Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 42 The Blackened Demon King Day 7




"Orion... Well, I used to live in a small town near the Pinnacle Tower, and the mayor of the town was my father."

Avril cast a questioning look at Janet, and Janet nodded, indicating that such a town does exist.

The routine questioning was quickly over.

"Can you describe the day you met the Lord of the Undead?"

John shuddered, as if recalling the events of that day was not a pleasant one for him: "It was a night that was no different from before—at least, it was like this before the skeletons appeared, and many skeletons broke out, Tied everyone up and I tried to fight but it didn't work. Then the skeletons took us to a skeleton with a crown."

"Then, the other party asked me about Miss Helen... He said that if I didn't answer, all the townspeople would be killed." John began to cry, his voice sobbing, "Miss Helen, I'm sorry, I I didn't want to say it...but...I actually believed that skeleton, after he got the news he wanted, he killed the townspeople."

Helen listened expressionlessly. Although she was not the direct murderer, she played the role of an accomplice in this matter.Of course, she didn't think that the previous king was so crazy, but someone must have considered this possibility. Helen looked at her brother, His Majesty the King put one hand on the armrest, and the other hand rested on his chin. , with a smile on his face, as if he was listening to something that had nothing to do with him.

Avril paused here, raised her head to face Helen, and asked, "Can I confirm that Her Royal Highness Princess Helen has indeed stayed in this person's town, right?"

"Yes." There is no need to deny this, the matter of Helen's escape from marriage has long been known to everyone.

"So, two companions came to look for you afterward, didn't they?"

"Yes." Helen said this in a somewhat unhappy way. She felt like a prisoner being interrogated, and the enemy was setting a trap, but she couldn't deny it: because those news, when they were trying to lure Ryder into the bait, , has been widely spread, and is very close to the truth.

"May I know the names of those two people?"

Helen glanced subconsciously at Minato's face, the expression of the bright light was somewhat gloomy.Brando was sandwiched between Helen and Minato, almost showing his restlessness to the extreme.Helen cleared her throat and replied, "Ignatz Kay Farnster...and Pink Francis."

"Does Your Excellency Ignatz also confirm this statement?"

Ignatz didn't expect the topic to turn to him for a moment, and nodded blankly, looking very confused.

(Brando: "Well...why are you kicking me?"

Helen: "I'm dissatisfied with your fiancée."

Brando: "...Why don't you just face her?"

Helen: "First of all, my feet are not that long... Secondly, isn't it the duty of a knight to protect girls from disasters?"

Brando: ...

Helen: ...

Brando: Isn't one shot enough?Why do you have to kick so many times?

Helen: ...Because the more I look at her, the more unhappy I feel, the more I feel that she was too cheap. )

"Very good." Avril was obviously satisfied with this answer, she continued to ask John: "When you described Helen's companion to the undead, how did he answer?"

John replied decisively: "He gave a snort, and muttered: 'Why is the devil in there, I hope he won't hinder me...', I heard this sentence very clearly. Because of this sentence, and the devil It's black hair and red eyes, I'm sure that Pink Francis is the devil."

His words were sonorous and forceful, like a hammer, disrupting the peace of the entire meeting room, and people asked one after another who this person was.Minato clenched the hilt of the sword, feeling dizzy.Brando seemed to be out of the incident and didn't figure out the logic, but at the same time he held Minato's hand and gave him encouragement.

"I don't allow you to slander Francis like that!" A figure jumped down from the chair in an instant, the bow was fully drawn, and the arrow was aimed at John.The reason why he didn't shoot the arrow was because someone reached out and stopped him.

"Mentor?" Ignatz's eyes widened in astonishment.He couldn't understand Lannaur's obstruction, "What are you doing?"

"Sit back." Lannaur ordered.

"..." Ignatz put down his bow and arrow, but his footsteps did not move.

"Not going back yet?" Lannaur softened his voice this time.

"I don't." Ignatz was angry, and many people were angry when they saw this soft elf for the first time, "Master, you taught us very early on, if once you think a person is a friend, then no matter what happens, we You must believe in your friends... This is what a friend must do. People who betray their friendship are a disgrace to the elves... I don't know how human society recognizes this matter, but I believe that on this point, all races Same."

Lannaur was silent for a while: "...but the devil is different, he is the enemy of the whole world."

"Why?" Ignatz was very unwilling, "Why can't the devil be friends?"

His speech immediately caused a group of low laughter in the audience. Some people said that they were naive, while others were worried about the selection of the holder of the Holy Name and Divine Equipment this time, and secretly mocked that the Temple of Light was blind. Filled up.

Ignatz, who has good hearing, flushed with anger at such remarks.Lannaur sighed, and was very helpless to his proud disciple who didn't know how to communicate with others: "You go back first, the truth of this matter remains to be investigated, if Avril really slandered Francis, I will uphold justice for you of."

Lannaul's words finally comforted Ignatz. The elf put away his weapon, dragged a chair and sat beside Minato, and said gloomily, "I still feel very uncomfortable."

Minato smiled and patted Ignatz's hand: "Thank you for supporting Pink."

"This is what friends should do." Ignatz paused, and suddenly said, "Minato, you will believe Francis?"

"Yeah." Minato nodded and said softly, "He is not only my friend, I will trust him no matter what."

With Minato's guarantee, Ignatz dragged the chair contentedly and returned to his seat.

(Brando: Are you so angry with Avril?

Helen: This time I'm mad at you!

Brando: Why?

Helen: ...why did Ignatz rush out and you didn't?

Brando: It's as if you rushed out too... Whoops! )

John, on the other hand, looked terrified. He looked at the whisperers in bewilderment.But his usefulness is over.Avril called for someone to take him down.When he left, John's eyes stayed on Ignatz's face, like a child who didn't know what he did wrong.

The smoothness of the matter gave Avril an extraordinary confidence, she raised her head, and said word by word: "But I learned from some inside information... Of course, the brilliance of Your Excellency Minato is indeed worthy of your identity , but these internal news make me uneasy."

"Please tell me." Minato smiled, showing that he was indeed invulnerable—at least on the surface.

(Brando: Stop kicking.

Helen: What, upset?

Brando: No, this is not something that Avril Lavigne can say. She is a silly girl. She can't think of these tactful lines... She doesn't understand politics, so some people taught her to recite these words.

Helen: But I still hate her.

Brando: I explained...

Helen: To be honest, although bad guys are really annoying, compared with stupid people, the latter is undoubtedly more annoying, because you never know what their logic is used to make a mess of things, they It cannot be guessed by common sense...

Brando: ...Okay, then, let's discuss it, how about kicking lightly... Alas! )

"I heard that Minato was able to become a hero precisely because Francis did a lot of hard work behind the scenes...Since Francis may be the devil king, I suspect..." The scene was quiet, and Bu Lando covered his face, his expression looked as if he hoped that he was covering Avril's mouth, "Minato is the devil's lackey."

The whole hall was noisy like boiling water.People exchanged their own information in order to verify whether the news was accurate, and at the same time examined the expression of the brave Minato—disappointingly, Minato, who was accused, looked calm, and people could not learn anything from his expression. idea.

(Brando: ...I never knew your high heels were so pointy.

Helen: Now you know?

Brando: Yeah, when it hits my instep, it's really noticeable... Is that an upgrade?

Helen: Yeah, it's not about venting anger now.

Brando: Why?

Helen: I finally realized that she did so many things just to promote you as a brave man.But, you're right, she's an idiot... what were you thinking?

Brando: I was thinking, is Francis really the devil? )

In fact, Minato actually lost his mind at this critical moment.The first thing he thought of was not the position of the brave, nor the surging power struggles, but... Maybe in the future, not only dating, but pure meeting will be done secretly.

Of course, the most fundamental reason why he didn't take this incident to heart at all was Aita Long.As long as Etalon needs him, the king of angels will guarantee his place.

——Because only Minato can really kill the Demon King, and in order to achieve this goal, Aitalong must firmly ensure that the Holy Angel Sword is firmly held by Minato.

But what happened afterwards still surprised Minato.

"According to Miss Avril's theory, I don't need to be a king... because, maybe it's the puppet of the devil?" His Majesty the King of Bauhinia coughed a few times, and stood up in full view, "Miss Avril is so suspicious It's heartbreaking to be on the same side. Don't you, Master Janet, the father of Pink Francis?"

Doctor Janet who was dragged into the water inexplicably: "..."

(Helen:  …

Brando: Is that really your brother on stage?Instead of twins who look exactly like your brother?

Helen: I think I took the wrong medicine... When did Brother Wang become a person like Ignatz who would stand up for his friends?

Brando: By the way, I think this posture...Francis' relatives and friends are more appropriate. )

His Majesty's words hadn't finished yet, and Gain hadn't spoken in the Temple of Fire, and the people behind him protested one after another: "...this kind of slander is unprecedented!" "It's too much!"

It's not that she was supported for some reason, but she still feels innocent Master Janet: "..."

Looking at a group of priests filled with righteous indignation behind him, Gein showed a toothache: "According to... In short, the Temple of Fire believes in Janet... Well, I believe it too."

After seeing Gein's promise, the Temple of the Earth also came out to express its position: "We unconditionally follow the words of Gein's sacrifice."

Facing the sudden turn of the situation, Avril was also dumbfounded, but she was speechless after a few times, with big tears rolling in her eyes, like a little girl who was bullied by a group of people.

...It can only be said that the behind-the-scenes push this little girl out was too ill-considered.No one with a little bit of ability would let such a great situation go to waste.

But for now, this menacing turmoil has come to an anticlimactic end.Minato stood up and decided to end everything with some scene words: for example, we are all partners and we must trust each other.We are all children of the God of Light, and we trust and love each other. It is precisely because of the power of love that we have defeated the devil generation after generation.

But God seems to be unwilling to let this matter be resolved satisfactorily.

"Urgent report! The devil... the devil king is coming to attack the city!"

Needless to say, the soldier, all the people present saw from the door, the ferocious posture of the dark three-headed dragon... and a small figure standing on the three-headed dragon. Black hair has already indicated his identity.

"Dang." The holy angel sword was pulled out, and the reflection of the smooth sword reflected Minato's posture of preparing for battle.

(Brando: I think now, what you said is true?

Helen: ... Hey, have you finally awakened?As I said before, after living for more than [-] years, did you finally find out that you are curvy?

Brando: No, not this one.

Helen: ...Which one?

Brando: Although bad guys are really annoying, compared with stupid people, the latter is undoubtedly more annoying, because you never know what their logic is used to do, and then make a mess of things, they are Unable to use common sense to infer...

Helen: And then?

Brando (deeply): I want to send this sentence to Francis. )

The author has something to say: ... I just wanted to squint,

As a result, when I opened my eyes, I found that it was four hours later QAQ

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