Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1152: Beauty Poison Bee

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The opponent's entire head was directly smashed, and a golden light flew out of it. It turned out that the long-haired man's Yuanshen turned into a golden phantom in midair, glaring at Pei Junlin.

A bottle appeared in the hands of the golden phantom, and he reached for a finger. The body of the man in the Jinpao was instantly taken in, turned into a golden light, and he continued to escape.

Pei Junlin carried a broken domain sword, but when he tried to catch up, he found that the two void tunnels in the mid-air suddenly expanded suddenly, and the king of blood slaves was passing over.

And the man in the robe in the air was also awake at this time, and came to stare at Pei Junlin with a pair of eyes. He held the golden book pages and battled Pei Junlin's incarnation. In addition, the continuous blood slaves in the transmission channel kept coming.

"Blood furnace, refine me!"

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and showed a hollow space in the middle of the air. It was the golden bucket space where a huge suction force kept absorbing these blood slaves.

After these blood slaves entered the space of the golden bucket, they were directly absorbed by the flesh melting furnace and grinded into flesh powder. After the rolling essence was purified by the melting furnace, a blood pill with a big mouth was generated.

This blood pill is crystal clear, exuding crystal blood red.

Like the jade-shaped pill, it contains rolling spirit, and each blood pill can feel the vitality of the beating in the hand, just like holding a living heart.

"How? It's okay to eat one, you can try it." Jin Ye licked his lips, a glimmer of evil light flashed in his eyes.

Pei Junlin shook his head, and directly dropped the blood pill in his hand. He had never felt such a thing.

However, as the flesh and blood merged into the continuous refinement of the blood slave body, this blood pill also rolled down like a raindrop, and instantly filled the entire space.

Thousands of Blood Pills are still shocking, and the flesh and blood contained in them are like waves. Then Pei Junlin had an impulse in an instant. If all these blood pills were swallowed in an instant, how strong could his blood qi be?

But in the end, Pei Junlin forcibly restrained this crazy idea in his heart, and the heat in his eyes gradually disappeared and became calm.

"Very good, you are very good, even if you encounter such a strong temptation, you don't even care about it, which shows that your future achievements are unlimited." Jin Ye took all of Pei Junlin's reactions and all the details in his eyes. At this time, I can't help saying praise.

A roar disturbed Pei Junlin, causing him to separate this part of the consciousness, and instantly pulled away from the inside of Jindou space and merged with the external body.

The Jinpao man has not yet fully recovered, and even fighting against the incarnation is quite difficult. Pei Junlin is not worried now. He saw the two big tunnels in front of him, and he kept pouring the blood slaves from the channel. There appeared a golden blood slave all over his body.

It should be the king among the blood slaves, the momentum is very powerful, and even the strength of reaching the peak of the Yangshen Realm is even stronger than Pei Junlin. And the strength of this blood slave is also very great, reaching the strength of five thousand dragons, far exceeding Pei Junlin.

There is no doubt that this is a blood slave leader, and his eyes are shining brightly with wisdom. There is no difference between walking and human behavior, and the scales on the body are not very obvious.

The body of this blood slave commander's body is smooth and delicate, just like human skin, only a silver light flashes.

"Humanity, you killed many of my descendants." This blood slave urging his eyes tightly stared at Pei Junlin.

The weapon in his hand is no longer a steel fork, but a long knife with a burning flame. The long knife was wrapped in flames, and the temperature was so hot.

"If you are willing to convert, as my men, I can spare you not to die." Pei Junlin's eyes showed appreciation.

Looking at this blood slave leader with his eyes, all of them were shining with power. Each piece of muscle line can be called axe, it is perfect.

The peak strength of the Yangshen Realm, coupled with the wisdom of not losing the human mind, made this winged blood slave instantly win the appreciation of Pei Junlin.

"Human, do you have the strength to control me?" There was no anger in the blood slave commander's eyes, but there was a trace of scoff.

Pei Junlin waved his palms, and the blood pill with a big bowl mouth was suspended in the air, and there were thousands of them. The billowing spirit instantly rose into the sky, and the entire sky and clouds were constantly changing.

The blood slave commander's eyes suddenly widened, and there was a gleam of saliva in the corner of his mouth. He looked at Pei Junlin in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe it, everything in front of him was a fact.

"Follow me to be my servant, you will enjoy this blood pill." Pei Junlin looked at this blood slave leader and said.

If you can surrender this blood slave leader without a blood blade, Pei Junlin will certainly be willing to do it, and the strength of the other party's Yangshen Realm peak is also very powerful. If you surrender such a slave, it is also a powerful help.

"I..." Blood Slave Commander seemed to be struggling, at this time a rune appeared in his eyebrows.

Mrs. Qiao slowly cracked, making her expression painful. His eyes were instantly filled with blood, and the flame knife in his hand instantly cut down towards Pei Junlin.

After a knife down, the sky was full of blazing heat waves, and the whole mountain was almost melted. Moisture in the surrounding air was instantly evaporated to dryness, and even some trees and vegetation thousands of kilometers away were drained and turned into yellow leaves.

A fine light flashed in Pei Junlin's eyes, and his body was like a spirit monkey.

He looked at the blood slave's eyes, and he even more appreciated the blood slave's fullness of energy, and the whole body shone with the light of power.

"You have been tempted just now, but your mind has been planted with spiritual imprints, so that you can't betray." Pei Junlin instantly saw through what happened to this blood slave leader.

At this time, the space tunnel had been closed, indicating that the rolling blood slaves were completely gone. Pei Junlin's flesh and blood merged again, and instantly turned tens of thousands of heads of blood into a rolling blood list. Only Pei Junlin and the leader of the blood slave in front of the whole space confronted.

People can easily kill this blood cow of the same age, but Pei Junlin is reluctant. After all, if it is comfortable, it is a powerful slave.

Pei Junlin raised a rune with a single palm, which fell out of thin air and instantly fell on the body of the blood clan slave, making the blood slave's body instantly freeze.

This is the Heavenly Master's enchantment, which can only hold this blood slave leader for a moment and a half. Junlin must seize this short opportunity to completely destroy the spiritual imprint in the other party's mind.

Two golden lights erupted from Pei Junlin's eyes, and instantly fell into the eyebrows of those who ruled. This is Pei Junlin splitting a consciousness and wanting to enter the sea of ​​knowledge led by the blood slaves and rescue him from imprisonment.

At this moment, the head of the blood slave actually exploded directly, and Pei Junlin released his consciousness, and was cut off instantly like a cow entering the sea.

Pei Junlin suffered a heavy blow, an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes, he groaned, and then opened his eyes.

At the moment just now, what Pei Junlin was commanding by this blood slave was that the sea deeply felt a huge will. Obviously this huge will does not belong to the blood slave commander, but belongs to its owner.

At the moment when Pei Junlin was about to control this blood slave, that huge will directly caused the blood slave to expose himself.

After solving these blood slaves, Pei Jun Lin Fei rushed towards the Jinpao man. To arrest this man in Jinpao in the shortest possible time and force him to be identified.

And at this moment, the man in the golden robe took off again with the golden scriptures, and numerous runes enveloped him all around to form a golden silkworm cocoon. .

As the saying goes, the poor Kang Mo chasing Pei, Jun Lin has already chased out hundreds of miles. If he chases out again, it will surely let people take advantage of it. If there are people who want to assassinate the old master of Wudang Taiji Jianmen, it is equivalent to being transferred from the mountain. .

Pei Junlin hesitated, but in the end he reached for a finger, and the incarnation of the body directly drilled into the clouds and flew towards Wudang Mountain.

Pei Junlin sent out his incarnation to protect the old guru of Wudang Mountain, but this time he was his deity, but chased toward the golden cocoon again.

The golden silkworm cocoon will be very fast, and it will fall into a stream in the desert. This is the Mobei Desert, thousands of miles away from Wudang Mountain. It took only half a day for the two to chase one after another and came to this desert.

The golden silkworm cocoon fell down and drilled directly into an oasis, and Pei Junlin also landed quickly. The broken domain sword in his hand instantly hit a grid to cover the entire oasis.


The oasis exploded directly, and a pool of water was instantly evaporated to dryness. The Jinpao man stood in the middle of the water and looked at Pei Junlin with a grudge.

The reason why he was so embarrassed was all caused by Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin chased thousands of miles, and he was really unbearable.

"Yang told you to die three times, and it really can't be stopped. Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you." The man in Jin robe was like a little prince with many treasures. With his palm raised, a magic weapon was lifted into the air again. Rise up.

It was a turquoise gourd, just like the jadeite, with the emerald green light shining in the hot sun, and suddenly the gourd spewed out a white light.

A piece of poisonous bee like yellow sand flew directly out of it.

"This is a beautiful bee in the universe. It is extremely poisonous and flashes away." Inside the Jindou space, Jinye directly reminded Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin's eyes flickered with light, and in a flash he saw the poisonous bee the size of a broad bean clearly. Everything is like King Jin said, this beauty peak looks very strange, its head is like a woman's face

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