Xue Songyu was wearing plain clothes, standing on the periphery of the crowd, silently listening to the group of people arguing.

The successive injuries were not serious in the first place, seeing her now, let alone go to the doctor in a hurry.

He cared more about whether she needed help.

It was inconvenient to speak at this moment, so he leaned over one ear, wanting to hear what the group of people were arguing about.

It's a pity that the others had dispersed before they had time to watch.

A group of people left again, but Xue Songyu stayed where he was with two or three people.

As soon as the people left, they planned to ask what was going on one after another, but Xue Songyu caught everyone's attention and said in surprise, "What's wrong with your hand?"

"I just got into a fight with someone. I'm fine, just a little injury." She asked her one after another, "The person who died was your...relative?"

"No," Xue Songyu explained, "I have bought dim sum here for more than 20 years, and I have a good relationship with his old man and the old shopkeeper. If something happened to them, I will come and see and help."

Bought dim sum for more than 20 years?

One after another, it became clear in an instant that this family was actually the Wang family of the Wangji pastry, a specialty of Qianyuan Town.

At this time, a young man of about 27 or [-] suddenly asked, "Sister Xue, why don't you invite your friend in for a while, as there is medicine for wounds at home."

Xue Songyu seemed to be very familiar with him, and he didn't see Wai Chao one after another saying: "Go in and have a meeting, and we'll talk about it after you've bandaged your wound."

By the way, explain to him the origin of her and this family, and what happened just now.

Youth made gestures of invitation one after another, then looked at Qin Shi and Fang Xiu beside him: "These two..."

Xue Songyu was taken aback.The two venerables hid their cultivation, she didn't pay attention at all, and only then did they see them clearly.

She hastily raised her hand to salute, Fang Xiu looked impatient, frowned and said: "Forget it, let's go in and heal Xiao Qu'er first."

After speaking, he took the lead and walked into the small door, as if he was the master of the house.

Under the guidance of the real master, several people came to a separate small courtyard in the mansion.

Xue Songyu rolled up his sleeves and bandaged him with medicine, while asking how the injury came about.

It's a long story.

After briefly talking about the whole incident one after another, he asked why she was here.

It's a long story.Go back 20+ years.

Wangji Pastry Shop is a century-old shop in Qianyuan Town. His pastries are very popular, and there are many people queuing up to buy them every day.

The old man of the pastry shop treats the customers equally, and the monks have to wait in line.

Many monks claim to be noble and disdain to queue up like ordinary people. Xue Songyu is different.

She is an inner cultivator of Qiantian Sect and a frequent visitor, and she does not put on airs in front of ordinary people.

After coming and going, it didn't take long to get acquainted with the boss.

Over the years, I have watched the waiter in the shop be promoted to the shopkeeper, and the butler become the old butler.

The young man who invited them in was a son of the Wang family named Zhizhuan. It could be said that she watched her grow up and called her Sister Xue since she was a child.He now looks older than the youthful resident monk, so he still calls her Sister Xue.

There are more than 20 years of friendship, and the dead daughter of the Wang family is also close to her, so she should come to the funeral because of love and reason.

Unexpectedly, Xue Songyu was asking Yuanfeng not to associate with the same sect, but to have such good mortal friends outside the sect.

"Just outside..."

The Wang family, dressed in sackcloth and filial piety, were arguing for some reason. Why didn't Wang Zhizhuan go with them, but stayed at the door instead?

Xue Songyu glanced at Wang Zhizhuan, and after getting the other's nod in agreement, she continued to talk about the secrets of intrigue in the deep house compound.

I have heard it from pedestrians on the street just now.

After the death of the old man of the Wang family, the children fought for the property and the next head of the family, and there was a lot of trouble.

These groundless rumors are actually true.

After the old man left, within a year, the Wang family lost two more sons and one daughter.

It will inevitably lead to conspiracy theories-whether someone has done something behind the scenes.

Three brothers and sisters died one after another, and the Wang family was a little panicked. The third family and the fourth family said that they would report to the government and ask the government to check whether they were murdered.

There are even people who want to invite the elder fairy to see if there is any evil curse.

But the people in the other rooms disagreed, saying that it was a normal death without any fuss, and they didn't want people to disturb the peace of the deceased.

The whole family had been fighting fiercely because of the competition for the position of head of the family.Now we've been arguing about it for a few days.

Seeing that the burial was about to happen, Qianyuan Town was backed by Xianzong, and the popular custom was cremation.Once the body is gone, the evidence of being assassinated also disappears.

The third and fourth bedrooms must find someone to test the poison and spells before the cremation, but the others refused to do it, so they quarreled again.

Xue Songyu whispered one after another: Wang Zhizhuan was not the biological father of Wang Zhizhuan, but was adopted from a young age.When the old man was alive, he was very kind to him, even more so to his own children, so the group of biological children he provoked had been dissatisfied with Wang Zhibo for a long time.

After the old man left, the children competed for the family property. In order to get a bigger share of the pie, they didn't want to see this younger brother picked up from outside.

The biological children were arguing endlessly, and the unwelcome adopted son was even less qualified to speak.

The Wang family quarreled like this, and in the end they all blamed their adopted son, and refused to let him go with them for the last part of the journey.

Xue Songyu was acquainted with the old man who passed away, the fifth young lady who had just died, and Wang Zhizhuan and the old housekeeper of the Wang family, but his relationship with other Wang family members was just average.

She didn't want anyone else to follow her, and she heard the Wang family quarreling endlessly.

After bandaging the wounds one after another, I listened to a piece of gossip from a wealthy family.Although he was curious whether those brothers who died were killed by his own family, it was a pity that no one could tell him.

If the people don't raise officials and don't investigate, and the Wang family doesn't report to officials, the government will naturally not take the initiative to investigate the case.

The monks in the city are not easy to interfere in the battles of ordinary people's houses, birth, old age, sickness and death.

The Wang family doesn't want to expose their family ugliness to the outside world, so outsiders can only listen to it as gossip.

Fang Xiu and Qin Shi waited until they healed their wounds one after another, and they didn't want to stay in a mortal's house anymore.

Xue Songyu didn't need any help, so he thanked the owner one after another, got up and said goodbye.

The three of them left the Wang's house, continued to wander around the city, and met one or two groups of casual cultivators who were attracted to each other one after another.

Fang Xiu's anger became more and more intense, and he had long since lost his original playfulness, and even wanted to remove the disguise of his realm.

One after another, fearing that he would get angry and fail to control the spiritual pressure and involve innocent people, he left Qianyuan Town and walked back to Qiantianzong along the mountain road after a short stroll.


In the original world, there are no immortals, but all people practice martial arts.His original family was a family of martial arts for hundreds of years, and he practiced martial arts since childhood.

Later, he entered the Yantian Realm and lived in Anshui Village for a while.

The aura on the second layer of Yantian Realm is thin, and few monks are willing to set foot there.Mortals and low-level monsters compete for living space.

There are many wolf demons in the forest around the small village, and occasionally come to the village to attack the human race.

I have competed with mortals one after another, fought with wild wolves, crawled and rolled in the mud, and have rich experience in battle.But he never fought with the human monks seriously, and fought with his life.

After coming to Lingyuan Peak, he either practiced sword alone or sparred with Xue Songyu.

It was the first time I encountered sword fighting this time when I went down the mountain. At that time, I was full of energy and blood, and I only thought about defeating my opponent, and didn't think about anything else.

Now that I have calmed down after returning home, I thought that when I met an enemy for the first time, my mood would be a little ups and downs, but I didn't expect my mind to be extremely calm, as if there was no wave in an ancient well.

The only thought was that a little weak chicken like him actually killed four people on the opposite side with one against seven.

Thinking about it this way, my mentality suddenly swelled up, as if I wasn't that weak.

It's a pity that there should be no chance in the future to fight with those casual cultivators outside.

He is the direct disciple of Daoist Juechen, the second generation ancestor whose Qiankun bag is filled with magic weapons and piled up with pills.

When the golden elixir is formed in the future, those magic weapons can be driven, and other direct disciples of Qiantian Twelve Peaks dare not ask him to fight again.

It's just that behind the respectful distance, the jealousy and resentment towards him from his classmates will only get deeper and deeper.

And if he wanted to protect his master from conspiracies and schemes, his real opponents were his senior uncles, senior brothers, and Huantian Daojun, Xingyan Demon Lord, these peerless powers.

Thinking about it this way, the heart that had just swelled just now was like a ball with a leak, and it was instantly discouraged.

In the darker moonlight half a family, the Big Dipper rails the South Dipper obliquely. (*)

After practicing the Taixuan Manual for an hour, before ten o'clock, he was planning to practice Qi for a while, when there was a knock on the door.

this hour?Who is coming for him?

He got up to open the door, and a long and thin figure of bamboo and pine stood tall outside the door.

Startled one after another: "Master?!"

Daoist Juechen was dressed in silver and moonlight, noble and elegant, and smiled softly: "Xu, I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss me as a teacher?"

Master's teasing and teasing, after hearing too much, he was able to ignore it calmly.

He turned sideways to get out of the way, and asked curiously, "When did Master return to the mountain?"

Taoist Juechen entered and sat down: "Xining sent a message that you were injured, I'll come back and have a look."

Master heard that he was injured, and the matter has not been finished yet, so he came back specially?

One after another, a trace of shame arose in my heart: "A little injury, it's already fine, why should Master be concerned about it?"

"Your affairs are more important than anything else." Daoist Juechen took out a crystal clear white porcelain bottle from the Qiankun bag, "Take off your shirt, and give you medicine for the teacher."

The wound has already been bandaged, there is really no need to bother Master again.

But for this reason, the master came back from thousands of miles away, if he refuses again, it will appear pretentious.

He obediently rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his arms in front of the other party.

"Clothes." Taoist Juechen raised his mouth, "The sleeves cover the wound, so it's not easy to apply medicine."

The two wounds were both on the lower part of the upper arm. With the sleeves rolled up, the shoulders were exposed, which did not hinder the application of medicine at all.

Successively, he was only wearing a snow-white tunic at this time, and when this tunic was taken off, his upper body would not be covered.

He wasn't as old and stubborn as Fang Xiu and the others, even if he was naked in front of Xue Songyu, he wouldn't feel uncomfortable—but there was no need to put medicine on his arm.

"The teacher also needs to check whether you have any other injuries."

One after another: "..."

Forget it, just listen to the teacher's order.

The master regards him as a substitute, and what he sees through him is the shadow of another person, so the love is inevitably excessive.

One after another, he felt calm in his heart and didn't feel much. If this could bring some comfort to his beloved master, he was willing to follow blindly.

After taking off the translucent white clothes, the most beautiful romantic scene in the world is fully revealed.

The corners of Daojun Juechen's slightly raised eyes were half drooping, and the shadow cast by his thin and long eyelashes blocked the dark and surging light in his eyes.

The slender fingers were dipped in the medicine, and gently stroked the wound.The first-class elixir feels cool to the touch, but the touch of the fingertips is more intense than the burning pain of a fresh wound.

The master applied the medicine lightly and slowly, and had nothing to do one after another, so he lowered his head slightly and looked at the other party quietly.

Daojun Juechen was born with an elegant and dignified air, and his demeanor was gentle. No matter what he did, it was like a gentle wind and a light rain, and the clear sun washed the soul.

Even though he often speaks surprisingly and jokes, he is gentle and gentle like a modest gentleman without any sense of intimacy.

For example, now, when he sensed his lover's gaze, he smiled gracefully: "How about it, is my teacher's appearance satisfactory to Ah Xu?"

"Master, in a troubled world, is the most handsome and handsome person I have ever seen."

These words one after another are not false flattery, the master is in his heart, but what he sees is the unique and peerless banished immortal.

Taoist Juechen raised the corners of his lips: "Then being a teacher might tempt you?"

Lian Li felt a sudden shock in his heart, and hurriedly sat up straight, and said righteously: "This disciple is full of reverence for Master, and never dares to have any unreasonable thoughts."

Although he wears Shizun's literature, he will definitely not be a traitor who harbors ill intentions towards Shizun and tries to commit crimes above and below.

Taoist Juechen's expression remained unchanged, he focused on administering medicine to him, and did not speak again.

I don't know if it's more exposed, and I don't wear a shirt, and I suddenly feel a chill on my back.

It took more than half an hour to finish the medicine, thanked him respectfully one after another, and remembered that the master made a special trip back to the mountain for his injury, and would go out again tomorrow, and was about to send him back to Chenfeng Temple to rest early.

Daoist Juechen had no intention of leaving, so he asked gently, "Did you still have a good time going down the mountain today?"

The uncle took him down the mountain without permission from the master, and also violated the school rules that new disciples are not allowed to go down the mountain within five years.

One after another, he said something bad, paused in dressing, immediately panicked, put on his clothes, bowed his head and cupped his fists: "I know my mistake, please punish me, master."

"Ah Xu," Daoist Juechen seemed a little helpless, "Why don't you always listen to my teacher's words?"

"The disciple knows his mistake..."

"As a teacher, I have said it many times. In front of a teacher, there is no need to be so cautious and respectful."

They bowed their heads one after another without answering.

He is full of admiration for his master, so he is naturally respectful in front of him.

A proud son of heaven with such profound morals and deeds as Qin Shi did not dare to be rude in front of his master.

The apprentice he picked up halfway has low ability, no matter how much the master loves him, he dare not be presumptuous.

This point of propriety, he knew it well.

"Come here," Taoist Juechen sighed slightly, pulled his wrist, and brought him in front of him.

One after another, I vaguely felt that Master's other hand was holding behind him, intentionally or unintentionally touching his lower back occasionally, and he would leave with a touch.

"Come here with your ears, I will teach you a secret technique today as a teacher."

Master wants to teach the secret method? !One after another, he immediately bent down and moved his head closer as he said.

A warm breath blew the black hair on the sideburns slightly, Wen Yanyayin smiled slightly jokingly: "I will teach you a secret. If you make a mistake in the future, or if you have something to ask for a teacher, In this way, the postscript is in the teacher's ear, asking softly."

"One time is not enough, ask for it several times, as a teacher, I will obey you in everything."

Surprised one after another, what kind of secret is this.

This is not the secret that the master wants to teach him, but that the master thinks of the bright moon in his heart through him.

The master and that senior must always be in love with each other.

The peerless beauty straddled the master's lap, with her tender arms wrapped around her lover's neck, flirting and acting coquettishly in his ear.

In order to listen more to the beauties' soft voices, the master must have put on a gesture at the beginning and endured his refusal.

The beautiful woman kissed his ears lightly, and said a few love words that swayed people's hearts.

It was spring, and the clouds and rain were like the tide. No matter how capricious the beauty's request was, the master would never say a word of no.

... Suffered!One after another, my heart was startled for a moment, and a few drops of cold sweat ooze out.

Why was he misled by "The Spring Breeze of Play"? !To be so bold as to arrange a romantic relationship with Master!

But those romantic stories are indeed wonderful, and thousands of monks love to read them, so we can't blame him.

He shook his head, put away his distracting thoughts and thoughts, even if he wanted to write the Fengyue storybook, he definitely couldn't arrange it on the head of the master.

What's more, it was Master's deceased wife.

What a wonderful pair of mandarin ducks and couples, but it's a pity that the love is deep and the relationship is shallow, and good fortune tricks people, and in the end they only end up in a blue spring, where heaven and man are separated forever.

Left alone under the moon, contemplating the past, dejected.

"Ah Xu," Wen Chen Yayin once again pulled back the whimpering thoughts, and whispered in his ear, "Do you remember this secret that my teacher taught you?"

"Remember." They nodded one after another.

I don't know whether "Xi Chunfeng" accepts anonymous contributions except for the articles of the main author.

It was written jointly by disciples from various peaks, presumably the writer will also collect some small jokes, and then fine-tune them to write wonderful articles.

Why don't you find a chance to ask Big Bitter Gourd?

"Ah Xu, what are you thinking?" Jin Chang put his fingers through his temple hair, wrapping the black hair around his fingertips, "Why do you feel that your mind is distracted?"

"Scared by the secret of being a teacher? Or... Tired?"

In the past, for unknown reasons, I also had doubts and discomfort about the master's excessive pampering and ambiguity.

Now that he knows the truth, he can face it calmly without changing his face or beating his heart.

It's impossible to be frightened, but I can't let the master know that I have arranged the singing of the wind and the moon between him and the beautiful woman in my heart.

He could only say: "I went down the mountain today and fought with a few monks. The disciple's strength is weak, and I feel sleepy now."

Daoist Juechen was stunned: "This is my teacher's negligence."

He glanced at the timepiece and let go of his hand: "You go to bed earlier."

Then he got up from the chair, intending to leave.

After walking two steps, he seemed to be unsatisfied, and then turned his head and teased: "I need my teacher to accompany you to sleep."

"Master..." He touched his forehead one after another, speechless.

Taoist Juechen chuckled a few times: "These few days, you stay at Lingyuan Peak, don't go down the mountain again."

"I'll take you to the town to play when I come back after finishing my work for the teacher."

This sentence made Li Yue slightly surprised.

He violated the order of the sect, the master not only did not reprimand him, but also allowed him to go down the mountain again.

Even if it was because of that senior, it was good for the master to treat him well, and his gratitude to the master would not be reduced by half.

Seeing the handsome figure with a beautiful appearance and a moonlight charm disappear under the radiance of the moonlight, she turned around and closed the door one after another.

I hope that tomorrow, the mountains will still be warm in spring, and the wind will be calm and the clouds will be leisurely.


The light is quiet, the sun is light and the wind is clear.

There is nothing to do these few days, and the days are leisurely and peaceful.After practicing the sword for an hour in the courtyard one after another, he sat on the crossbar outside the courtyard, humming a light song, and listening to the singing of birds and the wind.

A sassy pale yellow figure suddenly appeared on the grassy path, and walked in front of him not long after.

"Come back so early today?" He asked the other party.

Xue Songyu has a lot of humble things, and will be assigned by Wen Yuanfeng's senior sister to guard the gate, patrol, clean, run errands... a lot of chores.

She didn't have time to practice a few days ago, and today she had something to go down the mountain early in the morning.

"What's wrong?" She pursed her lips, realizing that something must have happened one after another.

"Move over." The king of the mountain wrapped his long braid around his shoulders and neck, and sat down on the vacant seats that were vacated one after another.

"An accident happened to the Wang family again."

"Another one died?" Without even thinking about it, she blurted out her thoughts one after another.

He calculated the time: "It's only been nine days?"

Xue Songyu rolled his eyes at this idler who loves to eat melons, watch plays and listen to gossip: "You remember better than me."

They raised their mouths and laughed one after another.

He has no other friends in Qiantianzong, and has nothing else to do except practice swordsmanship.Drinking, playing chess, chatting and playing games, but no one can be found.

Senior uncles and senior brothers would come to ask him if he wanted to do this or that, and even Huantian Daojun.

He was afraid of avoiding these great powers, and tried every means to find excuses to reject them.

"The third one died this time." Xue Songyu sighed, "He died the night before. It's still the same as the previous few people. Everything was normal before going to bed. He died suddenly in the middle of the night, and he was out of breath in the morning."

The children of the Wang family fought fiercely in order to be in charge of the family and property, and the relationship between brothers and sisters became very rigid.

The second child has been addicted to drinking and sex for many years, his body has been hollowed out long ago, and no one suspected him when he died.

A few months later, the eldest brother passed away. He was over fifty years old, and he contracted a cold before his death, but no one cared too much.

The fifth daughter died suddenly eight days ago.She is usually in good health and has no bad habits. Three people died in a year, and when everyone is fighting for the family property, it is not just the third and fourth who are suspicious.

The last time I saw Wang's family quarreling one after another, in the end they still took advantage of all three, neither invited the government nor found an immortal teacher, and cremated the person for burial at an auspicious time.

However, the fifth child died only nine days ago, and the third child died again.

Now the rest of the people panicked.

Asked one after another: "Have you had someone check it?"

"The doctor and Wu Zuo tested it yesterday, and it's not poisonous. It wasn't poisoned to death."

After hesitating for a while, he asked again: "What kind of spell curse?"

Originally, immortals and mortals are different, and monks and mortals do not interfere with each other.However, in a place like Qianyuan Town where people live together, the boundaries are very blurred.

Ordinary mortals, monks disdain to pay attention.But the Wang family is a big and rich family.

It is not surprising that some monks cast some spells for money.

Most of the low-level monks can't practice breaking through the realm, so they don't care if this karma will aggravate the calamity.

Casual cultivators have no sects or sects, and there are no taboos in doing things.

If a child of the Wang family used money to attach himself to a monk, it would not be a novelty if he cursed and killed his brother would be enough to seize the position of head of the family.

"When I went, Zhizhuan told me that they invited a fairy elder from the town yesterday afternoon to open the altar."

"The man spoke vaguely. He only said that he had done the law and got rid of the evil spirit, and that there would be no more accidents in the future. Whether the third child was killed by the evil spell or not, he didn't say why."

They sighed and laughed one after another.

Ordinary people can't tell the cultivation level of monks at all.The one they invited must not have a high cultivation level, and he used the method of offering sacrifices to heaven that ordinary people misunderstood, to bluff and deceive.

"Then you went to see it, what was the result?"

Although Xue Songyu is nothing in Qiantianzong, he is an inner disciple of one of the three great immortal sects, with a pure orthodoxy.

It's much better than those outer disciples and casual cultivators in the town.

Xue Songyu frowned: "I feel a little weird."

The author has something to say:

*"Moon Night"

Misunderstanding Little Theater


[Brain Compensation Master Fengyue □□] Succession: Xi Chunfeng accepts anonymous submissions?

The bloody plot is really touching, and the CP is so knocked that it flies.

Master: ...too angry to speak.


Master: How can a disciple fall in love with me.

One after another: Never be a villain who covets the master!

Master: I want to expel the evil disciples from the master...


One after another, they have gone further and further down the road of misunderstanding.

Master, miserable!

Tomorrow and Thursday, we will update after changing the list ([-]:[-] p.m.)

It will be like this in the future, so I won't repeat it~

ps There are indeed new characters appearing on the stage, but it seems to be different from what everyone thinks.

In addition, the devil is more anxious than anyone else, but unfortunately the plot has not yet come to his turn

——Small Theater

Gang Jing: They are not good to the protagonist, I am aggrieved by lending the protagonist.

Author: The arrow in capital letters and bold, Master is true love.

Gang Jing: You are a code word, what roles do you know?

Although my comprehension ability is not the same as that of ordinary people, although I am not very good at RP, it does not prevent me from being strict with others and lenient with myself, bringing reality into novels, and striving to be a small moral model in sand sculpture online articles.

I just don't understand, I just like to give negative marks, what can you do to me?

You are a codeword, can I understand the feelings between characters?

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