Secondary disease of rebirth

Chapter 64 64. The Red Queen

The imperial palace will be repaired from the beginning and there is a distance from the civilian residences, so the fire will not spread here.The hoarse howl gradually weakened, and when it was almost gone, Lian Ye said: "Go in."

Behind the palace gate is a road paved with gray bricks, which spreads long to the bottom of the steps at the end.There is a stone carving of a dragon in the center of the huge steps. When you go up the steps, you will see the largest inner hall in the entire palace.The golden tiles have a heavy roof, and the angled cornices are extraordinarily brilliant.

How majestic the Chongge here is, how high the floors are, sitting in the palace, surrounded by stone roads.They didn't bother to appreciate it, but stared at the main hall closely, because behind this, it should be what they were looking for, the culprit of all the horrible things along the way, Gao Yang.

Perhaps the road was so bumpy that when Lian Ye stepped onto the last step, it was as if a thousand catties of sandbags were tied to his feet, and it took a lot of effort to climb up.

Seeing Lian Ye like this, Qian Yu, who couldn't bear his temper, first went to push open the door of the main hall.

At this time, a gust of dark wind came from nowhere, directly entered the hall, and the hall was lit up.

People rushed to the door and gathered around to watch.

Several Fan Jin's red lacquer pillars stand in the four directions of the hall, and the dragons and phoenixes on them are so gorgeous.The roof beam is made of red sandalwood and nanmu, and the floor of the hall is paved with warm fat and warm jade. In the center of the hall are four steps, above which is a purple gold throne, behind the throne is a golden fan screen, and the glazed lamps surrounding the entire hall have automatically lit up.

In Yu Heng's tomb, the throne in the main hall has already been seen, but this Northern Qi Dynasty is nearly a thousand years later than Ji Ban, so the craftsmanship and materials are naturally more refined.

"Could it be that Gao Yang is somewhere else?" There were no zombies or ghosts, and the brightly lit hall made Wang Zhi feel more secure, so he stepped in.

The rest of the people followed into the hall, and Lian Ye also dragged the green scale cocoon into it.The warm jade under their feet was as bright and clean as a mirror, which could almost reflect their appearance.

As soon as he stepped into the hall, before he could stand still, the door of the hall slammed shut and was slammed shut.

"Fuck! Don't play tricks, okay? Old man Gao Yang!" Lian Ye turned around to pull the door cursingly, but the wooden door seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and it couldn't be pulled at all.

Feng Yi also went to help him, but with his ability, he couldn't shake the seemingly fragile carved sandalwood door.

"There is devilish energy on it..." Feng Yi felt it carefully for a while, then said softly.

Qian Yu also frowned, pushed the thin-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, his starry eyes narrowed, "I feel it too."

"Demon? Let me go, this Gao Yang will not fall into the way of the devil..." Lian Ye turned pale with fright. Having been influenced by Taoist knowledge since he was a child, he probably has a certain understanding of gods, men, devils and demons, and also knows what to do among them. distinguish.

In fact, there is nothing special about immortals. Whether you are a human or an animal, if you devote yourself to cultivation, you will have a chance to become an immortal and enter the ranks of immortals.To put it simply, it is nothing more than a civil servant among human beings. Everyone takes the exam equally. As long as you study well, have potential and qualifications, or have a background, you can be employed and established.

And what about the devil?It's also a bit similar to a civil servant, but the conditions for its formation are completely opposite to those of becoming a fairy.The more karma you have, the more likely you are to become a demon.

"What monster? Lianye Qianyu, don't scare me..." Qi Ming's face was pale, and he wanted to put a layer of powder on his dark face, and it turned white.

How can Li Deyou control any demons or doors, he silently came to the wall, looking at the exquisite golden lamps on the wall, they must be worth a lot of money.But they are a bit high, how to get them down?

When I looked around, I found the inner room hidden by the screen behind the purple and gold throne...

It doesn't look like there are other exits here, Wang Zhi and Niu You are going to use Luoyang shovels and submachine guns to directly forcibly destroy the wooden door.


A thin and strange voice came in vain, it came from nowhere, it only lingered above the entire hall, and it lasted for a long time.

"What the hell?" Wang Zhi, who was aiming at the gate with a submachine gun, was startled by the laughter, turned around to look around, and swept the muzzle of the submachine gun at everyone.

Before Lian Ye could be scared to death by the laughter, he was about to be scared to death by Wang Zhi, and angrily cursed: "Don't point your gun at anyone!"

Just about to pull on the safety catch in a hurry, that sudden laughter came again, this time it seemed to dive from the top of the temple and go straight to the depths of your eardrum.

With a jolt, he pressed the trigger irresistibly.

With a loud gunshot, Wang Zhi's shot hit the floor.He punched a bullet hole and a crack in the masonry of Nuanyu Agar.

Lian Ye snatched the gun over, "What are you doing? You almost lose your temper when others laugh a few times?"

"That's right, you almost fell on my feet!" Niu You jumped on the spot in shock, the shot just hit a position less than half a meter away from his feet.

The old face behind Wang Zhiluo's beard blushed, as a sharpshooter, it was really embarrassing for him to go off fire like this.

After the shot, several people blamed and frightened, but no one cared about the inexplicable laughter.

Perhaps no one was afraid of it, the source of the laughter seemed to feel that his face was dull, and even laughed hahaha haha, loud enough to catch up with the loudspeaker.

"Laughing fart, who the hell are you? Gao Yang? Get out and see how this handsome deal with you!"

Feng Yi, who likes to be quiet, doesn't like noise very much, these few noises made him wrinkle picturesque eyebrows, Lian Ye saw how he could bear it, and cursed loudly into the air.

I would rather listen to ghosts crying than laughing ghosts.

Ghosts cry because of resentment, and they cry silently because they were in pain because of the misfortune they encountered before death. Although such ghosts do not have good intentions, they will not harm themselves and take the initiative to harm others.

And only ghosts can laugh. They are extremely vicious and vicious. They laugh because they are happy when they see a living person who can be killed.

Everyone who digs graves knows this. Lian Ye, who has been harassed by ghosts since childhood and has an uncle who is proficient in gossip and yin and yang, cannot be unaware of this.

But no matter what kind of vicious ghost he is, Feng Yi who dares to bother him, let's see how the Lord can abolish you.

Is there anyone in this world who is not afraid of ghosts?The laughter faltered for a while, and then there was a strong wind in the hall, and the glass lamps that were blowing flickered on and off.

An afterimage came suddenly, floating in mid-air, staring at everyone.

"What's your intention in breaking into the Daqi Palace?" It asked sharply, its shrill voice echoing in the empty hall.

Everyone can see the figure of a woman floating above the inner hall. They can only see her two curved willow eyebrows sweeping lightly, her complexion is as solid as goose fat, her red lips are like cherry blossoms, her shoulders are covered with splashed ink and long hair The beauty of the country.But the light lines under the corners of the eyes and the slightly drooping cheeks are at least thirty.

Her translucent figure undoubtedly showed the fact that she was a ghost. The most frightening thing was that she was wearing a scarlet wedding dress, her half-smile demeanor, and the jealousy in her eyes.You can think of it with your feet, and the person who comes is bound to be unkind.

The grave robbers are most afraid of encountering dead people who are not dead but still resentful, and among these dead people, the dead who are most afraid of are the dead in red uniforms.To be buried in this kind of clothes is to intentionally make the deceased have to be reborn, and his resentment is stimulated by the red evil spirit, multiplying and multiplying, which is extremely vicious.

"I entered the Jiuzhuan Qianmen Cave purely by accident, and finally came here by mistake. I have no other intentions, let alone bother Your Excellency. I just want to find an exit, please forgive me." Lian Ye put on a blank expression. With an evil smile, he is not afraid of this evil spirit.He was trying to see if the ghost was still sane, or if he could learn Gao Yang's whereabouts from her.

As expected, the female ghost couldn't listen, she raised her arm, pointed at Lian Ye with extremely long Yinhong nails, "Nonsense, it's all nonsense! When men want you, they talk sweetly, even use all means After we get it, we will all be ashes, so we won’t care about it any more!”

The woman didn't answer the question at all, and the more she spoke, the more excited she became. In the end, her voice was shrill and piercing, and countless black mist burst out from her ethereal body, directly attacking Lian Ye.

Wisps of black mist emerged from her body in an instant, striking Lian Ye like tentacles.

Lian Ye didn't move at all, and didn't even blink his eyes.Before the black mist touched him, he was sucked up by something, and the dense miasma was completely absorbed?

" Who are you?" The woman turned pale with shock.

Niu You and Wang Zhi were also shocked, did Lian Ye cheat?

Only Qian Yu knew that this was all because of Feng Yi, and he stood in front of Lian Ye in an instant, all the miasma was sucked into his body by him and used by him.

Feng Yi is not something everyone can see. He exists outside the Three Realms, so it can be said that he is not affected by anything.Only by holding the jade pendant with his soul can I see him, but Qian Yu is a fairy god, with the eyes of the sky, everything in the world can't hide.

But as for Fuming...

From the corner of his eye, Lian Ye looked at the cocoon chrysalis leaning against the door, how could he see Feng Yi?Regardless of whether the past events he told himself were true or not, he seemed to have some answers in his heart, but he couldn't be sure.

"Tsk tsk, look who this is, with this face and beauty, it's actually Her Highness the Empress." Qian Yu seemed to have suddenly realized, and slightly leaned down his upper body, as if to show respect.

The four words Your Royal Highness shocked everyone, including the red-clothed female ghost in the air.

Her eyes were blank for a moment, and then she seemed to be stimulated, holding her head and shaking her head, denying it, "No! I'm not the queen, no!"

Qian Yu took two steps forward, stood below the female ghost, looked up at the scary face of the female ghost, and continued: "Perhaps I should call you the empress dowager?"

"Could she be Li Zu'e?" Lian Ye realized in an instant that the one who appeared in Gao Yang's tomb, with such a beautiful appearance, could not only be one of the five most beauties in history at the same level as Diao Chan and Zhaojun, but Gao Yang's Wife, Li Zu'e?

Seeing Qian Yu nodding slowly, everyone was taken aback.Niu You and Wang Zhi looked at each other and said in unison: "She is not..."

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