Yu Duo and Chuan Ze went to talk alone.

After all, it was someone else's private matter, Zong Mu put away his curiosity and took Cuxue back first, he would have to make lunch later.

And Jiang Yue stood there, planning to wait for Chuan Ze.

Jiang Yue didn't know much about Chuan Ze.Even his emotions are restrained and mysterious. His past is as clean as a blank sheet of paper. Jiang Yue has never heard him mention it.

The first time I saw Chuanze was when Jiang Yue first entered the academy, and he took the task to clean up the monsters in the sea area around Shengyun Academy.

Because it was a large-scale group mission, there were many students who participated in the mission, but not many sky-level students participated, only some newcomers who lacked points.

The weather was not so good that day, and the tsunami caused a storm, which made many practitioners hesitate.But Jiang Yue relied on the advantage of the six-winged thunderbird, the contracted beast of his life, to pick up the leak in the storm.

Jiang Yue thought that he was the only one who came out to pick up the leaks, but he didn't expect to encounter a horde of small beasts in the depths of the sea.

Seeing the risk of being killed if he failed to pick up the leak, Jiang Yue planned to sneak up first.

Kawasawa appeared at that time.

A young man with a smooth figure swims up from the bottom of the sea, and the water spiritual power controlled by him breaks through layers of huge waves like a swimming dragon, thus blocking the tide of small beasts, and the monsters are swept along the direction of the huge waves, and are finally hunted down by the young man. kill them all.

Seawater, rainwater, and blood were mixed together, and the sky was cloudy. Only the boy came out of the dirty seawater cleanly.

Jiang Yue worked hard to pick up the leaks for a long time, and he didn't have as many magic cores as he hunted in a quarter of an hour.With the idea of ​​"you must get to know such a person", Jiang Yue and Chuan Ze sent out an invitation to drive him back to the academy with Lei Yin, laying the foundation of future friendship.


So much for memory.

Jiang Yue let out a sigh.

After some time, Chuanze finally came out of the cubicle alone, and Yu Duo didn't come to see him off.

The figure of the young man is cold, his eyes are calm, and if there is anything different from usual, it is that he has an extra weapon in his hand, a simple and mysterious long knife, which looks extremely hidden like his person .

"How is it?" Jiang Yue stepped up. Unlike Chuan Ze, he has always been a person who will show his emotions, and he is also curious, "I finished talking with your brother? Where is your brother?"

"He has work to do."

After Chuan Ze finished his statement, his voice was mixed with a bit of rising emotion, "He came to me today to give me a weapon."

Jiang Yue has received quite a few gifts. He has a lively personality, knows how to communicate, and his talent is not bad.

Reasonably speaking, he shouldn't be so narrow-minded, because seeing his friend receive a gift makes him feel envious——

"Wait!! What kind of pattern is this? Is it a heavenly weapon? It turned out to be a heavenly weapon! Is your brother so generous?!" Jiang Yue's voice was raised, envious.

Heaven-level weapons, weapons that can only be refined by eleven-star refining masters and above.And it is a weapon that needs to be customized according to the weapon user. Most people can't keep up with the hot ones in the queue.

"He said it was just to celebrate my promotion to the Heavenly Rank." Chuan Ze was in a good mood, and unexpectedly answered Jiang Yue's words.

"I'm so sour, I'm going to order a heavenly weapon too." Jiang Yue beeped softly.

"You have to be promoted to the sky level first." Chuan Ze said mercilessly.

"Damn it, I'll go to the dark tower to retreat later, and I want to be promoted to the sky level. Bai Wei has also been promoted, and I'm missing. One or two of you can't see it on weekdays, so why don't you go to the dark tower before and after the trial? Cultivation increase?" Jiang Yue didn't understand, talent is something that can be seen when he was young, and he has never seen a sudden explosion.

"Because you're not working hard enough." Chuan Ze's figure walked in front, and his voice stated without emotion, "It's impossible to succeed if you are always lazy."

Jiang Yue clenched his fist silently: "..."

If not, he will go to practice later!

After the two of them left, Yu Duo came out from the cubicle of the studio.He replaced the face that belonged to "Yu Duo", and now he has used his real face.

He was going to the center of Yunze's forces to deal with some matters.

The spies said that during the trial in the dark tower, the seventh prince Yun Nianchao died.Although the news was still tightly controlled by the steward of Yunzhang, all the students of Shengyun College came out of the dark tower in the past two days, except for Yun Nianchao, and the news could hardly be concealed in all likelihood .

Take advantage of its illness and kill it.

Power and strife are not good things, but without them fate is dictated by those who have them.

Yu Duo understood this truth ten years ago.

Yancheng, the Artifact Refiner's Union.

At this time, it has been less than half a year since Zongmu, Wu Baishuang and others left. Duan Qihui was wearing the golden red robes that the Artifact Refiner's Guild was accustomed to, with uncontrollable uneasiness and anxiety in his serious expression.

He walked back and forth ten times in front of Mo Jiuzhong's refining room with his hands behind his back, but he still didn't come out.

"This old man is really old. Why hasn't he refined the spirit weapon yet? His ass is almost on fire. Can't he have some snacks?" Duan Qihui stopped and scolded his friend while Try to calm down your nervousness.

"President, President!! There are people from the Pharmacist Union again." From the other end of the corridor, a young craftsman was rushing towards Duan Qihui.

Artifact refiners have always been biased and don't pay much attention to cultivation. This speed is already the speed of life and death of that prefecture level artisan.

Duan Qihui frowned and straightened his posture.

He planned to drag Mo Jiuchong out of the refining room before leaving here, and told him that disaster was imminent for both the refining masters' union and Yancheng, so stop refining and slip away.

"When they come, let them wait. If the two high-level cultivators come, they will serve tea first. Say what the pharmacist union says, so say what you say." Duan Qihui said. I don't even blink my eyes.

"No, it's not those two high-level cultivators..." The young craftsman was panting.

Hearing this sentence, Duan Qihui's brows relaxed a little, "Then there's nothing to worry about."

"It was people from the Pharmacist Union who came in directly. They don't know where they recruited so many sky-level practitioners. They will arrest us when they see our crafting masters. President, go and take care of it!! Yancheng wants It's changed."

The expression on Duan Qihui's face froze for a moment, and when he regained consciousness, his expression seemed to be ten years older again.Sure enough, the disaster he had been worrying about had really happened today.

"President..." Seeing his appearance, the young craftsman was a little uneasy.

"Hurry up and let people escape from the secret path. The secret path is the path that Zongmu took you to play when he was a child. Hurry up. I will catch the old man Mo Jiuzhong and go to the front hall."

"I can't go away. Those people surrounded Yancheng a few days ago." During the turmoil, no one had the idea of ​​fleeing.The young craftsman said anxiously.


Thinking of the past, Duan Qihui still couldn't hold back his snort, although it was a bit out of date, "The secret passage dug by that little bastard Zongmu leads out of Yancheng, the Luocao Swamp is the way out, and the road is beyond. Stop moaning, and let's go."

"Om!" At this moment, a dull sound of valve opening sounded from behind Duan Qihui.

Almost at the same time as he heard this voice, a relieved expression finally appeared on Duan Qihui's face.

"Why are you here?" Mo Jiuzhong successfully refined two holy weapons, and he just had to find a place with a wide view for the weapons to survive the calamity and be released under the laws of heaven and earth.As a result, when he opened the door, he saw the impatient face of his friend Duan Qihui, which made him subconsciously protect the weapon in his hand, "I haven't crossed the catastrophe yet, so I can't show it to you."

"It's rare, hurry up and tidy up from my site, and move quickly." Duan Qihui pulled the man out of the house, and told the disciple of the craftsman's union who had reported to him earlier, "The one who ran away It's time to bring Master Mo, I'm going to the front hall."

"What? What are you running for?" Mo Jiuchong never imagined that the sky would change one day when he stepped out of the refining room after retreating for more than half a year.

"I won't be able to tell you for a while, but he will tell you slowly on the way later, you still have to send the weapon out, right, you can't be trapped here." Duan Qihui was eager to get Mo Jiuzhong out of this place , "In such a situation, it is estimated that only the strong in the holy realm will be effective. It is useless to talk too much. You should go to Shengyun Academy to invite someone."

"..." After all, Mo Jiuzhong didn't waste any more time to ask more questions, and left with the craftsman with his things.

According to his understanding of Duan Qihui, he acted extremely cautiously, and would not make such a bad move unless it was absolutely necessary.

It's a pity that he has been in seclusion for more than half a year, and he didn't help him with anything during this period.It would be nice if we could come out sooner.

Mo Jiuchong was on his way out of the Refiner's Union and Yancheng.

Duan Qihui, on the other hand, went to the antechamber of the craftsmen's union without stopping for a moment.

The source of all this confusion began after the end of the autumn hunting day in Yancheng half a year ago.After realizing that the wind direction in Yancheng was not right, Duan Qihui drove away his own disciple Zong Mu first.This is the most prescient thing Duan Qihui thinks he has done.

The geographical location of Yancheng is not very good, it is at the junction of Yunguo and Xiguo, it doesn't matter which side.Except for a few major trade unions, some top forces in Yunxi Continent will not arrange too many people in Yancheng.

With such a geographical location, if Yancheng is united as one, the villain will not be able to take advantage of the loophole so quickly.But the pharmacist union is different. Since Luo Weiyu, the former president of the pharmacist union, died, the pharmacist union has become powerful and mean.The new president is secretive, but if there is any interest, he must race against time to take advantage.

Unnatural, the pharmacist union does this.Not only did they not offend people to death and seek their own death, but they managed to make their power bigger and bigger.

The strange thing about this is that there must be other big forces not belonging to Yancheng intervening.

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