number one supermodel

Chapter 39 First Battle

To Mi Le's surprise, the attic was frighteningly large, and the minimalist Nordic-style decoration looked modern and environmentally friendly.Aside from the appallingly low ceiling, Mi Le has no choice but to like this place.

As soon as Pu entered, Cesare grabbed the biggest bed and lay there staring at Mi Le and Adrian.

"It's yours, it's yours, no one will take it from you, Cesare." Mile muttered, seeing that Adrian was walking towards the bed he had chosen in silence, he had to move to the only bed left. on the bed.

Packing the clothes into the small closet next to the bed, Mi Le turned his head and looked far away through the octagonal diamond-shaped window on the wall.He saw the beautifully manicured lawns and the abundance of flowers around the castle.He saw the dignified old butler in a tuxedo walking calmly along the path.He saw beads of sweat on the foreheads of young caddies running on the golf course in the distance.He saw on the other side of the vast waters of Long Island, under the giant skyscrapers shrouded in clouds and mist, pedestrians and vehicles hurriedly came and went.

Sighing slightly, Mi Le took out an old photo from the inside pocket of the small suitcase.

The background of the photo is the vulgar landscape wallpaper in a photo studio in a small town in China many years ago, and the only decoration is a bamboo flower basket filled with a few plastic flowers scattered in red, yellow, and green.But there are some people, no matter how tacky the distribution is, it doesn't affect their beauty.

In the photo, the man wearing the most ordinary shirt and trousers frowned sharply and slightly pursed his lips.His soft eyes fell on the little boy in his arms, and the serious expression on his face suddenly softened a lot.And the little boy in his arms wrapped his hands around the man's neck, with a smile as bright as a thousand suns on his little fat face.

Since his father passed away, Mi Le has never revisited this photo, and it is also the only two-person photo left by him and his father, on his third birthday.His father was always so cold and indifferent, as if it was a taboo to be kind to him even slightly.Every time he was punished and scolded by his father, Mi Le would take out this photo to comfort himself. In fact, his father loved him, and his father did it for his own good.But now, this photo is like a key, which can open the emotional box that is enough to scar Mi Le.

Mi Le looked at his father in the photo, recalling the information revealed by Mr. Wallenstein in his mind.

Did father really have something to hide?Or maybe his mother, who died young, also has some secrets?

After lingering on the photo for a long time, Mi Le finally stuffed it back into the suitcase.

Champion, no matter what, he will not give it up to others easily.Whether it's for his father or for himself.

"Hey, why are you still staying there, don't you want to eat?"

Suddenly, an impatient voice came from behind his head.Mi Le quickly pulled up the zipper of the suitcase and put it in the bottom of the closet.Turning around, he saw Cesare standing behind him with a face of reluctance, while Adrian was already standing at the door of the attic.

Mi Le returned a grateful smile to Cesare's stinky face.

The three of them went downstairs quickly and met a waiter waiting at the corner of the stairs.He was wearing a tuxedo without a single wrinkle, and one of his white-gloved hands was resting on his stomach at a ninety-degree angle, while the other was naturally sleeping on his side.

"Good day, gentlemen. Please allow me to lead the way for you." The waiter showed a faint smile, bowed and waved his arms as a gesture of please, and then walked ahead.

Mi Le was slightly shocked, not because there were such well-trained butlers in the castle.But Mr. Wallenstein was so generous.Mi Le could guess that they would live like a group of ancient nobles in this castle.

As expected, there are a lot of waiters in the castle.They don't have to think about which clothes can't be thrown into the washing machine with which ones; they don't have to worry about whether the extremely poor craftsmanship will poison themselves to death; sitting in the living room, there are waiters whenever you want At your service.

It doesn't look like they're here for a competition, it's more like they're on vacation!And it doesn't cost money.The only regret is that the male models who seem to be promoted to the heirs of the big clan feel that they are going to be isolated from the modern society.

On the second day after entering the model house, the waiters began to decorate the huge and magnificent ball hall in the castle.

And the male models who got up early no matter who they are are gathered in the living room, sitting scattered on the sofa, some are playing games, some are reading magazines, some are chatting, some are drinking tea, some I hugged the book and nestled in the corner as if not to disturb me.

At a glance, although the male models are simply sitting, they all show their most attractive side.Because everyone knows that the cameras in this castle will capture their figures all the time, and then pass them on to thousands of viewers around the world.From the moment they entered the castle, the competition had quietly begun.

"Morris, your bastard is actually cheating, I'm going to poke your [—beep——]"

"Don't be so stingy, Aiden. I just used a little bit of tactics. You beat me so many times for me to win one."

"Shit! Come again, if you hit my arm again, be careful and I'll beat you up."

"Yes yes, my Aiden. I swear I won't."

Playful slapstick is a way to attract attention.

"Cesar, if I were you, I wouldn't hold a goblet in such a ridiculous way. Could you please remove your claws from the round body of the glass."

"Come on, Siddor. Don't flaunt your erudition here, it's disgusting."

Bitter arguments are also a way to gain attention.

In short, no matter what, even men will have deep scheming moments.

"What do you think will happen next?" Adrian approached suddenly, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, with a calm expression on his face.But Mi Le can be sure that this man will never be as indifferent as he appears on the surface.Even though he was a lecherous male model, he smiled a little afterwards.

"No matter what it is, it is inevitable to be watched."

Adrian shrugged and didn't answer.

"Hey, what were you two talking about just now? You must be talking bad about me, right? Absolutely!" Cesare roared out of nowhere, and forced his way into Mi Le and Adrian. middle.

Mi Le and Adrian glanced at each other, and then they both went back to their respective business silently.

In fact, there is no need to make too many guesses. Such an obvious move by the organizing committee has already leaked most of the information about the first mission, as if they were afraid that the male models would not know.But this is also a kind of torment in disguise, because the male models more or less guess what the first task is.But they can't do anything, they can only wait like years for Keanu to announce the start of the mission.

Fortunately, Keanu didn't let the male models who were already gearing up and eager to try it out wait too long.

"Good afternoon, my dear gentlemen. Did you sleep well last night?"

The bottom line of "Great", "Very good" and "I have never slept so peacefully" made Keanu smile even more.

"In that case, I hope you are all in the best spirits. Because soon, the first challenge will start. Oh, before that please allow me to introduce you to the photographer who will take pictures for you this time Mr. Benny Harvey!" Under Keanu's introduction, a short man with instant noodles and sunglasses appeared from behind.


"Mr. Benny often shoots covers and fashion blockbusters for magazines such as numero, vivi and cool. I believe that in his lens, you will all be the best."

"Then, you will carry out a series of styling designs in the next time."

"Oh, my gentlemen. I'm so looking forward to tonight's masquerade. I don't think I've been so excited for a long time."

As soon as Keanu's words came out, the male models showed such expressions on their faces.

Led by Keanu, the male models were taken to a room that had been temporarily converted into a dressing room.It's spacious enough for a basketball game.More than a dozen dressing tables were placed in a semicircle on one side of the room, while on the other side were rows of hangers full of clothes. Mi Le took a glance and found that they were all black suits.However, after all twelve people had changed their clothes, Mi Le realized that these suits that looked like they came off the assembly line were actually a little useless in details.

For example, himself.A dark red round magic circle totem was embroidered on the elbow of his right hand. Under the dim lighting conditions, it was difficult to recognize this thing on his clothes.Zhang Yutian's one has a special design on the collar.Siddall's one has the hem of the suit extended to cover the buttocks.

As for grabbing clothes, the male models experienced a life-and-death struggle.I also like the one you saw, but I want this one but you took it, how can it be!

In order to get the clothes they want, the male models don't care about their image, swearing at each other, and fighting each other in the blind spots of the camera. In principle, they don't hit their faces.

Just as Mi Le was about to go up and grab one and leave, before his hands touched the hanger, another person had already preempted the one he wanted to take.

"Hmph." Mi Le turned around and saw Cesar shaking his clothes triumphantly, and smiled mockingly.

Mi Le shrugged indifferently, and quickly took the next set.When leaving, Mi Le deliberately showed Cesar a smile of "Cesar, you are a genius", and Cesar distorted his handsome face angrily.

When Mi Le came out, he saw that Adrian had already changed his clothes early, and was sitting quietly on his dressing table.And another roommate of his, Cesare, had just returned from a melee, and he was holding a prize in his hand with a proud face on his face.

"Hey, you've already got it. I was thinking of grabbing one for you after seeing your body." Cesare muttered nonchalantly.

"...I didn't expect you to be so helpful, Cesare."

"Nonsense, who am I, I am the warm-hearted Lord Porto."

Mi Le chuckled lightly, too lazy to talk to this man.

At this time, Adrian suddenly came over and glanced at the two of them.

"As far as I know, Keanu didn't say that this mission must be done alone. I think, if possible, we can cooperate a little bit."

"Cooperation?" Mi Le glanced into Adrian's emerald green eyes, as if seeing the clear water of King's Lake in Bavaria.

Mi Le blinked, and the picture suddenly changed.Adrian's eyes caught in his eyes instantly transformed into emeralds inlaid on the branches of the thousands of crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling of the gorgeous ballroom.The dim yellow light from the white candles inserted in the chandelier illuminates the gemstones in full glory.

He stood on the edge of the guardrail on the second floor, looking down slightly.

Gold brown, bronze, and candle lights create a retro and ambiguous atmosphere, without the fragrance of clothes, the faint smell of perfume of ladies, and the occasional coquettish teasing.Some are men's parties, gentlemen's parties.In the dark tones, hot and turbulent emotions are about to burst out.Just bow your head, raise your hand, or just look in your eyes.

The carnival in the dark night will never be the enthusiasm that those arty people challenge.Those things that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words are flowing quietly, and they never overwhelm the host.

With the sound of footsteps approaching, Mi Le slightly turned his head to look at the two people walking from the dark.Adrian walked to his left, while Cesare leaned back on the guardrail with a glass of red wine wantonly, turned his head and glanced at the people below with a contemptuous look.

"Do you feel it? The camera is looking at us." Adrian lowered his head slightly, leaning towards Mi Le.

"Yes." Mi Le's lips curved into a cold smile.He turned to face Adrian, grabbed Adrian's arm with his right hand, turned his head at a seventy-degree angle and looked down at the photographer's hiding place.

Mi Le was sure that his ears caught that wonderful shutter sound.

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