Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1096: Huxiao Mountain Forest


The tiger wind roared and the whole forest was shaking.

Even a mountain in the distance collapsed directly, causing a mudslide. The water of some rivers has also become muddy due to huge sound waves.

All stones within a thousand kilometers are exploded directly and turned into powder.

He opened the big mouth of the blood basin and was able to swallow a big truck. The teeth are sharp like a metallic texture, exuding a silvery white light.

Tiger Wind is a master in the middle of the Yangshen Realm, and the talent of the Tigers makes him proud of the heroes, even in the extraterrestrial sky, it is also a powerful existence.

The tiger was transformed into a white-fronted tiger with eyes, and a pair of eyes looked down at Pei Jun, and there was a crying voice in the throat. Step by step, the trees embraced by several people will be directly pushed down by the tiger wind and overwhelmed on the ground.

Suddenly, the tiger wind began to run, bringing a strong air flow to the surrounding trees and rising up. Some demon races rose into the sky and fled towards the distance.

Tiger's speed is too fast, the onlookers can only see a streamer. The crackling sound came from the air, it was because the speed was too fast, and there was a friction sound.

Suddenly Hu Feng's mouth suddenly opened, and a white light flashed by. A half-moon shaped wind blade was beheaded towards Pei Jun.

Countless mountains and forests were cut down like wheat, and in front of Pei Junlin, a vision of Ma Pingchuan appeared. This wind blade almost flattened the entire mountain into a flat plain.

Facing the tiger wind like a god, Pei Jun didn't change his face. He is strong by him, and the breeze blows the hills. Pei Junling stood there with a straight face, the expression on his face relaxed and freehand.

The stars in the sky converged on Pei Junlin's body. At this time, Pei Junlin's body shone brightly.

His body wobbled strangely, his spine rattled, and his body was like a big dragon.

"What kind of boxing is this? Why did he seem to turn into a dragon?" Someone was shocked.

Among the demon races, there are also powerful people with sharp eyes. Even if the strength is not strong, but the experience is rich, Pei Junlin's body is only a slight swing, and some people have seen some clues.

"The dragon shape can be evolved only by boxing. This person is indeed a genius." A demon clan at the top of the mountain saw this scene, and his face was a bit ugly.

It's not just some demon clan ambushing here, who wants to kill Pei Junlin. There are also some strong recoveries who have heard the news and watched the fighting around.

Those people are also watching Pei Junlin's every move, and want to see what level this man's latest rising power is.

Seeing the posture of Pei Junlin's open fist, Hu Feng's mouth sneered. In his eyes, Pei Junlin was a little white rabbit, and he couldn't withstand a blow at all. What kind of strong human race is just one of the indigenous people who can fight a little.


Pei Jun Linyan fist shot Tianlong boxing, a set of dragon-shaped phantom was shot by him, directly rushed towards the huge half-moon-shaped wind blade.

The wind blade was broken away in an instant, and the dragon-shaped roared, even upstream, and rushed towards the tiger wind.

Where is the boxing method, it is simply the fairy method.

With one punch, you can hit a dragon. This punching method is unheard of. Not only are the demon tribes all around pale, but even some powerful recoveries have their eyes widened.

However, Tiger Wind is not vegetarian, and his body jumped slightly, easily avoiding the dragon-shaped phantom played by Pei Junlin.


The two finally collided together, and Pei Junlin waited for work and greeted the tiger wind on the spot. The tiger wind is like the wind, with the help of the trend of running, carrying a huge force like Taishan.

The smoke was everywhere, the sky was full of light, and some demon races couldn't open their eyes with the golden light. Only some powerful recovery strongmen could see clearly what happened on the battlefield.

But the few people who really saw all of them were a little surprised, because no one thought that they were taken back by the wind.

On the contrary, the seemingly weak Pei Junlin is standing still, his feet as if they are rooted, and sitting halfway there is like a pine that doesn't move.

Pei Junlin continued to evolve his fist, and a dragon-shaped phantom emerged behind him. Every time Pei Junlin punches a punch, the ghost image of Honghuang Zulong behind him will make a roar.

Tiger Wind fumbled back and forth in this day, holding back.

He never imagined that Pei Junlin was so powerful and mastered the profound meaning of Honghuang Zulong. Even if Dragon Fist was lost among the Dragon Races this day.

"Where did you learn this kind of boxing? Even the Dragon race has long been lost." Hu Feng was beaten up and screamed.

Pei Junlin smiled faintly, without saying a word, but the fist in his hand was more fierce. The palms of his hands glowed with dazzling radiance, reflecting on the entire forest, as if they were covered with gold.

Even the sunset in the sky can't compete with Pei Junlin at this time. The current Pei Junlin is like a huge energy field, emitting a huge boundless energy.

"Kitten, promise to be my pet, I will tell you." Pei Junlin smiled.

Immediately after a short jump, he directly flew the tiger out.

This is the subtlety of the Dragon's boxing skills. Normal battle Pei Junlin will not use it easily, but using the Dragon's boxing skills against the Tigers is a complement to each other.

* It has always been a long-standing topic. The struggle between the Dragon and Tiger races has continued for countless years. The Hongmeng began to fight from the beginning of the flood, and it has never been cut off until now.

In the struggle between the dragon and the tiger, the dragon has always prevailed, and it has derived a high status and status. Although the Tigers are not well-known, they are actually very connotative.

Don't look at Hu Feng who is beaten by Pei Junlin at this time, he can't even lift his head. But if you let Tiger Wind play against the general master of Yangshen Realm, you can tear it directly in one round.

It's not that the tiger is not strong, it's up to whom to fight. He was beaten by Junlin, he was a kitten.

When he heard that Pei Junlin was calling himself a kitten, Hu Feng was really angry. He was a genius of the Tigers, and he was so humiliated.

The suffocating tiger wind roared in the sky, and the clouds in the sky were blown away. These blown away the clouds, and the hail that fell directly into the washbasin fell down.

This time, I planned a huge killing array just to attract Pei Junlin into the urn. In order to attract Pei Junlin to take the bait, he even released Pei Junlin's incarnation.

In the past, I made a deliberate statement in front of the **** monkey, saying that I did n’t want to be an enemy of Pei Junlin. I just wanted to take the fisherman ’s advantage to paralyze Pei Junlin. All this was to pave the way for today ’s killing.

But Hu Feng did not expect that at the last step, all of his layouts were vulnerable.

Everything is just like a joke, it is unbearable, and in the face of Pei Junlin's strong power, it is simply ruining and ruining, with no achievements.

Thinking of the military order set up with the elders of the family this time, a trace of shame flashed in Tiger's eyes, and he wished to find a ground seam to get in.

And his goddess, the thirteen princess of the dragon family, even rumored to be Pei Junlin's maid, which is why he insisted on coming to the earth that he must kill Pei Junlin.

It is a shame for a tiger genius that a goddess who is hopeless and unpredictable has become a close servant of others.

"Humble bug! What the **** are you? I will swallow you alive today." Hu Feng roared angrily.

He is trying to keep himself from getting out of control, and from feeling out of control. A pair of scarlet eyes, still showing his violent emotion at this time, was already on the verge of collapse.

The tiger wind once again rushed up, carrying a strong wind around him, surrounded by mountains and forests, without trees rising from the ground.

The trees were swept up by a strong wind and twisted together. It became a huge tornado and swept towards Pei Junlin.

Hu Feng is a genius of the Tigers, indeed he has some wisdom, he will use this trick to paralyze Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin evaded the time of the huge whirlwind, and the tiger wind pinched the opportunity and rushed to the past. The powerful right claw, which stretched for tens of meters, instantly tore to Pei Junlin.

If Pei Junlin was hit, his body would directly turn into a blood mist without any suspense. This is Tiger Wind's best move, splitting the tiger's claws.

There was once a master of the quasi-real **** realm, who suffered a big loss under this trick and was directly torn apart.

On planning that Hu Feng can only be the grandson who meets Grandpa in front of Pei Jun, Pei Junlin has long taken Hu Feng's countermeasures to be clear and incomparable.

As soon as Hu Feng shook his tail, Pei Junlin determined what he was going to do, without any suspense. Before that whirlwind Pei Junlin didn't dodge at all, but stood on the spot and hit the dragon clan.

The boxing method is so powerful that it directly hits a vacuum in the whole body. The tornado swept through, but Pei Junlin was unscathed, and even a hairline showed no signs of disorder.

The Tiger's strategy no doubt failed, and the split-day tiger claws were exhibited, wanting to forcibly tear Pei Junlin directly, but Pei Junlin's body jumped high, and the dragon clan's body dragon technique was used.

The body instantly penetrated into the cloud ~ ~ turned into a black spot and could not be seen at all. The monsters hidden in these surroundings were completely shocked, and have never seen such a powerful mentality.

"No, Pei Junlin is going to escape by this trick, everyone will stop him quickly." The master of the demon cried.

But no one moved, because Pei Junlin showed the strength that no one can deal with alone, these demon clan is not stupid.

Then, if you rush to intercept Pei Junlin, there is a high probability that Pei Junlin will be killed directly, just like crushing an ant.

Everyone looked at Tiger Wind to see how he responded, but Tiger Wind's eyes shot a few feet of golden light and shot at the clouds in the sky.

His consciousness is very powerful and has locked Pei Junlin. Hu Feng can be sure that Pei Junlin did not mean to leave.

As expected, a black spot fell from the clouds and became larger and larger. Pei Junlin swooped down with his arms spread like a big bird, and at a distance of one thousand meters from the ground, he slammed his palms and slammed into the tiger wind.

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