Silence once again quietly enveloped a corner of the palace.The wind blowing in from nowhere gently swayed the layers of veils hanging in the palace, creating waves of gentle ripples, gradually approaching the two figures standing on the bluestone slab, playfully Rolling up the scarlet skirt, dragging the blue and white sleeves.

After a long time, it was the vermilion slender figure who moved impatiently first, the smile on Ruyu's face faded away, and another layer of frost was covered, but those bright eyes suddenly burst into splendor, just listening to her The voice softened a bit, as if certain facts had been confirmed, but he still wanted to ask another question: "You call me A Niang? do I resemble the one born by your mother?"

The young man in blue and white was expressionless and motionless, still maintaining the posture he had when the illusion seal in his brain was undone, but the glint in the long and narrow eyes proved that he did not hear what he just said.After another half hour, the red light in those eyes flickered on and off, and finally dimmed a little. The young man's eyelashes twitched, and he slowly replied: "...Yes."

The splendor in Chanyou's eyes became even brighter, but she said indifferently: "Then can you tell me about her?"

Xuan Zhen raised his eyes and glanced at her, there was a flash of coldness in his eyes, but Chan You was not afraid at all, instead, his pointed jaw was raised a bit more.Seeing her indifferent appearance, Xuan Zhen was almost the same as his mother when he was born. He almost blurted out "A Niang" again. Fortunately, he was dazzled in time, but no matter what, it was hard to refuse this very imaginable appearance of his mother. woman.He paused for a moment, then Fang slowly said again: "Auntie... She looks just like you, she is so beautiful, indifferent, she is indifferent to everyone, she seems to be never happy, no matter where she looks, her eyes There is only sorrow, only... hatred."

He spoke softly, as if he was talking to himself, and his eyes moved away from the scarlet figure in front of him, and turned to a higher void, where a pair of familiar eyes seemed to appear, so resentful, But with infinite hostility.That's right, from the time I can remember, A Niang has been like that, even when facing her own son, or her closest relatives, she never smiled...

"Oh, she's not happy?" Chanyou also said softly, but there was a trace of weirdness in that voice.

Xuan Zhen frowned slightly, looked up at her, but was startled by the expression that seemed to be smiling and angry, his eyes flickered a few times, and finally continued: "Yes, since we lived at the bottom of the lake... , she never laughed. Auntie is not in good health and always needs a lot of fragrant herbs to recuperate. Those herbs can be bought in nearby towns, but Auntie hates people...human race..." Speaking of this However, he couldn't help but stop, the mess in his head seemed to be untied a bit, and seemed to be more tightly entangled, a voice faintly shouted in the back of his mind: "Humans are used to pretending, pretending to please you The appearance you like is actually more poisonous than a snake, more fierce than a tiger, and will stab you in the heart when you are not prepared! Why can't you remember?!"

Why can't you remember... can't remember... that voice echoed in your ears and mind over and over again, every time it sounded, Xuan Zhen's heart ached even more, guilt and remorse, unwillingness and incomprehension, layer by layer Wrap around the tip of your heart, and a wave of romance will touch your heart.

Suddenly, a sneering voice interrupted his thoughts: "She hates the human race so much? How could such a ridiculous thing happen?"

Xuan Zhen suddenly turned his head, looked at Chan You angrily, and said in a concentrated voice: "What did you say?"

"I said your mother is really ridiculous. When she stood in front of me, holding the hand of that human race, and wanted to leave this fantasy world no matter what, did she ever think that there would be a day of regret?" Chanyou said in front of him. Under the almost human-loving eyes, he said calmly and coldly, "But it's no wonder, monster, even if you once believed in the human race so much, you will eventually understand that those human races are shameless. You see, today's intruders Isn't it the same for us people in the Illusory Death Realm?"

That human race?Xuan Zhen was silent, once again a turbulent wave appeared in his mind, it turned out that A Niang once believed...has she ever believed in anyone?He was thinking secretly, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of the damaged purse in his hand, and the stern eyes that A Niang cut it with scissors back then appeared before his eyes again, which made him feel cold.

After a while, Chan You impatiently urged again, Xuan Zhen had no choice but to continue: "...Later, those Taoist priests were all killed by A Niang, but we couldn't stay in Chaohu...After hiding in Huangshan, we originally lived In a small village, but suddenly woke up one morning, A Niang disappeared..."

He spoke intermittently, and the memory that had been lost for 19 years gradually came alive before his eyes in this bit by bit description.Those broken images, those faces that cannot be seen clearly, and those blurred figures gradually become clear in his sad narration.

"...I found her in that cold stone cave, but as soon as I woke up A Niang, if she had changed into a demon, she suddenly used her strangle my neck fiercely !"

A trace of pain flashed across the young man's pale face, as if the scene of many years can still make him feel unbelievable and painful even now.

"Then she performed that secret technique on you, so that her good son has been ignorant all these years and doesn't remember anything." Chan You slowly continued, her tone very firm, as if that scene was hers back then. It was the same as what I saw with my own eyes. After a long while, I looked down at the small dark amethyst stone in my palm and snorted, "Hmph, she is very bold! If it weren't for this dream stone to assist her, I'm afraid she Even though she was seriously injured, she didn't have the strength to complete this secret technique... Thinking about the leftover scraps left by the dream bottle made that day, she took a piece of it and took it with her..."

Xuan Zhen didn't know what the things she said were at all, and he didn't want to know.He only trembled with his fingers, and slowly stroked his neck, as if the cold feeling of being tightly bound still remained on his body.Indistinctly, another trace of red light lit up from the depths of those long and narrow eyes: "... At that time, I only felt a sharp pain in my head, probably because of the illusion... But even At that time, I also firmly believed that A Niang would never harm me... She touched my face like that, and talked to me in a gentle tone that she had never had before... Only that time... Never, never again It's..."

Speaking of this, his hands hanging on both sides of his body couldn't help shaking more violently. Before he knew it, his nails were deeply embedded in his palms, and after a while, a few drops of bright red lightly fell on the ground. Bluestone board.

Chan You who was at the side seemed to be shaken by the grief surrounding him, and the originally indifferent ridicule gradually stopped.

"You just said, what's your mother's name?" After a long silence, Chan You suddenly broke the calm.

Xuan Zhen was taken aback for a moment, and replied in a low voice: "Her surname is Shen, and her first name is Dan Qing."

"Shen Danqing?" Chanyou seemed a bit puzzled, she lowered her head thoughtfully and muttered to herself, "Shen...Dan Qing...Dan Qing...ah, that's how it is! It's so!"

Her tone of voice in the last two sentences was slightly raised, and her tone was a little more excited, as if she had solved a puzzle.Xuan Zhen frowned and looked at her, only to hear Chanyou sneer and say: "In order to avoid us, she even changed her name... Heh, since she hates the human race so much, why does she still keep that person's surname?"

"Changed the name?" Xuan Zhen murmured blankly and repeated.That person's surname... who is that person, could it be the person that A Niang once believed in?

"Shan Qing... Huh, let me tell you now, your mother's name is not Shen Danqing at all. Our nightmare clan is different from the human race. We have a first name but no surname. Her real name should be..." Chanyou looked at Xuan. With a dazed and surprised look, there seemed to be a gleam of pleasure flashing across his face, "Chan Jing!"

Chan Jing?Did she take out her real name, A Niang...why didn't she tell herself?Xuan Zhen lowered his eyes in a daze, and suddenly remembered something, and quickly raised his eyes to look at the red-clothed demon girl in front of him: "You...what did you say you were called just now?"

"Heh... Did you realize it now?" Chanyou raised the corners of her lips and laughed mockingly, "Her name is Chanjing, I'm Chanyou, aren't they very similar? Of course it should be so, because...we are the same mother. Sisters of my compatriots!"

There has never been a moment that surprised Xuan Zhen more than now.The truth he didn't want to accept, the tangled mess in his mind, was torn apart in Chan You's eloquent sentence.Suddenly, a sense of sadness flashed across his heart, but it was so natural, he should have thought of all this long ago, didn't he?

Since the truth that Chanyou said when she saw her, she should have vaguely expected this situation, right?The demon world that I was supposed to attack turned out to be my hometown, the demons I killed turned out to be my own clan, and the woman in front of me who I had seen with resentful eyes and thought about it with a guarded mind turned out to be It's my mother's own sister!

After the sadness, there was a burst of laughter welling up in his throat.Xuan Zhen looked at the sky in a daze, but what he saw was the roof of the Illusory Palace, which was hazy with clusters of purple light.In heaven, I'm afraid he is also laughing at himself?In the dark, who is unwilling to be lonely, stretches out his hand to mess up the horoscope, and makes the fate twisted and reversed to such a sad and ridiculous appearance?

"Thirty-eight years ago, your mother gave up her position as the leader of the clan and wanted to leave. Taking advantage of the fact that the demon world passed by the human world once every 38 years, she followed that human race and left the Illusory Realm without looking back... Oh, unexpectedly, she ended up falling into the world." In such a situation, do you still want to hate the person you once loved to the end?" Chanyou didn't notice Xuan Zhen's strange behavior at all, just sneered and poured out all the dissatisfaction that had been buried in her heart for more than thirty years , "The human race is untrustworthy after all, but you are mixed with that group of human races. Could it be that your mother's death was not miserable enough, and you want to follow in her footsteps?"

Suddenly a thunderbolt passed through his chest and exploded in his mind.Xuan Zhen lowered his head slightly and remained motionless, but the clothes around his body were gently fluttering. Unknowingly, the wind that blew across the Immortal Palace was howling and violently spread out around him, bringing layers of waves along the way. Layers of veils are like pieces of purple-red light dreams, but they are caught in the wind and torn into flying pieces in an instant!

"Ha, haha... so it turns out, so it turns out to be so!"

Who is laughing, and why is this laughter so bleak?Xuan Zhen looked around in a daze, and it took him a while to realize that the laughter came from his own mouth.

Of course he should laugh, the memories he lost for 19 years came back to his mind, isn't it worthy of joy?The memory that haunts me so much that I even set foot in southern Xinjiang has to be retrieved, but I never thought it would be like this... so ridiculous and lamentable!

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