Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1053: Star Pirate

Pei Junlin stood up and made other people suddenly nervous. Because the expression on Pei Junlin's face told everyone that he was in trouble.

Pei Junlin's eyes shoot out two fine lights, which are glaring eyes with fire eyes. Soon, Pei Junlin discovered that there was a disturbing existence. It was a big ship with a skull flag hung on the bow.

The ship was completely dark, with hounds of steel fangs all around the side of the ship. There were some small boats hauling around the big ship, and there were screams of creatures faintly.

"Boss Pei, what is the origin of that ship? Is there anyone on it?" Everyone was nervous.

Pei Junlin did not speak, and immediately ordered Ling Yunzhou to turn and flee. One hundred thousand Tianyuan jade was directly voted by Lingyun Zhou by Pei Junlin, and the energy of Tianyuan jade started to burn wildly.

If it is usual, Ling Yunzhou does not need fuel at all, but will actively use the above array method to actively draw the energy in the universe into power. But now it is different. If you use the energy absorbed by the array method, you can't maintain this speed at all.

"Boss Pei, the big ship seems to be chasing towards them. The situation is not good." Ye Tianxing watched the big ship chasing and killing, his face slightly changed.

Of course, Pei Junlin knew that the other party was going to chase it. This is an interstellar pirate and an extremely dangerous situation that can be encountered in the universe.

However, the worst result is World War I. Pei Junlin has nothing to fear. These brothers who have just arrived in the starry sky, they may be a little uncomfortable.

It has to be said that this Ling Yunzhou is not a bad general, and the speed of traveling in the star sky is far behind the speed of this pirate. The speed of the black iron ship is getting closer and closer to Ling Yunzhou. At about ten kilometers, the ship released dozens of iron grappling hooks.

Almost in a moment, Ling Yunzhou pig, where Pei Junlin and others were located, was firmly trapped by dozens of chains, and the entire ship had to stop.

Meeting pirates in the starry sky is not too surprising for Pei Junlin. But now I don't know what the opponent's strength is, and Pei Junlin doesn't dare to care.


Pei Junlin flew up from the deck and broke the dozens of chains with one punch, making Ling Yunzhou out of trouble instantly. However, he did not let Ling Yunzhou continue to escape, because such escape is meaningless.

Ling Yunzhou's mid-level flying spirit treasure can't be compared with the other party's pirate ship. Even if he ran to the end of the world, he couldn't completely run away.

He also flew up from the other side of the ship, wearing a dark iron armor and an invisible iron helmet on his head. With a big knife in his hand, he was extremely terrifying.

"You guard the boat, I will go as soon as I go." Pei Junlin asked the brothers on the boat.

Then he flew forward and fought with the general in black armor.

In the first round, Pei Junlin's broken domain sword easily cleaved the opponent's armor, exposing his opponent to Pei Junlin's sight.

To Pei Junlin's surprise, the guy wrapped in black armor turned out to be a woman. The age is only 15 or 16 years old, but the momentum is extremely strong.

"The little girl is so stinky that she learned how to be a pirate." Pei Junlin sneered.

The girl is tall, with fair skin, long hair fluttering, and a melon seed face with eyes of Chan Ruo stars.

From a human perspective, this girl is definitely a beauty among beautiful women, but Pei Junlin knows that the other person is not human. This is a Luosha tribe, born with a beautiful appearance and slender body, but bloodthirsty and brutal in nature.

The girl's back opened a pair of snow-white flesh wings, which is the iconic wings of the Rocha tribe.

At this time, everyone behind Ling Yunzhou was also stunned. Pei Junlin was originally surprised to see Pei Junlin and a beautiful girl, but after seeing a pair of wings growing behind this beautiful woman, he suddenly A little stunned.

This is not a human race, it turns out to be a demon race ...

"I'm curious about how she wears clothes, does she have to change to a new one every time? Otherwise, there will always be two holes in the back." Sun Kai said a little.

Pei Junlin tilted his head and looked towards the pirate ship, and found that the people on the ship were either injured or weak in breath. Obviously, this time the pirate might go out to hunt and was not optimistic, and encountered hard stubble.

"You have been damaged by the hard stubble, but I didn't expect to provoke me, not to find death." Pei Junlin's five fingers spread open and immediately gusted a gust of wind.

The girl of the Narosa tribe swung back and forth in the violent wind, and finally stabilized her body. She opened her mouth to reveal the sharp tiger teeth, and her eyes turned blood red.

After making a sharp roar, the girl of the Luosha tribe rushed towards Pei Junlin at a very fast speed, and a pair of meniscus short blades appeared in his hand, emitting a bright moonlight.


A buzzing sound came from Pei Junlin's ear, and his body was swinging left and right like a willow in the wind. In a short time, he escaped the girl's attack and punched the opponent's waist and abdomen.

The girl was hit by Pei Junlin, and her body flew out like a shell, hitting the black iron ship fiercely.

At that time, several black armor soldiers jumped out of the ship and came to siege Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin punched and punched out completely. Several Rosha tribes were slammed into the black iron ship, and he vomited blood on the spot.

Originally thinking that Pei Junlin met an interstellar pirate, it was unexpectedly a group of scattered soldiers. These people are all in the lottery, and it is likely that they have already encountered a master to defeat them.

The leader might have been killed, this is a remnant soldier who escaped.

Pei Junlin mentioned the girl of the Luosha tribe and jumped into the pirate ship, only to find that there were few people who could stand up on the ship except the wounded soldiers. Now Pei Junlin admires this girl a little, and even dares to rob in this situation. Is it really a natural pirate, the robber gene flowing in the blood?

After walking around this big ship, Pei Junlin did not commit any slaughter, because the ship was full of some rosa remnants, they had only one breath left, and even if they were not killed, they would not live long. .

"Brothers are all on the big boat, the small boat is put away." Pei Junlin greeted, Wang Ziqiong and others jumped on the pirate ship, as for Ling Yunzhou, they were directly collected by Pei Junlin.

Seeing Pei Junlin and others board the pirate ship, the girl who walked Rosa was so angry that she said nothing. Pei Junlin ignored her, grabbed the girl's neck with one hand, ripped open the girl's collar violently, and pulled a jade tag from her neck.

This jade brand is the control unit of this black iron ship. Sure enough, Pei Junlin's psychic investigation went in and immediately wiped out the consciousness of the girl who was left in the jade brand, and soon took control of the big ship.

"My grandma won't let you go. All of you will die and be skinned by my grandma and fed to the jumping beast." Although the girl of the Luosha tribe became a captive of Pei Junlin, his momentum was not weak.

Pei Junlin smiled. This little pirate was really hard-mouthed. It was this time, not worried about his life and death, but also worried about revenge.

"I'll kill you first and let your grandma take revenge on your behalf?" Pei Junlin pulled out the broken domain sword indifferently. The sword shone with the light of Heavenly Tribulation, causing the people around him to stand upright.

The girl was still scared, and she didn't dare to speak out. Only without saying a word, his eyes still stared at Pei Junlin coldly and refused to succumb.

"You are a little girl who is not so stinky, should not let you lead the team out to fight the autumn wind alone, and there should also be core characters, either killed or seriously injured." Pei Junlin shook his head and began to search on the big ship.

The girl screamed, trying to stop Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and instantly settled in place.

Soon, Pei Junlin found a comatose middle-aged man in the cabin. A middle-aged man is also a Shasa, but he was seriously injured, leaving only a trace of weak wandering spirit, which can be extinguished at any time.

The supplies on this big ship have been looted and empty, except for a big empty ship, there is nothing else.

Seeing this famous man with a hairspring, Pei Junlin knew that the other party was about to die soon, and the person who could save the other party in the universe might not have more than five fingers.

Unless one can meet a character above Tianjun or even a fairy emperor level in order to reverse Qiankun, or relying on the power of the Elixir alone is difficult to save.

"Don't touch my dad, otherwise my grandma knows that you will wipe out your entire planet." The girl spoke very viciously, but she cared very much about the unconscious middle-aged man.

Pei Junlin shook his head and took out a communicator directly to the girl.

The girl was stunned, and did not expect Pei Junlin to make such a move. After receiving the communicator, I didn't know what to do for a while.

"Tell you grandma, this person can only be saved by me, but what you need is your cooperation." Pei Junlin said looking at the girl of the Luosha tribe.

"Can you really save my father?" The girl stared blankly at Pei Junlin ~ ~ lit up.

"If I'm not wrong, you should have encountered the most fierce racial demon clan in the universe. The devil clan specializes in hurting people and killing invisible. Your father should be the ninth of the devil clan "Eliminate Soul Sword." Pei Junlin said coldly.

With Pei Junlin's words, the girl's eyes became brighter and brighter, and she reached out and grabbed Pei Junlin's arm: "You really have a way to save my father and give you everything."

Half of the girl's fragile body almost leaned against Pei Junlin's arms, making Pei Junlin speechless. His wife, Prince Qiong, was still standing behind him.

Pei Junlin pushed the girl away with his hand, with a scornful expression on his face: "I said I need to cooperate with your grandma, I have no interest in your bean sprouts at all."

To have such a huge black iron pirate ship, this interstellar pirate should have huge strength. The reason why Pei Junlin wants to cooperate with this group of pirates is to use their strength to complete this revenge.

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