Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1047: Tianjun's order


Pei Junlin refused to die, and devoured 100,000 Tianyuan jade again. The violent mana made his whole body like a blazing flame.

These mana formed a reverse vortex around Pei Junlin's body, confronting the violent marine power.

At least for a short time, Pei Junlin need not worry about death. The Chunyang Fire Bell guarded his whole body, searching around in a violent storm.

"Hahaha, Pei Junlin, you have today too." The proud voice of the **** silkworm came from all directions, as if everywhere.

"With the strength of your body, it should be the strongest now that can only reach the power of a hundred dragons! But unfortunately, my storm can reach the power of thousands of dragons, how do you fight me?" God Silkworm The son's voice was full of contempt.

Pei Junlin's own physical strength also has a bottleneck, although Pei Junlin's cultivation of the nine-day star tactics will bring the undead body to the second level. But the **** silkworm was right, and his eyes were very poisonous.

Accurately stated the current physical strength threshold of Pei Junlin, that is, the power of up to one hundred dragons. If this power is exceeded, Pei Junlin's body will collapse and disintegrate.

The main body of the **** silkworm is the strong man of the real **** realm, his physical strength is far more than that of Pei Junlin. Therefore, under the violent force of the thousands of dragons, still unharmed, you can hide in the dark and quietly watch Pei Junlin being crushed.

"The earth's indigenous destiny is really tragic, and finally it has reached this stage today, and it will eventually be wiped out." In the live broadcast room of the Thor platform, there were sighs from outside the domain, and some people began to sympathize with Pei Jun.

Human nature is sympathetic to the weak, but it does not mean that all these people are talking about. At this moment, they may sympathize with Pei Yulin, but the next moment will completely forget this matter.

For those of them, Pei Junlin is just a drop in the sea, not even a dust in his memory, and he dies if he dies, so there is no hindrance for them.

A golden light flew out of Pei Junlin's body, and it was the Taoist incarnation of the incarnation outside the body.

This **** monkey inherited the magical power of Pei Junlin's fire-eyed gold eyes, and his eyes glowed with golden light. He soon discovered that the **** silkworms all existed in a very narrow place, and a somersault went directly through the storm and appeared beside the **** silkworms.

At the moment the **** monkey shot, Pei Junlin also came here at the same time. The two shot at almost the same time and slammed into the **** silkworm.

Pei Junlin's spirits rolled away, and almost hundreds of thousands of Tianyuan jade were swallowed almost instantly. The violent mana instantly expanded to the power of two hundred dragons.

The space was torn directly, and there were cracks, and the **** silkworm was severely injured instantly without warning.

The wings flapped again, and Princess Silkworm passed through the storm and fled quickly. The storm behind him also quickly declined with the loss of the power of the **** silkworm.

Pei Junlin will naturally not miss this great opportunity to kill the **** silkworm, this person took the initiative to come to the door this time, of course, can not let the other party leave.

"Pei Junlin, you beast! If I can't kill me today, I must destroy the planet and sacrifice all of them in the coming day." The same thin line.

This is the power of the curse! The issuing of this vicious curse means that the **** silkworm will definitely speak out in the future.

"You can't let him go away, you must kill this rooster today!" Pei Junlin devoured a large amount of Tianyuan jade again, radiating a fierce light around him.

The surging power of Shenhua, the entire sea surface oppressed began to collapse and sink.

The power of terror made Pei Junlin's body unbearable, and cracks appeared on his muscles.

These cracks continue to appear, and are constantly being repaired by the nine-day star light absorbed by the nine-day star formula. After so many rounds, back and forth, although Pei Junlin was in pain, he gritted his teeth and braced himself.

In order to maintain this violent strength, there is nothing to temporarily suffer. His ordinary power could not kill the **** silkworm, and now Pei Junlin pushed his power infinitely higher, using Tianyuanyu's crazy expansion to fully double his physical limit.

With a punch, the air split open, and the sea surface was separated, and a huge trench must appear. The **** silkworm is running away, but he is attracted by a violent vortex, fixed in place and unable to move. At that moment, the **** monkey's eyes glowed with gold, and went towards the **** silkworm son cave.

The **** monkey is the incarnation of Pei Junlin. He possesses all the supernatural powers of Pei Junlin. This fire-eyed golden eye actually fits very well on the **** monkey.

The power of Jin Guang instantly penetrated the butterfly wings of the **** silkworm, making his body unable to escape again.

The **** silkworm revealed a desperate and distorted look, and turned into a human form again. The original handsome face had no human expression at all, except for the fierce and fierce.

It seems that Pei Junlin was forced to a desperate situation. The **** silkworm shot a sharp look in his eyes and seemed to have made a decision.

He opened his mouth, and a dark air flew towards Pei Junlin. This black breath evolved into a big hand in the air, killing Pei Junlin's head.

"This is the fragment of the avenue!" In the live room of the Thor platform, some viewers were surprised to see this scene.

In a flash, everyone was stunned, and no one thought that the **** silkworm had such a hole card.

At this time, a group of humans on a small planet was also surprised to see this scene.

"No, Pei Junlin is the spiritual leader of the human race on the earth. If he dies today, the strength that the earth finally condensed will collapse in an instant." An old man said loudly immediately.

The others nodded one after another, seeing the urgency of their situation.

"Our planet is a gathering place for humans outside the region, and it can be said to be a hometown of humans overseas. But we can never forget our homeland, and never the hatred between us and the demon race." The old man was deafened when speaking The hatred of the demon clan radiated from his eyes.

"Elder, so how can we rescue Pei Junlin?" A young man stood up and asked towards the elder.

It has reached the point where it will be a hit! The debris of that avenue was sacrificed by the **** silkworm son, and Pei Junlin's death was only a matter of time. It is very difficult for the True God realm to fight against the Avenue fragment, even if it is just a very ordinary fragment.

"Go to Yuanjie to buy services and save his life." The old man almost didn't want to say directly.

Metaverse is the black market in the universe, and no matter what service you can buy on it. The magic weapon cheats are the most common things on it, and are often used by some people to sell stolen goods.

It is also possible to buy assassination or bodyguard services on the Yuanjie network. As long as you have enough money, you can even ask the big power to cross the space at any time to help.

The humans on the Yanqiu want to use the power of money to save Pei Junlin. They quickly made up their minds and invited a Tianjun shot on Yuanjie to protect Pei Junlin's life.

The order was completed in just two minutes, and the strong man who spent 100 million Tianyuan Yuqing moved Tianjun to protect Pei Junlin once.

In two minutes, Pei Junlin was under the erosion of the debris, supporting it hard. Around it, shrouded in a dark mist.

This corrosive force that wipes out all is corroding his body. The skin on the surface is dry and wrinkled, and the blood is constantly spilling out.

Regardless of how to struggle, this group of black mist is like a maggot with bones, extremely evil, and he can't get rid of him.

"Pei Junlin, do you really think you are my opponent? In fact, in my eyes you are just a reptile." The **** silkworm saw Pei Junlin's imminent death, his face showing contempt.

At this moment, a dark vortex suddenly appeared in the air. A ray of light flew out of it, and this ray of light suddenly hit the debris of the avenue around Pei Junlin, radiating a strong divine light.

The annihilating power flashed by, and soon the fragments of the avenue sacrificed by the **** silkworm completely disappeared and disappeared between heaven and earth.

And the embarrassment surrounding Pei Junlin around him was instantly relieved, dozens of panacea were swallowed by Pei Junlin, and his body instantly returned to normal.

"Who ?? Who is interfering with me?" The **** silkworm's face turned pale, because he felt the terrifying power of destruction just now.

That kind of terrifying power can only be a strong man belonging to the Tianjun level. He never expected that such a strong man would protect Pei Junlin!

Crushed his own road fragments at a critical moment!

Pei Junlin himself felt inexplicable, and did not know what had happened, why did such a tyrannical force protect himself at a critical moment.

The first feeling was that Dantai Jingxuan shot, but the breath just now did not seem like it. Because Pei Junlin's breath from the other side ~ ~ didn't feel any kindness.

The opponent's shot seems to be just to fulfill a certain contract.

But none of this mattered. Pei Junlin would leave the **** silkworm now. This person repeatedly caused trouble to Pei Junlin, making Pei Junlin already intolerable. If the **** silkworm is allowed to continue to develop, it will be a huge scourge in the future.

"I can launch a formation to protect your body with chaotic gas for a short time, so that your body will not collapse." At this time, Jin Ye's voice suddenly sounded in Pei Junlin's ear.

This is the voice of Chaos Jindou, Pei Junlin is naturally familiar with it. He nodded, and immediately there was a breath of chaotic gold fighting around Pei Junlin's body, penetrating the surface of her skin.

The power of chaos instantly lifted Pei Junlin's body strength to a new level, and Pei Junlin had no worries at all.

Five hundred thousand Tianyuan jade was instantly swallowed by Pei Junlin, and huge mana poured into the body and limbs, making his physical strength continue to climb.

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