
Chapter 158 Zhuang Sheng Xiaomeng

If God could give Lu You a chance to choose, then he would rather let all the turbulent waves in the past few years become Zhuang Sheng's dream on the desk of the Imperial College.

It's a pity that everything can't be repeated.


For two or three days after Piyong's lecture, the sky above Zhaojing's head seemed to have a hole in it, and it rained continuously.

There is still no news about the battle situation in the southwest, but news came from the surrounding military towns one after another. Some villagers who fled from the front line said that the ghost army and the rebels had besieged Wusheng City for many days, but they could not take it down for a long time.

Unable to attack for a long time - this turned out to be the only best news amidst the unbearable silence.

In the past few days, Lu You has been thinking day and night, all of which are the shadow of Swiss Franc.So much so that he didn't think about eating and drinking, and his whole body was showing signs of collapse.

After retiring from the court that day, he accompanied Emperor Jing Hui to review the memorials in the imperial study as usual.The patter of rain outside the house contrasted with the dead silence in the huge garden.

It didn't seem long, Zhao Jing suddenly put down his pen and looked up at him.

"come here."

Lu You didn't know what he was going to do, but he still walked up to Zhao Jing, just one step away.

"Closer." Zhao Jing was still not satisfied: "Is it so scary that I am a tiger or a jackal?"

Lu Youwei took half a step closer when Zhao Jing grabbed his arm suddenly and forced him to bend down.

"Is it because the food in the palace is not good recently, or I'm overthinking——Ai Qing seems to have lost a lot of weight."

"Let the emperor worry, everything is fine for this humble minister."

Zhao Jing was the emperor after all, Lu You couldn't break free, so he could only half kneel down in front of him.

Cho Kyung made an inch, lifted his chin, and groped his lips with his thumb.

"Look at you, you don't even have the color on your lips. Come to my bedroom in a while, and I will order the people from the Imperial Medical Bureau to prescribe some tonic for you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, how dare I work as an imperial physician. After returning to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I will ask the medical officer of Xiguan Bureau..."

"Hey, Aiqing is so thin, I really feel distressed when I see it. If you think it's wrong, then be my person obediently. I love you, so it's justified."

Zhao Jing has already said so much, if Lu You doesn't understand, he is too slow.Although he didn't want to offend the current emperor, but the matter had come to this point, he had to turn his head to avoid the harassment.

"Please forgive my sins, Your Majesty's favor... I am afraid that this humble minister will not be blessed."

When Zhao Jing heard this, the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually faded.

"Stop pretending, I know what relationship you have with that Tang Ruilang, how can I not compare to him?"

He looked down at Lu You who was half kneeling in front of him, his eyes gradually turned cold.

"As the saying goes, a good bird chooses a tree to live in. Now that your Tang Ruilang's life or death is uncertain in the southwest, don't you consider... a new, more reliable backer?"

Since Zhao Jing opened the skylight and said the truth, it would be useless for Lu You to hide it.He took a deep breath, and actually raised his head to meet Zhao Kyung's eyes.

"Your Majesty's lesson. My minister and Rui Lang have known each other for many years, and they love each other sincerely. It is true that Rui Lang is a relative of the emperor, but he and I have always been congenial and have no intention of relying on power... Now Rui Lang I am in a dangerous situation. I really can't eat, and I can't sleep at night. I implore the emperor to be sympathetic, and don't tease me."


Zhao Jing's hand slid across Lu You's cheek, picked out a strand of black hair from his sideburns and wrapped it around his fingertips, and suddenly pulled hard: "Then Tang Ruilang's sweet words, don't tell me you can take him as a tease?"

Lu You forced a smile and said, "Your Majesty, don't want to make fun of your humble servants anymore."

This perfunctory obviously didn't satisfy Zhao Jing, and he intensified his tension: "If one day, I want you to make a choice between me and him, the country and my family, what should you do?"

Lu You felt a little pain, but said with emotion: "My minister is loyal to Daning, and Rui Lang is also loyal to Daning. My minister's choice of country... is also equivalent to choosing a home."


Zhao Jing grabbed Lu You's hand on the sideburns tightly, and then let go again.

"I lost my temper."

Today's Ninth Five-Year Lord instantly returned to his previous cynical appearance.

"I just saw that Aiqing is depressed these days, and I want to tease you. From this point of view, Aiqing and Ruilang can really be regarded as a love that is stronger than gold, but I am very envious. It is better to wait for him to triumph When I come back, let me be the master and do a good thing for you two, what do you think?"

When Lu You heard this, she immediately refused again.Just at this moment, someone's footsteps finally came from outside the drizzle of the imperial study.

After a while, I heard a report from the eunuch standing outside the door: "Military Minister Zhang Jueming is asking for an interview with the Southwest Battle Report!"

Swiss franc news? !

Lu You's heart suddenly hung high in his throat again.


As expected, this battle report was sent from the army of the Ning Dynasty who was crusading against Gui Rong.However, when the battle report was drafted, Tang Ruilang was no longer in Wusheng City.

The defeat of Ganzhuling was indeed a good show played by Guirong and the rebels.It is precisely because of this that the food and grass that had been hoarded in Wusheng City had already been transferred beforehand.

Seeing that the food in the city is running out, if you want to survive, you may have to break through.

Regarding the matter of breaking out of the siege, the battle report wrote briefly.But it is not difficult to imagine the tragedy and danger at that time.In fact, even though the battle report has arrived, many people are still skeptical.

Lu You also read the battle report with his own eyes.It says that this successful raid was aided by a force from the east.

However, it can be deduced that the reinforcements sent by Zhaojing for the second time had not arrived at that time, so where did the reinforcements come from?

Putting aside this slight doubt for the time being—after this day, the battle report, which had been interrupted for a long time, resumed unobstructed.

As if in response to the saying "Whether it is extremely peaceful or not", the army after rushing out of Wusheng City split into two groups, and fled into the mountains surrounded by mountains and mountains in the southwest border.A few days later, not only successfully evading the ghost army's pursuit, but even under the condescending surveillance of the rebels, they bypassed Hanmei City by means of a cliff and natural moat, and successfully joined the rear reinforcements.

This time, it is like a dragon returning to the sea and a tiger entering the forest.

The reassembled army, after a short rest, quickly took revenge and counterattacked, directly captured Hanmei City, and beheaded the rebel generals in the city.After the rectification was completed, the battle with Guirong was at Sanlipo outside Wusheng City.

Xirong Guidi is a barbaric and small country, so it is not as good as Daning in terms of force and strategy; the reason why it succeeds for a while is nothing more than deceitful methods and steep mountains and forests.Now that they are confronting Daning's army head-on, they are naturally defeated.

After this battle, the Daning army beheaded the ghost army general Kun Miwu, recovered Wusheng City, took advantage of the victory to capture Jijie City, killed the ghost army guarding the city, and captured Xiao Yougan's second son and his family who were hiding in the city.

Good news spread frequently, and the ruling and opposition parties were invigorated.The army of the Daning Dynasty was unstoppable, and immediately regained all the lost ground, and pushed the ghost army back to the upper reaches of the Yin River.The great ghost master of Xirong Guidi had to come forward to beg for peace, and the two parties re-established the contract, and carved a tablet and left a book on the bank of the Yin River.

In another three days, Tang Ruilang sent an order to the three armies to return to the court!


Swiss francs live.

Not only is he alive, but he also destroys ghosts.

Why is this, he is going back to Zhaojing soon!

The good news one after another stirred Lu You's mind.It was as if he had never experienced such an exciting and ecstatic experience in his life.

If he hadn't been concerned about the "ordinary affairs" in the palace and above the court, he would have liked to be able to mount a horse that travels thousands of miles a day, rush westward, and welcome the great hero of the Ning Dynasty back in person.

Too bad he couldn't do that after all.

Fortunately, at this moment, waiting seems to be a kind of sweet suffering.

In the day after day of anticipation, Lu You finally ushered in the day when the army arrived in the capital.


The rain that lasted for several days has disappeared without a trace.It's the mid-spring of the year again, with clusters of peonies, plums and apricots vying for fragrance, and the vigorous spring that has been depressed for several months seems to be radiating wantonly in these few days.

On the day when the army returned to the west, Lu You was supposed to stay in the palace to prepare for the dust-cleaning banquet in the evening.But he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, changed into plain clothes, slipped out of the palace, and rode a fast horse to Mingde Gate in the south of the city.

After getting out of the palace city, I saw Zhuque Street bustling with people, all of them were waiting to welcome Master Wang.There are lanterns and festoons inside and outside the Lifang, and some smart restaurants have even set up some color stands and color sheds along the way, so that everyone can sit on a high place to watch and sell some drinks by the way.

Lu You managed to get to the gate of Mingde, and saw that the place was more and more crowded and there was almost no place to stand.He came too late, and he couldn't see clearly what was going on in front of him standing behind.

While he was feeling annoyed, a wine guy who set up a canopy came over to strike up a conversation.He took out some broken silver and followed the buddy to the colorful shed.

The view from the heights is indeed much wider than that below, and there are bamboo chairs for resting your feet.However, Lu You only rested for a while, when he heard shouts like a tide coming from the city gate.

The voice quickly spread to the bottom of the canopy, and almost everyone was repeating the same two words——

"I'm coming!"

Lu You quickly got up and leaned on the railing to watch.

Sure enough, looking through the dark and tall Mingde Gate corridor, one can vaguely see banners and flags flying outside the city, and armor reflecting a little bit of sunlight.

Closer, closer!

The moment the army passed through the corridor of the gatehouse, the sound of horseshoes and steps reverberated.Lu You's heart immediately started beating violently!

He opened his eyes wide, held his breath, and saw the warm spring light illuminating the team slowly walking out of Mingde Gate.

Star flag electric halberd, iron horse Jinge.Although he is a servant of the wind and dust, he can't hide his true qualities as a hero!

There was no need to search too carefully, Lu You saw Tang Ruilang at a glance - as the chief officer of the march, he was riding behind the waving banners.

I saw him wearing bright silver armor, a scarlet cloak, a long sword on his waist, and a big horse on his crotch.It's a heroic figure with a dignified appearance.

Seeing the coach, they threw flowers and fruits all around immediately, and there was a thunderous cheer.Tang Ruilang also slowly waved to the surrounding crowd.

In the color booth, another No. 20 people came up immediately, and it was extremely crowded in an instant.But Lu You was not annoyed either, he gripped the bamboo fence tightly with both hands, and looked at it almost greedily, with a surge of pride in his heart.

This is his Swiss franc, the only person he spends with in this life!

Unknowingly, all the worries and longings of these days conflicted and reverberated in his body, making him feel dizzy and light-headed, eager to find an outlet to vent.

So even though he knew Rui Lang couldn't hear him, Lu You still yelled loudly.

"Tang! Rui! Lang——!!!"

His voice was unsurprisingly mixed into the tide of cheers, leaving no trace in an instant.

But who would have thought that Tang Ruilang turned his head and immediately met Lu You's eyes!

Suddenly, there was no sound in Lu You's ears, and the world became completely silent in an instant.

He knew that he was smiling foolishly, but he couldn't hear his own laughter, as if the world was so narrow that it could only accommodate Tang Ruilang's gaze.

The distance between the two of them was too far away to convey any substantive information, but Tang Ruilang still took off his armor and helmet, showing his brilliant smile that was no less subtle than Lu You's!

Not seeing him for a few days, the scorching sun on the southwestern plateau made him dark, and his face became thinner and more defined.But those amber eyes were still bright—even brighter.

Lu You was fascinated by Tang Ruilang's fiery gaze, but suddenly, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze.

Right next to him in the crowded tent, something happened suddenly——

Someone stabbed a sharp knife into his back!

The severe pain hit like a flood, before Lu You had time to react, the second knife came over again!

He reluctantly avoided it, and the people around him also noticed the strangeness here, the crowd was commotion, screaming and shoving.

The murderer actually wanted to continue to attack, Lu You gritted his teeth and pushed him away, suddenly lost his balance, he climbed out of the low railing on the second floor of the colorful shed, and fell into the crowd on the ground!

The severe pain and shock came at the same time, making Lu You helpless.

Consciousness disappeared so quickly that he didn't hear the heart-piercing cry from the middle of the road in the distance.

Lu You didn't know how many times he had dreamed about the burning palace.

In this dream, he stood in a small boat on the East Sea pool, looking at the burning Zichen Palace.There is no longer any surprise and hesitation in my heart.

He remembered that in Buddhist scriptures, the human world is like a house on fire.And all living beings are young children who are placed in the burning house and cannot escape.

Only the Dharma can extinguish the fire of karma and guide the dead into a pure, transcendent world of bliss.In that kind of bliss, there will be no king, no subject, no father and no son, and all worldly authority will be reduced to ashes.

On the other hand, the Zichen Palace, which symbolizes the imperial father, is just a house of fire that will never be extinguished, burning forever and ever.

It's like hell, but there are countless people willing to do it.

Destroyed in fire, also eternal in fire...

With a hint of melancholy and relief, Lu You opened his eyes.

There is light in front of my eyes, it should be daytime.After focusing his eyes, the first thing he saw was the azure curtains that were separated towards the two sides.Next was Tang Ruilang, who was leaning against the bed and dozing off with his arms folded.

It's been more than a month since I saw him, but the iron horse Jin Ge on the border has washed away the last trace of childishness in Tang Ruilang.The man in front of him looked dark and much stronger.

After careful observation, there was an inch-long scar on his right cheek, and the blood scab had not yet fallen off.A little further up is the right eye. It is conceivable that this trip to the southwest is extremely thrilling.

When Lu You saw Rui Lang, he was extremely happy in his heart, but wanted to caress the scar on Rui Lang's face in distress.However, as soon as he raised his hand, he felt a burning pain in his back.

He couldn't help but gasped, and Tang Ruilang beside him opened his eyes vigilantly.


Rui Lang's voice sounded a little hoarse: "Thank God, you finally woke up... You have been in a coma for three full days! How do you feel now?"

Lu You was exhausted and wanted to sit up but couldn't. He could only shake his head slightly: "I'm... fine, just a little thirsty."

"You wait."

Tang Ruilang turned his head and fetched a cup of tea, wanting to help Lu You drink it.

However, the mouth of the teacup was flat and wide, and Lu You was injured, so he couldn't do much movement.Tang Ruilang tried it twice, but the tea overflowed from the corner of his mouth and wet the bedding.For the third time, he simply took a sip by himself, bowed his head and fed it.

Lu You couldn't move, so he had to accept it obediently.After doing this for more than five or six times, I didn't feel thirsty, but my head was more dizzy than before, and my lips were swollen and shiny.

He slowed down for a while, the previous things slowly came to mind, he was about to say something more, Tang Ruilang suddenly put the tea cup down, and held his hand.

"I was so scared to death! You don't know, the moment I saw you fall from the canopy, the blood in my body almost turned cold... I fought with ghosts and was trapped by them for three days and three nights Sleepless and restless, I have never felt so scared!"

But Lu You smiled and said, "You were only frightened for a moment, but I have been frightened for you for more than a month. Letting you have a taste of this kind of feeling is also reciprocal."

After a while, he asked again, "Who was the one who stabbed me?"

Tang Ruilang said: "People caught him yesterday morning, but it's a pity that he died. At this moment, the corpse is tied up on the city gate and whipped. It is said that it is still a remnant of the Xiao family."

"The Xiao family?" Lu You thought thoughtfully, "Will the Xiao family know where I am?"

"I also feel strange." Tang Ruilang lowered his voice, "I suspect that the main messenger is Zhao Jing, who wants to kill people with a knife. Fortunately, he didn't succeed this time, and I also came back victorious. Public opinion and military power are all on our side. Believe For the time being, he will put his flag down and wait for the next opportunity to do something."


Lu You immediately recalled what happened in the imperial study a few days ago, and suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die - this sentence that made fun of Tang Ruilang not long ago has actually come true for himself.

what to do?he muttered to himself.

It's not fear, nor confusion - Lu You knows the most true thoughts deep in his heart, but he can't face up to them because of the so-called Confucianism, Taoism and etiquette.

But from this moment on, he knew that he had to face it.For Sister Yueshan, for Swiss Franc, and for myself.

"The master of Yinghuo fights and offends Yan Tian and the ghosts, and wars will rage in the southwest. I am like a comet, and when I return to Zhongtian Zichen, then..."

He suddenly fully comprehended the two words Li Honghe said to him in the carriage on the day he entered the palace many years ago.


He reluctantly stretched out his hand and shook hands with Tang Ruilang: "No matter what happens, will you always stay by my side?"

"Chasing the moon like a cloud, like a shadow."

Tang Ruilang responded affectionately and held his hand tightly: "Although we can't be born in the same year and the same day, I hope to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day, and we will share the same dust and ashes after death."


This was the first year of Yuanping, the first year of the reign of Emperor Jinghui of Daning.

In mid-spring, Tang Ruilang, the servant of the Huangmen, begged the ghost army and made great military exploits.Emperor Jinghui rewarded him with a hundred catties of gold, countless pearls and jade, and a purple robe with a gold seal.

There was also Lu You, the servant and junior supervisor, who was assassinated in the Mingde gate in the south of the city. Fortunately, his life was not in danger.Nei Feilongwei tracked down the murderer and ordered the capital to be closed for three days.

On the first day of May, concubine Shu Ye Yueshan gave birth prematurely and gave birth to Lin'er, who was named "Yan".

On the twenty-seventh day of the fifth month, the deposed prince Yun disappeared on the way to exile, and his whereabouts are unknown.

On the third day of June, the patrol censors in Huai'an, Yanzhou, Qingcheng and other places were brutally intercepted and killed.The imperial court was furious and sent troops to hunt down the criminals, and tens of thousands of people became victims of the sword.

On June [-]th, the Yaowang Academy presented new tonic prescriptions to the imperial court.

Hot summer.In the medicine garden of Kaiming Square, there is a visitor from afar, who comes from Yunmeng Swamp.

The author has something to say:

After more than half a year, the story of "Royal Fragrance" has finally come to an end. I have to say that while taking a breath, I feel a little lost.

I often say that none of the works I wrote before are satisfactory.Many articles, even once they are finished, they dare not go back and read them again, because they feel ashamed.

But I don't think so about "Royal Fragrance".

Although this story is obviously not perfect, but for me, it is a kind of transcendence.

Through this article, I completed a self-examination, made a stubborn persistence, harvested a spiritual journey, and described a certain beautiful world that has always existed in my chest.

It is already a kind of victory for me personally to persist this article full of loneliness until the end.

I must once again thank everyone who has been with me and watched me through this lonely journey.Those of you who insist on watching the series, you who accompany me, comfort me, and support me in my loneliest and most depressed moments.You are the cutest people in my heart.

It is your generous giving and encouragement that made me do things that I could never do with my previous patience.

thank you all!

Finally, I will add an explanation.

In the story of Yuxiangxing, there are still many mysteries that have not been solved.For example, the secret of Yakuoin.The past and future of Prince An Le and Qi Yunchu, the whereabouts of Duan Wang Zhao Qing, the future of Zhao Rongze, the children of Concubine Hu, etc.

These will be completed in other chapters of this series.

That's right, the Royal Fragrance Tour is just a fragment of the historical torrent of the Daning Dynasty.If enough people want to see it, I'll keep telling you all about it.

Then, Lu You and Rui Lang, let them bid farewell to everyone temporarily.

When they meet again, they may have been more mature, more successful, and more in love...

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