In the past few days, there have been a lot of professors listening in on the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. "Lockhart" tried to stop them—he also planned to use the class time to find out how the little brat escaped from the main soul. The palm of his hand also caused him great trauma.However, the headmistress of Gryffindor, who is famous for her fairness and fairness, said as a representative of the audience: "The students all said that Professor Lockhart, you have taught very well recently, which ignited an unprecedented learning black for them. Enthusiasm for Defense Against Magic. In order to further improve the teaching quality of Hogwarts, the headmaster suggests that the rest of us learn from your teaching method." The smile on her face makes one have to think that the real attribute behind her serious face is actually A mischievous Gryffindor lion.

Voldemort could only pinch his nose and let them come to "visit and learn" in a fair manner--the time is not right now, he can't be too thorough with Dumbledore's old bee; The influence is that Voldemort himself actually enjoys the attention of others, and he is very eager for others to see his power.

Severus Snape was not among the professors who asked to sit in.But from Voldemort's point of view, dealing with the relationship with this former subordinate is even more troublesome: on the one hand, although Voldemort feels that he does not have the guts to ask himself how he was attached to the original idiot who could only smirk (the secret of the Horcrux is as deep as his). It is enough for a few "companions" to know, and they will eventually become their own strength-there can only be one great immortal Dark Lord in this world!); He had to hold back his thoughts and first determine whether the man had pledged his allegiance to "someone else".Peter, huh, he touched the wound that had been healed by magic long ago, a gleam of redness flashed in his eyes, and he put on a bright smile again: "Today we are going to learn about Black Anise, a kind of girl with blue A one-eyed old woman with sharp skin and sharp eyes, a good companion of dark wizards. But I can't give a more specific appearance, because people have only seen her from a distance, and those who approached Black Anis to see her clearly did not escape. out of her clutches. Therefore no one knows what he did to her victims. The owner who subdues them will not reveal the secrets of his pets (1). I warn you that seeing this form The creature backed away immediately. Does anyone know more about her then? Could you offer some insight, Harry?"

Damn Lockhart no matter which soul is in charge is trying to drag him down all the time.Harry had no choice but to reluctantly stand up from the corner of the classroom, keeping his eyes on the pocket watch he brought to class today, and replied in a feeble voice: "Usually people who see the untamed Black Annice will mention that she Sitting on a pile of bones outside a cave."

"Very good!" Lockhart exclaimed exaggeratedly, walking in front of Harry, about to pat him on the shoulder, "It seems that our savior boy has a deep understanding of black magic, even Black Annis The unpopular dark wizards and familiars know it all. If it weren't for the experience of traveling around the world, I wouldn't know as much as you do."

"Professor, are you implying something?" Harry stood up straight and looked directly at him, his green eyes meeting the dark red ones without flinching.

"Ahaha, I don't mean anything, but Harry, you also understand Parseltongue..." Lockhart swallowed half of the sentence meaningfully.He had to admit that this kid and the people behind him were really difficult to deal with. In the previous public opinion battles, not only did he fail to please him, but he suffered a lot.But it doesn't matter, one day he will get all these back!In addition... He didn't think about it at the beginning, and he realized it after being blocked by other Horcruxes-he was not the last Horcrux to be made, and the original plan of the main soul was a total of seven, so Harry Is it because Potter can speak Parseltongue because he is also one of the Horcruxes?He didn't know that the Potter family had this bloodline talent.

"Professor, what Harry said is incomplete!" A voice suddenly broke the silent confrontation between the two, "Usually people who see Black Anise will mention that she is sitting on a pile of bones outside a cave. But If you organize a team to search there, you will only find a pile of bones."

"What?" Lockhart turned his head angrily, who is ruining his good deeds?

"Neville..." Harry also looked forward in surprise.

The round-faced boy, who was always honest and talkative, gave him a firm smile back, and continued to say loudly: "Black Annis is not a rare knowledge of black magic. I heard stories about her from my uncle when I was young." It's always been bad, and I heard this introduction a long time ago, but I suddenly remembered it at that moment just now.Neville gritted his teeth. He knew that he was far less intelligent than Harry, but he was willing to give everything to deal with Voldemort. This was for their friendship and for his parents who were still lying in the hospital bed.And if he didn't understand what Lockhart wanted to do before, he would understand after reading his book and his friends' counterattacks against it. He wanted to pour dirty water on Harry?Absolutely not!

"That's right, that's right, we've heard such horror stories of being thrown to see something for being obedient and obedient since we were young." Ron responded immediately.His words caused a burst of laughter. Almost everyone has had this experience, but the types of things parents use to intimidate are different.

Hermione chased after her: "Professor, have you never heard anything from your family? You clearly mentioned in your autobiography that although your father was a Muggle, your mother was a wizard. That's why we Those whose parents didn’t even know the existence of the wizarding world had heard all kinds of horror stories told by their parents when they were young.” (2)

"You—" Rubbing the wand, if there were not a row of professors sitting next to him, Voldemort would have wiped out these little bastards who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth—parents were always the most hated part of him, he hated the one who gave up The stupid mother who fell in love with a Muggle man with pure blood also hated the cowardly and cowardly father who only knew to run away. He still remembers how that man knelt down and begged him for mercy.And now, how dare this group of desperate brats mention them?

"Ah!" A cluster of flames suddenly sprang up on Voldemort's head, who was reciting the three Unforgivable Curses one by one in his heart. It didn't take a moment for Lockhart's precious golden hair to be reduced to ashes, and the flames still remained There was no sign of extinguishing it at all, but it burned all the way along his robe.

"Clear water is like a spring!" "Clear water is like a spring!" The watching professors reacted almost immediately, pulling out their wands to help each other, but it was impossible for Lockhart, who was jumping up and down in pain from the fire, to stay where he was. He didn't move, a few spells just happened to hit him in the face, the fire was not extinguished at all, but he was choked to death by the water.

Harry looked at his pocket watch and recorded in the notebook on the side: 14:45—15:00 Plan [-] implementation; Project: Alcohol lamp burns the crown; Implementation result: Flames emanated from Lockhart's body and he was seriously burned, but Not life threatening. (Note: During the burning of the crown, there were continuous flames on Lockhart's body, but they could still be extinguished, so it is speculated that the impact of the crown on Voldemort's Horcrux was not complete.) Father was very interested in the "Crown Experiment Project" , but after all, they couldn't take the diadem to Voldemort's eyes for experimentation, so they decided to try different experimental methods within the specified time period during Harry's class, and then Harry was responsible for recording the results of each experiment.

If this is true, Lockhart probably killed himself by now, but after all, Voldemort is a wizard with such power that the entire wizarding world dare not mention his name. After the experiment on Sherlock's side was temporarily stopped, he It also quickly extinguished the flames by itself.

"What happened here? Could it be an intruder? Professor Lockhart, go to the medical wing to deal with it, and then let's go to Principal Dumbledore to report the situation." McGonagall showed a worried expression, and stood aside suggested.

"No need, I have encountered this situation in Australia," Voldemort endured the pain, while recalling the narcissistic look of the original owner of the body, "Go back and fix it with a spell!" He was crazy Go get the old bee for tea, he'll be fine if he doesn't make trouble for himself.But for this matter, Voldemort squinted his eyes, and it didn't look like Dumbledore did it - the pain he felt just now was not only caused by the fire in his body, but also the pain in his soul.Is that "self" doing it again?Hmph, do you think it's good to hide in the dark?What's the use of those supporters who cover up their true positions?He wants to rule the world under the admiration and fear of everyone.Just as he was thinking about it, there was a sharp pain in his body, and a deep black mark appeared on his already burned wrist, and more similar marks soon appeared everywhere.He didn't dare to stay any longer, so he hurried back to the office to treat the wound.

Harry watched his performance, shrugged his shoulders, and continued to record: 15:10-15:25 plan two implementation; project: strong acid scrubbing the crown; implementation result: black scars appeared, and then the target left, and the observation was interrupted.

A Defense Against the Dark Arts class was forced to stop like this, and several children came up to Harry laughing and laughing.

"That was great just now!" said Ron. "Harry, did you do it?" Harry always had the most evil ideas.

Harry shook his head and smiled: "It's not me." He knew that his friends were all with him, but he didn't want to tell them the secret of the Horcrux, as long as they knew that Voldemort had an unknown relationship with Lockhart.After Voldemort is eliminated, let the evil term Horcrux be completely submerged in time.

Hermione glanced suspiciously at the notebook in Harry's hand and finally helped him change the subject: "Anyway, for writing such a book, Lockhart doesn't know how hated it is, and it's not surprising that he was retaliated against. Wei, what you just said is really great, there is no such detailed introduction in the books I have read!"

"Yes, you are amazing!" Harry sincerely thanked this friend who stood up.Although he believed that the entire public opinion situation would not change because of Lockhart's few words, and he didn't care about those people who had always doubted him, those words would not cause him much harm at all.But because of this, Neville's maintenance is even more touching-what is better than a friend who firmly maintains your every bit?

"It's nothing." Neville scratched his head embarrassingly. "My uncle once saw that kind of thing from a distance when he was out, so he told me about it. I don't know how I remembered it all."

"No, Neville, I mean it's great to have you as friends." Harry smiled at everyone.

"I think Mr. Potter can express his deep friendship with classmates later." When the atmosphere here was just right, Snape suddenly strode in.

"Professor?" Harry looked at him suspiciously.

"Follow me." Snape turned around and left without much explanation, and Harry and his friends had no choice but to trot to follow.

"What the old——Professor Snape is going to do?" Under Hermione's stare, Ron swallowed those nicknames.

"Probably something happened." The little witch looked at the retreating figure of the black-robed wizard. Why did she feel that something was wrong?

"What happened? I heard that you have fixed Lockhart again?" Draco asked pretendingly.Still, his quick steps betrayed concern about what had just happened.Why didn't they have a lesson with Gryffindor this time? (3)

"We didn't do it." Hermione spread her hands.

"Hey, who would believe it?" The platinum boy expressed dissatisfaction with this statement, but did not pursue it further. "Hey, where's Harry? Why didn't you see him?"

"I was called away by Professor Snape just a second before you came, and I don't know what happened. Do you know anything?" Professor Snape has always been very nice to Draco.

"You mean the Dean?" Draco and Blaise looked at each other, almost screaming.

"Is there any problem?" Hermione became nervous all of a sudden, a bad feeling was rising in her heart.

"We just came over from the dean's office, and at this time he is still busy grading the potion homework."

Now Ron also realized that something was wrong: "What happened to the person who just came over?"

The name of a potion that Snape had mentioned in class suddenly flashed in Hermione's mind, and she couldn't help muttering: "Poison Potion." No wonder she felt a little out of place just now——Snape The professor never left his potion almost every day, so how could he not smell of potion on his body?

"Harry is in danger!"


The author has something to say and there is something extra to say - when Voldemort meets Mo Niang, dear friends, don’t miss the author has something to say: (1) The relevant introduction is from "Strange Spirits" (Australia) written by Robert Ingpan. There are changes, according to the original The introduction of Black Annis is that anyone who sees it will lose his life, so there will be no master.Of course, it's not particularly unpopular in itself.

(2) There is no introduction of Lockhart's family in the original book (should not be, I searched for it but found no results), here is the need of the plot.

(3) After reading the book, Draco and Harry had a conflict before Lockhart's class, which was not described in the class.But it seems to have seen the description of Gryffindor and Slytherin in a Defense Against the Dark Arts class?I read a lot of fanfic before, not sure if it's the second set or I didn't find the right place for the original work.If I am wrong, please point it out =-=

And Hermione's words are actually not particularly appropriate, because if some of the classmates have the same situation as Harry in the original book, it will hurt their hearts, but this is all for attacking Voldemort == Everyone understands, I can't think of a better argument Of course Mian Guanjun's unlucky journey will not end like this, but other Horcruxes have also been shot =-= compound decoction, which one?

PS: I'm very sorry for the late update, it should have been updated a long time ago, but one of them got a fever after the official holiday.Here is a side story to make up for my sins (attention! The characters are in danger of being out of shape)

When Voldemort meets Moriarty (note that the premise of the episode is that there is no Sherlock involved in the magic world).

Voldemort regained consciousness amidst a burst of lively dance music. When he opened his eyes, he happened to see a figure twisting and turning to the music.Who dares to be so presumptuous in front of him.

"Oh, has Little Tom finally woke up after so long?" The person who came was very keen and immediately noticed the movement on his side.

"How dare you—" say that name!Voldemort twisted his body, only to find himself trapped in something like a Horcrux, but he could feel the integrity of his soul.

"Don't be excited, you are excited." The man pulled up a chair and sat on the other side, turning the pistol casually.

"You stupid Muggle!" Voldemort, who had regained some sense at this time, recognized the weapon, and when he looked at the man's attire, he knew that he belonged to the race he despised the most.

"Who's stupid?" The man snapped his fingers casually, "Boom—" Accompanied by the onomatopoeia he imitated and the sound of a real explosion, the marble pillar Voldemort possessed was blown to pieces.

"Little Tom is not good," continued the drawn Irish voice mischievously, "I heard you like to make a lot of yourself? Then let's talk about it like this."

"Who are you?" Voldemort wished he could not be given an Avada now.

"Consult the criminal - James Moriarty. Come on, say dear little Jim told me to kill Dumbledore? Don't you hate him?"

Voldemort did not speak.In his opinion, Dumbledore, who he didn't even handle, will be solved by a muggle?

Moriarty also felt a little upset. Which one of the people who looked for him in the past didn't beg him?Besides, this guy in front of him is not interesting at all. "Saba, let's go."

Sebastian looked at the tantrum lover with a headache: "But Jim, it's not this Voldemort who entrusted us, is it? You just need to treat him as a quest item."

"It's okay, anyway, there's nothing to do now." Moliarty sat down again, flipped through the information about Voldemort, "released the basilisk to kill a person in the school, and chose to bite back and frame others? Look. Pretty smart."

Hearing the contempt in his tone, Voldemort's fragments trembled: "What do you think you should pay attention to?"

"Is it necessary to do something like a whistleblower in person? It won't bring you a good reputation, just find some cannon fodder and push it out."


"And Death Eaters? The Dark Lord?" Moriarty said disgustedly, "Look at these ugly names and you will know how stupid you are. These names are constantly tarnishing people's impression of you. Even if you are strong enough yourself , Can you handle a group of people? If you want to gain the support of the public to the greatest extent, you have to lower yourself and appear as a victim. And what you do, not only does not have any benefits, but instead puts your own Was Dumbledore's reputation so high before?" Look at Sherlock, in terms of intelligence, he is one of the few people who can match himself, and there is another one who can be said to be ups and downs in the political world Brother, hasn't he been turned over by himself with the help of public opinion?Of course, that guy's final comeback was something he didn't expect, but that was the opponent he saw.

"What do you know!" Voldemort still couldn't hear anything.He prefers the support he gets directly through power, and wants him to show kindness to Muggles like the old bee?Seven years at Hogwarts was enough for him.

"Boring." Seeing his reaction, Moriarty shook his head and walked away stepping on the pieces.

"Jim, no more?"

"Look at his reaction, how boring," Moriarty complained to Sebastian. "He doesn't listen to little Jim at all."

"That's his stupidity." Sebastian replied without hesitation, "But can we leave like this? After all, it is the entrustment of the devil." This is the reason why he persuaded Jim to hold back his temper. Re-emerged with the power of others.

"The Demon King?" Moriarty smiled nonchalantly, and looked up at the sky, "I don't know who is the real Demon King." He failed to teach people to conquer the wizarding world, so why don't you try to conquer the Demon World by yourself?

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