"Please let me train with you! Please!"

The young man's voice resounded throughout the block, and even the bird perched on the tree in the distance was startled and almost fell down.

I have to say that this is a very... shameful thing.

The whole face of the young boy who was bowing at ninety degrees was flushed, in stark contrast to the little green curly hair.


The requested boy reacted slowly for a while, and finally became furious after he understood what the little green curly hair in front of him was saying.

"What are you talking about that doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, smelly for a long time!!"

"Talk to Xiaojiu well!"

"Old woman, don't worry about this!" Bakugo Katsuki was already so angry that he spit fire from his hands, but constrained by his mother's posture, he couldn't quickly rush to the bowed little curly and smash him into the ground.

What a pity.

But Izuku Lvgu chose this time to come because he had spotted this point.As long as Aunt Guangji is around, no matter how angry Bakugo is, he will (forced) restrain himself.

His hands were clenched tightly, sweat dripping from tension.



But can't give up.

Can not give up.

He kept telling himself that, his cowardly eyes froze into firmness.

"Ka... Katsuki doesn't care about me, it's fine!" He shouted loudly when the mother and son were supporting each other's face and tearing each other's face, ending the tragedy of mother and son killing each other (what's wrong).

"Katsuji, Kachan, just move at your own pace! Even if I fall or even if I can't keep up with Xiaosheng's pace, Kachan and Katsuki, please don't stop your pace."

The young boy with his fists clenched straightened up, his eyes were clearly full of tears accumulated due to various reasons of timidity, excitement and excitement, but his gaze was sharp and compelling.

"Because Katsuki is by far the hardest person I know to train as a teenager, so I just hope that I can train with you to improve myself."

"This is only temporary. After I analyze the data and make a more scientific and rigorous training method, I will no longer cling to Katsuki."

"And, one day I will prove it to you."

"You can become a hero without personality!!"


The young man who had broken through his mother's shackles before Lvgu Dejiu could finish his sentence had already come to him, and his ferocious face, which had been changed due to anger, was magnified in front of him, and in the next second it was replaced by fists burning with sparks.

The young man who had not received any training naturally couldn't resist such an attack, he could only try his best to protect his head with his hands, and then flew backwards because of Bakugo Katsuki's attack.

He slammed into the courtyard wall behind him firmly, slammed onto it with a smack, and then slid down with smoke and dust.

The young man who came next picked him up with one hand like a chicken, and Izuku Lvgu opened one eye, and saw Katsuki Bakugo in a rage.

It turns out... when Kachan was fighting... it was like this.


"It hurts, Katsuki."

He complained very quietly.

"Since this is the case, quickly put away" your funny thoughts! !

But Bakugo Katsuki didn't say a complete sentence, the boy's scarlet pupils suddenly dilated when he saw something, and even the angry roar stopped abruptly.

"It really hurts."

Green Valley Izuku was still complaining.

His voice is small and low, like a small complaint after he and Xiaotuanzi Bakugo competed for the only All Might figure when they were young.

[It hurts, Ka Jiang. 】

but even so

He is laughing.

Oda Kosuke felt that he could no longer laugh.

He knocked a chestnut on the head of the usually shrewd baseball manager, rearranged himself quickly and quickly, then turned around and coughed twice, pretending that the person who exploded on the spot just now was not himself.

"Ahem, Itachi, why did you come to school?"

Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats, I haven’t done anything bad lately, I guess I’m not taking a deep breath... woah no way! !

He secretly raised his eyelids and glanced at his elder brother who just stood there with a feeling of closeness, telling himself Oda Yusuke that you are already an adult, don't act like a baby at every turn, and turned his head to catch and look at this side The members scolded.

"You guys!! Don't be lazy!! Have you finished the basic exercises?!"

"Wow, my lord, hello—but—frightening—!"

Wow, how dare you challenge the authority of the minister!Everyone's basic exercises are tenfold!No!Twenty times!

Well well tenfold is impossible.

After the majestic minister angrily scolded the immature members, he looked at his brother with a straight face, and his whole body was a little stiff because of nervousness.

"You have also seen it," he said to his brother, "our department is very busy with training."

So itachi don't disturb his attention here!

So, under the gaze of the young boy, Itachi, who was carrying the cat on his back, thought about it and found a place nearby to sit down.

"It's okay." He looked up at his younger brother who was standing in the sun not far away, because the other party showed a smile, "Brother will wait here for you to go home together."

Wow wow wow that's too foul!

Xingsuke raised his breath suddenly, and couldn't hold himself back from throwing himself into his brother's arms, wanting to hug and hold him high, and turned his head to look at the members on the other side who seemed to be watching his good show.

"Everyone, double the basic training! Start now!"

It was dusk when the baseball club's club work ended, and the warm orange light spread across the sky, wrapping around the white clouds, turning into a soft and not dazzling orange light.

The boys from the baseball club changed into their regular uniforms after washing up, said goodbye to each other and left in twos and threes.

No matter how reluctantly, Oda Kosuke, who put away the baseball bat, still moved out.

Then at a glance, he found that his brother had put his schoolbag on his back.

"Woooooooooooooo what are you doing!"

"Huh?" Itachi tilted his head suspiciously, "Did you forget something?"

"No!" The bluffing boy pointed to his elder brother - the bag on his back. "Why are you carrying my bag, Itachi!"

"I asked your classmates."

"That's not the problem!"

"Then it's no problem." Itachi waved his hand, seeing the little boy running up to him and poking him very skillfully——

"Let's go, Kosuke."

It's really foul, Brother Weasel.

Xingsuke thought, holding down the humming villain in his heart.

Going home with the brothers is the deputy head of the baseball department who has no eyesight (says Yusuke).

The four-eyed vice-minister held his glasses, and made a request for colleagues under the eyes of his minister who could breathe fire almost angrily.

Of course, the good brother agreed with the other party, as if he didn't notice his cub's angry mood.

Kosuke was naturally moaning in his heart.But he is already an adult, this kind of person who feels dissatisfied because his elder brother came to pick him up on his beautiful journey home was interrupted by a hateful dragon, ahem, a dragon-like vice minister, what a mature adult should be Some behaviors.

But this only lasted until the other two of the party had a good chat, and even when they learned that Itachi wanted to find a part-time job, the deputy minister of their family readily pointed out that his cousin's family was recruiting a part-time worker.

Oda Kosuke felt that he couldn't bear it anymore.

Angrily, he squeezed in front of the two people who were chatting happily, hands on hips like an angry hen.

"Ah, thank you, Minister, for your reminder," the young deputy minister adjusted his glasses, and made a sound like waking up from a dream, "My home is here. If it wasn't for the reminder of Minister, I might have passed by."

He put his hands together and thanked the unknown minister, and said goodbye to Itachi politely, and finally waved his hand to say goodbye when Kosuke still maintained the expression of OVO.

"Can't bear to have friends?"

"Who would be reluctant!" He turned around and clung to his elder brother's side, maybe it was because Itachi took the schoolbag away, Xingsuke always felt that his steps were extraordinarily brisk.

He coughed reservedly, and his eyes naturally shifted to the cat bag on Itachi's back.

"Where's Sasuke? Have you taken him to the hospital?"

"Well," Itachi skipped the details, "The doctor said that Sasuke is just too tired and needs to rest for a while, and he will wake up soon."

"Oh." Xingsuke lowered his head to look at the black cat in a ball, still a little worried.

Then he rubbed his hair with familiar hands.

"do not worry."

He heard the man talking, like countless times before.

Xingsuke murmured for no reason, as if there were many things in his heart, including the fact that this person left them without prior notice, and inexplicably passed out as soon as he returned home, turning into an unmanly Oda Kosuke.

But obviously this is his original appearance.

It was Kosuke who was protected by his parents and survived by hiding in the attic.

Obviously it was like this, but he didn't know when, he began to show that trustworthy appearance in front of people.

Just when Xingsuke's boy was filled with grief from nowhere, the first person to look away was the black-haired boy.

He rubbed his younger brother's hand for a moment, then looked hesitantly at the yellow cat bag beside him.

He opened the top cover of the bag, revealing a black cat's head, and the penetrating cat's eyes reflected the scene in front of him.

Then it stretched out a paw to grab the cat bag, and meowed a little.

Once the cat (what's wrong) has been dealt with, it's time to deal with being used by a governess to poke Itachi's wound.

Although Itachi's age is only a middle school student's age, and he has to go to class on weekdays (Oda Sakunosuke finally stuffed him into Teiko, which is closer to his home after consulting Itachi's opinion), but because of a special reason, he Still quickly found a part-time job.

"Ha, haha, hello, I didn't expect the person who passed the Xiongying recommendation test to be about my age!"

No, if you want to say that we are in the same class, do you have any misunderstanding about passing the recommended admission test?

Itachi's face was paralyzed, facing the young man in front of him, he suddenly questioned his decision.

That's right, the reason why he was able to find a part-time job so quickly was precisely because of his status as a [passer of the Xiongying High School Recommended Student Examination].

The other party—that is, the boy in front of him, posted a part-time job on an online platform with a super high price that immediately attracted Itachi's attention.

The part-time job was released years ago. The reason why no one has taken up this well-paid job for such a long time is quite simple.

"Yeah, I never thought that someone would actually apply for the job." The boy who said this led him into the room while scratching his head and said in embarrassment. I don’t even care about my salary... Ah, I’m not talking about you, what... Itachi-kun?"

The young man who could sing a one-man show by himself was boisterously walking on the wooden floor in his slippers, and finally he stopped and found that the surroundings were too quiet and turned sideways to show a hearty smile.

"Ah, haven't I introduced myself yet?" He stretched out his hand, "My name is Shangming Electric, please give me your advice in the next few months."

The author has something to say:

Brother Weasel: Is it too late for me to resign now?

Then Shangming—the silly son of the landlord’s family who made the private setting come true 233 don’t hit me

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me as the overlord~

Thanks to the little angel who voted [Mine]: Junyi 1 pieces

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^

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