Secondary disease of rebirth

Chapter 70 70. Gao Yang's True Face

"Lian Ye...I'm sorry, I really just..." Wang Zhi and Niu You also felt that the slump just now really shouldn't be.

Unexpectedly, Lian Ye continued in a loud voice: "Damn, I'm sorry for the hard work of this old man Gao Yang. Li Deyou, don't be too polite, put more famous utensils, this handsome will be sure!"


Thanks to Lian Ye's fuss, everyone cheered up a bit, packed up and prepared to move on.The bronze stone door in front of them seemed not only to not block their progress, but also to welcome them. As soon as they approached, it automatically opened.

The stone door opened slowly towards the outside, bringing down the long-standing dust and low sound.

Since the Nine Gates Eight Diagrams Formation came over, except for some walking corpses, the road can be said to be unimpeded, and the doors will automatically open. All these seem to indicate that they are welcome to come.

What kind of tomb owner would welcome an intruder?Lian Ye couldn't figure out what Gao Yang was thinking, but now he could only take one step at a time.

Behind the stone gate is a long tomb passage corridor, which is not narrow, and three people can walk side by side without any problem.The dark tomb passage is straight and extremely long, and there seems to be a little glimmer of light at the end of the deepest part, like an exit.

Lian Ye stepped into the tomb passage first, and as soon as he entered, he felt a faint weeping sound, which was resentful and seemed very close.

"Lian Ye! Look at the walls on both sides!" Qian Yu, whose eyes could ignore the darkness, uttered in vain, his cold voice was tinged with shock.

What can surprise even the gods?Lian Ye was puzzled and pointed the flashlight in his hand at the wall on the left hand side, which was not as bright as before. The sight made everyone gasp.

Hands, countless human hands, countless pale or haggard human hands, protruded from the cold and dark wall, wriggling constantly, and the palms seemed to want to grab something.

"What the hell is this?" Lian Ye was so shocked that he almost couldn't hold the flashlight, he took two steps back and exited the grave.

Sighing, Qian Yu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said slowly, "This is the corpse cave..."

There are many theories about the formation of the corpse cave. The most reliable one is that due to too many dead people, there are many reasons such as feng shui and the layout of the place, so they cannot be reborn.Wraiths keep wandering in the past. This kind of extreme negative energy corrodes the world into a "gap zone" between matter and energy. It is in the world we live in. Life and death, positive and negative, black and white The "gap" between them can swallow all matter.There are countless human hands in the corpse cave, which are the concretized forms of dead wraiths. Whatever is caught by these hands, no matter what it is, will be pulled in and then turned into a part of the corpse cave.

If it is allowed to expand endlessly, it will cause the most terrifying "corpse hole effect", swallowing everything like a black hole, and it will become larger and larger, with disastrous consequences.

It is said that in the deepest part of the corpse cave, a huge underground cemetery in Paris, France, the Pope of the Vatican has sealed the supernatural phenomenon "corpse cave" that can swallow everything, with a diameter of only two or three meters.

On both sides of the wall of the tomb passage in front of everyone, there is a long and almost endless corpse hole. It is so long and so large, how many people have to die and how many innocent souls have been accumulated, to become such a situation.

"What should I do? Is it okay?" Li Deyou stood behind the crowd, looked into the tomb passage for a while, and asked aloud.

Countless pale arms kept scratching, if caught by it, it would become a part of the corpse hole.

"Barely, it should be ok. The tomb passage is wide enough. If these ghost hands can only reach this far, they should be able to walk in the middle...Hey, Qian Yu, you go and try." Lian Ye pushed Qian Yu, Let him go ahead and see if he can pass.

Qian Yu frowned, feeling disgusted when looking at these hands, although it could not hurt him, but being touched by these ghost things was enough to make him feel uncomfortable for half a month, and asked: "Why do you want me?"

What I hate most is disobedience to orders like this. Lian Ye deliberately provoked him, "Are you afraid? You are so afraid of a few broken hands that you want to hide behind me? Hey, if that's the case, then let me go..."

As Lian Ye said, he was about to step into the tomb passage, but Qian Yu stretched out his hand to stop him, "Who wants to hide? Follow me obediently."

After the words fell, he walked in. He was walking in the center of the tomb passage, and the ghost hands scratching randomly could not touch him at all.

Seeing this, Lian Ye also followed, and the rest gained confidence and walked into the tomb passage one after another.

There were constant humming and wailing all around, mixed with an inexplicable corrosive smell, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.Qi Ming followed closely behind Fu Ming, grabbing the long sleeves of his funeral uniform, not daring to look either side at all, he was very frightened.

It was a hell on earth, what purpose did Gao Yang want to create this kind of place?Do you really want to appreciate others struggling in the endless abyss of pain even after death?

Everyone's hearts were very heavy, and they tried their best to walk in the middle of the aisle, avoiding those constantly extending arms.Ahead is the main tomb with the exit of the passage shining with fire.

Lian Ye couldn't tell what mood he was in right now, he vaguely felt that what was waiting for him in front of him must not be easy.

Finally, after walking through the tomb passage that was so long that it almost collapsed, the tomb in front suddenly opened up.

Is this really a tomb?Why is it so different from the tragic and terrifying scene in the tomb passage?This thought floated in the hearts of those who saw this scene.

In the center is a slowly flowing spring, which has been built into a stone clear spring like a modern fountain.The bamboo forest made of jade, green and verdant, is illuminated by the ever-burning lamp on the wall next to it, emitting a strange green light.

Surrounded by bamboo groves, there is a carved nanmu desk, on which there are neatly placed pens, inks, papers and inkstones. A man sits on it, bowing his head and writing something earnestly.Her long hair was tied behind her head by a simple headband, and a few strands of black silk hung down and brushed across her face. Holding a Langhao brush in her slender wrist, she dragged elegant ink marks on the rice paper.

"Are you coming?" The man's voice was soft and gentle, and he looked up at everyone.

This face is not pretty, at most it is handsome, but between the brows is a gentle gentleman like jade.There are some fine lines on the corners of the lips, and he seems to be in his thirties. He is wearing a blue-gray plain shirt, simple and plain.

"Who... are you?" Lian Ye blurted out after being stunned for a long time, why are there so many strange people in this underground Ye city? Where is Gao Yang?

The man curled his lips into a smile, put the brush on the brush rest, and looked up at Lian Ye, "I haven't had an outsider enter this place for a thousand years, so I'm a little bit at a loss, so don't blame me."

I?He is Gao Yang!

When a person is constantly pursuing one thing, there may be thousands of guesses and illusions in the process of pursuit.And try to think about what to do when you meet it, how to scold him for his tyrannical methods, how to take his head away handsomely.

But when he really appears in front of you, and he is completely different from the appearance you have imagined countless times in your mind, you don't know how to face it.

Lian Ye is in such a state of mind now, just looking at the man in front of him, with his mouth slightly open, unable to speak a word.

Everyone stared at him blankly, and the man didn't mind, he walked to the carved table beside him and poured a few cups with a teapot in his hand.Then he brushed a few wooden benches with his hand, and said with a smile, "I'm tired from the long journey, let's sit and drink some tea."

After all, no matter what others said, he sat down first, took a cup of tea, and took a sip slowly.The tea water was green, and the porcelain-white teacup reflected was green and transparent, like emerald jade.

"You... how come... are you still alive?" Even though he has experienced too many unimaginable and strange things during this trip, it is the first time for Li Deyou to appear in front of him like a living person who should have died thousands of years ago. See, he murmured.

"He is dead, and now this is just an illusion he wants us to see. His body is in the coffin behind the bamboo forest." Lian Ye recovered from the shock, and his mood was much calmer. Pointing to the layers of emerald bamboo forest, you can vaguely see the huge black coffin behind it from the gap.

Gao Yang, who was drinking tea with downcast eyes, was slightly stunned, and raised his eyes to look at Lian Ye, "It's not bad to be able to see through."

Lian Ye was too lazy to talk nonsense, and shouted at Gao Yang: "Gao Yang, you have killed countless people in your life, and even if you die, you will harm the living beings, making these disabled spirits suffer here every day. And these are in the passage less than a few meters away from you. Can't you hear their wailing?"

Gao Yang listened carefully for a while, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, "How can I not hear it, this crying is like a piece of music, it's really beautiful."

"Crazy!" Lian Ye was furious. Those people didn't have wives, children and elders. How did their relatives feel when they were suffering in the abyss.The blood rushed to the top of the head in the second class, Lian Ye rushed forward without thinking, punched Gao Yang's face and passed.

"Lian Ye..." Feng Yi just wanted to hold Lian Ye back, but it was too late, he had already rushed out.

Gao Yang sat on the stool and didn't bat an eye at Lian Ye's punch.

There was a clang and clang, and Lian Ye felt pain in his hand. He fixed his eyes and saw that Gao Yang had disappeared without a trace. He hit the carved wooden table directly, knocking over a table of cups and pots.

"Why are you so angry, I haven't thanked you yet..." The soft voice suddenly sounded again, and Gao Yang's figure appeared next to Lian Ye again, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if disdainful She was mocking, and continued: "Without you, I don't know how many years I would have to wait."

Lian Ye didn't bother to pounce on him anymore, but seeing his smug face felt uncomfortable all over, picked up the teacup in hand and threw it towards him.Sure enough, before meeting Gao Yang, his figure disappeared in a flash.

"What do you mean, mother?" The next moment, Gao Yang's figure appeared on the other side, and Lian Ye couldn't hold back his temper.

Gao Yang smiled, and looked at Lian Ye burningly, "Did you encounter many strange things along the way? Thanks to your perfect physique, you are really a wonderful person... This anger that is all over the sky is very, very good... Hahaha..." Gao Yang's face became a little hideous as he spoke, and when he laughed, the ghosts in the corpse caves on both sides of the tomb path began to cry in unison.

Howls resounded everywhere.

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