Instead of calling herself Bai Wei, she used another name...

Wu Baishuang watched Ye Wei go away, thinking about the connection between her and Bai Wei, the two of them had almost the same appearance.

"Bai Shuang, Bai Shuang?" Zong Mu's voice rang in Wu Baishuang's ears, waking him up from his thoughts.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Wu Baishuang let go of the brows that had been tightened just now when she was thinking, and her expression returned to normal.

Zong Mu: "The spirit weapons are all sold out, let's go back first."

Wu Baishuang nodded, but he did not forget Zong Mu's plan before coming to the trading area, "Don't you still want to buy some refining materials?"

If the incident just now hadn't happened, Zongmu would have bought refining materials. Right now, he doesn't have a good impression of this trading area, and he plans to go directly to the store to purchase it.

"Don't be in a hurry for now, let's go back first." Zong Mu said.

"That's good." Wu Baishuang also planned to go back first, but before going back, he turned his attention to the center of the trading area, "Go back and buy some news along the way."

He also wanted to know if there was any news about "Ye Wei" and Bai Wei.

In the center of the trading area, there is a store that specializes in buying and selling news, called Shadow Pavilion, which is very similar to the Qianji Building in Yunxi Continent, but it only sells news about the interior of Shengyun Academy, not Yunxi Continent.

Not only did Shadow Pavilion have no news from Yunxi Continent, but the entire Shengyun College was also relatively closed.Except for those students who occasionally go out on missions from Shengyun Academy, everyone else keeps their ears to the outside world and concentrates on cultivation.

The building of the Shadow Pavilion is low-key, and the location is also a selected corner. Few people will pass by the door.Inside the open gate, the layout of the ink painting tower is very classic, but because the lights are not lit, the atmosphere is a bit weird.

"It doesn't look like anyone is coming... and the lights are not on, so it's closed, right?"

Zong Mu looked at the dark gate of the Shadow Pavilion, and was a little confused for a while. The last time he bought news scrolls, someone set up a stall in the trading area and sold the scrolls of the Shadow Pavilion to freshmen. He hadn’t officially visited the Shadow Pavilion yet. .

"It should be in business." Wu Baishuang took out a luminous pearl from the space ring while talking, intending to use it for lighting to reduce the visual burden of not using spiritual power.

In an instant, the light of the night pearl illuminated the gate of the Shadow Pavilion clearly, and the spider webs that had settled here for an unknown number of years and the broken door panel with a missing corner faced them across the air.


The expressions of Zong Mu and Wu Baishuang suddenly froze.

"Wow, a customer is here." A surprised voice came from below them, but the joy in the tone didn't last long before it turned into melancholy, "But this honored guest, can you take away the Ye Mingzhu in your hand?" Take it away? This light is too bright and hinders the appearance of the Shadow Pavilion."

"?" Zong Mu was confused, and immediately asked directly, "What do you mean that the light is too bright to hinder the appearance of your Shadow Pavilion? Isn't it this spider web and this broken door?"

"Huh? They can't see clearly when there is no light." The man was in a good mood and pushed open the "ground door".

It was a door pushed open from the ground, and the passage inside spread towards the underground of the Shadow Pavilion, like a small underground palace. There were candles and formations on both sides of the tunnel, making it look like daytime.It formed a stark contrast with the pitch-black Shadow Pavilion outside.

A young man in gray clothes came out from the ground door, his eyes were bright and his expression was smiling, "Please come in, two distinguished guests. This should be the first time for you to come to the Shadow Pavilion. It is where the Shadow Pavilion is."

The power to use buildings as decorations and then dig an underground palace underground?

"Does your Shadow Pavilion belong to the four major forces?" Zong Mu was curious.

"No, we are just a very poor small faction, and the core of the spiritual veins allocated is also very small. If we don't dig tunnels, we have to walk a long way to run the industry every day, which is really hard. So everyone digs together I built a tunnel, and later found out that if there is a lot of traffic, a building can’t fit, so I expanded it.” The young man answered Zongmu’s question.

During the conversation, the three of them walked from the ground to the underground palace of the Shadow Pavilion. Compared with buying and selling news, this place is more like a place for leisure and entertainment - drinking tea, playing cards, and even renting a training room!

The conversations in the underground palace were endless, and the bustle and bustle was very lively.

"In order to make it easier for customers to come to the Shadow Pavilion, we dug two additional tunnels, which lead to the accommodation area and the teaching area respectively. Generally, this road in the trading area is rarely used by people." This is why year after year, day after day One day, a cobweb grew on the main gate of the Shadow Pavilion and no one cleaned it up. Anyway, no one came, and it would save more money if it was not maintained.

"I will take the two gentlemen to see the way later, and it will be very convenient for you to come to the Shadow Pavilion in the future." The young man enthusiastically introduced their property to Wu Baishuang and the other two.

Wu Baishuang looked at all kinds of people in the underground palace, carefully distinguishing them for a long time, but she couldn't find a place for news scrolls like Qianjilou, which is serious about selling news.

After searching to no avail, Wu Baishuang naturally wanted to ask, "We are here to buy news, what are your news scrolls?"

"Message scroll?" The young man was taken aback when he heard his question, "It depends on what news you want to ask, our distinguished guest. We can answer it for you directly. This will also save scroll paper and save you the trouble of flipping through scrolls." time."

"...?" Zong Mu had never seen such a businessman who reduced the cost to the extreme, even his master Duan Qihui would not do this.

"Come on, what do you two want to know? The noise barrier here is the peak of the sky, very safe and secret." After the young man finished speaking, he began to sell them tea from the Shadow Pavilion Underground Palace. Drinking a pot will definitely make you feel refreshed and so on.

"Is there no dessert?" Wu Baishuang glanced at the names of the teas, "Here comes a pot of flower and fruit tea."

Youth: "Yes, do you want sweet or salty? Do you want spicy?"

Wu Baishuang: "Sweet, not spicy. Salty is also fine."

Zong Mu: "..."

Why does he have the illusion that he is in a restaurant at the moment?

"In addition to these tea and snacks, do we still need to play cards? There are two kinds of cards, three-person poker, four-person mahjong, which kind do you want to play?"

"Is there no card that two people can play?" Zong Mu was surprised.

"It's just two people. Usually it's the couple who come here. What kind of cards do the couple play when they come out on a date? You'll know when you have a partner." The young Chao Zongmu blinked his eyes, thinking that the rest of the words were conveyed cryptically past.

Zong Mu took a step back, "Pretend I didn't ask."

"There are quite a lot of interesting things here." Wu Baishuang also saw some students in the underground palace playing cards, and he had a little impression of playing cards. He didn't know the rules of the mahjong tiles, and it was a new thing.

"That must be." The young man nodded, and sighed faintly after agreeing, "Shengyun Academy said it is big, but it is indeed big, but the students in it are basically obsessed with cultivation, and they don't produce much new news on weekdays. Selling only news is not as good as selling gossip and entertainment to make money.”

"The person in charge of your forces has a business mind." Wu Baishuang nodded.

"You don't have to praise me like that." The young man patted the back of his head with some embarrassment.

Zong Mu said with a wooden face: "No one praised you, we only now know that you are the person in charge of the Shadow Pavilion."

"Really? You two are freshmen who just entered this year, right?" The young man had a look of surprise on his brows when he heard Zongmu's words, and then he introduced himself, "My name is Yu Duo, and I am a shadow student. One of the people in charge of the pavilion. You can ask me for help with anything, the price is easy to negotiate, and acquaintances get discounts."

"We want to buy information, and we want to know the layout of the major forces of Shengyun College, as well as information about some individual students. How is the price calculated?" Wu Baishuang asked.

"Besides, we have finished reading the news scroll sold to freshmen. You don't need to mention the repeated content on it. Naturally, repeated content cannot be counted as money." Zong Mu will learn what he has learned from Yu Duo. Use, squeeze all the value of the things around you, and reduce consumption.

"Okay." Yu Duo glanced at Zongmu quietly and began to calculate the price, "Three hundred points are things that all the old students know. One thousand points can buy some secrets that are unknown to the powerful. Three thousand points Points, besides all the above, besides being able to dig out the whereabouts of those individual students, I can also find out for you what color underwear they are wearing today!"

Zong Mu: "..."

He couldn't help but took another two steps back. The news dealer in front of him made him feel inexplicably afraid.

"Deal, I have to listen to the three thousand." A smile appeared on the corner of Wu Baishuang's lips, and her light blue eyes were not bright at all in this day-bright studio dungeon, but rather deep and deep.

After negotiating the price, the two quickly reached a tacit agreement.Wu Baishuang followed Yu Duo to the compartment where he listened to the news, but Zong Mu remained at the same place and was at a loss for a while.

No, on the news monger's side, don't the students of Shengyun Academy have any privacy?


Zong Mu was both tangled and nervous, but he still quickly caught up with Wu Baishuang and Yu Duo all the way.

As Yu Duo said before, the sound insulation barrier on their side is the peak of heaven, which can isolate the voices of everyone in the underground palace.

However, before asking questions, Wu Baishuang, who used the face-to-face information service for the first time, still kept an eye out, "Is it absolutely confidential here? There shouldn't be a mysterious holy land powerhouse in charge?"

"Huh? Do you think that a small force like ours can afford the appearance of a saint-level powerhouse? We can't even afford a holy-level enchantment. We can only rely on a little communication with the peak-level powerhouses of the heavens to buy them with them." It's just a barrier." Yu Duo sighed.

But after he finished speaking, Wu Baishuang's expression remained unchanged.

"I can swear that it will be absolutely confidential." Yu Duo said seriously.

"Okay, you swear now." Wu Baishuang nodded in agreement.

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