Orc Wolf King

Chapter 27 Snow Wolf's Heart

There was still some time before the sun went down, but if we continued walking, we wondered if we would come across another cave just as the sun went down. After thinking about it, the two decided to simply rest here.

After the two of them finished eating, it was already evening, and they had to continue their journey tomorrow morning, so they went to bed early.

Due to the continuous heavy rain before, the temperature in the forest has dropped a lot, and it feels cold even during the day, and it is even colder at night.

Lin Yeqiu laid down on the big protruding rock with the animal skins he brought, still shivering from the cold, turned over again, faced the rock wall, and curled up into a ball.

Suddenly, a gust of hot air came faintly from behind, and something fluffy arched around his neck. Lin Yeqiu looked back, and saw that Lemans had turned into a snow wolf, obediently standing beside his head, hanging down Mou looked at him.

Lin Yeqiu looked at it for a while, then moved in to make room. Xuelang was overjoyed, and quickly jumped up to the half-human-high rock with a "bao" and walked beside him. Lie down happily.

Because of the wound on his back, Snow Wolf just lay on his side, but tried his best to expose his belly as much as possible to wrap up the shivering person.

This indescribable warmth and softness made Lin Yeqiu sigh comfortably, turned over to face the snow wolf, moved his body carefully to adjust a posture that was comfortable for both of them.

Xuelang cooperated with him to raise his forelimbs with great experience, and then gently put them down after he had adjusted himself. Just as he was about to hug each other and fall asleep, he suddenly saw something fall out of the rabbit fur on Lin Yeqiu's chest: "This is What?"

Lin Yeqiu was stunned, and followed his gaze to look at his chest: "Oh, it was given by Luo Meng."

Snow Wolf immediately turned dark, staring at the bright green jade, as if trying to burn a hole.

"Xiaoqiu, do you like this kind of stone?"

"Huh?" Lin Yeqiu didn't know what to say for a while, stretched out his hand to pinch the jade, and replied casually, "Oh, it feels warm and moist to the touch, very good."

"I also have a lot of these stones. When we go back, you can take as many as you want!" Snow Wolf raised his eyes to look at Lin Yeqiu, and with some difficulty moved out a paw and gently but not forbearingly held the hand holding the jade. He moved it away arguing, put it on his furry neck, and continued, "Throw away this piece!"

"Uh..." Someone Lin realized belatedly that it seemed that a certain vinegar bucket was pantothenic again...

He rubbed the long and soft hair on the snow wolf's neck, smiled: "Go to sleep!" yawned, and half-closed his eyes in a sleepy state, slurring his words, "I'm so sleepy, I'll be back tomorrow!" I have to get up early and go on my way..." The voice became lower and lower, before he finished a sentence, his eyes were closed, and then his breathing became steady, as if he had fallen into a deep dream.

Snow Wolf looked at the sleeping person in his arms, opened his mouth, but didn't make any sound after all.Although he was very reconciled to not getting an answer, he couldn't bear to wake the other party up again. He just lowered his eyes and stared at the emerald jade that was becoming more and more translucent in the white fur, feeling unhappy in every way.

Sleeping until midnight, Lin Yeqiu suddenly woke up in a daze, and there seemed to be a faint fishy smell in the air.

At first, he didn't care about it, and closed his eyes to continue sleeping, but the rough and shallow breathing from above his head made him shiver, combined with the smell in the air, it was—the smell of blood!


"Huh? Xiaoqiu, you're awake! It's not yet dawn, go on to sleep." Snow Wolf's voice sounded the same as usual, but Lin Yeqiu could hear a trace of depression in that steady voice.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Yeqiu struggled to get out from under Snow Wolf's warm body.


In the darkness, although Lin Yeqiu's vision was poor, the black in the snow-white was still very eye-catching. This part was the back of the shoulders!

Lin Yeqiu was taken aback, and quickly groped down the rock, went to the hole and picked up two firewood, and brought them back to Snow Wolf: "Light a fire."



Snow Wolf hesitated for a while, but finally lit up the firewood as promised.

Lin Yeqiu held up the torch and leaned over to take a look, and couldn't help but gasp, seeing blood dripping everywhere!

In order not to crush Lin Yeqiu, Snow Wolf kept tensing his muscles. After a long time, the wound that hadn't healed well opened up again.

Lin Yeqiu's face darkened, and without saying a word, he asked Xuelang to hold the torch, and turned around to take out a bamboo knot of water and the hemostatic herb prepared earlier from the light bag, tore a piece from his shirt and wet it with water. Carefully cleaned up the area around the wound, and repeated this several times until the original blurred area became clean, then chewed and crushed the herbal medicine and applied it to Snow Wolf. The wound was bandaged, and it was considered over, and the torch was almost burned to the end.

"Tell me later." Lin Yeqiu's tone was very calm, and the eyes he looked at Xuelang were also very calm.

Xuelang shrank his neck slightly for no reason, but felt a little sweet in his heart, the other party cared about him.

When laying down again, Lin Yeqiu asked Snow Wolf to lie on his stomach, and he was not allowed to sleep on his side again. Then he covered the two of them with animal skins, and slept on his side next to him.

In the darkness and silence, Lin Yeqiu closed his eyes, but couldn't fall asleep. The warm and clean fur of the snow wolf was on the tip of his nose, and the still unsteady and depressed breathing of the snow wolf was in his ears.

"Just say it if it hurts." After a while, he whispered.

"It doesn't hurt..."


The two of them didn't speak any more. In the long silence, Lin Yeqiu listened to the changing frequency of breathing beside his ear, and never fell asleep.

Such a big cut made his hands and feet feel weak just looking at it. A thin scar on his own neck hurt for a day and a night. It was not much better until today, and it slowly began to scab. The other party's injury was more serious than him. times, it will take ten days to heal, and after another tear, the injury is added to the injury, how can it not hurt?

But he believed the other party's words that the beastman's skin was thick and thick, and such a small injury was not taken seriously at all.

But Snow Wolf really forbeared it all, he didn't even whimper, if he hadn't gotten close and heard his breathing, otherwise, judging from his performance during the day, Lin Yeqiu really didn't know that he was in so much pain.

That is to say, in such a situation, Xuelang actually insisted on trying to make himself comfortable, and completely ignored Xuelang himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Yeqiu felt more guilty and distressed, but there was nothing he could do. He could only reach out and gently stroke Snow Wolf's chest, slowly but gently.

Snow Wolf opened his eyes and looked at the person around him. In the darkness, with the wolf's night vision ability, he clearly saw the sadness on the other person's face, and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. After hesitating, he put his head Leaning over, he rubbed the other's neck obediently and tenderly, noticing that Lin Yeqiu leaned closer, he hesitated and stuck out his tongue to lick his cheek tentatively, but he was not rejected, and his heart immediately rejoiced. When he wanted to take another step, Lin Yeqiu raised his hand and pressed gently on his head, smoothed the hair on his head, and said lightly, "Don't move around, it's about to crack again."

Now that Snow Wolf was slowly settling down, but his head refused to leave the other party, and he insisted on sticking to his neck before giving up.

Lin Yeqiu did not refuse after all, and continued to maintain this incomparably intimate posture that seemed to be between lovers.

The two cuddled together, still without words, but in this darkness, the two hearts seemed to be a little closer.

When it was almost dawn, Lin Yeqiu fell asleep for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, the morning light had already slanted into the entrance of the cave.

When he tilted his head, he found that Snow Wolf had already woken up, and was staring at him seriously, deep in the deep blue eyes, there was warmth like water, and he would be sucked in unconsciously when he looked at it.

This is definitely the look in the eyes of lovers.

In a trance, it seems that they are lovers for many years, sleeping on the same bed and waking up with each other.

Lin Yeqiu couldn't help but blushed slightly, quickly looked away and got up, checked Xuelang's shoulder and back, found no blood seeping, and hurried to Zhang Luo for breakfast.

After filling their stomachs, the two still set out on the road. After all, the rainy season is coming. If there is a delay, it will be more troublesome.

From time to time, Lemans glanced at the thin and slender figure in front of him,

I feel that since that incident, although the usual way of getting along between them looks the same as before, it always feels a little different, especially when he maintains his human form, there is always a feeling that Xiaoqiu is deliberately alienating, But every time I want to observe carefully, I can't see any tricks.

And the most obvious difference is that in the past when he appeared in front of the other party in the form of a wolf, Xiao Qiu would always roll with him unscrupulously, but recently, she is often calm and indifferent, stroking his head or rubbing his face. Rubbed his hair and turned away.

Lymans was a little lost, and his pace slowed down.

Lin Yeqiu misunderstood his listless appearance.

Lin Yeqiu stopped, and asked nervously, "Is there something uncomfortable?" While talking, the man had already run up to Lemans, stood on tiptoe, put his hand on his forehead, and touched his forehead again. My own, "I don't seem to have a fever..."

"Or do you feel dizzy? Weak? Nauseous?"

Lymans looked at his anxious look, and just started to reassure him that he was fine, but when he got to the tip of his tongue, his heart suddenly moved, thinking of last night.

Originally, when he was injured in front of the person he liked, Lemans felt very humiliated, so he kept on holding on, and refused to show weakness when he was hurt and hurt. He just endured it blindly, pretending that he didn't care. I was afraid that the other party would be worried, but last night it was really painful. After being spotted by the other party, the relationship between them has returned to the level of intimacy...

Lemans thought about it, rolled his eyes, and suddenly had an idea, he hummed a few times tentatively, and said angrily: "It's nothing, the wound hurts a little...it's okay..."

"Sit down first, let me see if there is pus coming out." Lin Yeqiu sat down by Lemans as he spoke, and went to untie the cloth strip.

Lemans hurriedly stopped him, and turned pitifully: "The wound was just changed in the morning. It should be fine, and the pain is normal. It's just that I didn't sleep much because of the pain last night, and now I'm a little tired..."

"Why don't you go to bed now? Anyway, I'm a little tired, so I just have a rest."

"But in the wild, I can't sleep with anything on my pillow..." The expression was extremely pure and innocent.

"Then—how about you sleep on my lap."

Lemans' eyes lit up, and he was about to jump up, but he nodded restrainedly: "Thank you for your hard work." After speaking, he generously put his head on the opponent's thigh, and closed his eyes.

Lin Yeqiu gently stroked his long silver hair a few times, and leaned against the tree trunk behind him, closing his eyes and resting his mind. After all, he didn't sleep much last night.

After Lemans confirmed the other party's guess that he was docile because of his injury, he changed his attitude since then, and began to show weakness and act like a baby in order to achieve the purpose of gradually getting the two of them closer again.

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