Rebirth of HP

602 Half Black

.!It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when Harry sent Lucius Malfoy away with a smile. .!

When Lucius left, his face was pale and dazed, and he looked at the smiling Harry with an expression as if he saw a monster—obviously, after this nearly three-hour conversation, Malfoy had already Became a member of Harry's chariot.It has to be said that after all kinds of education in the later period of the previous life, plus the various educations of Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Gryffindor, the current Harry is much more cunning and shrewd than Lucius up.

"Uncle Lucius," Harry's voice stopped Lucius Malfoy just as he was about to step into the fireplace, and a bottle of potion flew in front of his eyes, "this works best Glory potion, um, uncle looks a bit haggard now, I think this is what uncle needs most now, I can't let Aunt Nacissa misunderstand."

These words made Lucius' face pale again, the boy's way of speaking just now was even more politician than a politician.There is room for people and enough benefits everywhere, and the way of speaking is not always full of calculations like Dumbledore, nor is it always full of orders like the Dark Lord.This can be said to be a conversation between noble family heads, and only those truly ancient and well-educated nobles can do this.

After receiving the potion, Lucius drank it directly—it turned out to be a rich wine taste—oh, this is definitely not the work of Head Slytherin.As a user, Lucius Malfoy could feel that the effect of this potion was definitely at the level of a potion master, so he looked at the gentle and elegant boy sitting on the sofa with some horror.

"I'm Harry Potter." The young man could naturally see Patriarch Malfoy's doubts, but he only said this. He believed that Patriarch Malfoy would get all the information he wanted.

Harry Potter?Lucius chewed on the name for a while, and suddenly his pupils shrank, "HP"——isn't the acronym for this master hermit who has become famous in the Potions world in recent years just the abbreviation of this name?Looking at the child in front of him in disbelief—what kind of monster is this adopted son of the Big Four?

"Lucius, if you don't want to leave, don't stand there and be a stone statue. I think Dumbledore would like to invite you to afternoon tea." Head Slytherin stared blankly at his partner to his friend Looking at it, expressed extreme dissatisfaction.

"Oh, Severus, don't do that. I'll be leaving in a minute." Flooed, and headed home.

"Harry, what are you going to do now?" Severus asked as Lucius left.Just now, the content of the chat between Lucius and Harry seemed to be chaotic, but in fact, both sides had some exchanges.Even, Harry got much more information from Lucius than Lucius got from Harry. .!

"We can only wait for the diary to come out by itself, if it's in Hogwarts." Harry closed his eyes slightly.Unexpectedly, Lucius put the diary in the pocket of a girl's school uniform in Mrs. Malkin's robe shop this time. After thinking about it, Harry said again: "I will tell the four of them, and they will let Kelly Go to the robe shop and look for it."

"Fine," Snape said.

"Well, by the way, there is no news from Sirius. Didn't Dumbledore tell you anything?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"The contradiction between the common people and the nobles has always been somewhat irreconcilable, because a wizard like Dumbledore, born as a commoner, relies on his own strength to rise to power, he and the people around him need a lot of resources, and most of these resources were controlled in the past. In the hands of the ancient family, so he naturally has to suppress the nobles. Add Grindelwald and Voldemort, you know..." Snape said as he walked to his desk and sat down to correct his homework, "So, Deng Baduo must now ensure that everything in the Black family does not fall into the hands of others."

"You mean? Dumbledore..." Harry couldn't believe it. In his impression, the old headmaster was not a bad person except that he liked to arrange others and had a strong desire to control.

"Actually, Dumbledore is not a bad person, Harry, you have to understand that not everyone can do what you did back then. The root cause of this is that Dumbledore has no financial channels of his own, and the Order of the Phoenix has many They are some passionate righteous men, that's why the Order of the Phoenix, which defeated Voldemort after Dumbledore left, was so chaotic. Your stupid dog godfather already hated everything in the family, and that stupid guy fell in love with a werewolf... ..." Snape said while correcting his homework.

Harry shook his head, removed some homework from the desk, and began to correct it.While trying to read the Gryffindors' handwriting, he said, "Speaking of which, shouldn't I find Remus?"

"Well, see for yourself. In fact, I don't think it's useful for you to find Lupine first." Snape said, "Dumbledore should have informed Lupine, after all, Lupine is still a member of the Order of the Phoenix."

"That's right, but Tonks won't be Mrs. Lupine anymore, right? My godson won't have a Teddy Lupine again, right?" Harry laughed at himself, how could he be like that back then? slow?How could he believe such a clumsy lie from Lupine?

Regarding this, Snape was noncommittal and just changed his homework silently.

Harry now thinks about the matter between Lupine and Tonks, why did Tonks marry her because he didn't care about his werewolf status?In fact, after Harry found Sirius' diary and Lupine's diary at 12 Grimmauld Place, he discovered that the two were lovers at Hogwarts. In fact, Sirius spent most of his fourth year with Harry After being with Lupine and having secretly become a partner that year, when he looked up some information about werewolves, he discovered a secret——

Werewolves are extremely loyal to their partners. Generally, after their partners leave, werewolves will experience extreme pain and even die.Unless the werewolf's partner confessed something, and the werewolf couldn't do it in a short time, he would survive.And the werewolf will regard the confession of his partner as a lifetime obsession until the obsession is completed.

According to the records in the diary, they agreed to watch the victory of the war together.That's why Lupine didn't leave when Sirius left.

As for why Lupine married Nymphadora Tonks?This is about some origins of the werewolf itself.The wolf itself is loyal, and the loyalty of a werewolf to a partner is an instinct. This kind of loyalty is not only to the partner itself, but even extends to the partner's family or family.Therefore, after Sirius left, Lupine was instinctively loyal to the Black family, because he was considered half Black, and he had to protect Sirius' Black family, and even subconsciously considered a continuation for the Black family.Of course, the object of the continuation is also among those who have Black blood, but Nymphadora Tonks fell in love with Lupine at this time.If Tonks didn't have half of Black's blood, even if Tonks didn't care about Lupine's status as a werewolf, it would be impossible for Lupine to marry her. It's just a coincidence.

As Harry thought about it, he couldn't help thinking of another incident that made him suddenly feel that he might have to save someone.And before Sirius was acquitted and released, otherwise there would really be no hope.

For this person, he really admired him, although he should be regarded as indirectly killing Dumbledore...


He glanced at Severus, who was changing his homework, the man worried enough about himself.And I should also be able to destroy the things in that cave, so just treat it as a test for myself.Just don't tell Sev just yet.

However, there are some things that still take a little time to prepare.For example, powerful elixir and purification potion, and you have to go to the □ area to find some information about the corpse.

"Sev, I need the qualification to enter Zone X, can you sign me another pass?" Harry smiled.

"What are you going to do again?" Snape asked.

"I need to find some information about Inferi, I assume, you know I still have tasks?" Harry raised his eyebrows.

"Forgive me, Mr. Potter, there should be more books of this kind in Slytherin's library." Although Snape was a little surprised that Harry suddenly wanted to find information about Inferi, because he knew very well that Harry was interested in him after his rebirth. There must be no shortage of research in this area.

"Professor Snape, I'm very sorry, I need a book in the □ section." Harry knew that there was a book in the advanced section of the □ section, which was devoted to identifying the types of Inferi.

"Well, I really can't do anything about you." The two of them looked at each other for a while, and then Snape lost the battle, mainly because he knew that nothing serious would happen to Harry.

Harry took Snape's permission note and smiled.

Regulus Arcturus Black...

An excellent Slytherin, I hope you can survive, at least until I rescue you.

Harry knew that in the old big family, there had been all kinds of different protective magic.The same is true for the Black family. As the most qualified person in the Black family to be the head of the house, the Black family will give them strong protection.This is the ancient bond between the wizard and his family. As long as there is no stronger heir, the family will not give up protecting the Patriarch.

In other words, there is a great possibility that Regulus did not die after being dragged away by the Yin Corpse, but was sealed with all vital signs by the powerful ancient fetters.Because Sirius, another man in the direct line of the Black family, has been expelled from the family, and the three girls are all married, so if all the men are not dead, the three girls are not eligible to inherit. Lower Regulus is absolutely protected by ancient bonds.Until Sirius returned to 12 Grimmauld Place, maybe the Black family felt hopeless, so they accepted Sirius again.

Well, thinking about it this way, it is not difficult to understand that Mrs. Walburga Black would scold her eldest son like that, and it is not difficult to understand Kreacher's hostility towards Sirius.While they may not be aware of this ancient bond, there are some things that Black's magical items and magical creatures have an innate intuition about.

In Harry's view, Sirius is not suitable to be Black's head, he is more suitable for the status of "family knight".Moreover, Sirius didn't like the position of Patriarch either.Instead of handing over the Black family to Dumbledore, why not cause Dumbledore some trouble?

Moreover, he himself is very curious about and admires Regulus.After all, the daring he had shown in taking the Horcrux made Harry feel like a rare true Slytherin.As the heir to the Big Four, Harry hopes to have an example as a demonstration.

Regulus, Sirius, and Remus—two and a half Black...

The future of the Black family should be controlled by the Blacks themselves.


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