Rebirth of HP

91 Accident


Harry's life is still exciting, because Dumbledore pays another visit to St. Mungo's after hearing the first Slytherin pre-dinner lecture.Therefore, Harry received a letter of care from the heads of the three courts. The letter was full of nearly ten thousand words, and mainly said three things: first, greetings about Harry's body. I knew that Harry was not in good health, so I greeted him; second, I expressed my gratitude to Harry, because the sanity potion made by Harry has already vacated many long-term beds of St. Mungo's; third , is the most important thing, they hope that Harry can fully take over the treatment of Sirius Black.The heads of the house euphemistically explained Albus's eagerness and his concern for Harry in his conversation.Apparently, he was deeply concerned about Harry's approach to nobility, and the excellence he showed.Worried that Harry would become the second Voldemort or another Grindelwald, he pinned his last hope on Harry's godfather, Sirius.He hoped that Sirius could influence Harry's thinking, influence Harry's adoptive parents' education for Harry, and influence Harry's close relationship with Snape.Although Dumbledore didn't have a very accurate understanding of the relationship between Harry and Snape, from the perspective of someone who had experienced it, he believed that it would be very dangerous if the relationship between the two continued to develop like this.Because, he wasn't sure if Snape was looking for Lily's shadow in Harry.The long-haired and excellent Harry really reminded many people of his mother, not to mention that pair of eyes were exactly the replica of Lily's eyes.Therefore, Dumbledore regretted, regretting that Snape accepted Harry as an apprentice.Because when he was paying attention to the two of them, he unexpectedly discovered that Snape looked at Harry with very... very... fiery eyes a lot of the time!

This kind of hotness was stronger and more explicit than the way Snape looked at Lily back then, so he guessed that Snape must have regarded Harry as the lost and found Lily—this is not possible, Harry is the savior, and, He thought he owed Harry a lot, how could he let Harry spend his whole life with a man who could be Harry's father? ...Therefore, he pinned his hope of redemption on Sirius. The Black family was the only family he could think of to compete with the Prince family. Moreover, Sirius was the last Black in his opinion, so he sent Hope Sirius can help him pull back the runaway pony.

Unfortunately, he was doomed to be disappointed.Or he miscalculated the relationship between Snape and Harry from the beginning.It has been a century since Dumbledore and Grindelwald broke up. When he sent Grindelwald to Newgarmond, his heart was numb with pain. He was at a loss when he heard his lover's last laugh. , at Grindelwald's request, he gave him his last gift, a lock of blood-stained auburn hair torn from his own head.Therefore, his heart was so painful that he forgot the initial emotion of falling in love, so he did the most foolish thing in his life on the issue of Harry and Snape.And because of the stupid thing he did, he was almost seriously injured and died - let's not mention that for now.

As a result, Harry's life became more busy. He made a rehabilitation plan for Sirius for St. Mungo, and prepared various special potions to regulate Sirius' body and disordered magic power.As the final exams approached, news came from St. Mungo that Sirius' body had returned to the peak condition of his age.Harry began to think about how to stimulate Sirius' emotional spirit so that he could wake up quickly.

This stimulus must be controllable, and it will have a huge impact on Sirius. It is best for him to find someone to fight because of this stimulus.So he thought hard about what kind of stimulation he should use.

On this day, he finally couldn't bear to discuss with Snape and Regulus.

"To make that stupid Gryffindor jump?" Snape raised his eyebrows meaningfully, "Why don't you just tell him that that laughing werewolf has someone else out there?"

Harry shrugged, and said, "Remus has been taking care of him in St. Mungo's. It's hard to convince him of this excitement... Regulus, why don't you let him know that you're still alive?"

Regulus sat across from the two of them. He had been nourished by Harry's craftsmanship and potions for half a year, and now he had recovered. Although his face was still a little pale, his body was much better.For the past six months, Harry has almost raised Regulus as half his son.Severus would occasionally struggle in private, but Harry smiled and said: Regulus is about the same age as Teddy.This made it hard for Severus to say anything more. After Harry inherited three families, he adopted three children.Teddy Lupine, as Harry's godson, became one of three children after his grandmother died.Teddy was the only one of the three children raised.The other two are descendants of Death Eaters. After growing up, they went far away from Harry because of guilt; the other is a fool, a descendant of neutral wizards. I don’t know who I heard said that Harry is a murderer. Head, so I believed it, and never went home after that.There was only Teddy, who was always by Harry's side.At that time, Draco had said that only a portrait of the Big Four, a ghost, and four people in this world could get Harry out of a bunch of experiments.The Big Four are Harry's guides at the turning point, a ghost naturally refers to Severus Snape, and these four are Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Schat Grindelwald and Teddy Lupine.And Teddy is the only junior who can influence Harry.Because of this, after Harry took control of the Wizengamot, even the Minister of Magic respectfully called him "Mr. Lupine".

Indeed, Teddy was the same age as Regulus now was when he was trapped in the Black Lake when Harry left England for his adventures.No wonder Harry regarded Regulus as Teddy and raised him.

"I don't think the fact that I'm still alive can stimulate my brother to the point you want." Regulus said, "But, I have an idea, maybe Sirius can rush to Hogwarts and Hogwarts immediately." Senior duel."

"Isn't it about disclosing my relationship with Sev to him?" Harry said darkly.

"Well, actually, just tell him that the senior inherited the Prince's house, and then tell him that after you entered Slytherin, Dumbledore personally asked the senior to accept you as an apprentice." Regulus laughed bitterly. Black, "He will definitely jump, and then he will break into Hogwarts to find Dumbledore and the senior."

"Are you sure that idiot still remembers these aristocratic secrets?" Snape raised his eyebrows with a look of disdain. The education of the Black family made him feel very uneasy.

"Senior, my brother was once the best Black I've ever seen. I don't know why he chose Gryffindor, but he should know the common sense that the heirs of the Black family should know." Regulus said.

Harry thought about it, looked at Regulus and Severus, pondered for a while, and then made a decision: "As Regulus said, I will arrange for the portrait with a broken mouth to go to St. Mungo dropped by."

"Hehe, I already miss my brother very much." Regulus said.

"Then why don't you go and see him? You should be familiar with St. Mungo." Harry laughed.

"No need, I will see you when it's time to see you. Black never does unnecessary things..."

After Harry and Snape had a good discussion, he looked at the Godfather's data and decided to use the stimulus in another week.And sent a bottle of powerful potion to suppress the influence of dementors to St. Mungo, telling the three heads of the hospital to use it in a week. This week, they must continue to condition Sirius' body with magic conditioners and nutrients, so that he can It can withstand powerful medicines and maximize the stimulating effect.

But after Harry arranged to visit St. Mungo's portrait, something happened to Hogwarts!

In Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, it's not surprising that any kind of accident happened, but Lockhart actually chose Neville Longbottom as his sparring partner...

Then, a spell went down, and Harry watched the dust in the classroom, and Neville and Professor Lockhart on the stage were gone.Afterwards, Harry, the heir of the four colleges, immediately sensed the magical fluctuations coming from the direction of the Forbidden Forest, so Harry's heart was full of alarms——


The author has something to say: Why did ** only let me use the backend until now?


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