Wu Wan No. [-], who had already made himself a mechanical body, sat between the two girls and introduced them: "Xiaoyu, this is your sister Xiaokui. Xiaokui, this is your sister Xiaoyu."


The two sisters, who had never met before, nodded to each other as greetings.

Xiaoyu is also a robot, so she doesn't have much expression, but Xiaokui is a little shy, her face is flushed, her head is slightly lowered, her eyes are wandering, and she glances at Saiki Kusuo who is sitting in the corner from time to time.

No wonder Xiaokui is very embarrassed now, no matter who completed the adult ceremony of love with her boyfriend on the birthday night, the old man who was far away from home came home with his sister whom he had never met, and what the hell happened to be disheveled boyfriend.

Saiki Kusuo is now being ignored by Wumaru No. [-], but in other words, Xiaokui has to face this situation.

Fortunately, the two robots, Wu Wan No. [-] and Xiao Yu, failed in the science of human relations. Even if Xiao Kui's face turned red like a red apple, they only thought that Xiao Kui was so cute, and they couldn't think of anything else.

As for Saiki Kusuo?Wu Wan No. [-] said he didn't see it, and asked Xiaoyu to delete the relevant data as well. Although they couldn't make too complicated expressions, they had already written their disgust in their actions.

Saiki Kusuo was also a little distressed, the robot had no voice and no expression, it was difficult for him to know their plans from the micro-expressions.

He cautiously approached Xiaokui, trying to make Wu Wan No. [-] notice him.Saiki Kusuo has also seen someone like Wu Maru No. [-] who loves his daughter and dislikes his son-in-law. His grandfather is of this type, and he still dislikes his father even after his daughter married for more than ten years and gave birth to two children. .

It's not that he dislikes his father, Qi Mu Guochun, who is a waste of material, even if Qi Mu Guochun is the head of the Japanese imperial family, he will be disgusted by his father-in-law who is accused by his daughter.

So used to seeing his grandfather despise his father, Saiki Kusuo said that he had long ago...he hadn't thought about it at all!

Obviously even Natsume Soseki, his own grandfather, didn't interfere with his granddaughter's love affairs!

Saiki Kusuo couldn't help but think of the scene when Natsume Soseki first heard that Aoi was in love, and immediately turned into a human form to draw a knife to cut him, but was stopped by Fukuzawa Yukichi holding his waist tightly.

However, Natsume Soseki was finally defeated by Xiaokui's big watery eyes and agreed to their relationship.

But it is obvious that the Wumaru No. [-] in front of him is not the type of Natsume Soseki, but the one of his grandfather.

"Xiaokui, is it because you don't have enough pocket money? Why did you come out to open a shop! Xiaoyu and I just asked the traffic lights on the street to find out that you live here now. My poor Xiaokui, Dad didn't take good care of you, you You've lost weight." Wu Wan No. [-] lovingly touched Xiao Kui's head, completely ignoring the slightly plump sensuality on Xiao Kui's face.

"That's not true, the pocket money is enough, but I think that if I want to get a job after graduation, I might as well be my own boss!" Xiaokui counted on Wu Wanhao No. [-], "So when the boss wants to You can open the store whenever you want, and you can close the store whenever you want, whether you want to eat snacks when you are at work, or sneak away to visit the dessert shop, no one will control me."

"Well, that sounds really good!" Wu Wan No. [-] felt that Xiaokui's words were quite reasonable, "For example, Xiaoyu works as a kanban lady in that tavern, and if she wants to see her sister, she needs to take a long vacation."

"But..." Wu Wan No. [-] changed the subject, "Why is the name of the store called Wanshiwu?"

Xiaoyu also looked at Xiaokui, "Wanshiwu, is it like the Wanshiwu run by Yinshi?"

"Because Dad said that Wanshiwu is very powerful, a little bit better than Dad." Xiao Kui gestured with her little finger, cut off a short section, and was pushed even shorter by Wu Wan No. [-], and it has not yet arrived. Half the size of a fingernail.

"Anyway, my name is useless, and I don't bother to think of other names." Xiaokui withdrew her hand and spread her hands helplessly, "But it should be different from that Wanshiwu, after all, my Wanshiwu has only been able to do so far. Selling information has become an information house.”

"It's okay." Wu Wan No. [-] immediately entered the state of being a good father to coax her daughter, and gently patted Xiao Kui on the shoulder, "Our Xiao Kui is really amazing, and the intelligence office is also good, business should be good Bar?"

Xiaokui nodded, "It's okay."

"That's good. After all, the Wanshiwu in that world often can't get jobs, and even the dogs in the whole store are hungry. Fortunately, Xiaoyu is working downstairs in his house instead of going to work in his Wanshiwu, otherwise Let alone engine oil, I can’t even afford diesel.” Wu Wan No. [-] complained.

In this regard, Xiaoyu can't refute at all, because the facts are indeed as Wu Wan No. [-] said. When Wu Wan No. [-] returned to their world, she borrowed with her from the tavern's mother-in-law Deng Shi, that is, the house of all things. downstairs.

And Granny Dengshi is still the landlord of Wanshiwu, and sometimes Xiaoyu will go to Wanshiwu to collect rent for Granny Dengshi. It is common for Wanshiwu to default on the rent. Just kicked out all the people in Wanshiwu.

So Xiaoyu was very surprised when she saw the storefront with the signboard with the words "Wanshiwu".

After all, the decorations of the two are very different. The work place in the Master House over there is just a table and a sofa in the lobby, and the rest is the living area, which is still the old decoration that has been repaired and repaired again and again.

As for the Wanshiwu here, the store looks more formal, with desks equipped with computers, office equipment, and a dedicated reception area.

Not to mention anything else, there are more snacks than the Wanshiwu over there. When Xiaoyu thought of Sakata Yin, he likes to drink strawberry milk, but because of money and diabetes, he regards it as a precious item in the store to receive guests The kind that will not be taken out.

It looks like you can drink several bottles of strawberry milk a day!Xiaoyu thought so, then lowered her voice, and quietly asked Wu Wan No. [-], "Dad, is it true that I can drink good motor oil in this world?"

"Of course it's true!" Wu Wan No. [-] turned around and asked Xiaokui, "Is there organic oil in the store?"

"Yes!" Because Yuanyi Zero and the surrounding mechanical uncles and aunts need Xiaokui's help in maintenance, there is spare oil in the store.

"Thank you so much." Xiaoyu thanked, then turned to Saiki Kusuo, "Do you need some motor oil too? You look a bit stuck!"

"Xiaoyu leave him alone!"

"Thank you, no need." Saiki Kusuo, who had a similar voice to Wu Wan No. [-], spoke at the same time as him. The two paused and looked at each other. Wu Wan No. [-] turned his head first.

Because he was worried that Xiaoyu, who is a robot, would not be able to receive his own induction, Saiki Kusuo chose to talk to them, "It's getting late, are dad and sister going to rest?"

"It's okay for the robot not to rest." Xiaoyu turned her head and saw Xiaokui who was yawning and her eyes were full of tears, and said again, "Of course, resting is also possible."

"Who are you calling dad!" Wu Wan No. [-] refused to accept the fact that he had only been away from home for a long time before his kitten was kidnapped.

"Let's stay here, let's go!" Wu Wan No. [-] waved his hand at Qi Mu Kusuo, "I know you are a superpower, and you will go back to your own home in a short time. Walk slowly, and we won't see you off."

"Father—" Xiaokui poked Wu Wan No. [-] in dissatisfaction, "Don't be like this!"

"Xiao Kui, you are still young, you don't know that men in this world are all bad things!" Wu Wan No. [-] immediately cleared himself up, "Of course, Dad is not a bad thing, because Dad is a male robot."

"I know that!" Xiaoyu said, "Men are just guys who want to beep—beep—beep—Miss A Miao taught me that."

"Xiaoyu, girls are not allowed to swear or say things that will be mosaiced!" Wu Wan No. [-] was heartbroken, "What have you learned in your database! Xiaokui doesn't need to learn from your sister in this regard. .”

Saiki Kusuo: […]

"But..." Xiaokui wanted to say something more, but No. [-] Wu Wan said it first.

"It doesn't matter if you cook raw rice or cooked rice. In what era is it now? You can get divorced even if you get married. Of course you can break up when you date." Wu Maru No. [-] wanted to continue talking when he saw Miss BB and Hiroki Sawada already married. He was called by Wumaru-[-]'s life-threatening serial call when he came back.

"Miss BB, Hiroki! Why do you just watch Xiao Kui being kidnapped? She is still young, so she is so innocent and easy to be fooled!" Wu Wan No. [-] complained.

Then the blond-haired robot froze, as if it had returned to its original settings, and turned into an immobile doll.

"Really, how can you destroy a girl's innocent love affair." Miss BB showed a villainous smile, and waved her pointer, "I haven't seen you for many years, and the database hasn't been updated successfully. Are you still stupid because of the virus?"

Hiroki Sawada still looked like a child back then, when he saw Wumaru No. [-], who already had a physical body, and Xiaoyu who met for the first time, he showed a shy smile, "Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time, why don't we get together , and Miss Xiaoyu?"

"I'm fine." Xiaoyu looked at Wu Wan No. [-] worriedly, "Dad, he..."

"Give him the new data and ask him to update it. It's probably stuck." Miss BB commanded, "Since you are his daughter, please help him and move to the store opposite."

Miss BB also sent a wink to Xiaokui and Saiki Kusuo, "Go ahead."

After speaking, he disappeared with Sawada Hiroki.

"Yes." Xiaoyu picked up the blond-haired robot, and when she was about to go out, she suddenly remembered something, and looked back at the clock hanging on the wall, "It's not yet 12 o'clock, so I should have time to say something." , happy birthday, sister."

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