Chapter 23: Finding the Dead

The bluish-gray body was suspended in mid-air, each one as stiff as a stone, but the crooked head of one of the corpses moved like a puppet, and he lifted a little to the left, and the next instant , The corpse turned its head 180 degrees to the back without making any sound, as if the neck was just a decoration and the head was just glued to it.

On the face that was already purple, there were spots of corpse spots all over the place, but the lips that were dry to the point of cracking moved, and turned up little by little, exposing the blackened teeth.

In front of the corpse staring was another corpse, but the next moment, the lower body of the corpse moved, and fell down with a "bump". In the black cross-section, the gray spinal cord and bones could be vaguely seen, as well as a part of the body. For the two intestines, those intestines have already stiffened inside the body, and will not roll away again.

That lower body fell silently on the stone slab, but soon, a few extremely thin silk threads fell down slowly, binding the lower body like weak willows, and the next moment, the lower body struggled like a spider's legs , seems to have life, is looking for his original owner.

Those two legs kicked so hard, turning around indiscriminately because there was no support point, until they made a circle, and finally knelt down with one leg and rose into the air.At this moment, the front of the half body is facing the smiling corpse.

The half body finally moved, step by step staggering towards his upper body, and the corpse's smile became bigger and bigger, the protruding muscles and bones of the face couldn't stop him from laughing.

"Bump—" The wrong lower body of the corpse also fell down, as if waiting for the return of its correct lower body.

It's approaching, slowly approaching, the corpse that has been divided for thousands of years can finally come back.




There were several more sounds of corpses falling, and after that, countless corpses fell down like rain, and the sounds of "bang_—" "bang—" and "bang—" continued one after another.On the pitch-black jade floor, countless lower bodies began to struggle, spinning like spiders, turning, struggling, looking for their correct upper body...


If the staircase made of white marble is a buffer period, then when the tomb chamber the size of a square is displayed in front of the eyes, the mood of everyone who has finally calmed down a little will come back to their throats.

The number of corpses that were also hung in mid-air was much smaller than that of the upper floor, but the scene would not be much better, because the corpses on this floor were split into two from head to toe and then spliced ​​together together.

Looking at the corpses with different sizes on the left and right, and then looking at the faces of those corpses, not to mention the too vivid bloodstains in the middle, but the feeling that the completely different faces just grow on the same neck, really. Yes, too creepy.

"Let's go?" Huang Jue's voice sounded a little uncertain for the first time.

Shen Ye remained expressionless: "Let's go."

This time, there was no passage in the middle of the corpses, but because the number of corpses on this floor was much less than that on the previous floor, there was a large gap on both sides of the square of the same size. Just in case, the crowd did not divide into two teams, but still chose the form of two and walked to the empty space on the right.

Compared with the deep black in the middle, the red and black under the feet are too much lighter, which does not make everyone feel more relaxed. There are corpses in wide suits, their hems dragging the floor, and sometimes it feels like stepping on them accidentally, It was as if he had had close contact with the corpse, and his heart was beating violently.

The other side of the corpse is much cleaner. It is a mural, depicting countless gorgeous patterns, but it looks like a hundred birds. The patterns and colors of various birds are complicated but orderly. There is harmony in the chaos, but, that is just It only refers to the color of the birds, but the whole mural depicts the scene of the death of the birds, countless feathers flying all over the sky, those struggling to escape, those falling with broken wings, flying upwards with bloody heads...not so much It is a hundred birds, rather it is a depiction of a person before death.

"Do these birds represent the original identity of this layer of corpses?" Xie Yi asked after looking at the mural for a long time.

Shen Ye nodded: "It seems so."

Looking at the clothes worn by those corpses, although they are quite different from Hanfu, it can still be seen that these corpses are all wearing uniform official uniforms.

"So that's the case, then the upper level, I'm afraid it's the civilians who died tragically back then." No wonder there are so many people, including men, women and children.As for this level, Xie Yi saw most of them were young and middle-aged men, and there were no women and children. Is there really a clear distinction between them?Civilians and officials, then the next level...

"Should it be a noble..."

The two looked at each other, and the coffin of the ancient Dian king would definitely not be too far away from the nobleman. So, is it finally here?

Leaving behind a whole layer of corpses that were officials before they died, the crowd went straight to the next layer without stopping.As expected, the corpses here are indeed nobles. Each corpse is dressed in gorgeous clothes, inlaid with gold and silver, and the murals on both sides have changed from a picture of a hundred birds of a hundred officials to a picture of a dragon swimming in the shallows.Just like the divine dragon missing even a horn in the mural, and the severed palm lacking phosphorus, the number of corpses of nobles on this floor is less, and the death conditions are even more terrifying.

If the corpses on the first two floors are still half and half, then the nobles here are divided into five horses, no corpse is complete, the palette is as messy, hands of different sizes, legs and feet are long and short, and , with necks of different thicknesses, it seemed that the corpses would split into five pieces and burst apart.

Seeing the living people's rags randomly spliced ​​into this ghostly appearance, everyone's faces were very ugly. The person who did it put the dead into such a shape, really wouldn't scare himself to death?Shen Ye and the others are alright, but after watching for a while, a few young members of the Huang clan turned around and couldn't help throwing up.

This scene is too disgusting and terrifying. This is a living person, not a dead thing on paper. Who can piece together so many corpses without changing their expressions?

"Let's go." Huang Jue came to this most likely the tomb on the last floor, but he was not excited at all. I saw so many horrific deaths in one day.

It can be seen that the way the ancient Dian Kingdom was suppressed was horrific. If there are unjust ghosts, they must be full of resentment.

Now that they had reached the tomb where the nobleman was, everyone continued to walk forward. Halfway through, Shen Ye suddenly said, "You don't need to go."

Because there were fewer corpses in this tomb, the group walked forward together, and stopped when they heard Shen Ye's words.

"Mr. Shen made a discovery?" Huang Jue asked.

Shen Ye nodded: "The corpses here are arranged in a circle."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this nonsensical question and answer, but Xiao Meng suddenly realized: "That's it!" He looked at Huang Jue who was still puzzled, "The top is the welcome civilians on both sides, and the second floor is the hall. Officials who worshiped before, and this level should be the nobles gathered together, and the king of a country should be among the nobles."

Xiao Meng answered excitedly, he hadn't thought of it before, but the faces of everyone who heard this answer turned as pale as paper, right in the middle?Is that to go through this group of corpses to the middle?How did it get past that densely stitched appearance?Sticking to the corpse? !

Le Wuyi swallowed his saliva and raised his head to look, the courage to get together after so much effort almost didn't frighten him back: "This, this, this..." The word "Choushi" could not be uttered with his tied tongue.

I saw a corpse in front of me, half of the face was right, and the right half of the face, the blue and white eyeballs like dead fish, were looking sideways at the people under their feet.

Indeed, look, the completely cloudy eyeballs were facing the direction of everyone, and when Xiao Zhao's legs were weak and fell to the ground, the eyeballs also moved, moving down slowly, as if Xiao Zhao fell down Movement attracted attention.

With the beginning of this corpse, if you observe carefully, you can find that in each stiff corpse, there is always a part that faces in their direction, the most obvious one is naturally the eyes, and the second is the bend. The corners of their mouths are raised, and the most terrifying thing is the part of their faces that is slightly separated from the head and turned towards them. brain.

Silence filled everyone for a while.

"They are bound here, and they are not a threat except their heads can move." Shen Ye said when everyone was faintly retreating, "Since we are here, we should go."

Shen Ye looked at Huang Jue: "Are you going?" In his words, he said that whether you go or not has nothing to do with me, but I will definitely go.

It's all here, how could it be possible not to go, otherwise the time and energy spent would be too worthless, Huang Jue gritted his teeth: "Of course." He looked at the Huang clan members beside him, "Let's go."

Although their faces were ashen, the members of the Huang family cheered up, but Xiao Meng said at this time: "Boss Huang, I won't go, shall I?" It doesn't work.

I don't want Huang Jue to refuse flatly: "You go with us," not to mention that he invited Xiao Meng over but spent a lot of money, and the other party didn't play much role along the way. Xiao Meng would not be allowed to stay outside, "The coffin hasn't arrived yet, if there is an organ that requires you to dismantle it, will you come in alone then?"

In one sentence, all Xiao Meng's excuses were blocked. Seeing a gloomy corpse with a quarter of its head turned around, Xiao Meng could only smile wryly. He really didn't want to go in, but the benefactor Having said that, he had no other choice but to agree.

Because Huang Jue was the decision maker on Huang's side, naturally there was no objection, but it was different on Shen Ye's side.

"Xie Yi," Shen Ye said suddenly, "Your body is abnormal, stay outside with Le Wuyi."

Xie Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then said helplessly, "Master!"

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