Following the traces of blood all the way, a sudden burst of cold air rushed towards my face.Shen Bailing pushed aside the tall weeds in front of him, and a small cave appeared not far away.

The blood dripped on the rock at the entrance of the cave, and submerged into the darkness. Although Shen Bailing was not sure whether the blood was left by his mother, he was unavoidably worried.Just standing here couldn't understand the truth, he gritted his teeth and rushed in.

The cave is very dark, and the road is even more bumpy.Shen Bailing was regretting that he didn't bring some flammable things to serve as lights, and the hand holding the stone wall felt empty, and almost fell into another hole within a hole.After he walked for a while, his eyes were no longer as dark as they were when he came in. He recognized for a moment with a little light, and found that there was an extra fork in front of him.

This cave is really weird. Not only is it like an ice cellar, it is not as gentle as a peak at all, and it also has side roads. If Shen Bailing is not a monster, with strong hands and feet and excellent eyesight, I am afraid that before he gets lost, he will fall seven times Meat and eight vegetables.

Fortunately, in this cave, the smell is not easy to disperse. Shen Bailing smelled the bloody smell, even if he couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north, he was not afraid of going the wrong way.Just turning left and right, I vaguely feel that the cave seems to lead to the ground, and it is very deep, and gradually there is no light at all.

After walking in the darkness for an unknown amount of time, his feet slipped suddenly, and Shen Bailing hurriedly bent his knees and sank. He reached out and touched the ground, only to feel that his fingertips were icy and wet, and there was actually a layer of ice.Touching the stone walls along the way, the same is true. I don't know when the surrounding temperature has dropped to such a low level. Fortunately, Shen Bailing is a monster and is not afraid of the severe cold like a human. Otherwise, he would already be shivering at this moment, so there is no way to go deeper. courage?

After wandering around in the ice cave for quite a while, the smell of blood gradually became stronger, but Shen Bailing was not very happy. He was only afraid that his mother's old injury would get worse and she would leave this trail of blood, and he was afraid that his mother would be raised this month. Put everything into the water.

Following the smell of blood, I turned to the left again, and after a short walk this time, there was a sudden light in the darkness.Shen Bailing hurriedly closed his eyes, and opened them after a while, only to realize that he was standing in a very narrow side road, with a hazy light cast from the front right.

He hurriedly followed the light and quickened his pace, and when he turned right, there was even more emptiness in front of him, and he came to a huge open space in a cave.The ice in this cave is thicker, and there is still a thin layer of cold mist in the air.Shen Bailing moved forward cautiously against the ice ground, while raising his head and looking around, he saw a lot of icicles formed on the roof of the cave, which could reach tens of feet in length, standing vertically like arrow spikes like a forest .There is no other way to this cave except the path we came in, and it is deep underground, but it is very bright.At first, Shen Bailing thought that the ice was unusual and could glow by itself. After a while, he gradually realized that there seemed to be something sealed behind the solid ice, so there was a faint blue light seeping out from behind the ice. The place where it is the strongest and the most radiant is probably where the thing is.

Shen Bailing stared blankly at the ice layer, and thought: "It's so thick, I'm afraid I have to knock it with a big stone to break it, and I don't know what that glowing thing is... Well, it's a bit like when I was in Bailing a month ago. The bead found in the Zhoushu Cave, but the bead emits green light instead of blue light... By the way, didn't I come to find A Niang?

Thinking of this, he immediately turned his eyes back, and only then did he catch a glimpse of a black shadow curled up in the corner of the ice cave. Under the light blue light, the shadow was wrapped in red clothes. When Shen Bailing saw it, his heart pounded. There was a bang.

He ran over in a hurry, but he slipped and fell, and before he could get up in time, he was already in front of the figure. He turned his shoulders and turned to look. His face was pale, his eyes were closed, the corners of his lips were bloody, Yousi, who else is it not Shen Danqing?

Shen Bailing felt sad for a while, and shouted again and again: "Aniang, Aniang! Why did you come here, but coughed up blood again?" But Shen Danqing closed her eyes, as if she hadn't heard, she didn't move, if it wasn't for her nose Still twitching slightly, he became a dead demon.

Shen Bailing lowered his head and looked carefully, only then did he realize something was wrong.Shen Danqing's body was also stained with blood, if he coughed up blood, he wouldn't vomit all over his body.He hurriedly tore off the blouse at the shoulder where his mother's blood was the most. Some of them were scorched black, as if they had been struck by fire and thunder.

He hurriedly took out the small pouch, shook his hands for a long time before pouring out the remaining few pieces of fragrant medicine, but he lost the flint somewhere and couldn't find it after touching it, so Shen Bailing had to put the medicine in his mouth and chew it up , paste the fragrant medicine on the mother's wound.After a while, I saw some yellow pus oozing from the wound, and the blood gradually stopped.

Shen Bailing hugged his mother's head and shoulders in his arms, burning with anxiety, but after all, he was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, and he tried his best to bear his mother for fear of hurting her wounds, so he could only stare blankly at his mother's bloodless face, hoping She wakes up quickly.

He swept his eyes back and forth on his mother's face, and suddenly thought, "Little Monkey is wrong. Auntie is actually... actually very beautiful. None of the women I have seen can compare to her, and they belong to Little Monkey." Niang and Ah Ci also... Well, Ah Ci is still young, maybe, maybe she is very beautiful when she grows up.A Niang is so beautiful, why would the marriage be ruined?She... Although she has a bad temper, she is good-looking and powerful. My father... is my father...

Just as he was thinking wildly, he suddenly heard a low voice in his arms.Looking down again, Shen Danqing's eyelids moved slightly, and his eyes opened immediately. Those frosty and autumn water eyes first looked around in a daze, and then slowly fell on the face of Shen Bailing who had been looking at her.

"Aniang, you're awake!" Shen Bailing said happily, with his hands still around her shoulders, but a big smile appeared on his face, wishing that every strand of hair could show some joy, "Aniang, why are you running away?" Come here, you know, I—"

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Shen Danqing suddenly struggled, and then Shen Bailing felt a chill on his neck, and the world turned around in an instant, only a few "bang, dong" were heard, and at the same time there was a sharp pain in his back.

Shen Bailing was taken aback, his back was in pain, and his neck seemed to be strangled by an iron chain, his eyes turned black with sadness, and many gold stars kept running around.When the pain lessened and his eyes were not so hazy, he was even more surprised. It turned out that it was none other than his own aunt Shen Danqing who grabbed his neck and threw him hard against the stone wall.

Shen Danqing put one hand on his neck, tightly gripped Shen Bailing's throat with his tiger's mouth, and did not do anything else for a while, but couldn't help panting.She just woke up and suddenly got into trouble, she exerted too much force, the wound that had stopped bleeding burst open again, and a lot of blood oozed out from the buttocks on her shoulder.

"Auntie...why...what..." Shen Bailing felt a pain in his throat being squeezed, not only was it difficult to speak, but it was also difficult to breathe. It was only because the mother was in front of him that he didn't resist at all, but he really couldn't bear it in his heart. Answer, you have to ask this sentence.

Shen Danqing opened his mouth slightly, and before he could answer, he coughed for a while, causing his whole body to tremble uncontrollably, and the blood oozed from the wound faster.She gasped for another half a day, and when she raised her head again, her face was covered with a thin layer of sweat, and her long and narrow phoenix eyes were even sharper.With a blank expression on her face, she suddenly raised her other hand and folded it in front of her chest. With her slender fingers, she squeezed out an orchid-like hand formula. After coughing a few times, she said in a cold voice: "...cough...mengyingwuhua, all It's void..."

Shen Bailing's eyes widened, and there was a feeling of cold wetness behind his back. He knew that the ice wall behind him had been melted by body temperature but he had no time to take care of it, so he cried out with difficulty: "Aunt...Aunt, what are you talking about...what!"

"...cough cough, because my thoughts are messy..."

Shen Danqing's icy voice rang in his ears, but Shen Bailing's eyes became blurred for some reason. In the water mist, his mother's pale and beautiful face faintly revealed an extremely complicated expression, but the moving lips never gave any hint of it. an explanation.


"...cough cough...Fang Wannian's better..." Shen Dan Qingfeng opened her eyes angrily, and suddenly pressed the hand holding the hand formula on Bai Ling's forehead, "it's better—wan, ban, jie, forget!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

All of a sudden, there was a scream from the depths of the cave accompanied by cold air. The voice was extremely shrill and full of pain, like the howling of a wild animal before death.

In the depths of the ice cave, Shen Bailing's eyes were rolled back from the pain, and he was on the verge of passing out, but his mind was overwhelmed, and countless pictures were spinning around in front of his eyes like a boat in the vast ocean. Up and down, but was overturned in the water by wave after wave, and then stirred and collided into millions of fragments, like a thousand red-hot steel needles pierced into the skull, and like ten thousand sharp claws in the brain He couldn't stop digging and scratching, even if he wanted to pass out, he couldn't, but his whole body couldn't help convulsing.

With his eyes open, he felt as if his eyes were covered with more than a dozen layers of white gauze, and he couldn't see anything clearly except for a blob of bright blue light.It's just that in the pain, the mother's long and leisurely sigh was very clear.

"...Mother is helpless, you... child, don't blame mother..." Shen Danqing said in a low voice, and coughed a few more times, Shen Bailing only felt the cold hand on his neck tremble a few times. After a while, I heard my mother continue, "Those two people...cough cough, those two people will come after them soon, those bloodstains on the can find them here, I'm afraid...I'm afraid they also...hmph, but So what? The Water Spirit Orb they've been thinking about...isn't it...isn't it that Mother took the lead!"

Shen Bailing stared at the void in front of his eyes, and his brain swelled even more, as if it was full of air and was about to burst.He was in unbearable pain, only □ was spoken in his mouth, even his thoughts were intermittent, and he only thought vaguely: ... what A Niang said ... who are those two ... the water spirit pearl is ...

Shen Danqing seemed to know his son's miserable situation at this time, so he didn't pay attention to it, but kept talking in a low voice to himself: "Mother...cough cough, so much blood has been shed, and the injury is on the heart...Mother can't live La! This water spirit bead...cough...I gave it to you..."

The coolness on his neck suddenly left him, and without that strong support, Shen Bailing's body slipped to the ground as soon as he became limp, and he leaned against the ice wall and collapsed in a corner.Hearing a burst of crackling and rumbling noises, and many ice chips flying on the face, Shen Bailing felt the coolness on his face, reluctantly looked forward, thinking in his heart:... What is A Niang doing... Did you break that piece of ice... …

It was gradually getting dark in front of my eyes, and the blue radiance seemed to be extinguished.But for a moment, Shen Bailing only felt that his fingers were pulled away, and a round and smooth ball fell into his palm.Shen Danqing's voice came from his ear again, this time it was much lower, the breath was like a silk brushing on his face, as if his mother was talking against his cheek: "Mother... Mother hurt you, they saw you on the neck Silence, naturally I don't think that we have any kinship entanglement, and seeing that you have this bead, I must think that I took you...mother...mother has been treating you badly because you have nothing. Yaoqi, I hate that you look so much like that person... I never thought that I would feel very grateful for this now!"

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