Can the world accept him, who has crawled through such filthy sewage?

Sills' intense sadness is felt, but what if Sills is just sympathetic and pitiful?

Hearing Wu Zimo's voice, Hills sniffed his nose to ease his heavy nasal voice from crying, and wanted to say something, but was so painful that he couldn't speak, it hurt so much, It hurt more than any injury he had ever suffered!I feel so sorry for Zimo, those bastards, how could they have the heart to treat Zimo like this, Zimo is still so young, only five years old!How can you treat Zimo like this, mother is the most important and cherished relative in Zimo's life, this person who is the father actually separates them forever!Although they have received the punishment they deserved, it was still not enough. Hills felt a fire burning in his heart. For such a father, throwing him to the wolves to dismember his body was not enough to offset his crime. Throwing him to ten Bambis The raptor's gnawing was not enough to wipe out his sins, punching him a thousand times, fanning him a thousand times, hitting him a thousand times was not enough to eliminate the crimes he committed!

Hills thought of the scars on Zimo's body, so many, so deep, how many injuries he must have suffered in that ruthless place, how heavy and painful those injuries must be!There is no one to take care of you when you are injured, no one to talk to when you are in pain, and your mother is not by your side when you miss, and there is only one person facing the small and dark space alone. The cold wooden bed is still so cold, and the cold wind is still so cold. The cold and lonely Zimo is still so lonely.

Hills can completely imagine that Zimo was alone when he was a child, because he missed his mother and couldn't sleep, that petite figure sat on the head of the bed, huddled himself into a ball, hugged his legs, rested his chin on his knees, alone , looking at the dark front with no focus, that helpless look, how heartbreaking it must be!

Sears' eyes were full of Wu Zimo's sufferings and injuries, and he couldn't spare his mind to think about the dark methods Zimo used, and he didn't notice Wu Zimo's endless worries.In his opinion, there is no need to be merciful to those who have hurt Zimo, no matter how cruel the tricks are, they are not as good as they hurt Zimo, and even the worst methods are not enough to appease the resentment in his heart.

"Zimo, I'm sorry, I didn't get to know you earlier, let you bear the pain alone, I didn't protect you earlier, let you endure the pain alone, Zimo, I'm sorry! Never again , you will never see those people in the future, and you will no longer have to face everything alone. From now on, there will be me and our children, and we will always be by your side, always the same!"

Hills finally understood why the sadness and loneliness sometimes appeared beside Zimo. At that time, he must have missed his mother by himself, and endured the bursts of heartache. !He also said that he wanted Zimo to show a happy smile all his life, but he didn't do it at all.From now on, I will never let Zimo recall the painful memories of the past: "Zimo, you are no longer alone, you have friends like me and Miduo, and our child is about to be born, let's not go to Thinking about the bad memories of the past, we should look to the bright future. In the future, we will have many, many children and form a team, and then you can train them, orcs, to make them the best Kuga warriors, females, make them the most popular females."

"Then, we can go out to travel and see the beautiful scenery everywhere. In the hot summer, we can rest under the shade of the big tree. In the evening, I can fly you in the sky and see all the beautiful scenery. In the cold winter , I turned into a tiger shape, the fluff on my stomach is very warm and warm, and I will definitely not let you get cold. When it rains, we can borrow from other tribes, and when it snows, we can play snowball fights. When we go out, we can watch it from the highest mountain, and at sunset, we can watch it on the widest prairie. When we have had enough fun, we will go back to the tribe. At this time, our children have also found a partner. We have a baby, and then we can have a large group of grandchildren to accompany us..."

When Wu Zimo listened to Hills' infinite reverie about the future, the anxiety in his heart disappeared. He knew that Hills would not be alienated from him because of this, and they were still a pair of close lovers.Smiling, following Hills' whispered voice, he also fell into the fantasy of yearning for that future. However, there are so many children, how many there are, and they form a team, what do you think of him!

The corners of the eyes twitched, the corners of the mouth twitched, Wu Zimo's sadness and worry just now were swept away, and all that was left was to discuss the number of children with Sears.

Hills saw that Wu Zimo had lost the sluggish look just now, and smiled, and returned to his confident and calm look, and also smiled happily. When he was about to continue to say something, a flash of light flashed in his mind, no!Zimo said that he is not from this world, so will Zimo go back?Well, Zimo was left with such painful memories in that world, and Zimo will not go back, um, not going back.But it's still not right, Zi Mo came here suddenly, and somehow got here, so will one day, Zi Mo also disappear inexplicably and go back inexplicably?

For some reason, my heart became flustered in an instant, Hills looked at the smiling Wu Zimo in his arms, what should I do, will Zimo leave him inexplicably!Hills tightened his arms, wanting to hold the person in his arms tightly, don't go, don't leave me!

When Wu Zimo was about to speak, he felt Sears' restlessness. The arms around him were getting tighter and tighter, and his chest was slightly uncomfortable. The child in his stomach seemed to feel something too, some abnormally violent kicks. get moving.Looking up, he unexpectedly saw Hills with a painful expression on his face, and couldn't help asking worriedly, "What's wrong with you, Hills?"

"Zimo, don't leave me, don't leave me!" Hills seemed not to hear Wu Zimo's question, and muttered to himself.

As soon as Wu Zimo heard it, he understood what was going on. Sears was worried that he would disappear suddenly as if he came to this world suddenly. In fact, he didn't know what was going on.He's always been an atheist, and even with such bizarre paranormal events happening to him, he's still an atheist.However, he doesn't know if he came to this world for no reason, but there seems to be a voice in his heart telling him that he will not disappear inexplicably, maybe he is deceiving himself, maybe he has already been implicated in this world, Here will be his mate, there will be his children, there will be his descendants!

Wu Zimo caressed Hills' face, looked straight into his eyes, and said firmly and firmly: "Sills, don't worry, I won't leave here, I have a premonition, I won't leave here! "Even if it's just self-deception, Wu Zimo doesn't want Hills to be immersed in this kind of pain of worry and fear in his future life. It's meaningless to worry about those unnecessary things, and the most important thing is to cherish the present life.No one knows the future, and no one can predict it. Even if he doesn't disappear inexplicably, can it be guaranteed that there will be no accidents in the future!No one can guarantee the unknown, and no one can determine the future, so what's the use of worrying now, it just adds to the pain!

Hills' restless heart seemed to find a support point, and then he desperately grasped the life-saving straw: "Really, Zimo, you won't leave me?"

"Well, really, I won't leave you, trust me!" Wu Zimo has always been a person who walks the talk in the hearts of the Yihu tribe, and if he can say it, he can do it.In Hills's heart, he is also such a person, and it may be that Hills is also hypnotizing himself deep in his heart: Zimo will not leave me, so he believed Wu Zimo's words without hesitation , this may just be an idea of ​​self-protection.

"Well, yes, Zimo will not leave me, and God will bless Zimo! Tomorrow I will ask the great witch to give us a blessing, so that God can hear my heart, and he will definitely bless us! Hills suddenly thought of something, and said confidently, as if this could really get rid of his inner anxiety!

"Well, okay!" If this can really reassure Sears, Wu Zimo doesn't mind, but is Sears really relieved, but Wu Zimo knows that now he can say more and do more, It can't make Hills really let go of the knot in his heart, only time can heal everything.


63. About production...

Early in the morning on the first day, Hills went to Dawu, asking him to pray for them, and accompanied Dawu to kneel down devoutly in the direction of the God of the East. Put it back in place too!

From now on, life is the same, but Wu Zimo knows that there are still some differences. Hills has become more clingy. Since he became pregnant, Hills has shortened the time of going out as much as possible, and hunting has also switched to teamwork. hunted.But now, Hills has shortened the hunting time again. Every time he comes home, it seems that there is some strong glue stuck in the house, preventing him from walking. Every time he goes out, he procrastinates before going out.

Wu Zimo had no other choice, he also wanted to reassure Hills, but, it seemed

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