Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1050: 1 billion people

Pei Junlin forgot to buy the cheats for Wang Ziqiong, and the two discussed for an hour.

After that, Pei Junlin only reluctantly hung up the video. From the mouth of this young boy Ye Tingsheng, Pei Junlin also had a new understanding of the situation of the human races outside the region.

In the ancient times, the earth was invaded by extraterrestrial demons, and the unexpected aura dried up. Most people chose the seal, while some people chose to go across the ocean and sail into the starry sky.

The situation of Starry Sky is very difficult now. The first aspect is to suffer discrimination, and the second aspect can only do some very lowly work.

There were even many human races that were captured by the demon races and became a popular candidate for slave traders in the stars.

The history of the nation ’s blood and tears can be filled with a history book, and it is hard to write. According to the young man, his ancestor was a slave who was sold to a planet called White Fox.

On this planet, his ancestors relied on his own efforts, really, and later gradually got rid of the status of slaves, and began to do some small business.

After so many years of development, these human races outside the realm have initially had some financial resources. Despite his low status, relying on the cleverness of humans on the earth has still established a foothold outside the territory.

The extraterrestrial races united together, raised funds to buy a desolate planet, and took root on this planet.

The so-called Desolate Planet, which is the Yan Qiu where Ye Tingsheng is now, is named Yan Huang, in order not to forget the fundamental meaning.

But even if the status of the human races outside the territory is still not optimistic, their property will be confiscated at any time. If they are taken by some top demon races, they can be arrested and used as slaves at any time.

According to Ye Tingsheng, the status of the human race in the starry sky is the lowest. It is a kind of slave race that can be bullied at will.

The high-level demon planet is even reluctant to deal with humans, and even dislikes the dirty and lowly humans and so on.

After Ye Tingsheng's remarks, Pei Junlin's heart surged, and there was an indescribable taste in his heart.

Pei Junlin was influenced by the sage's thoughts from an early age. In his mind, the human race is above all races outside the realm, and he simply cannot look down on those demon races.

However, according to Ye Tingsheng, it almost subverted Pei Junlin's imagination. Although he had been traveling in the stars for hundreds of years, there was still a gap between what he saw and Ye Tingsheng's personal experience.

Ye Tingsheng worshipped Pei Junlin's five-body cast, and the two agreed to have a video chat every night. Of course, Pei Junlin did not refuse this request, because he still valued Ye Tingsheng as a young man.

It is those aliens who have saved their lives in the extraterrestrial sky. Pei Junlin will certainly be grateful for such a care.

If it were not for the people on these extraterrestrial planets who raised money and donated 100 million Tianyuan jade, and bought Tianjun once, they might die under the debris.

After finishing the conversation with Ye Tingsheng, Pei Junlin reopened the Yuanjie page and wanted to buy some secrets about refining poison for his sister-in-law Wang Ziyu.

"How about this ten thousand poison secret code? The names are very powerful." Pei Junlin pointed to a secret book and said towards Wang Ziyu.

However, Wang Ziyu shook his head, and some looked down upon this cheat book. As long as a thousand pieces of Tianyuan jade were accompanying King Lin, it was not worth mentioning in the eyes of Wang Ziyu.

"Sister-in-law, can't you be calm? So stingy! Only one thousand dollars Tianyuanyu, what good thing do you think you can buy?" Wang Ziyu's face showed a disdainful look, thinking that Pei Junlin was too stingy.

"What do you know? It's called picking up beads in the sea, in case something can't be seen by others, but the secret contained in it is a good thing." Pei Junlin was thick-skinned and began to quibble.

Soon Wang Ziyu found out a few cheats for himself, "Green Cow Handbook", "The Years When I Was the Poison Emperor", "Gu Jing" ...

Each of these three cheats has a price of around 300,000 Tianyuan jade, and the three books add up to 900,000 Tianyuan jade.

Such a sum of Tianyuan jade is a huge expense for Pei Junlin. But when he looked at his wife, Prince Qiong, Pei Junlin only gritted his teeth and agreed.

After clicking to buy, less than ten minutes later, a wormhole appeared directly in the room. Wormhole Action is a special express for the Yuanjie platform, and a box is spit out of it.

After opening the box, it contained three books that Wang Ziqiong had purchased before. Seeing that the three secret recipes were ready, Wang Ziyu jumped up and kissed Pei Junlin's face.

Despite the dumbfounded expressions of Wang Ziqiong and Pei Junlin, Wang Ziyu walked out of the room with these books.

"Wife, this is her initiative to kiss me, it has nothing to do with me." Pei Junlin looked at his wife Wang Qiong innocently.

Wang Ziqiong gave Pei Junlin a fierce look: "If you get cheap, you will sell well."

Seeing that Wang Ziqiong did not mean anything angry, Pei Junlin made a hey laugh.

Soon, Yuan Fei and them walked out of the Zangbao Pavilion one after another, and everyone had their own gains.

Brothers and sisters who had no magic weapon before, everyone now basically has a middle-grade spirit treasure in their hands, and it fits well with their physique.

"For the next period of time, I think the period of peace will not be too long, and soon the monsters outside the region will come to the earth again. During this time, everyone should try to speed up their cultivation. If possible, I hope everyone will break through to Yang Shen realm. "Pei Junlin told everyone.

Those who set up the school should be handed over to Mr. Yuan Ping before those people, and Pei Junlin naturally does not have to worry about it.

And these brothers and sisters, their most important duty is to speed up the speed of cultivation. Only when these people reach the realm of Yangshen can they fight against the demon clan at that time.

Pei Junlin distributed one million Tianyuan jade to each person and asked these people to use Tianyuan jade to speed up their cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed. These days, Pei Junlin communicates with Ye Tingsheng every day to understand the situation of the human races outside the realm.

After finishing the conversation with Ye Tingsheng, Pei Junlin opened the page of Yuanjie. He suddenly thought that his incarnation was still missing a weapon. He planned to find one in this Yuanjie.

Yuanjie is a mixed platform of fish and dragons, where most of them are things that are not in sight, population trading, stolen goods sales and so on.

Assassination services are commonplace here, as long as you have the money, you can even ask the Tianjun strong to take action.

The weapons that Pei Junlin searched for quickly found some stick-shaped weapons, which were basically middle-grade Lingbao and even high-grade Lingbao, but many things were not in the eyes of Pei Junlin.

Under the balance, Pei Junlin can only temporarily buy a black iron stick for the **** monkey to use temporarily, and then replace it when it is good.

Another week passed. During these few days, Pei Junlin was retreating and practicing every day. He consumed a lot of Tianyuan jade every day. He soon pushed the cultivation realm directly to the middle of the Yangshen Realm. Pei Junlin's body is stronger, his realm is more brilliant.

During this time, he did not contact the human race outside the prison. Pei Junlin felt a little uneasy. When he was ready to connect with Ye Tingsheng and had a video call, he suddenly found that there was no response at all.

This result made Pei Junlin feel a little stunned. He quickly boarded the platform of Yuanjie to watch some of the latest information news in the universe.

When seeing some news, Pei Junlin felt that the whole person's brain almost exploded with a buzz. The ball of fire was destroyed by people overnight, and all billions of human beings on the planet died.

Some people photographed some blurry pictures, in which there were powerful shots of major demon clan, which directly bombed the entire planet.

Pei Junlin feels cold hands and feet, he did not expect that these demon clan outside the territory should be so cruel, a billion people, even completely disappeared in an instant.

The extraterrestrial tribes showed sympathy and goodwill towards the earth tribes, and were completely uprooted by these demon tribes, and the entire planet was sacrificed and refined.

What is a demon? This is the devil's act. Pei Junlin's hands and feet are chilling, and his eyes are full of hatred. He wants to retaliate.

During this period of conversation with Ye Tingsheng every day, Pei Junlin's heart has actually developed some friendship with this young man. There was nothing to talk about between the two, but I didn't expect a one-week practice of retreat, which actually became a permanent separation between heaven and man.

Peng tribe! Dragon race! Tigers! Golden Spirit Clan!

Pei Junlin gritted his teeth and squeezed his fists.

"Everyone tries to come over as much as possible. I have something to say." Pei Junlin sent messages to everyone around him.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei, Yuan Fei, Lei Xuan ... these people had all arrived at Pei Junlin's door.

When these people saw Pei Junlin walking out of the room, they could hardly believe their eyes. I haven't seen Pei Junlin in a few days, but he was haggard like this, with bloodshot eyes.

"Boss Pei, what the **** happened?" Yuan Fei promptly asked ~ ~ These brothers and sisters based on their understanding of Pei Junlin, if it wasn't for Tianda, Pei Junlin would never appear Such mood swings.

"Let's go sailing to the stars to kill the enemies. Are you interested? Do you have the courage to go?" Pei Junlin suddenly looked up and said.


Everyone felt hairy and did not understand what Pei Junlin said.

"Boss Pei, let's go wherever you say. We will listen to you wherever you go." Bai Yulong stood up and expressed his support for Pei Junlin.

The remaining brothers and sisters understood the meaning of Pei Junlin at the same time, and they were all very excited. Before they knew that they had to step out of the starry sky and crossed this step. This day I did not expect to come so fast.

"Boss Pei, what do you say, you say that we are definitely not going north to the south. Isn't that the starry sky? Isn't it the demon clan's nest? Who hasn't been there yet?"

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