Rebirth of HP

75 Locket and Exploration

The twelve families of the Hogwarts school trustees are all famous aristocratic families thousands of years ago.These aristocratic families still exist today, but some have declined. The twelve families are: Potter, Malfoy, Prince, Black, Parkinson, Zabini, Diggory, Longbottom, Greengra Weasley, Flitwick, Lovegood.Among them, Potter, Malfoy, Prince, and Black are the four supervisory families in the school board.Even, the Potter family has always been a family of guardians, enjoying a veto right in the board of directors.

Now, the five people sitting in Dean Slytherin's office happen to be the principals of the four supervisory families.

Harry sat on the comfortable sofa, and agreed with Malfoy about some ideas he had discussed with the Big Four before.Of course, regarding the Goblet of Fire that is about to be repaired, Harry also asked Malfoy to go around more, after all, this is the most effective way to increase the popularity of Hogwarts.Originally, the school management family should care about it, but now only Malfoy can do it.

Then there's the Blakes, which is also a tricky one.Although the Black family's property is also managed by elves, it has declined after all. Regulus' body cannot be recuperated in a short period of time, and Harry does not want him to work too hard when he is sick.However, the succession ceremony that should be done still has to be done.

"Regulus, wait a moment, I'm going to get something." Harry said, put on the cloak and went out.

"Severus, Harry saved Rael, but I don't know how to thank him..." Narcissa said suddenly, "Do you know what Harry needs?"

"He's the adopted son of those four... I'm afraid you can't do more than proper support, maybe Draco can help you do more?" Snape pouted.

"Oh, yes, little dragon... Severus, thank you." Narcissa understood that as the adopted son of the Big Four, as the head of the Potter family, and even the partner and apprentice of the head of the Prince family, Harry did not What was missing, and now the Black family also owed Harry a big favor.If the Malfoy family wants to have a relationship with Harry, they can only rely on Draco. For Harry, Draco is a recognized friend.With this relationship, I believe that the Malfoy family will have better prospects after Draco takes power.

"Severus, what do you think of Draco's marriage?" Lucius asked.

"Lucius, you've seen it too. I think Draco is still young, and he can decide on the marriage. As long as the bloodline meets the requirements of the Malfoy family, that's fine, isn't it?" Snape said.

Lucius didn't say any more. In fact, it wouldn't be a bad thing if Draco really married the young lady of the Parkinson family.Although Parkinson and Greengrass are not much less influential in the magic world, Parkinson's reputation is always better than Greenglass'.

Narcissa asked about Regulus' wand again with concern.Regulus said that the one he used before has been lost, and he plans to go to Ollivander to order a suitable wand when he is in better health. If it doesn't work, he will go to Germany to have a look.

At this time, Harry returned, holding a picture frame in his hand.

There was a gentle witch in the frame, and Harry put the picture on the table.

"Can you find Phineas Nigellus Black in the headmaster's office for me? Don't let Dumbledore know," Harry said to the witch.

"Oh, of course, sweet little viper," said the witch in the portrait.

Hearing this address, Snape couldn't help but blacken his face.Both Lucius and Regulus smiled lightly.

After a while, Phineas Nigellus Black appeared in the picture frame. After seeing Regulus, he immediately returned to Black's old house happily, and then brought Walburga Black and The Orion Blacks arrived, and Regulus was overjoyed to see his parents.Immediately took the portrait to the magic room Harry arranged for him, and Lucius and Narcissa also said goodbye to Harry and Severus and returned to Malfoy Manor.

An hour later, when Regulus returned to the head of Slytherin's office, he already had a black eye stone ring that Harry was very familiar with - this was the symbol of House Black.

"Congratulations, Regulus!" Harry, who was writing his metamorphosis thesis, said a congratulatory word.

"Thank you." Regulus said and put something on the table.

Harry took a serious look, and it was something he expected—the Slytherin locket.

"Your Excellency Slytherin must have thought about this for a long time, right?" Regulus smiled gently at Harry.

"Yeah, this was made by all the seventh graders in Slytherin one year, and it was a gift from them to Sarah. It contains the most precious memories of Sarah from every Slytherin who graduated that year …Sara said that he was proud of the excellent and perfect Slytherin. Oh, Regulus, Sarah and the others will come to see me in a few days, and you can see me too." Harry laughed.


Before Harry turned back into a child, he simply gave himself to Severus, so the beauty and warmth of that night were naturally nothing to worry about.But Severus still restrained himself and only wanted one.Because considering that if Harry turned back into a child, it would be the first time to do too much, and the physical pain would be doubled.Although he only got it once in Harry's body, and the rest were made by Harry's hands and mouth, that night was the happiest one for Severus.

Simultaneous satisfaction in the three aspects of body, soul, and psychology makes men want to stop Harry.After Harry fell asleep, Snape put his arms around his partner gently, and ran his slightly callused hands over Harry's beautiful skin.

"Harry, next time, I will wait for you to really grow up, but don't think that I will let you go so easily." Snape said softly.

For Harry, studying, researching, playing with friends, occasionally going to the Quidditch field, going to Professor Prince for comfort every day, chatting with Regulus... the time is fully arranged by him .Almost in the blink of an eye, the Christmas holiday was only a week away. Harry received a letter from Salazar and the others this time, asking him to go back to Potter Manor for the winter vacation.Harry naturally knew that the Big Four's intention was to let him go back, so that he could retrieve the soul stone ring during the holidays.So while the Slytherins were packing up, Harry was packing up himself.

On this day, after Harry finished Transfiguration, he took the Slytherins to prepare for Defense Against the Dark Arts.As for Lockhart, as long as the guy didn't let himself or the Slytherins play any role, Harry just turned a blind eye to him.As for what little snakes can learn in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?Oh, the little snakes will tell you that their great academy founder and chief gave them the most suitable study plan.

However, Professor McGonagall stopped Harry.

"Mr. Potter..." Harry stopped immediately when he heard what Professor McGonagall said, and then motioned for Draco to take the second year of Slytherin away first.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Professor McGonagall?" Harry looked back at the head of Gryffindor.

"Uh, the Christmas holiday is coming, I wonder if Mr. Potter will stay in school like last year?" McGonagall asked with concern.

"I thought, this question was my private matter?" It had been many years since anyone had asked him such a Gryffindor question, so Harry said it subconsciously.

"Of course, this is your private matter, but if you stay in school, I would like to give you some advanced courses. Mr. Potter is a very outstanding student I have ever seen." Professor McGonagall praised.

"Thank you, Professor, for your kindness. Unfortunately, I already have arrangements for Christmas this year. My guardians very much hope that I can go back for the holiday... You know, for Slytherin, home is a great temptation." Harry said It was probably Dumbledore who asked her to visit the wind, "Professor, thank you very much for your compliment..." Harry pulled out his wand, and gracefully flicked it in the air, creating a bouquet of fragrant flowers. lily.

Professor McGonagall was amazed by this deformation technique. This is a high-level deformation technique!Turning nothingness into form, and Harry also created a taste!She knew that even she and Dumbledore couldn't have done better.

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry meaningfully: "Excellent, Mr. Potter, did Severus teach you?"

"No, you know, Professor Prince is not very good at Transfiguration. It was taught to me by my guardian, so, professor, don't have to worry about my studies." Harry knew that his lover's Transfiguration could transform nothing into nothing. It is tangible, but it cannot change the taste.Helga planned to give him the opportunity to study, but Snape said that he was more interested in potions and black magic, and he was not interested in transfiguration.Helga didn't say much, she knew that Prince's lack of interest in transfiguration was passed down from generation to generation.It seems that Sarah's research on metamorphosis is limited to nothingness deformation and self-incarnation, but in fact, masters of metamorphosis like Helga are the most terrifying people on the magic battlefield.Harry learned from Helga in Transfiguration, and he has never left behind in the study of Transfiguration.

After Harry said this, he smiled and said, "Professor McGonagall, I still have Defense Against the Dark Arts class. If there is nothing else, I will leave first. This bouquet of flowers is for you... thank you for your kindness."

Professor McGonagall had no choice but to give up and let Harry go, but when he saw Harry walking out, he suddenly felt powerless——

Dumbledore, Harry is no longer acceptable to the Order of the Phoenix.

And when Harry walked out of the Transfiguration classroom, a smile appeared on his lips, did he finally come to test it?

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