Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1083: Dragon Tomb

Pei Junlin simply opened the Jindou space and released all the siblings. Everyone has been sullen in the space for so long, it is time to come out and let the wind out. Treasures are everywhere on the planet of Panlong. Everyone moves freely to find some opportunities for themselves.

Seeing a huge dragon skeleton lying in front of them, everyone was dumbfounded.

But when Pei Junlin reached out and dug the sand under the dragon's body, everyone was even more dumbfounded, because a box of treasures was directly exposed in front of everyone.

Gold and silver treasures, crystal beads and jade, half of the sky in the photos are all dangling.

After a dragon clan dies, their treasures will inevitably be buried under their body. This is the wealth of this dragon, which is full of eighteen boxes.

The vast majority of these treasures are of little value to the current people. Although they are some shiny things, they are not useful, but among these, some useful things can still be found.

For example, Tianyunjing, some of the top refiner materials, found a small piece in it.

"Boss! The dragons have harmed our people on earth and don't talk about countless lives, deaths and injuries. Why not directly destroy the body of this evil dragon? Simply burn it with a fire." Ye Tianxing's temper has also been a little irritable recently.

Pei Junlin shook his head and stopped Ye Tianxing's behavior. The dead were the big ones. Although these dragons were already dead, it was unethical to treat their bodies like this.

"We are just asking for money, and there is no complaint or hatred with these dead people, everyone should move separately to dig graves and tombs, remember not to disturb the bones of these dragons casually." Pei Junlin said to the people.

Although this was a revenge, Pei Junlin did not want to lower his bottom line. If the dragon race here is alive, then Bae Jun will kill without hesitation and avenge the dead 100 million race.

These are the dragons who have not known how many years they have died. Their bodies have experienced wind and frost here, and they have no injustice and hatred against everyone, and they cannot commit acts of whipping corpses.

The crowd split up, but Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong went together. Every time he arrives at a dragon cemetery, Pei Junlin will directly charge the energy of the dragon soul. And Wang Qiong is very tacit, and will directly open the land to find the buried dragon treasures below.

Excavated the purpose of more than a dozen dragons, and there is nothing to gain. However, Pei Junlin found that the higher the body level of the dragon buried in the hinterland of the Panlong planet, the higher.

There is no dragon body in this area where they are now. Most of them are the real dragons. It can be speculated that if you go further, you may encounter the bones of Tianjun. After the dragon of that level dies, their bodies still have strong power.

Pei Junlin had to face it carefully, even if these accumulated experience.

After the death of the dragon, just take out a pair of bones, and they can be refined into spirit treasures. Even the energy is called middle grade spirit treasures.

Pei Junlin didn't have any hesitation at all. The bones of these dragons were collected directly, and then the big deal was hung on the Yuanjie website and sold directly. A pair of dragon bones of the true **** realm, the stock price should also sell at least one million Tianyuan jade.

Thousands of pairs of bones of the true **** realm dragon dragon, it will be a great fortune to sell.

Later, Pei Junlin simply opened the space of the gold bucket, and the violent suction directly contained the bones of hundreds of dragons in an instant.

Even those treasures buried in the land were directly absorbed into them, regardless of their usefulness, all of them were directly grinded by the formation in the golden space to absorb the energy.

"Some powerful things of the Tianjun dragon family are not able to act arbitrarily. I advise you to be careful." Jin Ye appeared beside Pei Junlin with a solemn admonition.

Countless years have passed, but there may not be many dragons in the realm of the real monarch buried on the Panlong planet.

Tianjun's Shouyuan is long. If you don't experience it, accidents will generally not die naturally, unless you are in the midst of the five declines of Heaven and Heaven and the Tribulation.

Even if they died, the body still contains a huge amount of original breath. These original breaths are the most precious energy. They have a powerful effect on the repair of the Jindou space. Even after being absorbed by Jun Lin, these original breaths can enhance strength.

Pei Junlin is looking forward now, looking forward to meeting Tianjun's tomb soon. Digging graves and digging tombs on this one is a worthwhile trip. If he could really meet Tianjun's stock price, Pei Junlin could not restrain his excitement.


Huang Sha rolled a black keel and raged towards Pei Junlin. Unexpectedly, Pei Junlin was almost swept by this dragon. However, Wang Ziqiong's response was quick, and a moonlight treasure box was instantly offered instead of Pei Junlin to resist this blow.

"What's going on?" Pei Junlin's expression was horrified.

Because in front of him there is a huge dragon skeleton, suspended there, like a living dragon. In addition to the lack of flesh and blood, there were black flames burning in the two eye sockets of this dragon skeleton.

"After a person dies, it may become a zombie. The same is true of this dragon family. Obviously, after the death of this dragon, its body was infested with some kind of magical energy, and some consciousness has been generated for a long time." Jin Ye faintly Explained.

The dragon body of the real **** realm is still very tough. Even if he is trained by Junlin now, he still feels a bit difficult to fight against the bones of the dragon of the real **** realm.

This dragon obviously gave birth to some evil meaning, even if only a skeleton remains, but the power is still amazing. Fighting with Pei Junlin in the desert, he was beaten up and down within hundreds of kilometers.


A huge flame engulfed it, and it instantly enveloped this dragon skeleton. The Chunyang Fire Bell has been magnified many times, and even the entire world has to be installed. The dragon skeleton can't break free from the conflict between it.

The ghost fire is the nemesis of this evil thing. Under the endless flame burning, the skeleton of the dragon gradually melts and becomes powder.

Pei Junlin continued to move forward, and soon encountered a huge breath. It was an overwhelming coercion, even if it was dead, I don't know how many years, but that kind of deterrence is still frightening.

Pei Junlin was not surprised but rejoiced, because he understood that this was definitely the Dragon Tomb of Tianjun level. Sure enough, Pei Junlin saw a huge bone like a mountain, exuding a breath of sky.

It is considered to have lost the endless years, but this bone is as if coated with a layer of gold, without any traces of erosion.

"This Tianjun dragon clan was beheaded by someone. Look at his head with fatal scars." Jinye's eyes were very poisonous, and he pointed out the reason why this Tianjun level dragon died.

Pei Junlin was shocked in his heart. Who on earth can kill a Tianjun?

But when he looked in the direction that Jin Ye pointed, he found a huge hole in the dragon's skull. Opening the fire eyes and gold eyes, I immediately saw a pure and huge dragon soul that stretched for thousands of kilometers in the dragon's skeleton.

The pure dragon soul power is more than all the dragon soul powers added up before. In addition to the pale golden dragon soul power, Pei Junlin also saw some silver breath permeating the entire bone.

"This is the breath of the source, even if he died in Tianjin for countless years, the breath of the source will only slowly dissipate." Jinye's eyes showed a trace of fineness.

Before waiting for Pei Junlin to speak, Jinye flew out directly into a chaotic golden battle, and the long whale began to absorb water and generally absorbed the original breath of the dragon's Tianjun.

Pei Junlin was not willing to show his weakness, he directly sacrificed the dragon soul to absorb the dragon soul power that was rolling like the Yangtze River. The Dragon Soul has absorbed the power of the Dragon Soul's origin and will definitely grow infinitely.

Sure enough, this dragon soul from Jinling City, after absorbing the soul power of the Tianjun dragon clan, began to rapidly expand its body, from the previous hundreds of meters to several kilometers.

The body also directly changed from the previous dullness to the now condensed like a **** body, and even some touches that can touch the scales by hand touch.

The power of this dragon soul in front of you is not a matter of encountering the master of the real **** realm, you can directly kill the other party.

"Jin Ye can't let all these original breaths be sucked away alone, and his wife quickly releases Xiaoyue to grab with him." Pei Junlin said towards Wang Ziqiong beside him.

Along the way, I have taken advantage of the benefits I have encountered. Instead, Pei Junlin felt a little sad in his heart. Although the two were husband and wife, they could not be too selfish.

Wang Ziqiong smiled faintly, watching Pei Junlin said with emotion: "You and my husband are one, and we have to separate each other. My husband is strong, and I will be content."

Wang Ziqiong's affectionate confession, Pei Junlin's heart is very warm, he gripped Wang Ziqiong's hand a little moved.

"The reason why I have worked hard all these years ~ ~ is not to say how strong I want to live forever, I just don't want to fall behind my husband too much, I want to work hard to catch up with you." Wang Ziqiong's Some emotion in his eyes.

From an ordinary person, he followed Pei Junlin step by step to the point where he is today. What Wang Qiong gave is really moving.

At this time, Jinye absorbed the huge original power and made a huge change in himself. Some formations in the Jindou space began to restart.

These formations, which have been destroyed for countless years, began to repair after absorbing the source breath.

Pei Junlin only felt a rolling force emanating from Jin's body, this terrifying power even made Pei Jun feel trembling.

I saw Jinye open his mouth, and a light yellow breath fell directly on the huge skeleton of the Tianjun Dragon clan like a mountain.

This huge bone turned out to be rapidly smaller under Pei Junlin's naked eyes. Soon it shrank to a size of more than ten meters, making Pei Junlin stunned.

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