"My dad is gone!"

Ah Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, stretched out his hand to pinch his chin, leaned over and said fiercely: "Yo, your old dog is gone, what does it have to do with us, don't you want my grandfather to come out for you to find your father?" Well, hum, your old dog is also worthy!"

They looked for Xiao Lingdang's father because Mr. Shan was their grandfather's favorite person, that old dog Chen was not even a fart, this little dog ran away before, their father found his sweetheart, he was in a good mood I don't care about it, but now I'm still looking for you with the cheek! !

"No...it's not..." Chen Xiaogou's face turned pale, hurt by Ah Jun's pinch, but he didn't dare to resist at all, because he was really desperate now.

At this time, Fengzi and Si'er just came out of the store and saw Ah Jun bullying someone. When they got closer, they realized that it was Chen Xiaogou.

Ah Jun pushed the man to the ground, snorted coldly, and said, "Fengzi, this little dog said that the old dog is gone."

"It's none of our business that the old dog disappeared, and we didn't catch it." Si'er sneered, and gave Chen Xiaogou who was sitting on the ground a faint look.

"No... not..."

Chen Xiaogou wanted to refute something, but the others didn't listen to him at all. Just when his eyes were reddened, Fengzi came over and pulled him up from the ground. Looking at the rude movements, he didn't hurt him like Ah Jun did. .

"You just said that Old Dog Chen is missing?"

"Uh, um..." Chen Xiaogou blinked, holding back the tears that were about to flow, and said with a choked voice, "Well, I didn't see you from the hospital, and I suddenly got up from the hospital bed in the middle of the night. My mother was accompanying the bed. Unable to stop her, she pushed my mother against the wall until her head was covered in blood."

Great, finally someone was willing to listen to him, and Chen Xiaogou was so excited that he was about to cry again.

"Fengzi, what's wrong?" Ah Jun asked when Fengzi frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

"Old dog Chen is dying of illness, why did he suddenly get up and push his mother against the wall?" Fengzi said.

Although Chen Laogou is a bit older, if it was normal, not to mention pushing Chen Xiaogou's mother into the wall and bleeding, it would be possible to kill her with a punch, but she is already lying on the hospital bed, with more air intake and less air output , How could he suddenly get up and run away.

"This is dying, return to the light!"

"Show me the photos." Fengzi gave Si'er a hard look, then looked at Chen Xiaogou, and said, "Apart from this, is there anything else?"

Hearing Fengzi asking himself, Chen Xiaogou immediately nodded his head and said, "Yes, yes, and this." Then he took out a black USB flash drive from his pocket and continued, "Since I took it from the hospital After I left, I disappeared, and I sent someone to investigate, but unexpectedly, I found a very terrifying thing, all of which was in this USB flash drive, and after reading it, you will know why I came to find Chu Yiju."

Fengzi took the USB flash drive from Chen Xiaogou's hand, glanced at him again, and said, "Let's go!" He turned around and walked into the shop.

Si'er and Ah Jun followed closely behind, and Chen Xiaogou followed after a while.


His whole body is limp and weak, his eyes are covered by a pair of soft and cool hands, a tender body is attached to his body, the feeling of skin-to-skin contact is very wonderful, although he always likes to tune in with his seniors Nao, but he has never taught a good girlfriend. This is the first time that this kind of body-to-body feeling makes him unable to bear it...

"who are you?"

"You said I'm beautiful, is it true?" The crisp voice was a little immature, soft and sticky, making people's hearts bump like a deer.

"I... I don't know who you are, how can I say you are beautiful." The bird was about to jump up anxiously, but his body was limp and weak, and he couldn't even move.

Hearing this, the person lying on top of him pursed his mouth, his black eyes were full of anger, and said, "Big idiot, you lied to me." As he spoke, he opened his mouth and bit his face directly. a mouthful.

With a scream of "Ah--", the black bed suddenly sat up, something rolled off his body, and the other people in the same carriage were also woken up by him, screaming in shock.

Shan Ling who was on the next bed was also startled awake. After all, yesterday she was frightened by the sudden appearance of zongzi, and finally fell asleep afterwards. Now she is still very sleepy, and was completely awake by Nawu's scream. up.

"Fa, what happened?" Then he saw Yu sitting beside the bed with a calm and bewildered expression.

Nawu looked around, only to realize that he was on the train now, raised his hand to touch his face, there was no trace at all, no one had been bitten, so he was dreaming just now.

And rolled aside, Xiao Fengwei got up, glared at him angrily, stretched out her little hand, and slapped Nanawu's thigh a few times.

Don't look at the small size of Xiaofengwei's hands, those slaps were not light, the crow gasped in pain for three slaps, and several cute little marks were printed on her legs immediately.

"Little ancestor, you want to kill me... hey hey, don't—" Before Na Wu finished speaking, Xiao Fengwei was about to jump off the bed and go back to Shan Ling.

Hmph, big idiot, if he wasn't afraid that this guy would be eaten by that dangerous thing last night, he wouldn't have left his master's warm arms and ran to him, even this idiot is warm Hehehe, it's unforgivable to dare to throw him away.

However, when Xiaofengwei was about to jump down, Nawu grabbed her back and coaxed softly: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't have dumped you."

"Jiujiu!!" It was you who were wrong, you idiot.

As he spoke, he threw himself on his face, opened his mouth to bite down, and Nawu successfully screamed again.

At this time the train has arrived in Shandong.

Early in the morning, the train station was very busy with people coming and going, but it was strange that many passengers who got off the train yawned again and again, as if they hadn't woken up.

Shan Ling looked at the students around her, including several teachers, who were yawning again and again, and then looked at Na Wu and Li Wei, who were very energetic, then turned to look at Zhai Ling who was walking at the end, and remembered What she said to herself last night.

"Teacher Zhai, they..."

"Yeah." Zhai Ling nodded, glanced at everyone, and said, "It's okay, wait for the sun to come out, let the sun shine, and you'll be fine."

Hearing this, Shan Ling breathed a sigh of relief, if everyone looked like they couldn't wake up, how could they go on? Na Wu leaned over, his face was full of curiosity.

"Hey, why are you full of yang? Is it a ghost? Also, Xiao Lingzi, why do you seem to know Teacher Zhai so well?"

Shan Ling was thrown off by his series of questions, and didn't know which one to answer him first, so Zhai Ling gave Na Wu a flat look, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

"It's really unexpected. The young master of that family is actually a chatterbox. The old man and the gentleman don't seem to be that talkative, but judging by their faces...well, they are biological."

Nawu was startled by these words and jumped up, staring at Zhai Ling with wide eyes, and flashed behind Shan Ling with extremely fast movements, only showing his head, looked at Zhai Ling, and said in a trembling voice: "You...you ...You, you know my old man and the old man!!"

He ran to Sichuan because his family was "too big" and he was recognized by others when he went to school in the capital. How could he know that after school started, he met someone he knew in the dormitory, and the other person's thoughts were not the same as his. And together.

"Not only do we know each other, but we are quite familiar." After speaking, Zhai Ling smiled lightly, and then walked away.

Shan Ling glanced at her good brother with a blue face, and said, "Yo, I can't tell, so the little one is still a young master."

He knew that Nawu's hometown was in the capital, but he didn't expect that he was the young master of a big family. After all, they were classmates. No matter how good their relationship was, they shouldn't inquire about each other's background. It would be very impolite, so Shan Ling said this. In a word, most of them are teasing.

Nawu naturally knew what Shan Ling meant, and the expression on his face changed. He stretched out his hand to pinch his chin, with a smirk on his face: "Yes, little Lingzi, follow me from now on, and I'll let you have a good time." Yes." As he spoke, he kissed him on the cheek, and then: "Wow——" let out a cry of pain.

The little phoenix tail was put in the inner pocket of the coat by the crow, and at this moment, it was biting him with its tender mouth, and the biting place was really that spot, it didn't hurt too much, but there was a tingle The numb feeling spread from that place to the whole body.

Bite you to death, you idiot, you dare to be so disrespectful to my master, the master is the treasure of the great master, you idiot, didn't you see the great master watching from the side, when the great master makes a move, you will definitely be beaten into meatloaf! !

The angry little Fengwei doesn't care where she bites.

"It's early in the morning, my little one, you are really full of energy. It seems that last night was not affected at all." A cold voice sounded from the side.

Na Wu managed to pull Xiao Fengwei off from him, and did not forget to smooth his hair. When he looked up, the person he was thinking of just now appeared, and immediately showed a bright smile.

"Good morning, Your Majesty, you are also very energetic."

The person he calls His Majesty is Li Wei, another archeology student who lives in the same dormitory with him and Shan Ling. The origin of his nickname is not only because he is the president of the school's student union, but also because Li Wei A thing of the time.

Li Wei's identity is the head of the four great masters in the capital, the eldest grandson of Mr. Li, and the first thing he picked up at the Zhou banquet when he was young was the imitation jade seal. After "Mission Star Descends to Earth, Looks of an Emperor", he became famous and was nicknamed "Your Majesty" by children of the same age.

Seeing Na Wu looking at herself, those were clear and deep eyes, as if she didn't know what she was talking about at all, Li Wei frowned involuntarily, and then looked at Shan Ling.

"Xiao Lingzi, you woke up last night, what did you see?"


Shan Ling at the side was slightly taken aback, because they were not together when the carriage was assigned, and Li Wei was in the same carriage as several professors, how would he know that he was awake?

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