Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1080: City House

This name is also Pei Junlin's casual name, but it's not that there is no source at all. The so-called Zhou Chu is the name of a dragon-slaying boy in ancient times, which was taken by Pei Junlin as a pseudonym.

At this time, Pei Jun's heart is actually a bit speechless, this world is too ridiculous. When he became cruel to the world, the world suddenly became gentle.

For example, these people in front of me had been killed by Junlin before, but at this time these people were respectful and even wanted to make friends with him.

People are bullied and Ma Shan is ridden by people. This is unstoppable everywhere. The human race has fallen into such a situation in the entire East Lai Star Territory, and it has a certain relationship with some of the previous human race's actions.

In the ancient times, there was a saint named Kong, who advocated education and classiness, inculcated the world, and enlightened these demons.

What did the earth get later?

What you get is endless revenge!

After Pei Junlin sent away these merchants, he returned to the inn. He just waited for another person to come to the door. This person was Long Yu, the first master guarded by the dragon here.

Pei Junlin has been waiting for this person, but after waiting for so long, he has not seen this person come to the door. This does make Pei Junlin a little surprised.

Things are so much troubled, so Long Yu is still so suffocating, what is the reason?

But even if the other party didn't come to the door, Pei Junlin had to find it, because he also had to avenge Xu Manyin and pull out those who hurt Xu Manying one by one.

The small boss who had previously arrested the level played a role at this time. According to Xu Manying's dictation and the testimony of the small boss, he quickly recognized these people who hurt Xu Manying.

What kind of person is Longjiang? Within the Long tribe, Longjiang is a brother of the second ancestor. The identity of the people who play with him is not ordinary.

Among the people who hurt Xu Manying, in addition to Longjiang, the other most important role is Long Huasheng, the son of Long Yu. The remaining few people were Long Huasheng's personal guards.

Pei Junlin did not hesitate any more, he directly planned to go to the city's main palace. For the entire planet of Yangshuo, only this city is named Yangshuo City.

This dragon rain, the current position is the dragon master stationed on the planet Yang Shuo.

Pei Junlin walked all the way, and when the people met along the way saw her, her eyes were a little scared.

After returning from the chamber of commerce, Pei Junlin's identity has been spread. Now the whole Yangshuo city is spreading wildly. Pei Junlin is a master from other stars, and there is a strong force behind it.

Even more and more mysterious, even legend that Pei Junlin is a heir to a heavenly gentleman, with a saint behind him.

These rumors Pei Junlin smiled, and in view of the reasons behind it, Pei Junlin actually knew it without thinking.

In the past, the people of several big chambers of commerce were killed, and in order to protect their faces, those people will inevitably raise Pei Junlin's identity and status indefinitely, because only this way can cover their incompetence.

Arriving at the main palace of Yangshuo City, Pei Junlin looked up and saw a faint purple atmosphere over the whole main palace.

Pei Junlin is proficient in the array method, and is more like watching the patterns on the palm. He immediately came to a conclusion that the reason why Longjiang hadn't shot it all came out.

It's all because Long Yu was shutting down and reached the breakthrough level, so Long Yu couldn't hold his breath.

For a cultivator, what can make him forget his duties?

And it is precisely this kind of practice that can make people forget and immerse them.

Long Yu, as the owner of Yangshuo City, let Pei Junlin let the wind and rain in the whole Yangshuo city and not kill him, because he was at the point of breakthrough.

Maybe this breakthrough opportunity was the only opportunity in his life. If he missed it, he would never have a chance to break through again.

The master of the real **** realm is very difficult to break through every time, and even many people can only stay in this realm for the rest of their lives, and never get in.

So this can also be a perfect explanation for why Long Yu would sit back and watch Longjiang being killed without assistance. One of the most important reasons is that this Dragon Rain does not want to help, but can't make it.

"Long Huasheng rolled out for me." Pei Junlin's voice was not loud, but he swayed back and forth throughout the city's main palace.

The entire city's main palace was so lifeless that even half of the people could not see it. The gate of the city's main palace was tightly closed, and there wasn't even a doorkeeper.

Pei Junlin frowned slightly, and it seemed that Long Yu was determined to break through before reorganizing himself. However, Pei Junlin will not give him this opportunity. The so-called killing you while you are sick. At this time, interrupting the pace of Long Yu's breakthrough is the most critical thing.


The broken domain sword in Pei Junlin's hand pulled out a sword flower, and this sword light directly shattered the gate of the whole city's main palace.

But when Pei Junlin's body fell in the courtyard of the city's main palace, he suddenly encountered a huge force. The boundless killer rose from the earth and locked Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin raised his eyebrows, but he did not expect that the formation of the city's main mansion was even deployed. It seems that this dragon rain is not completely unprepared, maybe guessed that he would come to the main palace to provoke and prepare in advance.

Pei Junlin itself is a master of formation, and he inherited the heritage of the dragon, tiger and Tianjun before. For all methods of the Dragon Clan, Pei Junlin is familiar with his heart, and some Dragon Clan Pei Junlin is even more familiar.

Although the formation of the main palace is mysterious, but Pei Junlin can see the mystery at a glance. This formation is called Longyuan Formation!

Even in the Dragon race, the entire formation system is also the top kill formation. If you are unfamiliar with this formation, it is likely to be confused by the formation and eventually trapped alive in the formation.

Before Pei Junlin was already familiar with the layout and principles of this formation, he would naturally not be fooled. He stepped on the spot and walked a few directions.

The situation is changing, the lightning flashes, but there is no expression on Pei Junlin's face.

These terrifying sights are nothing more than illusions. For ordinary people, they may be frightened by this terrifying environment, and the situation is chaotic, but this is nothing to Pei Junlin.

The thick smoke billowed, the arrows fluttered, and the illusion of various corpses and blood seas pressed towards Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin had no expression on his face, and came straight to a dry well.

This dry well is where the formation of the dragon abyss array is located. As long as the formation is destroyed, the entire formation of the dry well will be destroyed immediately.

Don't look at Pei Junlin easily came to the position of the array of eyes, but for those who do not understand the array or do not understand the array, the true position of the array of eyes may not be discovered after a lifetime.

Pei Junlin opened the manhole cover and a burst of blood rose into the sky. The fact that Long Yuan killed the formation is actually to use human life as an introduction. The blood in this well should be no less than 99 lives.

It seems that the city's palace is silent, not that all the servants are hiding, but that these people are likely to have been killed.

The pure Yang fire was sacrificed by Pei Junlin, and the entire dry well was enveloped in an instant. A group of ghostly real fire instantly penetrated into the well and began to burn some breath in the well.

The foundation of the formation is being destroyed, and the atmosphere around the formation is extremely unstable. In the blink of an eye, this Longyuan killing array was easily cracked by Pei Junlin. For Pei Junlin, the entire city main palace is now an undefended place.

The formation completely disappeared, and Pei Junlin strode into the main palace.

A white-faced young man stood in the crowd, surrounded by a group of armored guards. These people should be the guarding forces of the entire city's main palace, all of which are composed of masters of the Yin God Realm.

"How did you come in? The large array arranged by my father didn't trap you." The young man looked pale, watching Pei Junlin's eyes show a trace of fear.

"You are Long Huasheng, and hurt Xu Manying will also have you." Pei Junlin's voice does not contain a touch of emotion.

When Long Huasheng heard Pei Junlin say this, his emotions were agitated instead, and he roared with a broken voice: "Who do you think you are, what do you think you count. Remember that you are now on the territory of the Dragon tribe, you are wild here do you know?"

Pei Junlin didn't speak, and the broken domain sword in his hand suddenly cut a sword light.

Those black armor guards formed a formation in a very short time. The powerful sword light split by Pei Junlin was blocked by these black armor guards.

This made Pei Junlin a little surprised, and there was also a look of interest in his eyes.

After being blocked, Pei Junlin not only did not get angry, but showed interest. Because he can block his sword light, it shows that the battle formation formed by these guards is not simple.

After careful observation, Pei Junlin discovered the subtleties. The position of these guards is not simple. Round and transparent, like an unbreakable iron bucket.

The huge force attack will be easily resolved when it comes over. To be able to take these guards out, Long Yu should also be a master, and he is absolutely not weak at his skill in formation ~ ~ Unfortunately, his son is a wine bag, a waste.

"Kill me! I don't know if the sky is thick!" Long Huasheng was excited when he saw Pei Junlin's sword light blocked.

"Son, my lord, let us only defend and not attack!" One of the lead iron armor guards said towards Long Huasheng.

"Don't you dare to listen to what the dogs said, do you want to die? Hurry up and kill him for me. Didn't you see it? He has no way to deal with your formation and listen to me "" Long Huasheng growled at the guard leader.

The black armor's face was a bit ugly, and he had to succumb to the powerful Long Huasheng.

Dozens of black armor guards immediately took Pei Junlin as the main group, and the sword was unsheathed. The cold sword light formed a powerful light curtain in the air, and enveloped Pei Junlin as a whole.

If it was the former iron barrel array protecting Long Huasheng, Pei Junlin really felt a little tricky.

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