

"There are two babies!"


Lin Junqi blinked and said for a while, "Ah? Two?"

"Yes!" Lafite raised his head and patted Lin Junqi's head with his hands, "The little guy is amazing! She's pregnant with two babies!"

"..." Lin Junqi waved that hand away, "How did you know I was pregnant with two babies?"

"I don't know!" Lafite said with a righteous and innocent face.

"then you……"

"However, Dr. Angie told us that he saw it in the records left by the previous doctors. The shape of your belly indicates that you are pregnant with two babies. Because there are two babies, it will be slower to raise, and it will be slower. It will take more than a month to be born." Lafite put away the expression just now, and seriously comforted Lin Junqi, "So don't worry, you are fine, and your baby is also fine, and you will have two babies soon, don't worry Bar!"

Lin Junqi was stunned for a long time, finally let out a breath, and leaned on the pillow in a relaxed manner. Fortunately, it was not some kind of deformed stillbirth, which scared him to death.

"Aqi, you must have red dots on your forehead when you go out in the future, do you understand?" Lafite said seriously, "You must know that you are pregnant with two babies, and for their safety, you must have red dots on your forehead." !"

Lin Junqi was taken aback by Lafite's serious look. Seeing the other party's serious look, she couldn't help becoming serious, "I know!"

Lafite stared at Lin Junqi, seeing that he agreed seriously, and then relaxed his expression, "So many doctors came to your house together yesterday, and after going back, they went to find Dr. Anji, and after looking through the records for so long, it is estimated that the whole The tribe will know that you are pregnant with two babies."


"Wait a minute, there will probably be a lot of people coming to visit you!" As he spoke, Lafite raised his eyebrows and laughed. He knew that Lin Junqi didn't like others knowing that he was pregnant, but obviously he couldn't hide it anymore.

"What?!" Lin Junqi was dumbfounded, hadn't it been three months without incident, how come it's almost time for delivery in the end, so let someone know!

Headache, quite a headache!

What else did Lafite want to say, the bedroom door was pushed open, and Norn walked in.

"Lafite, it's so early." Nuo En greeted, seeing that Lin Junqi had sat up, she went over to dress him, "Aqi, he..."

"Aqi is fine, I came here so early to let you all feel at ease." Lafite smiled, "Your Aqi promised to thank me with two cans of candied fruit!"

Nuoen looked at Lafite suspiciously, then looked at the little guy, his eyes were bright and filled with joy, he was no longer flustered like yesterday, it seemed to be good news, then looked at Lafite, waiting for him to announce Answer.

"Your Aqi is pregnant with two babies!" Lafitte recited "two" a lot.

Nuo En's expression was stagnant, and he turned around and hugged Lin Junqi including the person and the quilt, "Oh! God! My baby, you are really my baby!"

Seeing Nuo En's happy look, Lin Junqi couldn't help but grinned happily, even though she knew Nuo En would never hurt Lin Junqi, but Lafite was still terrified, and couldn't help shouting: "Hi! Hi! Put Aqi down quickly! Watch out for his stomach!"

Upon hearing this, Nuo En carefully put Lin Junqi back on the bed, and smiled at Lafite, "Thank you, Lafite, Aqi will thank you with two cans of candied fruit, and I will also thank you with two cans of candied fruit!"

Rafael frowned.

After Lin Junqi had breakfast, he heard someone knocking on the door. Nuo En was washing the dishes, so he went to open the door by himself. There were Titila and Ruimi outside the door. As soon as the two entered the door, they pulled Lin Junqi and exclaimed, "Oh my God! Oh my god! Aki, you're pregnant with two babies, that's amazing!"

"Oh my god! Aqi, you didn't tell us that you were pregnant with a baby, it's too bad!"

"Aqi, how did you do it, two babies!"

"Aqi, did you eat something magical?"

"Aki! You..."

The two pulled Lin Junqi and wanted to talk, but the person in his hand was taken away. Nuoen looked at the two overexcited females in distress, "The baby will be scared by you!"

Lin Junqi almost laughed out loud, how cute Norn would say such a thing!

Titila and Ruimi immediately restrained themselves and stopped yelling, but their expressions were still excited and envious, and their four eyes swept Lin Junqi's stomach no less than a hundred times.

Finally, Titila couldn't bear it anymore, "Can I touch it lightly?"

Lin Junqi was a little embarrassed, and Titila immediately emphasized: "I am very light! Very light, very light, very light!"

Lin Junqi compromised, took Titila's hand and gently placed it on her belly through the clothes, and Titila did touch it very lightly, with a look of surprise on her face, and finally, she frowned and smiled , "Hey, I will be pregnant with two babies in the future too! Hey..."

Lin Junqi couldn't help being happy, and looked at Ruimi in a blink of an eye. He also looked envious, staring at his stomach without moving his eyes. He probably wanted to touch it too, but he was too embarrassed to say it.

"Ruimi, do you want to touch it? Gently!"

"Okay!" Ruimi immediately ran over and squatted down, "I'm very light, very light, too!"

Lin Junqi took his hand and put it gently on her stomach, Rui Mi moved slightly, retracted her hand, and smiled with her lips pursed.

The expressions of the two were really interesting. Lin Junqi couldn't help but want to ask Nuo En to take a look. When she looked up, Nuo En looked at her belly with envy, and suddenly realized that her child's father hadn't touched her yet. As for the stomach, it seems very unfair.

"Noen..." Lin Junqi couldn't help calling softly, but the other party was so engrossed that he didn't hear it.

Forget it, let him touch it at night.

Titila and Ruimi hadn't said goodbye yet, Ouri and Bruce followed, and when they entered the door, they called Aqi to let me touch your belly, and Lin Junqi had a black line all over her head.

After Titila, Rui Mi and Ou Rui left, many people came to the house one after another, strangers all came, staring at Lin Junqi's belly with salivation, and proposed to touch the belly of the female There were quite a few, but Lin Junqi didn't agree later, he was afraid that if he let go, everyone would be terrified if they wanted to touch his belly.

There were so many people coming, but I didn't even get a nap, and so many people kept asking Lin Junqi about this and that, which made Lin Junqi so tired that she fell asleep after dinner, and forgot about touching her stomach.

Norn looked at Lin Junqi's tired look for a long time.

The next morning, when Lin Junqi woke up, Norn had already returned. Seeing that he was awake, she half hugged him and helped him sit up and leaned against her arms.

Lin Junqi rubbed her eyes and yawned, reached out to touch her stomach, and suddenly remembered what happened yesterday, "Nuoen..."


"You..." Lin Junqi felt very embarrassed suddenly, "That..."

"what happened?"

"That... you have to be gentle, I will touch my stomach for you..."


The hand was held suddenly, the cheek was rubbed, Nuo En's voice almost trembled, "Gently, I gently!"

Grabbing Nuo En's hand with her backhand, Lin Junqi covered her own belly with the big hand that almost covered her entire stomach, and pulled his hand to move up and down gently. The rough palm was warm, making his stomach feel cold I feel warm.

It feels so good.

Surprisingly, no one came to the door that day. Lin Junqi felt quite strange, and didn't understand why so many people disappeared today.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Lin Junqi felt bored and decided to go out to see the grounds outside the house, only to find a huge wooden sign leaning against the door of his house. After asking Nuo En, she finally understood that the wooden sign read "The pregnant woman is resting, Please don't disturb."

At the same time, it shows that everyone's quality is really good.

The author has something to say: Everyone is very smart, haha

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