[HP] Daddy's Little Prince

Chapter 68 The Christmas Chapter Ball

Time is like sitting on a firebolt, and Christmas will be ushered in in the blink of an eye. During this time, Harry is really troubled. Wherever he goes, he will meet many girls unexpectedly, but he really can't. To understand the way they smiled at him and swayed shyly in front of him - it was just awful!Harry thought sullenly, he felt that Severus had been a little colder towards him recently because of these girls!What a nuisance!

"Hey, Harry!" Lavender Brown walked in front of Harry and smiled at him.

"Hello." Harry nodded stiffly to her, turned around and pulled Prince out of the hall—Prince would be listening in on the class, and the next class happened to be Harry's Potions class. It was a good thing Harry felt he could let his son partner with him without embarrassing his friends.

Sure enough, in Potions class, many girls wanted to sit next to Harry, but they were all dismissed by Harry, and Hermione and Ron also secretly breathed a sigh of relief - if they were sitting next to Harry now, those girls would definitely be sitting next to Harry. Will eat them!

Because Prince was the son of the Potions Professor, no one dared to show him face, let alone provoke him, so when he sat next to Harry, all the girls fell silent.

"That's it!" the little prince said proudly, raising his chin, "I will protect Harry from these terrible women!"

"Pfft!" Draco, who was sitting on the other side of Harry, spat out in an unglamorous way. Fortunately, he didn't have anything to eat in his mouth - in Potions class, if he dared to eat, he would definitely be given a potion!

"Don't laugh!" The little prince glared at Draco, "I'm telling the truth." He gestured with his eyes, and there was a little Slytherin girl sitting right in front of Draco, she was staring at Draco closely. looking at Harry, blushing surprisingly.Look around, many girls are like this, they just think Harry is a delicious little cake!

Of course, Harry didn't know how to say no to the situation, but he never responded to them.However, it was a mistake to let them hang around in front of him—Snape firmly believed that it was definitely the hormones emitted by the little lion that attracted the group of nympho girls, which made him very dissatisfied, so he deducted a lot of points recently Now, the gloomy depression returned to the most terrible professor.

In fact, this is all trouble caused by the Christmas ball. Harry himself will not provoke any girls. You must know that as the savior, even if he was dressed in bad taste before, there will still be girls who will say to him with admiring eyes. One or two sentences or something, even including boys, but it is completely different from now!Harry dodged a girl who was smiling brightly at him very depressedly, and leaned towards Prince involuntarily - he didn't dare to walk alone now, these girls were so enthusiastic!

Of course Prince will protect his little daddy—although he will be able to protect himself in the future, but now...Prince thinks his little daddy is too cute, and he has become attracted to the opposite sex without himself at all. The consciousness of the body, although he knows the trouble, he will not solve the trouble at all!This is really a big trouble!

Thanks to his father's approval, the little prince stayed by Harry's side every day to help him solve these messy troubles.

"Hey, Harry, are you going to the Great Hall for dinner? Together?" A bold Gryffindor third-year girl greeted Harry as he hid in a corner.

"Harry is going to the cellar for lunch." Prince immediately grabbed Harry's arm, "Are you planning to come? There are two barrels of slugs left."

"Uh...no need." The girl twitched the corner of her mouth, turned and ran away.

"God, I don't know where they got their energy!" Harry grabbed Prince with lingering fear, "Let's go back to the cellar, there are no classes in the afternoon."

"Good idea." The little prince hurriedly dragged Harry to the cellar, shouting as he ran, "Leave a moment, let's go back to the cellar, and anyone who dares to stop father will deduct her points and send her to confinement for a semester!"

Under the double warning of point deduction and confinement, Harry finally returned to the cellar smoothly, while Snape was sitting on the sofa at this time and flipping through a Potions Weekly.

"I thought... the great savior was so engrossed in the chaos created by his excess hormones that he forgot his humble potions master?" Snape raised his eyebrows, put down his book and walked over, "It's hard Deporting women whose brains have been taken over by hormones?"

"Oh, Sev, don't say that!" Harry wailed, "I don't want to either! Who made that damn Yule ball tradition!" He panted heavily, feeling that he had no strength left in him, "I Just want to go with you, you should know." He pushed Prince to sit at the table first, "You haven't had lunch yet? We haven't either... Those girls are really terrible , It's a headache! I really doubt if this goes on... If it affects our relationship, I will really be so angry that I will curse them... Oh, I don't want to do this! Sev, you know it!"

The following words made Snape's dissatisfaction a little less, but he still didn't intend to let Harry go so easily. You must know that this boy is starting to be more and more dazzling, just like the sun, shining and heating, which can bring him The warmth of the person, so he must let him know who he belongs to - the master of potions needs to take an oath of sovereignty.

"No, I don't know," Snape said in a soft voice that sounded even. "You didn't tell me anything, did you?"

"I just think I can do it right!" Harry scratched his hair annoyedly, "Okay, Sev, come over to eat-I tell you, oh, I don't want to ask you for help with everything, so I have I don't want to feel like... I'm incompetent!" He looked at Snape, then at Prince who stared at them both with wide eyes, "I'm the other owner of this family, I should be Let's protect our family and protect each other, instead of letting you worry about me alone!"

"Crack, crack, crack"!Sitting at the table, the little prince clapped his hands: "Well said, Daddy, so well said! Hey, father, you have to compromise on this! I don't want a brother - Harry is my father! "

Snape said nothing, just walked over and sat down at the table, waiting for Harry to call Winky for food.

Maybe Snape compromised now?Hey, what crazy talk!He just couldn't change his own thoughts or the views of the father and son for the time being, so he didn't speak again.In fact, Snape knew very well that Harry's request was not too much, but on the other hand, he believed that Harry was still underage, and he could not do many things at all. to deal with something?What's more, he himself... is too simple and easily deceived.

The lunch was quite warm, after all, Harry thought that Snape had compromised and Snape had no intention of letting him go so easily.After dinner, Harry began to make a list of people who could be his dancing partner - the first one to get rid of was his Severus, although this was the person he wanted to invite the most, but on the day he was notified of the Yule Ball He just said no, yeah, two men dancing, oh, and one of them was a Potions master, it was just too scary!Then he started to check off the names one by one - those girls, none of them were suitable!

"Oh! Sev, how about I invite Hermione?" Harry raked his hair and sighed helplessly, "Only she will have no problems."

"Well, Aunt Hermione is indeed more suitable." Prince nodded, "But what if someone asks her out first?"

"Then I'll invite Professor McGonagall!" Harry stood up annoyed and began to walk back and forth, "I really don't want to do the opening dance with any girl! I don't want to!" Sitting down on the sofa, Harry picked up the The sofa cushions were tilted to one side in a disfigured way, "Sev...or I'll invite Professor McGonagall, she seems to agree to my invitation?"

"Trust me, it's never a good idea." Snape walked over and dragged him off the sofa. "She'll definitely deduct points from you."

"Oh! You're right, she will definitely be angry with me..." Harry sighed and slumped his shoulders, "Sev, are you really not going with me? Actually, you are my mentor, I I think... there should be no problem."

"I won't do the opening dance with you." Snape reiterated again, his tone was really hateful if his slightly flushed neck was ignored, "or I can give you some advice."

Soon, it will be the Yule Ball.

The three warriors were going to lead the dance, so they waited outside the hall door with their partners—perhaps in order to maintain a sense of mystery, everyone was guessing who the three partners who had been refusing to show up would be.

The hall is newly decorated, with beautiful statues, and all kinds of dazzling magic, people will be unconsciously attracted when they walk in - even the outside of the castle has been changed!

The music sounded, and soon, the warriors led their dance partners into the arena one by one.

Krum is leading a Ravenclaw girl named Luna. She is a strange girl. Even at the ball, she didn't deliberately dress herself up, but wore an overly antique gown. Of course, this The hem of a robe is also patched, which is said to be some kind of lost rune.

Fleur walked in with a boy named Davis. She didn't seem very satisfied with him, but it was better than nothing.

The last to enter was Harry, leading by the hand a beautiful little boy in the same tuxedo who looked like twins—same messy hair, same green eyes, not even the same height. Not much difference!

"Merlin, he invited Prince!?" Standing beside Draco, Hermione sighed, she felt like she was going to faint - today's Hermione is very beautiful, she has taken care of it carefully I can almost be said to be the most beautiful girl in the audience, which has earned Draco a lot of face.

"Good candidate." Draco raised his glass to greet the two people, "He is the godfather's son, Harry is the godfather's apprentice, this choice is actually very good, especially Prince is not qualified for the ball, That's a move Harry would please the godfather."

"You think too much." Hermione glared at him. "Harry was really intimidated by those girls' invitations before he thought of asking Prince to help."

"This..." Draco deliberately said in his aria style, "I have to admit, lady, you really have extraordinary powers of observation."

After the opening dance, Harry found that Snape was not in his place, so he immediately took Prince and picked up the Marauder's Map to find his lover-this is the Christmas ball, of course he wants to go with his lover Dance up, hey, nobody can stop him from this!

Go around the dance floor, walk out of the hall, and down the steps. Harry slowly moved down the corner, Prince followed him closely, and when he reached the gate of the castle, Harry took out the invisibility cloak and wrapped it around. Two people.When they walked out of the castle, they could see the light of fairies everywhere, and the open space outside the castle was also full of bushes—benches, roses, what a romantic scene!

"Severus, you can't go on like this!" said a shrill voice, "You can't pretend there's nothing! You can't! Can you deny that... the past few months, this... has become more and more obvious? Oh, come on, my friend! You just..."

"I assume you can really shut up." Snape snorted coldly, "Igor, if you're afraid, run away, run away - run away!"


"Then I don't think you can change my decision."

"Just give him to him and everything will be fine!"

"Then, I'll make you feel bad first."

"Oh, Severus, you can't! Is that where you stand?!"

Harry recognized his partner's voice, and of course heard the voice of the man called Igor - Igor Karkaroff, a Death Eater.

Hiding under the cloak, Harry eavesdropped on the conversation between the two, but he didn't want anyone else to hear it, so he gave Lasnape's hand a peek under the cloak - he must understand, he thinks.

Sure enough, Snape quickly understood Harry's intentions, and then caught those boys and girls who were hiding behind the bushes in their hormonal peak period!

"Severus, you have to make it clear to me!" Karkaroff obviously didn't intend to give up just like that.

"Make it clear?" Snape sneered, "I think I've made it very clear." He felt Harry's palm, and he knew it was the effect of the invisibility cloak, so he also clenched his hand— In fact, he has Harry's hand in his palm, but no one will know, "Igor, if you are afraid, you can run away, but I will not agree to your proposal, otherwise, I think you will like it." My means, isn't it?"

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