Reborn Trainer

Chapter 67 Fire

There is a legend in the wolf clan that the ancestors of the wolf clan were once gifted by the wolf king, leading them to find water and food, allowing them to survive. Since then, wolves have received the same treatment as the wolf clan.They do not regard wolves as animals, but as partners fighting side by side.

It’s just that time is far away, and today’s wolf people no longer respect wolves as before. On the contrary, they have their own methods of taming wolves, making them their own subordinates, slaves, who can be used at will, sold and disposed of. young wolf.

They kill the old wolves, peel off their fur and teeth for decoration, and also raise some young wolves in captivity, so that their flesh and blood can be sold as the most delicious food.

But even though these things have become the habit of the wolf tribe, there is a kind of wolf that they will never touch, and they dare not touch.

That is the wolf of the patriarch of the wolf clan.For some reason, the patriarch's wolves have been different from other wild wolves since all the wolf tribe could remember, they were bigger, smarter and more human.

They have been kept by the patriarch's side all year round, and they are proficient in human languages. Although they cannot speak, they can understand people's words.

It is rumored that they are stronger than ordinary wolves, their teeth are sharper, and their running speed is as fast as the wind. It is also rumored that their bodies are snow white, which is a rare species of white wolf.

The wolves of the wolf patriarch have been passed down from generation to generation, and the patriarch calls them the wolf king.Wolf kings are generally female, and males rarely appear.Each generation of wolf kings has given birth to countless offspring, but only one will remain in the end, as if it knew its own mission innately, and the one that survives will be with its master for life.

They don't see outsiders on weekdays, and they only stand by the patriarch's side on some important occasions, and their majestic appearance will deter the clansmen by the way.

For so many years, the wolf king has always been snow white, without exception.But when Langyuan took over the burden of the patriarch, the former wolf king had not yet had a white cub, and among these gray-black cubs, only one was female.

This is a very rare phenomenon, and Langyuan's father once worried that it would bring disaster to the wolf clan.Fortunately, apart from the fact that the little wolf is not snow white, its other abilities have not been weakened.For example, it is sharper and smarter than other wolves, learns things extremely fast, and is stronger and faster than its brothers.

Lang Yuan knew that this was his wolf king, even though its color was not as beautiful as its mother's snow white, but Lang Yuan liked it very much. Suddenly lost from the family.

Gray Shadow is very smart, Langyuan doesn't think that someone else took it away, let alone lost it because of ineffective guards.

After thinking about it, Langyuan had to face a reality—it was Huiying who chose to leave.

There is an irresistible order to choose the wolf king.The one he keeps is his wolf king, and the one he chooses to leave must not be forced to stay.

The old old wolf king had passed away, and Huiying's brothers had chosen to leave long ago.Langyuan thought it would stay, and always took it for granted, but unexpectedly, Hui Ying left.

He sent many people to inquire about its whereabouts, but because it looked no different from ordinary wild wolves, it was extremely difficult to find it.

Only those who have been with it at close range, such as Langyuan and Langxian, can see its difference at a glance.

Langyuan doesn't want to forcefully bring back the gray shadow, he will respect its choice.But he wondered why.

At this time, he was standing in the yard, upstairs was Qi Sheng who had already fallen asleep.Looking at the little guy in the yard who refused to come out of the nest because he saw him, and thinking of the child who laughed happily with him before, Lang Yuan felt a few question marks in his heart.

Compared with taking care of yourself, is it happier to hang out with this child in the backyard of this brothel?

The next day, Qi Sheng woke up very early as usual.

Lang Yuan woke up the moment he got up, he turned over, and noticed that the people behind him were sneaking in clothes and shoes, and went downstairs lightly after washing up.

Not long after, the sound of boxing exercises came from outside the window, sometimes light and sometimes heavy, with excellent sense of proportion.

Lang Yuan closed his eyes and listened for a while, then nodded secretly.This kid has good agility. I didn't expect that he looked very young, but he was extremely talented.The fists he punched were not random swings, but a combination of hardness and softness, with a natural and unrestrained vigor in it.

It is not easy to be at ease at such a young age.

No... Lang Yuan opened his eyes and touched his chin.Maybe it is because you have no other distractions that you can take it easy?

Lang Yuan has been observing Qi Sheng all day, the more he observes, the more interesting this doll becomes.

He is very simple-minded, kind-hearted, and always considers others.Even if it is doing dirty work, he never makes a sound, and even smiles to face the deliberate censure of others.

But if it is said that he is not interested in the city, he can always remember what he is here for.Inquiring about news intentionally or unintentionally, flattering and flattering dignitaries, as if honey had been smeared on his mouth, he could make people laugh out loud.

Lang Yuan thought to himself, the worry that Lang Xian said in the letter was actually completely unnecessary.

Although Long Ling was young, he would not do such uncertain things.After all, he was lurking in the enemy's main city. If he didn't have any skills, he wouldn't care about his own life. How could he hear the news?

Long Ling would never do such a loss-making business, so since Qi Sheng was chosen, there is a reason for it.

Maybe it's because of his defenseless performance, which easily lowers the defenses of others, or maybe it's because this kid is too adaptable, he can get up wherever he throws it, or because he doesn't seem to have any plans, but he has principles and principles that others can't shake. Persevere, so...he is the best candidate, not one of them.

This day passed by in a hurry, Qi Sheng had to take care of the store, and also tried to find a way to inquire about the situation of the soldiers who had escaped.By the time the store closed, I was already sweating profusely and panting like a cow.

Shan Yuan looked at him inexplicably, "You did a lot of things today?"

Qi Sheng chuckled, "We have a generous guest today!"

Shan Yuan naturally misunderstood.I thought the kid had been busy all night just to earn a few more odds and ends.

He smiled and patted the child's head, "You brat, looking at the simple and honest stomach is full of heart."

Qi Sheng blinked innocently, "Where is it?"

Shan Yuan ignored him, yawned and went back to the room slowly, "Okay, let's go to bed early, there will be your performance tomorrow."

Qi Sheng agreed, and waited for the man to walk away before he sat down on the chair, crossed his legs and let out a long breath.

Lang Yuan handed him a glass of water, and asked nonchalantly, "I haven't seen you much all night."

Qi Sheng was almost choked, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I'm too short, you can't see it, it's normal!"

After finishing speaking, he frowned as if remembering something, "Eh? Didn't you only stay for one night? Why are you still here?"

"Oh, I don't have enough travel expenses to go back." Lang Yuan said with a straight face: "Boss Shan has promised me that he will let me do some odd jobs here first, and leave when I have enough travel expenses."

"..." Qi Sheng's eyes widened, "Aren't you trying to catch those deserters? Why... why didn't the people above reward you? Even if they didn't reward you... sending you back should be just a matter of effort?"

"In this situation, who cares about whom?" Lang Yuan said, "I don't want to bother them, after all, I'm going to rest for a while, and it's not bad to live here."

Qi Sheng was dazed for a long time, then he came to his senses and said embarrassingly: "Brother Liang, you are not like those noble gentlemen... have you taken a fancy to a girl in our building?"

Langyuan: "..."

"This kind of thing is normal." Qi Sheng scratched his neck, "Every day someone falls in love with the girl in the building at first sight. I was quite surprised at first, but then I got used to it."

As he spoke, he leaned over to the side of Langyuan, "We are good brothers! Tell me who you are, and I'll tell you something nice for you!"

Langyuan: "..."

Qi Sheng insisted that this was true, Lang Yuan simply didn't explain, and just acquiesced.

So Qi Sheng guessed who Lang Yuan was after every day, and when he saw who Lang Yuan was staring at, he would give them gadgets, and even told the girl that Lang Yuan sent them.

As a result, after a while, all the girls in the building knew one thing--Langyuan is a philanderer, looks calm, but the girl he likes changes every day.

Langyuan really has a mouth and can't speak clearly, the best partner to tell is the little wolf in the backyard.

While Qi Sheng was snoring loudly in his sleep, Lang Yuan slipped into the yard again, and said to the gray shadow who was pouting his buttocks and flicking his tail, obviously not welcoming him, "What do you like about him? What about him?" A little better than me?"

Gray Shadow's answer was only a whirring sound from his throat, as if he was laughing.

Lang Yuan felt that his days of dealing with family affairs were not as tiring as his days here, so Qi Sheng didn't know what was pretending in his head, and he was a child, so elusive, he always "surprised" himself again and again. Not a happy cooperation.

Just tell him the truth.Lang Yuan felt that he was asking for trouble, at first he wanted to observe and see why this kid was chosen by Hui Ying, but now he really regrets it.

I just think that Hui Ying must have lost his mind.


On the street close to Wangcheng, a loud bell suddenly sounded.The sound was extremely slow, but the speed of transmission was extremely fast.

The street of Changqing Building is still some distance away from Wangcheng, but at this moment, it can be heard clearly.

He stood up, frowned and looked into the distance, and saw faint black smoke drifting from the street in the distance.



The window in the attic was suddenly pushed open.When Lang Yuan raised his head, he saw a small figure rushing out quickly.Different from the usual slow pace when he practiced boxing, Qi Sheng at this moment was like an arrow leaving the string, carrying a terrifying coldness.

Lang Yuan was only stunned for a moment, and immediately flew after him—not forgetting to go to the attic to get the child's coat first.

That kid went out without even putting on his clothes!

Qi Sheng didn't have time to think about why Lang Yuan wasn't in the room when he opened his eyes, and also didn't have time to think about why Lang Yuan left the room without realizing it.He just had a bad premonition the moment he heard the bell.

It was an intuition, it was hard to say clearly, but he rushed out before he came back to his senses.

Jumping over many roofs and dense branches at the fastest speed, his speed is nothing compared to Lang Xian, but for a ten-year-old child, Lang Yuan was extremely shocked.

The two of them even arrived before the fire brigade.

Standing in the shade of a tree in the distance, Lang Yuan watched Qi Sheng carefully climb up the city wall of the main city.Everyone has gone to fight the fire, it is the best time to sneak in.

Qi Sheng made up his mind and quickly jumped in.

Lang Yuan secretly scolded this kid for being so bold, and jumped in.

The royal city was in flames, and the maids and guards were running around, and no one paid attention to the appearance of a child.

Langyuan is different. He is tall and tall. In order to cover up his wolf-like features, he deliberately pretended to have an eye disease and covered half of his eyes. Now that he appears in Wangcheng with this appearance, he is easily targeted as a suspect.

He could only lower his head as much as possible and walk against the wall.I paid attention to the child's movements all the way, and my palms were sweating from nervousness.

The more you go to places with higher temperatures, the fewer people on the road.

Probably because the flames were too high, everyone had no way to rescue them, so they simply withdrew all the way out.

As if he couldn't feel the heat, Qi Sheng held his nose and walked across the courtyard. The corpses of many guards and maidservants were scattered on the bluestone road. They were all killed, and the blood spread down like a stream.

Qi Sheng frowned, and quickly looked around, the leaves were being burned and crackled, which sounded particularly ear-piercing.

Lang Yuan ran up from behind, grabbed the child by the waist and led him aside.

Then came a small tree next to it toppled down.

"Brother Liang?" Qi Sheng was taken aback, "Why do you..."

"There's no time to talk about this!" Lang Yuan said, "What are you looking for?"

Qi Sheng paused for a while, but knew that now was not the time to pretend to be stupid, so he said directly: "The patriarch of the Tiger Clan!"

Lang Yuan shook his head, "Then I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

"What do you mean?"

"This is his dormitory." Lang Yuan raised his head, motioning him to look at the two-story mansion that was burning the most, "I guess he died inside."

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