All-round learning machine

Chapter 61 About Gifts

The one of the five who turned their heads was called neat, with that slightly distorted expression, and the movement of the jaw about to drop was so neat.Just looking at it makes the old man feel good...

Not only them, but even the peddlers who were still counting money showed the same expression.

When Yu Bai and the others came to choose, they made it clear that it was a Mid-Autumn Festival gift for grandpa.He also paid a lot of attention.In the end, Grandpa jumped out on the spot.It's an interesting coincidence.

The old man's unblemished white hair tells him that he is not young anymore.But that sonorous voice and steady footwork didn't look like the grandfather of Yu Bai, a young man in his early twenties.

"Grandpa, why are you here? Aren't you at Auntie's place?" Yu Bai immediately passed all the tiles in his hand to the side, and went to support his grandfather.

In the end, the old man slapped him away and sent Yu Bai to settle the bill first, while the peddler was still waiting.After that, he didn't need his grandson's support, and he took the lead in striding forward in front of him.

Target, the tea house in front.

Any place that can become an antique street is naturally surrounded by antique buildings, how can there be few places like teahouses.

The shoppers are tired and can rest their feet.If you bought something good, you can discuss it with your Tibetan friends there, so that everyone can help you keep an eye on it.

Well, but for Yu Bai and the others, the main purpose now is to find a place with air conditioning and chairs to sit down and cool off the heat. By the way, I am curious about how Grandpa Yu Bai miraculously appeared.

According to what Yu Bai just called out, the old man should be in the imperial capital.

"Grandpa, can you tell now, why are you here?! There is no one around you."

"Yes, the driver, Xiao Zhao, accompanied me. He's gone back now." The old man took a sip of tea leisurely, with a slightly disliked expression on his face.

This is not surprising, after all, this is just an ordinary teahouse, purely commercial.Not to mention the limited grades of tea, even the tea sets and techniques for making tea are limited.

Seeing this displeased expression, Wang You immediately greeted the foreman secretly, bringing a full set of tea sets and the best tea leaves, and he will make some tea later.

If the hardware is insufficient, the software makes up for it.

Tang Yi and the others couldn't tell whether the tea was good or bad, and they didn't notice the old man's expression, but seeing Wang You walking aside and talking to the foreman, he guessed that he was going to show off. Wang You's level of tea making is a "learning machine" Produced, now Wang You seized the opportunity to show his face in front of grandpa without being artificial, and everyone gave Wang You a thumbs up in their hearts.

It was because Yu Bai was so focused on going around in circles with the old man that he didn't pay attention to Wang You's movements.

"Grandpa! The point is not whether the driver accompanied you or not! The point is that you were still in the capital yesterday!! I can assure you that even your parents, aunts, aunts and uncles don't know about it!"

The old man laughed heartily.He patted his grandson on the shoulder heavily.

"Well, there is progress. I didn't say I would come! Hahahaha..."

"Grandpa..." I convinced u.Yu Bai immediately took out his mobile phone to report to his superiors.He was stopped by the old man again.

"I just said that you have made progress, so I just praised you for nothing. Xiao Zhao is your driver." The old man called Yu Bai's driver when he got off the plane. Now he knows everything he should know.

"As for why I came to S city suddenly... I'm happy."

There are urchins and old people in the family, and the old people are still in good health. It is really a major test for the heart of every junior.

This is the last few years, after the old people's geriatric diseases have "stopped".One can imagine how active the old man was when Yu Bai was a child.

Yu Bai's father once recalled that when the whole family went to climb the Great Wall, the middle-aged old man walked very fast, and the three young people fell far behind and became troubled brothers.The older brother who was born in the army is better, but the younger siblings are holding back.

After the children grew up and went their separate ways, the old man also reached the age of retirement, and then... became more diligent.Missing my son, I took my ID card and jumped on the plane.When you've seen enough, call and invite some old friends to go somewhere.

There are some popular scenic spots of the travel company, domestic and foreign, and there is really no grandpa who hasn't been there.

Having seen enough of his little grandson's troubled appearance, the old man took out his mobile phone contentedly.Elderly people have bad eyesight. When buying a mobile phone, they don’t choose the brand, but the one with the biggest screen.

Look at the size of grandpa's cell phone when he pulled it out of his pocket, it's almost as big as a mini tablet computer.

"Here, that's how I found you." Positioning software.

For the sake of the old man's safety, and to make it easier for grandpa to find them, the mobile phone was activated by location software.So the truth of the matter is simple.

On a whim, the old man bought a plane ticket from the imperial capital to S City, and he still remembered to call his son's driver to pick him up.On the way, Grandpa Yu remembered that his mobile phone had new functions, so he searched it.

So... the son, daughter-in-law and grandson were all at work, so they set off on the spot to find the younger grandson.

"Grandpa Yu is so fashionable." He can still play with smartphones when he is over 80.Still playing well.

"It's easy to talk about." The old man is very satisfied with this evaluation.His gaze just shifted to a pile of ceramic tiles bought by Yu Bai.Smiling and about to ask, he was attracted by a scent lingering from the tip of his nose.

Wang You was ironing the cup gracefully while observing the changes in the color and aroma of the tea leaves.What is more technical is that Wang You controls two teapots at the same time.

Yes, two sets of tea sets, two teapots, and two kinds of tea.

Wang You bowed left and right, and the two kinds of tea with different colors but the same clarity flew into five different cups along a beautiful arc.Not a single drop of water fell outside the glass.Three cups were of amber color, and two cups were of light green snake.

And the last cup near Grandpa Yu was empty.Plain pour tea was clearly not intended.After everyone's eyes were drawn to Cup Wang You, two teapots were poured into the small cup at the same time.

The two streams of water, one up and one down, meet halfway, and the trickling stream mixes into a more intense and mellow color.The fragrance intertwined with flowing colors, the sunlight refracted through the air, the beauty of water, the fragrance of tea, the rhythm of separation and fusion are so exciting.For a moment, this artificial flow made the onlookers wish it was a frozen eternity.

After Wang You stopped his hands, everyone suddenly realized that they were distracted by such a simple action, and there was a pang of regret in their hearts, that such a beautiful scenery existed for just a short moment.Subconsciously looked at the cup of tea that Wang You brewed for Grandpa Yu - hated it was too small.

Seeing how his grandfather picked up the tea and then nodded frequently, Yu Bai felt an indescribable sense of pride in his heart, and wished he could pounce on him and howl with his grandfather, that she is your future granddaughter-in-law.

"Then here we are, two different kinds of tea, can we only choose one?" This interjection was quite good.Not only can it follow the current scene to elicit the grandfather's personal compliments to Wang You instead of just nodding, but it can also allow Wang You to show off his professional qualities.In any case, it is more useful than Yu Bai's starry eyes.

Such a clever connection between the past and the future is naturally not the means of some otaku and Xueba, but a study committee member who has been working as a bridge between teachers and students for a long time.

"Isn't it the same when you drink it?" Wang You thanked Lao Xue for answering the question, but on the surface, he had to step on his friend, otherwise it would appear that the old man "knows the goods".

"We can't taste the difference, but we appreciate your trick just now, let's do it again." He took a sip of the single-color tea at hand, and signaled Wang You to bring a cup of mixed tea for them to taste.

Vulgar drinking, eager anticipation, seven points of sincerity and three points of performance... old school, you really don't consider joining the show business?

"Hahaha, oolong tea and Longjing tea, Shuanglong Xizhu. The young man is good. Whether it is temperature control, brewing skills, or the final meeting of the two dragons, he has a good grasp. One-third of oolong tea, two-thirds of Longjing The best ratio, and the mastery is also in place. There is no one who can't be trained for several years. It's not bad..." Tasting the "Double Dragon Playing Pearl" in his hand with admiration.The old man was not stingy with praise at all.

It is not uncommon to turn a fairy into a beautiful fairy. It is amazing that a girl with an ordinary appearance can become a fairy with the help of cosmetics.In the same way, it is only natural that top-quality tea and water can brew the best tea that is memorable.

But it's not considered good tea. Ordinary mineral water has a pleasing movement, a tea fragrance that lingers in the nose, and a mellow and clear taste. That's technology.

Wang You was a little embarrassed to be praised by Grandpa Yu like this.Stand up and perform "Shuanglong Xizhu" for everyone again, so that everyone can have a taste of this level of technology, and help grandpa refill his glass by the way.

"You are the Wang You that Xiaobai has been talking about. Okay, okay, this skill is good. It is better to meet people than to be famous. It was always thought that it was Xiaobai's bragging. Now it seems that it is really the wave of the Yangtze River. It is not simple, not simple."

With a quick swipe, everyone looked at Yu Bai in unison.

Suddenly, Yu Bai's face was extremely red.

There is only one voice in everyone's heart...

[No way, Yu Bai, you have already confessed? ! 】

Grandpa Yu glanced at the children strangely, not understanding why they were petrified in an instant.But... As the saying goes, there is a generation gap in three years, and there is a six-year gap between them. No matter how trendy he is, it is impossible for him to understand all the tricks of children.

When they come to their senses, they will always come up to ask.

See, this is not the time to ask.

Wang You coughed twice, glanced at Yu Bai who was still blushing, and you knew what was blushing was Yu Bai, who grandpa didn't know.Decided to say a few more words about what Grandpa said.

Everyone will care about what your sweetheart said about you at home.

"You want to know what Xiaobai said about you at home?" Grandpa innocently didn't think too much, turned to look at the squirming grandson, and immediately found the joy of bullying children.

That kind of mentioning that the little grandson actually cares about you very much in front of the friends, and he often speaks well of you at home.Deepen the friendship of the little friends, and make the little grandson shy by the way.

"During the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, he started talking about you. He said that you helped a lot. You taught Xiaobai's tea art, and he showed off when he came back that time. And during the Spring Festival..."

Grandpa Yu babbled a lot, allowing Wang You to grasp the first-hand information.

It seems that the Yu family's affection for him is not only due to Yu Bai's parents thanking him for taking care of their son and helping their son "cheat".Up to the top leader of the Yu family, down to Yu Bai's cousin.From his own brother, to the nanny aunt, and even Lin Mao's non-blood relationship network of friends, they all have a good impression of the name Wang You and the person attached to this name.

This is all thanks to Yu Bai and... counting the time...

This seems to have started before he confessed.Last year's Mid-Autumn Festival... At that time, he didn't even know his feelings for Yu Bai.

"Grandpa, don't talk about it." Yu Bai didn't stop it at first because he was embarrassed, and also because if he strongly refused to let his grandfather say it, it would be hypocritical.After all, he didn't speak ill of Wang You. If he thought about it purely, he would just praise one more classmate at home.

Don't let it be said, it's clear that there is a ghost.

But talk too much, and too carefully.

Wang You had a normal expression, but the others... fell!You have ambiguous smiles on your faces! !

"Hahaha, have you finally come to your senses? You have to learn from others." The parents of Tianchao said habitually.Learn from "other people's children".

Seeing the rich second generation being trained in this way, the commoner class felt a little dark in their hearts.

"Where, Yu Bai also helped us a lot." Satisfied, Wang You stopped the topic.The other few people are Wang You's "disciples" in name anyway, and they all talked about Yu Bai's excellent performance in order to save face.

"Okay, okay, as long as you have a good relationship." Grandpa continued to nod with a smile. As he got older, he liked to watch the juniors fight.The grandson has made good friends, and he is too late to be happy.

Just when Yu Bai and the others thought that the next step for grandfather should be to recite some life philosophies and wise sayings, and then think about the importance of friendship in the past.

Grandpa Yu Bai once again showed his side different from other old people, and the topic changed 180 degrees with a click.

"By the way, it should be summer vacation at this time. You guys, why are you here if you don't go home? Ancient porcelain pieces?" The old man looked at the people with unnatural expressions with great interest.

Hmm, these children seem to have a really good relationship, and their expressions have been very unified since they met.

"Grandpa, we're just here to play..."

"Yes, we bought some tiles just to... exercise our eyes for antiques."

"Then that means...the gift for the Mid-Autumn Festival has nothing to do with the tiles? Is that right? Xiaobai?"

Grandpa Yu Bai rubbed a blow for a super kill, and Yu Bai's blood gauge was cleared to zero by the critical blow.The old man hit the nail on the head, can you deny it now, and you don't give this when you give gifts?

Grandpa admired Yu Bai and their classmates' stomach-ache expressions, and felt that he should not bully his grandson too much, so he planned to round up the words.

Although he guessed that it might be a tile painting, he didn't even know which tiles Yu Bai picked, so he was pleasantly surprised.

"No, Grandpa." Wang You naturally wouldn't be indifferent after Yu Baizhong got the super kill. "After we read the novel, we planned to play with it ourselves. You see, everyone bought it. As for the Mid-Autumn Festival gift for you, it is under preparation. You will like it."

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