Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1088: True war

Needless to say about other people, all of them have adventures and some secrets. Now on this kind of battlefield, take it out directly and instantly crush your opponent. These masters of the Yin and Shen realm of the dragon clan were beaten to cry and yell at their mothers, howling again and again.

However, there are too many masters of the Dragon clan, and there are hundreds of masters of the Yin God Realm. Even Li Tianpei and Ye Tianxing were strong enough, but under this powerful offensive they had to shrink the front line, and everyone gathered together, back to back to resist the opponent's encirclement and suppression.

This battle is not optimistic. Pei Junlin knew that he was facing a strong challenge this time. If he can't quickly resolve the battle with Qiu, then soon, there will be something happening on Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu's side. In addition, Ye Tianxing they also can't hold on for too long.

Pei Junlin hand-held breaking domain sword, took the initiative to rush towards Long Qiu, the power was urged to the extreme by him.

At this time, Pei Junlin was like a human-shaped cannonball. When he ran through the desert, a deep ditch appeared in the ground, and smoke and dust rose from the sky.

The light of the thunderbolt circulated above the broken domain sword in his hand, and the **** thunderbolt shone with the power of Heaven Tribulation. Each sword light carries a large piece of electric light, directly covering the dragon autumn, countless lightning directly slashed on Long Qiu's body.

Long Qiu was blessed by the power of that day and struck him with lightning, and flesh and blood flew immediately. If it is general lightning, it is simply tickling for Long Qiu. But for the thunderbolt of these Heavenly Tribulation Forces, chopping on the body is chopping axe.

Long Qiu when the large scales fell off, the fierce color in his eyes became more solemn.

He let out a roar of shock, waved a pair of paws and tore towards Pei Junlin. The body of several thousand kilometers, each wave will bring about the fluctuation of the surrounding air, and Pei Junlin is in front of the complete body of Long Qiu, the body is like a dust.

A large area of ​​desert was cracking around, and deep pits appeared. Pei Junlin's body also keeps growing, and finally reaches tens of meters, which is comparable to that of Long Qiu. With a sword, Long Qiu's body is blood.

Long Qiu was not willing to be outdone, and the sharp claws beheaded and Pei Junlin evaded around. The battle between the two was completely devastating, and the desert was completely turned over.


A large bell was directly sacrificed by Pei Junlin, and the desert of the world was instantly enveloped by the pure Yang Fire Clock.

A force of wind and fire was urged by Pei Junlin with all his strength, and almost a large area of ​​the desert was directly burned into glass by flames. That Long Qiu couldn't hide from a paw and was burned to ashes by Pei Junlin directly.

Long Qiu, who had lost one of his paws, had a pain, and his face became darker.

Opened his mouth suddenly spurted a smoke, the smoke is extremely cold. Where the smoke reached, all the surface condensed and was completely frozen. The extremely cold temperature even made snow fall around.


Long Qiu clenched his claws into a fist, and punched fiercely on the Chunyang Fire Clock. This big clock, which had been promoted to Shangpin Lingbao, was directly flown out by Long Qiu Yi.

This is the real terrifying strength of the real **** realm, the huge palms directly shrouded towards Pei Junlin, and directly collapsed a piece of earth.

Although Pei Junlin kept flashing, he was still scarred.


Pei Junlin was punched in the chest by Long Qiu, and his body flew out to rub a deep ditch on the ground. Before Pei Junlin got up from this ditch, Longqiu came to the second punch again, and a deep punch directly let Pei Junlin break into the crust.

"The power gap is too far. You are so brute, you can't kill the other party. You need to use wisdom to do things." Jin Ye's voice came into Pei Junlin's mind.

Pei Junlin's whole body burst into a strong light, and his body rose into the sky like a cannonball.

That Chunyang Fire Bell was once again sacrificed by Pei Junlin, and instantly struck you towards Long Qiu. Chunyang Fire Bell smashed Long Qiu's head fiercely and directly stunned Long Qiuzao's place, and Pei Junlin took advantage of this opportunity to release the bone dragon.

The huge bone dragon body is even much larger than Long Qiu, a bite directly biting Long Qiu's waist. Pei Junlin took advantage of this opportunity to suddenly turn and rush towards Ye Tianxing beside them, where there are hundreds of dragons of the real **** realm.

After a long punch from a long distance, the air was almost compressed by his punch into a vacuum. These dragon masters immediately felt the dizziness of their ears standing now, and they didn't even know where they were.

Facing these masters of Yin and Shen realm, Pei Junlin at this time is completely crushed, killing them is like cutting wheat.

Pei Junlin waved his hand and the Chaos Golden Fight opened directly. A huge amount of chaotic suction instantly sucked the masters of Yin and God realm of these dragons towards the interior of the chaotic golden bucket space.

At this moment, the dragon master who was stunned by Pei Junlin didn't even know what happened, but when he first reacted, he found that the scenery in front of him changed greatly, and everyone didn't know when he came to a hall.

In a flash, Pei Junlin absorbed more than two hundred dragon masters of Yin and Shen realm. Those masters are all trapped in the other side of the hall, Pei Junlin wants to use that man's sutra directly to convert all these people to my use.

On the one hand, Ye Tianxing can relieve their pressure, on the other hand, they can also use these people's strength to fight against Long Qiu.

Without waiting, Pei Junlin turned and saw that Long Qiu broke free from the bone dragon's big mouth. After all, this bone dragon doesn't quite fit the dragon soul now. The huge body has a feeling that the tail can't be dropped, and the movement is extremely uncoordinated.

Long Qiu's expression was extremely frightening. He turned into a human form, and appeared in the air from afar, looking at the huge bone dragon's complexion.

The bones of the dragon family of the Tianjun level, even if they died for countless years, the majesty of it still makes people frightened. Standing in front of this skull dragon, there was a feeling of wanting to kneel and worship.

But he knew that the bones of this dragon race had been controlled by Pei Junlin, which made him deeply afraid.

At this time, Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu were in crisis because the half-step master of the real **** broke through the blockade of the two Chaos Lingbao and wanted to kill Wang Ziyu.

Pei Junlin desperately wanted to rescue, but was caught by Long Qiu at the right time.

Long Qiu launched some kind of mysterious magical power, and his eyes glowed with black light, and these black lights filled the surrounding depravity.

With the terrible attack power blessing the surrounding stones, the deserts exploded into dust, and some even disappeared directly, and a huge hollow appeared in the desert.

It is worthy of being a master of the real **** realm. In contrast, Pei Junlin, except for the first time, was besieged by Long Qiu and retreated.

But Pei Junlin was not idle. On the other hand, he was fighting with Long Qiu, and on the other side, he divided a little consciousness and entered the chaotic progress space.

This is not Pei Junlin himself, but one of Pei Junlin's five great gods. The Yuanshen began to brainwash towards the masters of the hundreds of heroes, using the Duren Jing.

Pei Junlin rushed towards Longqiu with the sword of the broken domain in his hand. He has the momentum of going forward, and it seems that he is going to fight a death battle.

Of course, Long Qiu refused to fight Pei Jun's death. He is a master of the real **** realm, and he can't commit his desperation to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin also took the opportunity to break through Long Qiu's blockade and rushed to the battlefield of Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu. In his hand, the domain-breaking sword was shrouded again, and the half-step real **** realm master who played against Wang Ziqiong immediately had an arm cut off.

Pei Junlin stomped his feet, his body soared into the sky, did not stay at all, and once again marked out an electric light to block Long Qiu's way.

Before Pei Junlin shot, he instantly absorbed more than 200 true **** realm masters, and Li Tianpei had a lot of pressure on them.

The remaining masters of the Yin and Shen realm are not their opponents at all, and they are swept away in an instant.

The people who had freed their hands began to come to Wang Ziyu's battlefield on their side. A dozen people besieged the real **** realm master with a broken arm, and they couldn't hold each other for a while.

Seeing that the battlefield on Wang Qiong's side was temporarily stable, Pei Junlin also let down his mind and could concentrate on dealing with Long Qiu.

Pei Junlin is delaying time, he is procrastinating until the last moment, waiting for his power to explode, slashing Long Qiu in front of him in one fell swoop.

The hard battle across the realm really made Pei Junlin miserable, but he can also mediate with Long Qiu with the help of Chunyang Fire Bell and the broken domain sword in his hand, but the strength between the two is really too different.

"It's pointless to delay time. You will still be a dead end in the end, to pay for my life." Long Qiu shot cold light in his eyes. he

Turn into a human form. He is a man in black with long hair floating and his eyes like a knife.

"everything is over."

Long Qiu opened his palm, and a little light bloomed in his palm.

"Destroy Dragon Fist!"

Long Qiu shouted, and UU reading flew a dragon ghost image from his hand. The dragon ghost image suddenly rushed towards Pei Junlin, carrying the unprecedented force of violent forward.

However, Pei Junlin's eyes only suddenly shined, and more than two hundred masters of the Yin and Shen realm in the Jindou space were all transformed. At the same time, with the help of the other side's hall, Pei Junlin instantly blessed the power of the two hundred and more masters of Yin and God Realm on himself.

Pei Junlin put away the broken domain sword in his hand, and punched the sky with bare hands. That broken Dragon Fist was instantly intercepted by Pei Junlin in the air, and was directly pinched.

Pei Junlin's body crossed the space directly like a meteor, came to Long Qiu's side, and punched Long Qiu's face with a punch.

His speed was too fast. Long Qiu didn't have any precautions at all. He only heard a click, and his entire chin was instantly broken by Pei Junlin.

Long Qiu's body retreated and wanted to escape, and turned into a dragon shape, but Pei Junlin caught his tail. Suddenly punched the tail, half of the tail was directly broken off.

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