"Don't blame me for being rude if you don't hand it over again!" Lian Ye stretched out two fingers and placed them on his chest, holding a flashlight in the other hand, and warned loudly at the strange man.

The weirdo still stood not far away and looked at him, without answering, only the ticking sound of water droplets rolling down from the cave roof.

Lian Ye lost his patience any more, and closed his eyes and read: "The elf, the armored soldier with the head, the South Dipper on the left, the Seven Stars on the right, those who oppose me will die, those who follow me will live, and the Nine Heavens Xuannv is as urgent as the law!"

As the spell came out, Lian Ye's whole body was covered with a layer of light blue halo. When he finished speaking, the halo of light converged into one, and struck the strange man in white like lightning.

The blue lightning flashed a dazzling light in the dark cave, and the weirdo didn't dodge, the lightning directly hit his chest.

Without a single sound or reaction, the blue light passed directly through the strange man, flew towards the dark passage behind him, illuminated the entire cave, and then slowly disappeared.

how come……

Lian Ye, an ordinary person who has no true energy at all, was out of breath after using the spell. His eyes widened in shock, and he murmured, "Aren't you a ghost?"

He used the curse of subduing ghosts in Maoshan Taoism. As the name suggests, subduing ghosts is naturally ineffective against non-ghosts.In this kind of bare cave, the face is like a ghost, and the body is as cold as ice water, what else can it be if it is not a ghost?

"You... want to hurt me?" The hoarse voice sounded again, seeming to be full of displeasure.

Lian Ye could see clearly this time, the weird man's face had been melted and no part was intact, and his mouth didn't know where it went. How did he make a sound?

Lian Ye didn't have time to think about it, because after the weird man finished speaking, he started to walk towards him step by step.

Lian Ye felt an invisible pressure from the terrifying face and resentful eyes, and there was no way to deal with him. Lian Ye turned around and started running towards the other side of the cave.

There was a rattling sound when the feet stepped on the puddles along the road, and the flashlight in the running hand bumped up and down unsteadily. The cave was tall and wide, and it seemed to have no end.

Lian Ye ran until he was out of breath. When he fell earlier, he hit his thigh. Although the injury was not serious, every time he exerted force, it would bring a burst of pain.

I don't know how long he ran, Lian Ye slowed down a little, turned his head to see that the strange man in white was gone, and was about to turn back to catch his breath, but suddenly found that terrifying strange face in front of him!

Lian Ye took a breath and took a few steps back. The strange man appeared in front of his eyes without a sound, and he was covered in white sweat in fright.

It's not a ghost, it appeared suddenly like this, he obviously ran so far.

so far away……

Lian Ye stepped back a few more steps, distanced himself from the strange man, and panted heavily to observe.This strange man was still looking at him straight. If he hadn't seen him move or heard him speak before, he would really have thought it was a statue.

The strange man stood motionless, his posture was exactly the same as before, and looking at the surrounding scene, it was exactly the same...

He turned back again?

Could it be the ghost blocking the wall again? I was shocked to see the surrounding walls. They were bare, the color of the original stone and soil, and it didn't look like it was painted with light absorption.

After several rounds, Lian Ye's stomach was filled with anger, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the strange man in a mortuary in front of him was very unpleasant, so he threw the wolf-eye flashlight and rushed towards him.

The flashlight fell to the ground and slid aside. The light of the flashlight shone on the wall, making the whole cave dark and inexplicable.

The mortuary man probably didn't expect Lian Ye to come out like this, he was slightly taken aback, and was punched on the chin by Lian Ye.The huge force overturned him and fell into the puddle.

The water splashed all over the place immediately, Lian Ye stepped forward and grabbed the collar of the strange man in the mortuary uniform and was about to tear it off, trying to see if Gu Yu was hung on his chest.

Now that the strange man came to his senses, how could he make Lian Ye mess up again, lying on the ground, he hit Lian Ye's chest with an elbow.

Lian Ye was pulling his clothes, but he couldn't guard against it, and was hit straight, and suddenly felt the blood in his stomach surge, and he also fell to the ground.

The mortuary clothes weirdo stood up, the plain white mortuary clothes were stained with water and mud marks, he raised his hand to gather his clothes, but Lian Ye saw a large piece of black scriptures from his open chest...

The weirdo's skin was pale, his face was ugly, but his figure was excellent.The chest muscles are distinct, and there are no ancient jade on the two obvious chest muscles, but black Sanskrit, and the small Sanskrit body is lined up vertically, full of...

The flashlight rolled to the side, the light was so dim that Lian Ye couldn't tell whether it was Sanskrit or other mantras.The weirdo in the mortuary clothes had already put on his clothes, and stepped on Lian Ye's legs who hadn't got up yet.

"You...don't think...you can leave...me..."

Lian Ye was shocked by the kick that was aimed at his little brother, and his ass tightened.The monster in the mortuary was like a horrible sound coming from the throat, the low voice seemed to come from hell.

"Leave your mother, who the hell are you? What do you want to do?" Lian Ye couldn't help yelling, trying to get up with hands and feet, Xu just used Taoism and ran for so long, his whole body was so limp, struggling to think Tried to get up, but fell back to the ground several times.

The weird man in the mortuary suit bullied his lower body, and his terrifying face scared Lian Ye back, who was about to get up again, "You don't need to...know who I am, just know...you will never...can't get out... ..."

What the hell!Lian Ye's anger surged up, and he felt a rush of hot air rushing straight to his forehead, his face and ears became hot, and then he fell to the ground with his eyes darkened.

Lian Ye's last thought before losing consciousness was: he won't be given a stroke by this ugly ghost!

In a trance, there were figures of people, Lian Ye felt as if he was being repeatedly fried on a frying pan, his whole body was extremely hot, he couldn't control his body when he wanted to move, and it was difficult to open his eyelids.It feels uncomfortable to feel that the body cannot be controlled by oneself. It is obviously conscious, but it cannot move at all, and a sense of powerlessness arises spontaneously.

Lian Ye caught a cold, maybe he didn't have a good rest, used Taoist skills rashly and added a few shocks, he was more tenacious than Xiaoqiang's vitality, finally fell down, or fell in front of the strange man in the embalmed clothes who might be the enemy.

The strange man dragged Lian Ye to a dry boulder, stood in the distance, and observed quietly.

He didn't know how long he lived in this grotto that couldn't distinguish between day and night, winter and summer, and almost forgot why he was here, and when it would end.

The strange man's thoughts were pulled back by Lian Ye who was humming softly on the boulder. The heat in his body made him unbearably hot, and he hummed softly unconsciously.He raised his weak hand and barely lifted his shirt, revealing more than half of his naked upper body.

The flashlight had already been picked up by the strange man, and because he didn't know how to turn it off, he stood upside down beside it, the light was blocked by the stone ground, and nothing could leak out.

The weirdo, who has already adapted to this dark cave, has a panoramic view of everything in the cave, and the wheat-colored skin is covered with a little sweat, which is more delicious and attractive as if coated with a layer of honey.

The weirdo didn't have time to think about it, leaned over in a strange way, raised his hand to caress the waistline of the man lying on the boulder, and couldn't help but sigh the hot and soft touch.

too hot...

Is it normal for humans to have this temperature...

For many years, no one has entered here, adding a touch of color to his miserable days day after day.I don't want this good toy of him to die like this, so the plain hand, which is completely different from the ugly and ferocious features, slowly moves up to Lian Ye's forehead.

A dense white mist emerged from the palm, which was particularly conspicuous in the pitch-black hole. Just as it was about to touch his forehead, suddenly a puff of black air gushed out from Lian Ye's body, enveloping the strange man's hand in an instant, and swayed along his arm. superior.


The weirdo was extremely surprised, how could mere human beings be haunted by miasma, he hurriedly withdrew his hand, the miasma pierced into the skin like a bone-piercing ice pick, making him gasp in pain.

As he recited the mantra in his heart, dots of white light emerged, merged with the miasma in his hand, and then disappeared without a trace.The weird man tilted his head slightly, staring at Lian Ye's brows that were tangled together in pain.

Is it hopeless...

on the other side……

"Boss, I told you something is wrong here!"

In the damp and cold underground cave, Wang Zhi shook the flashlight back and forth, and the light of the flashlight flickered on the stone wall blocking the road ahead.

Li Deyou followed behind Wang Zhi with a livid face, and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "I saw it, change the way!"

That's right, this is a dead end, to be exact, it's not the first dead end they encountered.After they fell from the ground, they fell into this underground cave. There are ravines and countless caves intersecting each other. Covered by a mud bubble.

As soon as they landed, a large amount of mud poured over their heads. If it weren't for a few people who quickly got up to avoid it, they would probably have buried them all.Following this, the hole above the head was completely covered by the soil, and it was impossible to go out the same way.

Everyone was there, except for Lian Ye's figure. Although the ceiling of the cave was not as low as three meters, it was definitely not enough to lose a person during this period of falling.

No matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find any trace of Lian Ye. In the huge cave, a living person just evaporated out of thin air?

A group of people turned back from this dead end, ready to try where the next passage would lead, and whether there would be an exit.

"Qianyu? Qianyu?" Niu You found that Qianyu who was following behind him had disappeared, and turned around in a hurry.Originally, Wang Zhi was the only one who turned on the wolf-eye flashlight to save electricity, but now he doesn't care so much.He also took out the flashlight in his pocket and searched up and down with the light on.

Wang Zhi was startled, and he really didn't see Qian Yu's figure when he turned around, and his full beard couldn't hide his paper-pale complexion.In such a small passage, a big living person just disappeared, and Lian Ye from before, could this be a cave that can eat people?

The author has something to say:

Babies, this article is so cold, if you like it, give Ye Zi a little encouragement to dig,

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