Gammy is a reporter from the News Department of Leni Country, but her current position is a bit embarrassing.

She had just joined the job for a week, and the superior had originally arranged for a master to take her with her. Unexpectedly, the master had not taken care of her for two days before she was promoted.

It's a pity that she couldn't be promoted along with her. In addition, the news department didn't know what they were busy with recently, and everyone was so busy that they didn't raise their heads, so no one cared about her.

In the past few days, she went to work every day, either reading newspapers and periodicals at her workstation, or reading previous newspapers and periodicals at her workstation.

Nothing to do.

On this day, she finally knew what the seniors in the department were busy with.

The friendly country wants to send a new ambassador to take over the embassy here, and the seniors are busy writing reports and analysis reports and so on.

The back department held a meeting to discuss how to treat the new curator.

Gammy felt that he had nothing to do with him, and sat in the corner listening to the discussions of the leaders.

"My suggestion here is to send a reporter to connect with her, follow her if necessary, and serve as our ministry's resident reporter at the embassy..."

"This proposal is good, so that we can also get her daily and necessary manuscript content from this reporter every day."

"Yes, just use the names of the accompanying reporters to arrange individuals."

After everyone reached a consensus, they faced a new problem.

Who to let go?

Once here, all the people who spoke loudly just now fell silent.

No one knows what kind of person this new curator is, and they don't know what difficulties they will encounter when they arrive at the embassy. Everyone has stayed here well, and who wants to go to this muddy water.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and finally their eyes fell on Gammy in the corner.

Gammy, who was drawing and drawing with a notebook, was suddenly stunned. It was the first time she had appeared in the sight of so many people after coming in for a long time.

"Gammy doesn't have a board yet, right?"

"Then Gamie."

"Okay, not bad."

Then Gammy got a bunch of notebooks and a scooter.

The notebook is used to record what happens every day, and the car is for her to pick up and drop off the curator every day.

In this way, Gammy packed up his few things in a daze, moved into the embassy two streets away, and began to write a daily diary.



I officially moved into the embassy today. There are not many people in the embassy. There is only one person at most two people in a department, but everyone has a clear division of labor.

I got a small office next to the curator's office.

The former curator also asked me to help tidy up the curator's office, saying that the new curator is a lady, and the layout can be less rigid but must be clean.

After thinking about it, I placed a cactus with a diameter of fifteen centimeters beside the curator's desk, hoping she would like it.

But... Looking at the gray-haired former curator, I began to imagine the image of my new boss.

Miss?I think I pictured my mom holding a feather duster and then my grandma playing poker with a cane.

When I got home from get off work, I went to the supermarket to buy a pack of milk for the elderly.

I thought that if the new curator does not drink coffee, he can drink some of this.



Today, I systematically studied the content of the curator's work. It is a bit difficult, so let's wait for the curator's arrival with peace of mind.



It's so cold, how can my warm Leni country be so cold!

And I have to pick up the curator today, I hope the new curator will not be scared away by such cruel weather.



To add to today's diary:

In the afternoon, I went to pick up the new curator with a few people in the library.

I thought there were only a few of us, but when we arrived at the airport, I realized that I was small.

The dozens of people in the dark are all people whose faces I have only seen on TV before.

It turns out that the handover of the new curator is so serious.

The belly draft that I wrote and revised many times before memorizing it was completely useless.

I can only take a few photos from a distance, and I don't even know who the new curator is.

The leader didn't think of me until after dinner, called me from the embassy again, and introduced me to the head of the embassy.

I finally saw the curator!

The curator is neither a mother nor a grandma!

Is a young beautiful sister.

I don't chase stars, but I suddenly feel that I can chase curators.

It's the kind of pursuit that treats her as my idol.

She looks completely different from us, she is very white, her eyes are very bright, and she is very temperamental. Is this an exotic beauty? She is so delicate.

There were a lot of people at that time, so she just said hello to me. After knowing that I would be her assistant in the future, she didn't say anything, only that she would trouble me in the future.

No trouble, that's my pleasure.

Behind it is the home I sent her back to...or it could be called a dormitory?

She must have drunk too much, or maybe she was tired from flying over, so she leaned on the back seat and closed her eyes when she got in the car.

I don't know if she is asleep or not, I kept peeking at her in the rearview mirror while waiting for the traffic light.

She was wearing a white shirt with a black windbreaker on the outside. The black and white made her particularly abstinent.

The fluffy hair that reaches the ears and does not reach the shoulders is pressed by her, the small mouth is thin and thick, which makes it easy to kiss, the nose is straight and straight, the eyes are deep, and the eyebrows are winding... Wait, the eyes?

I looked again, and she didn't know when she opened her eyes, and she was meeting my eyes in the rearview mirror.

I admit, I panicked the moment my eyes met.

Then I got rear-ended.



There is good news and bad news.

The good news is that the car in front of me was not seriously damaged in the rear-end collision last night, and I only need to pay 500 yuan.

The bad news is that when I went to pick up the curator this morning, the curator had already gone to the embassy by himself, and told someone to tell me to wait a while and go to her office after the meeting.

I'm panicking now.

I suspect that the curator thinks that I am not a cautious and rigorous person because of my rear-end accident last night.

Seeing her coming to work this morning, I knew she was scared, and she didn't dare to take my car anymore.

I might... be out of a job.

I'm back, just out of the curator's office.

New news, I just found out the curator's Chinese name is Duanmu Zhengjie, which sounds really nice.

I decided to go back tonight and learn Chinese again.

Also, I'm not unemployed, and the curator didn't ask me to come in because he wanted to tell me to leave, but because he told me the content of the meeting just now, and he was afraid that I would write a manuscript soon and there would be no content.

In addition, she also asked me to open a reimbursement form, saying that the rear-end collision last night can be reimbursed, and she will sign it for me.

The curator is such a nice guy.

Not to mention, I'm going to start working, and I'm going to impress her with my hard work and professionalism!



Damn it, why is the weather still so cold and so changeable!

I'm really afraid that my curator won't be used to it. She has to go out and run up and down every day to learn about our situation.

It rained suddenly again in the afternoon, and her secretary didn't hold up the umbrella for her in time, and she got caught in the rain!

I'm so angry!This secretary can't do it, let me do it, okay?



It finally stopped raining today, but my curator started to cough, and I suspected she had a cold, so I made some medicine for her, and she even thanked me.

Hey, thank you for what.

But she still didn't let me pick her up to and from get off work today. In the afternoon, she got off work on schedule. When she passed by my place, she didn't know if my eyes were too hot. She stopped and asked me what's wrong hesitantly.

I was too embarrassed to say that I could drive her off. I was afraid that the shadow left by the rear-end collision last time had not been removed, so I could only say nothing.

Then he watched her go out.

Bit sad.

Forget it, I decided to write three manuscripts praising her hard work tonight.



Today's weather is the climate that my country of Lennie should have!

I've been a little busy these days, so I didn't write much in the diary. I went out with the curator to get to know the leaders of each link, so tired.



It’s a holiday these few days, and the weather is so good, I really want to invite the curator to go fishing to do my best as a landlord, but I’m not too embarrassed.




Last night I finally got up the courage to call and ask the curator what he planned to do during the holidays!

She said that she was going to take a good look here, and I immediately recommended myself, saying that I know this place as well as my own. If she doesn't dislike it, I can take her to play and be her tour guide!

The curator smiled lowly on the phone, I don't know the description, it's that kind of very sexy and low voice!

I feel like I'm going to die.

It was as if my ears had been shocked by an electric shock, and half of my body was numb.

After laughing, she said yes.

I rolled around all night without falling asleep, got up at six in the morning, showered and dressed, and then rode my beloved little motorcycle to pick her up.

She froze for a moment when she saw me, I must have blushed at that moment.

I don't think I'm overdressed, just a fitted knit and a pair of slightly ripped jeans.

But her dress was also something I didn't expect. She was wearing a floral skirt, the smog blue was dotted with small crimson flowers, very ladylike, completely different from her usual cold and abstinent suit and leather shoes.

My heart was pounding, I almost couldn't brake, and ended up hitting a lamppost before coming to a stop.

After I parked the car and looked back, she didn't know why she took two steps back, and then she asked me for a motorcycle driver's license before getting into my back seat.

The curator is the curator, and he is so law-abiding that he won’t drive me without a license.

She sat up on her side, but she didn't put her arms around me. For her safety, I just told her to hug me.

Then she hugged and I bumped into a lamppost again.

Sad that we didn't ride the motorcycles in the end.

The curator said that the motorcycle is very windy and she is afraid of the cold. Well, her body is more important.

I originally imagined riding a motorcycle with her along the coastline, looking at the flowers on the left and the sea on the right, but I didn't think about it, and finally it became me walking along the coastline with her.

We also visited the old town, and she treated me to an orange-flavored ice cream.

The boss put a small biscuit in the shape of a white bunny on my ice cream, and the curator put a big bad wolf on the vanilla ice cream.

The curator also looked at my rabbit several times, and I reluctantly wanted to give it to her.

But she didn't want it.

She must know that I like it too!

The curator is so gentle!

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