a wave of spiritual fluctuations from that great aunt Wang Ziyu.

"Brother-in-law, I want to go around by myself. Recently, my practice has reached a bottleneck and I am about to break through. I want to find a quiet place to break through." Wang Ziyu gasped deeply after being released from Jindou space by Pei Junlin In one breath, it seemed to be suppressed in it.

Pei Junlin's eyes showed a fine light, and he looked surprised at Wang Ziyu's next glance.

He didn't expect that his sister-in-law Wang Ziyu's practice speed was so fast, and he was about to break through in this short period of time.

It hasn't been long before the breakthrough to the realm of Yin God, and I didn't expect to step into the realm of Yang God again in such a short period of time.

There is actually a reason for the increase in cultivation speed. The first is that the rules of the whole world have been completed and the speed of cultivation has been accelerated because of the resurgence of heaven and earth aura.

The second reason is actually because Pei Junlin's immortality medicine works, and the endless supply of immortality medicine can naturally induce a very fast cultivation speed.

"You be careful." Pei Junlin waved his hand, then Wang Ziyu got into the Great Desolation.

She urged the Great Desolation God to turn into a half-air where Qinghui disappeared.

After letting Wang Ziyu away, Pei Junlin thought of Wang Ziqiong and other people. It was not a good thing for these people to be kept in the Jindou space for a long time. After all, the rules of the outside world were more abundant and the cultivation was more beneficial.

Pei Junlin simply released all of them with a wave of his hand. With a glance of his eyes, he found that many people were about to enter the realm of Yin and Shen realm, and their cultivation speed was not slow.

"Boss Pei, I plan to go home and inherit the inheritance of my family." Ye Tianxing said towards Pei Junlin.

The rest of the people also have the same attitude as Ye Tianxing. They come from the Nine Supreme Family. In fact, each family has a mysterious inheritance, which can only be unlocked after reaching a stage.

Most of them have now reached the realm of life. Although they are not about to break through the realm of Yangshen in the later period, it is almost this time that it is necessary to return to the family to inherit some mysterious inheritance.

Soon the people beside him were gone, leaving only Wang Qiong alone.

"I plan to go outside the territory, but this time I am the only one. This trip is dangerous, I will not take you." Pei Junlin looked at Wang Ziqiong and said.

Pei Junlin has determined in his heart that within a month, he will go to some places outside the territory to find the treasure of the Devil Emperor.

If you can really find the Devil Emperor's Treasure, then the unity of the Devil and Dao will be added, and some inheritance of the Buddha Gate combination of the three of the Buddha and the Demon Dao can make his strength break into the realm of God.

"Fujun, I feel that this trip is very dangerous. I will accompany you if I am not there. I believe I will not drag your hind legs when Xiaoyue is around. Even at a critical moment, I can help you." Prince Qiong nibbled at Pei Jun and looked at Pei Junlin earnestly.

There was a moment of hesitation in Pei Junlin's face, but in the end he still refused Wang Ziqiong's request with his teeth clenched.

It is dangerous to find the treasure of the Devil Emperor in some places outside the realm. If you are careless, you will destroy all forms and even be detained by some top powers.

Pei Junlin does not want to take this risk with his beloved wife, Prince Qiong. If there is danger, he hopes to bear it alone.

"No, you will stay on the earth, there are ample potions, and good practice. Rest assured, since I go out, I am fully sure." Pei Junlin did not want Wang Ziqiong to worry too much, and the look on his face was very relaxed. .

Seeing that Pei Junlin's mind was settled, Wang Ziqiong was not good to say anything. He could only look a little difficult, and agreed to Pei Junlin's request.

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